Deadline 18 April, Posted 9 days ago Deadline 21 April, Posted 2 days ago The Brussels-Capital Region turned “dark red” on the coronavirus map of the European Centre for Disease Prevention and Control (ECDC) on Thursday. For this, the burden of the unpaid care and domestic work performed by women must be fully shared with men. Deadline 22 April, VOICE - Voluntary Organisations in Cooperation in Emergencies, Posted 10 days ago The EESC is joining the movement and wants to ask the young participants about the best ways to protect our planet for the future. Jobs at Danish Red Cross, EAN - European Academy of Neurology, ECF - European Climate Foundation, Embassy of Australia to Belgium and Luxembourg, Mission to the European Union and NATO and YFJ - European Youth Forum. Zur Verstärkung unseres Political Affairs Teams der E.ON SE in Brüssel suchen wir Sie als EU Affairs Manager (m/w/d). Results 1 – 7 of 7 Page 1 of 1. In a plenary session debate with the Commissioner for Equality, the EESC welcomed the new EU Disability Rights Strategy for the next decade, describing it as a key moment for the rights of persons with disabilities. zu Energie- und Klimapolitik Le Luxembourg est le 2e centre mondial des fonds d’investissement, et le premier en Europe. Page 1 of 49 jobs. Place financière et offres d'emploi. Deadline 2 May, Council of Europe - European Directorate for the Quality of Medicines & Healthcare (CoE EDQM), Posted 13 days ago Deadline 2 May, Posted 6 days ago The data provided through this form are processed by European Affairs Recruitment Specialists SPRL. the CER brings together the 32 main railway undertakings and rail infrastructure managing bodies of Europe. Read the latest EESC news and press releases The ideal candidate is a quick learner with experience in EU affairs and policy work, with excellent research, communication and writing skills, who enjoys working in a dynamic environment. The Master in European Affairs offers an excellent education to students who wish to pursue European careers, both in the national and European public and private sectors. 188 jobs to view and apply for now with Deadline 16 April, Posted 14 days ago Permanent job opportunities. Deadline 20 April, Posted 15 days ago European Affairs jobs in Washington, DC. Looking for a job with the EU institutions or agencies? Beste Spezialjobbörse Regulatory Affairs Manager, Zulassungsspezialist Jetzt Traumstelle finden! Deadline 23 April, Posted 6 days ago Jobbörse für Politik und Kommunikation - Die Top-Jobs im Raum DACH im Bereich Public Affairs und Government Relations. Your email will not be used for other purposes. vacatures voor European Affairs . Human Rights Any job vacancy at the MFEA (all careers) is published on the website. Job Description. Austria, Bulgaria, the Czech Republic, Lithuania and Slovenia made the call in a … The Western Balkans are an integral part of Europe and a geostrategic priority for the EU. Paris. Five European Union countries have called for talks “as soon as possible” between EU heads of state and government on the disparities in the distribution of vaccines within the 27-member community. Find Consultancy jobs from EuroBrussels - European Affairs jobs in Brussels, EU institutions, policy and law. Directly liaising with the EU and International Institutions, you are the privilege solution-orientated contact for our clients. Competitions are organised by the European Personnel Selection Office (EPSO). European Union External Action Book "European foreign policy in times of COVID-19" Coronavirus: news on EU action, vaccines, Team Europe support, disinformation, repatriation and solidarity stories Economic and Monetary, Energy 19th February 2021 Careers. Find Energy jobs from EuroBrussels - European Affairs jobs in Brussels, EU institutions, policy and law. Finden Sie hier passende Jobangebote. Monitoring EU initiatives in the areas of energy policy and legal aspects related to them; prepare associated summary/report. The European Council on Foreign Relations (ECFR) is an award-winning international think-tank that aims to conduct cutting-edge independent research on European foreign and security policy and to provide a safe meeting space for decision-makers, activists and influencers to share ideas. Regulatory Affairs Manager. Jobs at Afore Consulting, Cattaneo Zanetto & Co., EFEB-Abilways, Kreab and Milieu Consulting SPRL. Indeed rangschikt vacatureadvertenties op basis van een combinatie van werkgeverbiedingen en relevantie, zoals je … Regulatory Affairs Pharma Jobs in Europe. The position will be based in Brussels. Overall responsibility for the successful coordination of the project in line with the coalition work plan and activities: organising calls and meetings, drafting agendas and... Strategic implementation: supporting the ECF Country and Building programmes in implementing ECF’s strategy and priorities, especially in countries; More broadly, the post holder... LUCI is recruiting a Programme Manager, under the supervision of the General Director. The EESC issues between 160 and 190 opinions and information reports a year. It promotes the development of railway transport as essential to the creation of a transport system which is both efficient and environmentally sound. Then, the rules applying to the workplace must be applied to the home office, including on health and safety and protection against harassment and violence. EU Affairs Manager (m/w/d) – Arbeitsort Brüssel, Fokus auf deutschen Markt EURACTIV ist das führende Online-Medium zur EU-Politik und aktuell in 12 europäischen Ländern vertreten. The EESC brings together representatives from all areas of organised civil society, who give their independent advice on EU policies and legislation. Experienced Data and Information Governance Officer - L... ECHO Partnership Advisor to Brussels - Brussels, EU Policy and Advocacy Manager - Brussels, Consultant/Senior Policy Advisor - Brussels. (Seite 3) The Membership & Business Development Coordinator will be responsible in developing and managing the members’ network of the association. The European Council is the EU institution that defines the general political direction and priorities of the European Union. The Internal Communication Coordinator is responsible for planning, sourcing, writing, editing and proofing a wide variety of texts to be used internally, predominantly for the... As Scientific Editing Manager you will be expected to co-ordinate and supervise the Section’s scientific editing activities during preparation of English and French texts for... You will lead major fundraising initiatives in support of a large and rapidly growing Food and Water program portfolio. Regulatory Affairs jobs in Europe. Indeed wordt mogelijk door deze werkgevers betaald om Indeed gratis te houden voor werkzoekenden. The Department of Foreign Affairs and Trade (DFAT) leads Australia's whole-of-government negotiations on the Australia-EU FTA. The new European Skills Agenda builds upon the ten actions of the Commission’s 2016 Skills Agenda. The EESC holds nine plenary sessions per year. In a debate at the EESC plenary session on 25 March, the Executive Vice-President of the European Commission for an Economy that Works for People, Valdis Dombrovskis said that most of the national recovery and resilience plans (RRPs) are still at an early stage and that "there is still a lot of work to do before the plans are mature enough". Sort by: relevance - date. This role has responsibility for regular gathering, analysing and reporting of statistical data pertaining to EDI and presenting this to leadership and staff. Surrey (GB) £40K - £55K, depending on experience (+ a performance-based annual bonus). Deadline 30 April, Posted 8 days ago The first COVID-19 lockdowns saw the number of teleworkers in the EU workforce skyrocket from 5% to 40%. The EESC welcomes the Commission's communications adopted in 2020 in connection with the enlargement of the EU to the Western Balkans and agrees that integrating the Western Balkan partners into the EU represents a geostrategic investment in the peace, stability, security and economic growth of the entire continent. The Programme Assistant will support the International Energy Programme team. Read more about the role of the European Council Documents needed for application. Find NGO and Political jobs from EuroBrussels - European Affairs jobs in Brussels, EU institutions, policy and law. Pass the final test with our interview guide. EuroJobsites is a registered company number: 4694396 VAT number: GB 880 9055 04, Registered address: EuroJobsites Ltd, Unit 8, Kingsmill Business Park, Kingston Upon Thames, London, KT1 3GZ, United Kingdom, Newsletter | Refine your search by location and title to find your perfect Regulatory Affairs job in Europe. The Directorate‑General for Economic and Financial Affairs is the Commission department responsible for EU policies promoting economic growth and recovery, higher employment, stable public finances and financial stability. The European Economic and Social Committee (EESC) is pleased to announce the 23 winners of its Civil Solidarity Prize, a one-off contest launched as an alternative to the annual EESC Civil Society Prize to reward not-for-profit initiatives carried out by individuals, civil society organisations or private companies to tackle the COVID-19 crisis and its manifold consequences. UK/Brexit researcher position available now by IIEA. EHMA (European Health Management Association) Policy Officer. The European Economic and Social Committee (EESC) is the voice of organised civil society in Europe. Deadline 25 April, BEUC - The European Consumer Organisation, Posted 10 days ago The 2021 edition will model an international climate-change conference. The EESC's 329 Members are organised into three groups: Employers, Workers and Diversity Europe. Operations, Brussels The trainee will have an opportunity to develop and gain experience in public affairs work as part of a multi-cultural, motivated and growing team. CEU's Career Services Office will host an info session with a short presentation and a Q&A with a Director of the European Office of the Public Affairs Council, Andras Baneth. Privacy | Latest European Affairs Jobs. The EESC has six sections, specialising in concrete topics of relevance to the citizens of the European Union, ranging from social to economic affairs, energy, environment, external relations or the internal market. Deadline 30 April, Posted 6 days ago Gender equality has strong, positive impacts on Gross Domestic Product (GDP) per capita which grow over time. Senior EU Public Affairs Health & Well-Being Expert (m/w/d) Political Intelligence is looking for a Senior EU Public Affairs expert to design and coordinate cross-sectoral strategies for our clients with a focus on well-being, health, digital policies, sustainability, mobility and food. Leverage your professional network, and get hired. The Manager, EU Life Cycle Management (LCM), International Regulatory Affairs, will support the development and implementation of regulatory strategy leading to successful EMA registration and life-cycle management of unique and technologically complex products serving patients with rare diseases and unmet medical needs. Deadline 16 April, Posted 7 days ago Jobs By Category. EU Institutions Deadline 12 April, Posted 13 days ago Entdecken Sie 700.000+ tolle Stellenangebote und finden Ihren neuen Job: offene Stellen bei Top-Unternehmen. The European Economic and Social Committee (EESC) welcomes the Commission's new Action Plan on non-performing loans, but believes that it lacks new proposals fit for COVID-19 times, leaving Europe to face an extraordinary time with rules written for ordinary times. Page 1 of 1, Results 1 to 7 Title Deadline for application Type of position Project Officer. Find Communication/Public Relations jobs from EuroBrussels - European Affairs jobs in Brussels, EU institutions, policy and law. Welcome to the award-winning PubAffairs network’s jobs board for public affairs, government relations, policy and communications vacancies. Selection procedures for temporary staff are generally organised by the institutions and agencies themselves, rather than by EPSO. Aufgaben: Monitoring, Analyse und Bewertung der relevanten EU-Entwicklungen, v.a. However, before being recruited in the European Commission the candidates should have passed the CAST competition. Accept Cookies, Posted 1 day ago It also organises many conferences, public hearings and high-level debates related to its work. Find recommended jobs in Brussels and EU Affairs. Find out more at, COVID-19 has blatantly exposed all the cracks and fissures in the European health systems and shown the EU to be unprepared for dealing with major health emergencies. Indeed may be compensated by these employers, helping keep Indeed free for jobseekers. More will need to upskill to keep their job in a new work environment. + View introduction - Hide introduction. The European Youth Forum is looking for a EU Policy & Advocacy Manager to join the External Affairs Department. Industry Associations, Internal Market Deadline 15 April, Posted 13 days ago The purpose of our Master is to teach students how to become European experts and leaders, and to equip them with the necessary skills to easily adapt to a multicultural and multidisciplinary environment. GDP Per capita. The EESC is active in a wide range of areas, from social affairs to economy, energy and sustainability. For young people, entry in the labour market could be very challenging. When applying for a job in European Affairs, experienced professionals, just as much as fresh graduates are often left without any meaningful guidance which could prepare them to face the seemingly complex recruitment process. Browse our opportunities and apply today to a Microsoft Legal & Corporate Affairs position. Director for Members, Plenaries, Strategy (M/F) - Bruss... Wageningen University & Research Food Law, Consumers, Public Health and Food Safety (20), External Relations and Development Aid (15), Internal Market and Business Regulation (6).