He admits to linking with the Female Changeling to Kira, who becomes quite angry. ... giving us the counterpart of a DS9 … They're creepy. Then, when I bring the auxiliary window to the front and move the mouse out of it, it automatically goes behind the main ds9 window again. First aired: 20 October 1997 The six episode arc that kicks off season 6 is quintessential Deep Space Nine. ", "Take a good look at this, people. — Odo and Kira, discussing the botched resistance plan On Starbase 375 at 0800, Sisko notes that the Dominion's Argolis Array can detect cloaked ships up to two light years away and proposes approaching the array through the Argolis Cluster itself. "I'm beginning to think you shouldn't have agreed to sit on that council. An enhanced HD AI Upscale of Star Trek: Deep Space Nine Menu + × expanded collapsed. DS9, Episode 6x04 Admiral Ross at ... Back on Terok Nor — the Cardassian name for Deep Space Nine — Kira and her "resistance cell" of Jake, Rom and Odo work to foster ill will between the Cardassians and the Dominion. And I can't stand the Jem'Hadar. She demands it be brought down, and Weyoun instantly submits and removes himself from her presence. When Odo speaks out against her latest scheme, Kira begins to question his loyalty. It lists both the most crucial episodes for plot progression, and the most beloved one-offs. "I was in The Link." ", "I just shared a bottle of kanar with Damar. Captain's log, stardate 51145.3. Originally, the B-story of this episode was based on the. Player Help | Paramount+ Help. They link. Sobering up, Quark says that the way to deactivate the mines has something to do with the deflector array. ← Arc: Dominion invasion (6 of 8) → Weyoun tells Dukat that the two of them must look like allies in front of their subordinates. Ross orders Sisko to review some tactical reports and present an opinion on the Bolian operation at 0600. Sisko visits the bridge of the Defiant, and has a uncomfortable conversation with Dax who is sitting in the Captain's chair overseeing the repairs. Admiral William Ross arrives in the mess hall and interrupts to tell Sisko that Starfleet Intelligence has discovered a massive sensor array near the Argolis Cluster which explains the Dominion's uncanny ability to always know where Federation starships are. The relationships between the crew members is still developing in season 1 and the larger storylines have yet to emerge. "The ocean becomes a drop. I don't like Cardassians – they're mean and arrogant. I don't want to spend the rest of my life doing business with these people. DS9 Large LCARS No 041 DS9 Behind The Lines Starbase 375 Panel : DS9 Large LCARS No 042 DS9 Badda-Bing, Badda-Bang Craps Table : DS9 Large LCARS No 043 DS9 Various Episodes Runabout Tactical II Console : DS9 Large LCARS No 044 DS9 Image in the Sand and In The Pale Moonlight Casualty List This LCARS shows the canon 2 versions: DS9 Large LCARS No 045 The Terok Nor Arc (Essential) – 6×01 A Time To Stand, 6×02 Rocks and Shoals, 6×03 Sons and Daughters, 6×04 Behind the Lines, 6×05 Favor the Bold, 6×06 Sacrifice of Angels A man after every woman’s heart. She urges Odo to link with her. "You don't just throw something like this away." Back on Terok Nor — the Cardassian name for Deep … Sisko soon formulates a risky plan to disable it. Every time I create an auxiliary window in ds9, such as a Pixel Table, or Analysis Plot, it will retreat behind the main ds9 window. Iza linija) je epizoda američke science fiction TV-serije Star Trek: Deep Space Nine.Radnja prikazuje kako major Kira nastoji sabotirati cardassijanski pokušaj razminiranja crvotočine, ali i kako te planove ugrozi Odovo druženje sa ženskim metamorfom.. Izvori Sisko determines that the only way to destroy the array is to approach it from through a star cluster. He disc… It says something about this ship. The Defiant will leave as soon as current repairs are complete. But Odo is elsewhere, mentally and emotionally. Odo asks what she is doing so far from home. Quark says that he's had enough of the Dominion and Cardassians. Kira understands this but says that now is not the time for self-reflection. ", "Do you realize what you just did? However, not every Deep Space Nine actor was enamored with their part on the show. Still, this is where you should start to learn about the setting and characters. [4], In 2018, SyFy recommend this episode for its abbreviated watch guide for the Bajoran character Kira Nerys. "And if you choose to take solid form again?" ""It's all right, Nerys.". TREKCORE > DS9 > Images . "Yes sir!" Behind The Lines . Did Dukat demote you to security detail?" Deze categorie bevat alle bestanden van de Star Trek: Deep Space Nine aflevering "Behind the Lines". "I'm looking for Odo." Admiral Ross at Starbase 375 uncovers a major reason for the Dominion's dominance — a sensor array monitoring all activity across five sectors. Later, an obviously drunk Quark intrudes on Kira's resistance cell meeting. With the gravimetric distortions and Gravimetric shear it will be difficult but he is confident that the Defiant's crew can manage it, given that Jadzia Dax has experience studying protostar clusters and knows what to look for. However, not every Deep Space Nine actor was enamored with their part on the show. Odo promises not to link with her again, at least not until the war is over. 51145.3 (2374) The PADD contains an "Intelligence report" on a Dominion sensor array in the Argolis Cluster discovered by Starfleet Intelligence. She repeats that words are insufficient and clumsy. -= DS9, Season 6, Episode 4, Behind the Lines =- : , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , : , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , : , … Commander Daxis placed in command of the Defiant. This episode re-uses both takes of the of the docked ships, the one from "In the Cards" as well as the one from "Sons and Daughters". This had a Nielsen rating of 5.1 points, which was about 5 million viewers when it premiered.[2]. However, when the moment comes, Odo is in the middle of linking with the other Changeling, and so when Rom begins his work, he sets off the security alarm and is captured by Damar. DS9: Behind the Lines. Sometimes I wish that I could reach inside myself and tear out my feelings for her but I can't. He resists at first but eventually succumbs. It's always good to know where your boss is." The team behind the series featured those with and without Star Trek experience. (looks around)"He's not here." DS9: Favor the Bold. He admits that he is mostly just curious about himself and his people. In 2015, Geek.com recommended this episode as "essential watching" for their abbreviated Star Trek: Deep Space Nine binge-watching guide. Quark relays this information to Kira, and she and Rom plan to sabotage the deflector. Although the writers didn't intend for the interaction between, When Rom tries to sabotage the deflector array, he opens an alarmed hatch to a secure conduit. Odo tries to reassure her and tells her that linking is not about information exchange (which might give away her resistance cell). When Worf finishes his comm chat with Sisko, a Federation symbol appears on the screen. Review by Jamahl Epsicokhan "I was in the Link." Throughout 2370, rumors of a power known as the Dominion were heard from several so… Guide to the Deep Space Nine(DS9) episode Behind the Lines. Take your favorite fandoms with you and never miss a beat. Odo offers to disable the security system so that Rom's interference goes undetected. I want the Federation back. Help . The Female Changeling bluntly tells Odo that the Alpha Quadrant is not his home and that he belongs with his own kind. Includes summary, credits, images and transcripts. Subscribe. A page for describing Recap: Star Trek Deep Space Nine S 06 E 04 Behind The Lines. We can't sit by and do nothing." The Defiant has been operating out of Starbase three seven five, conducting forays into Dominion controlled space. Star Trek: Deep Space Nine was a bold, progressive series that took on social issues and complex relationships between its characters, and many of the actors who portrayed those beloved characters pride themselves on their roles to this day. There's one way to disable the deflector array: by accessing the electro-plasma system feed and overloading the waveguide. *** 5. [5] They recommend it as part of sequence of seven episodes including a "Call to Arms," "A Time to Stand," "Rocks and Shoals," "Sons and Daughters," "Behind the Lines," "Favor the Bold," and "Sacrifice of Angels"; this includes from the season finale of season 5 and the first six episodes of season 6 of the show. This guide will help you get through the 1990’s sci-fi TV show Star Trek: Deep Space Nine. The wormhole opens again, and Sisko on the Robinson witnesses the destruction of the Xhosa, Kasidy’s ship, followed by the explosion of Ds9. But you know what? It was broadcast on television on October 20, 1997.[1]. Therefore, it is possible to use command line options as a little script. Despite initial fan and media grumblings about the concept of a static space station being the center of the series, the show managed to win everyone over with its flawed characters, new ideas for a Star Trek series, and deep story arcs.. Brr. After terminating communications with Worf, Admiral Ross stops by Sisko's office, imploring him to get some sleep. DS9: Behind the Lines. WARNING: This DS9 review has made it out to you from "Behind the Lines", so please treat it accordingly. The Female Changeling turns to Odo, asking to walk with him back to his quarters. Weyoun, of course supports her and adds his own opinion on the matter, saying thousands of ships are waiting. Accordingly, Jadzia Dax will now captain the Defiant. While the missions have taken a toll on my people, they remain determined to do whatever it … The Defiant has been gone over 16 hours. If you are experiencing problems, please describe them. She notices that Odo looks troubled and asks "Did she upset you? DS9: "What You Leave Behind" Analysis. Meanwhile, Major Kira and the others on occupied Deep Space Nine are successful in spreading distrust between the Cardassians and Dominion, by allowing the Dominion's Jem'Hadar soldiers to find out about Cardassian officer Damar's proposal to poison the Jem'Hadar if supplies run out of the drug needed to control them. Damar, acting more full of himself than he usually does, orders a bottle of 2327 Kanar from Quark. It's no fun. Here’s hoping fans and pundits are right; and that What We Left Behind opens the wormhole up to a new release of DS9 in HD. The Female Changeling enters and asks Kira to leave. Everyone applauds. "Do you know where he is? This article needs additional citations for verification. "Cadet, by the time you took command, there'd be nobody left to call you anything." Worf is anxious also to hear of the status of the Defiant, given that his fiancé, Dax, is captaining the ship. Why does Odo stay on Deep Space Nine? Set in the 24th century, the series follows the adventures of the crew of the space station Deep Space Nine near the planet Bajor, guarding a wormhole connecting Bajor to the distant Gamma Quadrant of the galaxy; the Gamma Quadrant is home to an aggressive empire known as the Dominion, ruled by the shapeshifting Changelings. DS9 will process each command line option, one at a time, as the last step in the initialization process. ""Do you? They schedule this for exactly 0800 the next morning. ", "You love her." "Star Trek: Deep Space Nine" Behind the Lines subtekstoj. Here are 25 example. I tried my best to run my establishment under this occupation. Sisko is promoted and removed from command of the Defiant, while Odo finds the allure of the Great Link to be irresistible. As. "Are you saying you forgot?!" In fact, several actors had significant issues with how their time … While stationed at a starbase, Sisko is promoted to manage the war effort across multiple sectors. Star Trek: Deep Space Nine is the third live-action television series in the Star Trek franchise and aired in syndication from January 1993 through June 1999. After a meeting of the Ruling Council concludes, the Female Changeling enters. Deep Space Nine, Season 6: "Behind the Lines" Airdate: October 20, 1997 126 of 173 produced 126 of 173 aired Introduction Captain Sisko adjusts to a new role behind the scenes in the Dominion War. Clip uploaded to YouTube by user trekclip123. ", "The Federation is losing this war. ", 2327; ability; accusation; adjutant; Alpha Quadrant; antigraviton; Argolis Cluster; Bajor; Bajorans; Bajoran wormhole; Bennet; businessman; captain; Cardassians; cloaking device; commanding officer; confined to quarters; demotion; Dominion; Dominion War; dozen; Federation; Ferengi; field generator; field test; Founders; Gamma Quadrant; gravimetric distortion; gravimetric shear; Great Link; Haj; handkerchief; holding cell; intimacy; Jem'Hadar; kanar; Krim; leader; memorandum; naval tradition; "Old Man"; phaser array; poison; power cell; Promenade; promotion; protostar; Quark's; renovation; resistance cell; root beer; sanitation duty; Saurian brandy; security detail; self-replicating mine; sensor array; Seventh Tactical Wing (aka Seventh Tac-Wing); Starfleet; Starfleet Intelligence; stealing; strategy; Taal; tactical wing; warlord; waveguide; wedding; yamok sauce, Centaur, USS; Centaur-type; Defiant, USS; Defiant-class; Excelsior-class (starship); Galor-class (unnamed); Jem'Hadar attack ship (unnamed 1 and 2); Jem'Hadar battle cruiser; Klingon Bird-of-Prey; Miranda-class (unnamed); Rotarran, IKS; Starbase 375 (Starbase 375-type). The station's usual Starfleet crew and their starship, the Defiant, having fled the station in the previous season finale, are pursuing the war in other venues. ", Odo thinks for a moment, looking at the doorway, "No, not really." With the discovery of the Bajoran wormhole in 2369, several of the Alpha Quadrant's regional powers began to send explorers to the distant Gamma Quadrant to seek out new trading partners and establish new colonies. Meanwhile, Captain Sisko is relieved of command of the Defiant while Jadzia commands it on a mission. You just handed the Alpha Quadrant to the Dominion." The Defiant will be going on a lot of missions without him and he will have to get used to it. Behind the Lines was written by Rene Echevarria and contains his signature character work. 25 Unresolved Mysteries And Plot Holes Star Trek: Deep Space Nine Left Hanging. Memory Alpha articles needing page citations, https://memory-alpha.fandom.com/wiki/Behind_the_Lines_(episode)?oldid=2691267, This episode was considered the most difficult of the six to put together. Jealous, major?" However, Sisko is promoted to adjutant to Admiral Ross, and will not be commanding the mission. Therefore, it is possible to use command line options as a little script. "Are you questioning my loyalties, major? Odo reminds her that if Dukat found out that she was behind it, he'd use it as an excuse to throw all the Bajorans off the station when he's doing what he can to make sure Bajor survives the war which the Federation Alliance is losing. Kira, realizing that she's lost Odo to the link, leaves. The episode was written by Rene Echevarria and directed by actor-director LeVar Burton. Commander Dax is placed in command of the Defiant. As the complexity of the war against the Dominion increases, the crew of DS9 find themselves “behind the lines” of the enemy. This episode is the fourth in a six-episode story arc during which Deep Space Nine is occupied by the Dominion–Cardassian alliance, under a non-aggression pact with Bajor. Behind the Lines Mon, Oct 20, 1997 60 mins On DS9, Odo is reunited with the female shape-shifter who once took away his changeling abilities; this time she shifts his loyalties to the Dominion. March 1, 2019 March 4, 2019 ~ rogerwilson. TrekCore 'Star Trek: DS9' Screencap & Image Gallery. Don't you care?!" See Also: 'Behind the Lines' Episode Guide. He unburdens himself of the torture of his unrequited love. Speaking to cast and crew in separate phone interviews, we look back at the game-changing show. Guide to the Deep Space Nine(DS9) episode Behind the Lines. "Behind the Lines" is the fourth episode of the sixth season of Star Trek: Deep Space Nine, 128th episode in the science fiction show. Det där Sisko blir befordrad och Odo tappar intresset för de solida. A lot of minor questions and gripes kept "Behind the Lines" from being completely perfect, but it's damned close. DS9: Behind the Lines. DS9 Large LCARS No 041 DS9 Behind The Lines Starbase 375 Panel : DS9 Large LCARS No 042 DS9 Badda-Bing, Badda-Bang Craps Table : DS9 Large LCARS No 043 DS9 Various Episodes Runabout Tactical II Console : DS9 Large LCARS No 044 DS9 Image in the Sand and In The Pale Moonlight Casualty List This LCARS shows the canon 2 versions: DS9 Large LCARS No 045 Returning from another mission against the Dominion on the Defiant, Captain Sisko is informed that Starfleet Intelligence has discovered a massive sensor array that the Dominion is using to track Starfleet ship movement. DS9 Episode Database Our episode database profiles every episode of Star Trek: Deep Space Nine . DS9: "Sacrifice of Angels" 11. Sisko determines that the only way to destroy the array is to approach it from through a star cluster. One of the Changelings, the shapeshifting rulers of the Dominion, visits DS9, hoping to spend time with Odo, a rogue Changeling who has lived among and allied with the Bajorans. 536: 2 Feb, 1998: Far Beyond The Stars: 538: 9 Feb, 1998: One Little Ship: 537 She and Odo argue over their past and Odo specifically mentions the punishment he received from her over a year earlier. DS9: "Shadows and Symbols" 12. Command Line Options DS9 will process each command line option, one at a time, as the last step in the initialization process. Light years away, on Starbase 375, Captain Sisko is told of a communications array being used by the Dominion to track Federation movements. Damar, while drinking at Quark's bar, reveals that he has found a way to destroy the minefield by firing a beam from the station's deflector array. She replies that the past is over. Weyoun tells Dukat that the two of them must look like allies in front of their subordinates. On Terok Nor, Odo has a lot of questions for the Female Changeling. The Ferengi crawls back to where he came from and opens the outer hatch, only to be pulled out of the conduit by Damar and placed under arrest. He reminds her that at the last resistance meeting he vetoed the idea to give Damar's PADD to the Jem'Hadar, but Kira tells him that after he'd immediately dismissed the idea and walked out she, Jake and Rom discussed it further and decided it was worth doing, and Kira is pleased that it worked even better than expected. Deep Space Nine is the science fiction show that can sit across from Mrs. Brown — it is chock full of full, flawed characters with world views more diverse than their forehead prostheses. A minor disagreement between us and I am devastated. Meanwhile, on Deep Space Nine, now named Terok Nor, Kira must find a way of preventing the minefield from being destroyed. "I didn't forget– it just didn't seem to matter." In the aftermath of the bar fight, which has left some fatalities, Gul Dukat and Weyoun argue about how the unfortunate situation arose, with each defending his own. That's about it. Kira tells him to get out of there as she sees Damar and a security force scramble to investigate the security breach. S6 E5 Oct 27, 1997 . Sisko states that he will not be able to sleep, so long as the Defiant is still out there. But assume the mines aren’t there. Every time I create an auxiliary window in ds9, such as a Pixel Table, or Analysis Plot, it will retreat behind the main ds9 window. Weyou… [3] Also in 2015, a binge-watching guide for Star Trek: Deep Space Nine by W.I.R.E.D. But matters are complicated when the Female Changeling arrives on Terok Nor and pays Odo a visit. Ross orders Sisko to come up with an attack plan and have it on his desk by 0800 the next morning. In brief: Not quite perfect, but stellar work. Kira quickly makes her excuses and rushes out of the security office and tries to warn Rom not to open the panel, but she is an instant too late. April 2015) (Learn how and when to remove this template message) "Behind the Lines" is the fourth episode of the sixth season of Star Trek: Deep Space Nine, 128th episode in the science fiction show. Kira furiously tells her former friend that Rom is in a holding cell being interrogated, they were both counting on him but instead Odo has just handed the Alpha Quadrant to the Dominion. "Are you saying you forgot?" They now match the regular uniforms and thus, the transition to a more militarized Starfleet is completed. He seems to be in another world but at peace. Metacritic TV Episode Reviews, Behind the Lines (5), Stardate: 51145.3Sisko is promoted, and Dax is placed in command of the Defiant. "You mean if I had to take command, I would be called 'captain,' too?" She asks him if he forgot but he says no – it just didn't seem to matter. AKA: Star Trek: Deep Space IX, Star Trek: Deep Space Nine, Star Trek: DS9, Deep Space Nine, DS9 Returning from another mission against the Dominion on the Defiant, Captain Sisko is informed that Starfleet Intelligence has discovered a massive sensor array that the Dominion is using to track Starfleet ship movement. Home > Season 6 Screencaps > 6x04 - Behind the Lines ", "I tried. It is about thought and form and feeling. " That's it. I det här avsnittet har de skrivit in en “soldatceremoni” som är så ostig att man tydligen tyckte att det krävdes att den skulle få vara med två gånger i samma episod. ← 126th of 173 released in DS9 → "There are limits to what we can do." S06E04 Behind the Lines Summary Stardate 51145.3: With the assistance of Rom, Major Kira's plan to turn the Cardassians and the Jem'Hadar against each other enters the first stage. Kira says that it is about manipulation. (DS9: "Behind the Lines", "Favor the Bold"; Star Trek: Insurrection) The new style was first seen donned by Admiral Ross in the DS9 episode "Behind the Lines". I suppose the question is moot for the moment; with the wormhole mined, there’s … "The drop becomes the ocean." For the 25th anniversary of Deep Space Nine's release, SYFY WIRE explores how this series came to be and the impact it left in Star Trek and beyond. The Deep Space Nine Transcripts - Behind The Lines. "It has nothing to do with me. When Kira's resistance cell learns that the Dominion will soon be bringing down the Federation's minefield, they plot to hinder the enemy's progress. Dukat brushes it off, saying that even without reinforcements from the Gamma Quadrant they're still winning the war.