Graduateland may engage third party service providers that will have access to and process your personal data. The payment terms include, but are not limited to, a time allowed for payment of a maximum of 30 days from the date of receiving the invoice. You acknowledge and agree that You are solely responsible for the form, content and accuracy of any resume or material contained therein placed by You on the Graduateland Sites. In the case of any conflict between these Terms and any contract you have with Graduateland, the terms of your contract will prevail. CBS regularly visits universities and universities of applied sciences. GRADUATELAND, TO THE FULLEST EXTENT PERMITTED BY LAW, DISCLAIMS ALL WARRANTIES, WHETHER EXPRESS OR IMPLIED, INCLUDING THE WARRANTY OF MERCHANTABILITY, FITNESS FOR PARTICULAR PURPOSE AND NON-INFRINGEMENT. We are looking for smart, imaginative, and hard-working people with diverse backgrounds, experiences, and ideas to join us. Graduateland shall be entitled to distribute all information about the user on the web site to a third party if it happens anonymously or if third party is included in an agreement about confidentiality. Stk. When it’s time for soldiers to leave the army, many say it’s hard to take the next step in life. to administer your profile at CBS CareerGate. CareerGate is a simple five-step process to complete. Har brugeren forsætligt eller groft uagtsomt medvirket til fejlen, kan erstatningen nedsættes eller bortfalde. Hvis der opstår nedbrud på sitet retter Graduateland ApS fejlen hurtigst muligt. Graduateland ApS forbeholder sig ret til at afvise overdragelse af aftale. Kunden har selv ansvaret for alle informationer, som kunden stiller til rådighed for andre via internettjenesten. When the user establishes a profile on CBS CareerGate the user also chooses to expose personal data to employers and universities. The photos and pictures must not include violent, threatening, un-sober or sexual elements. Through time, CBS has grown into an innovative knowledge institution, with continuous adoption of new technologies and developments in order to safeguard the quality of its data and its independent position. Udsteder og indløser har bevisbyrden for, at et tab ikke skyldes de i stk. Tab af data. Home; S/4HANA Transition. Se event 29. sep. 29. september, 13:30 - 15:00 CEST 1 virksomhed CERN Live Session At CERN, the European Organization for Nuclear Research, physicists and engineers are probing the fundamental structure of the universe. You agree to defend, indemnify, and hold harmless Graduateland, its affiliates, and their respective officers, directors, employees and agents, from and against any claims, actions or demands, including without limitation reasonable legal and accounting fees, alleging or resulting from (i) any User Content or other material You provide to any Graduateland Site, (ii) Your use of any Graduateland Content, or (iii) Your breach of these Terms. The use of all Graduateland Sites and the Graduateland Content is at Your own risk. Bestemmelsen i 2. pkt. Graduateland reserves the right to expel Users and prevent their further access to the Graduateland Sites and/or use of Graduateland Services for violating the Terms or applicable laws, rules or regulations. Graduateland reserves the right, in its sole discretion, to take these actions to limit access to the Site and/or terminate the accounts of any time, in our sole discretion Users who infringe any intellectual property rights of others, whether or not there is any repeat infringement, with or without notice, and without any liability to the User who is terminated or to the User whose access is blocked. webbrowsere der understøtter Graduatelands software. Graduateland ApS fastsætter priser for ydelserne på sitet overfor kunden. 6, eller. Your Graduateland profile information, including gender, nationality, age, date of birth etc. CBS was established in 1899 in response to the need for independent and reliable information that advances the understanding of social issues. “We have 100 doses of @Pfizer left @fairpark First come first serve until we run out. CBS CareerGate is using cookies within its operating system. We are constantly updating with webinars. Industry, Full-time | Dette kan påvirke din oplevelse af at anvende platformen. Pandemic has put thousands of adoptions on hold. Ved opsigelser i henhold til punkt 5.D får kunden returneret eventuelt forudbetalte beløb senest 30 dage efter Graduateland ApSs modtagelse af opsigelsen. Uanset stk. Derived profiles may differ significantly from User Content. Note that there are risks, including but not limited to the risk of physical harm, of dealing with strangers, underage persons or people acting under false pretenses. Received information will not be treated as confidential. This information may also be used as input variables in Graduateland's backend solution designed for employers and universities. 2. Deflate-Gate Sean Gregory, Senior Sports Writer for Time Magazine, discusses an NFL independent report released on the scandal over under-inflated footballs. What are the Career Opportunities after GATE? 3 eller 6, hæfter bru-geren med op til 1.200 kr. The user shall be responsible for any activity that takes place within his or her profile and for any potential third party involvement solicited or accepted by the user. What they all have in common is a focus on research results of outstanding quality. Answer as quickly as possible when users have requests to the support function. 6. Brugeren hæfter kun efter stk. Denne teknik sikrer, at systemet husker brugerens e-mail-adresse og adgang til webstedet. Brug af sådanne værker kan f.eks. Jobsitet er et samarbejde mellem og Graduateland ApS. CBS CareerGate. ; Information about your education, working experience, CV, job preferences, language skills, competencies, references ; and. The user accepts that in case Graduateland's services are misused, the information at Graduateland's disposal such as IP address will be distributed to the relevant authorities in case this is required. Your Gate To A Better Career. Contact information, including name, e-mail, phone number etc. You understand that all information, data, text, software, music, sound, photographs, graphics, video, advertisements, messages or other materials submitted, posted or displayed by You on or through a Graduateland Site ("User Content") is the sole responsibility of the person from which such User Content originated. 4. Kunden kan købe de ydelser, der er beskrevet på oversigten over ydelser. As an example we can use the cookies and IP-addresses to see which parts of the webpage are most frequently used and thereby improve and optimise the services and functionalities mostly used. Rather left CBS News behind with ultimately no hard feelings (“I loved CBS and still do”) and continued a successful career in journalism. Graduateland reserves the right to offer third party services and products to You based on the preferences that You identify in Your registration and at any time thereafter or you have agreed to receive, such offers may be made by Graduateland or by third parties. Job Opportunities. Kundens forbindelse misbruges med eller uden kundens viden til f.eks. Search results for "". Brugeren er ansvarlig for enhver faktisk eller potentiel økonomisk eller juridisk retssag mod Graduateland som følge af brugerens forseelse eller misforvaltning af profilen. You see them dressed in a variety of ways, from smart trousers to … Graduateland ApS er ikke erstatningsansvarlig for tab som følge af uvedkommendes adgang til kundens data og/eller systemer. Indløser er ansvarlig for tab hos betalingsmodtager, som skyldes fejl-registrering eller konteringsfejl, selv om fejlen er hændelig. The user shall not be entitled to expose any material, which relates to religious, political, sexual or racial aspects on Graduateland. companies within, but not limited to, recruitment, staffing, and employer branding, cannot post jobs for free. In addition, parts of the profile will be visible to non-members visiting the site. Hver bruger på CBS CareerGate skal respekteres, og det er vigtigt, at du behandler andre medlemmer, som du selv ønsker at blive behandlet. These Terms constitute a binding agreement between You and Graduateland ApS or the Graduateland company operating the Web site for the country in which You live or in which business is headquartered (“Graduateland”), and are deemed accepted by You each time that You use or access any Graduateland Site or Graduateland Services. I tilfælde af tvist mellem kunden og Graduateland ApS om forhold, der udspringer af aftalen, kan kunden klage til Graduateland ApS, der træffer afgørelse i sagen senest 1 måneder efter, at klagen er indgivet. Kontrakter, som er udfærdiget og underskrevet via Graduatelands netværk. In case the whole company Graduateland ApS or parts thereof is handed over to a third party the user accepts that personal data on CBS CareerGate can be transferred to third party. The behaviour of other users. This technicality ensures that the system remembers the user's email address and access to the site. Stk. Invest in yourself by finding a career mentor who can both aid you in getting a good start on the labour market and give some clarity as to how your future could look. Copenhagen Business School er en international arbejdsplads, der stimulerer innovation, originalitet og lysten til at eksperimentere. Det drejer sig kun om den data, som du har angivet som 'synlig'. Graduateland has no liability or responsibility to Users for performance or nonperformance of such activities. Som tidligere nævnt skal brugeren være opmærksom på at hans / hendes profil og aktiviteter vil være synlige for arbejdsgivere og universiteter. Graduateland reserves the right to delete Your account and all of Your Information after a significant duration of inactivity. Har brugeren fået medde-lelse om, at betalingstransaktionen er anerkendt, er udsteder endvidere an-svarlig for tab hos brugeren, som skyldes, at den pågældende betalingstrans-aktion ikke gennemføres eller gennemføres mangelfuldt. pkt., kan misligholdelsesbeføjelser ikke af den grund gøres gældende over for brugeren, bortset fra krav på rente. Privatlivspolitik, Vilkår for køb og brug af tjenester på sitet, (Graduateland giver denne præsentation for overblik over vilkårene. © 2021 Each time the user visits CBS CareerGate the IP-address will be registered. Are you an employer? Utilise the offers for career guidance by CBS. CBS CareerGate bruger cookies lagret i browseren. Please hurry down to gate 2.” any hyperlinks, other than those specifically authorized by Graduateland; misleading, unreadable, or "hidden" keywords, repeated keywords or keywords that are irrelevant to the job opportunity being presented, as determined in Graduateland’s reasonable discretion; the names, logos or trademarks of unaffiliated companies other than those of your customer save where expressly agreed by Graduateland; the names of colleges, cities, states, towns or countries that are unrelated to the posting; more than one job or job description, more than one location, or more than one job category, unless the product so allows; inaccurate, false, or misleading information; and. De mennesker, der er synlige på billederne, skal have accepteret offentlig visning. Any such undertaking, representation, warranty or guaranty would be furnished solely by the provider of such third party products or services, under the terms agreed to by the provider. Create a job profile on CareerGate Events, webinars and career seminars. CBS CareerGate. In order to ensure a safe and effective experience for all of our customers, Graduateland reserves the right to limit the amount of data (including resume views) that may be accessed by You in any given time period. Uanset stk. Search by Location Loading... × Send me alerts every days. Når du køber og bruger ydelser på sitet indgår du derfor en aftale med Graduateland ApS. Læs mere om vores fejlretning og erstatningsansvar under punkt 10. At CBS, you will find people from different backgrounds working closely together: from economists to software engineers and from mathematicians to biologists. Starkel’s big day makes San Jose State 2-0 for 1st time in 33 CareerGate is a free, online tool that will help you to select the apprenticeship, occupation or training pathway that's right for you! In order to protect our Graduateland Community Users from commercial advertising or solicitation, Graduateland reserves the right to restrict the number of e-mails or other messages which a User may send to other Users to a number which Graduateland deems appropriate in its sole discretion. Vi understøtter den enkelte medarbejders udviklingsmuligheder ved at etablere et læringsmiljø, som fremmer videndeling, jobudvikling og samarbejdsformer som teams, netværk og projekter. Når brugeren opretter en profil på CBS CareerGate, vælger brugeren også at eksponere personlige data for arbejdsgivere og universiteter. Stk. Brugeren hæfter med op til 8.000 kr. EMEA. I forbindelse med kundens handel på internettet eller ved kundens erhvervelse af netydelser fra tredjemand har Graduateland ApS intet ansvar for kundens og tredjemands indbyrdes mellemværende. Privacy Policy, © 2021 In order to protect our Graduateland Community Users from commercial advertising or solicitation, Graduateland reserves the right to restrict the number of e-mails, which an employer may send to Users to a number which Graduateland deems appropriate in its sole discretion. Det er muligt for brugerne at rapportere om negativt mediemateriale og tekst. Brugeren har ikke ret til at eksponere materiale, der vedrører religiøse, politiske, seksuelle eller racemæssige aspekter på CBS CareerGate. 2-6. Graduateland ApS kan til enhver tid overdrage aftalen eller dele heraf til et med Graduateland ApS koncernforbundet selskab eller som led i en samlet overdragelse af Graduateland ApS’ aktiviteter til tredjemand. (479), Marketing, Language & Communication ... (A year later, CBS Films’ Terry Press acquired the project at Cannes from a promo reel.) Indløser er dog ikke ansvarlig for tab, som er en følge af forhold hos betalingsmodtageren. At blokere for tredjemands forbindelser til internettet via Graduateland ApSs mobildatatjenester, hvor forbindelsen vurderes misbrugt f.eks. Based on the relevancy of your profile and skills employers can reach out to you via chat messages. Uanset stk. Kunden kan med Graduateland ApS’ samtykke overdrage nærværende aftale til en ny kunde. Stk. Privacy Policy. Copenhagen Business School bruger cookies til statistik, markedsføring samt optimering af din brugeroplevelse af