Rocket Homes › Illinois › Saint Clair County › O'Fallon. He resides in O’fallon with his wife, Jennifer and 2 daughters Michaela and Mackenzie. Dardenne Township is located in Saint Charles County, Missouri. Born and raised in O’Fallon Todd is a lifelong resident and a graduate of OTHS. In addition, permanent early voting sites are at The Rec Complex, 9950 Bunkum Road, Fairview Heights, and O’Fallon Township Office, 801 E. State St., O’Fallon. (618) 632-3517 O’Fallon Township High School strives to be a transparent organization and desires to make its public records available. 03/30/2018 . Monday - Friday 8:00 am - 5:00 pm Contact Us. City of O'Fallon, 255 South Lincoln, O'Fallon, IL 62269 Tel: (618) 624-4500 Fax: (618) 624-4508 City Hall Hours: Monday - Friday, 8:00 am - 5:00 pm Website Disclaimer | Government Websites by CivicPlus ® Covid Summer Athletics 2020 2021-O'Fallon Township HS Athletic Registration Athletes and parents must complete the online registration before trying out for a sport. COURSES Observe if course is a semester or year in length. The Rec Complex, 9950 Bunkum Rd., Fairview Heights 3. Fave this listing. Carriel Junior High School; Fulton Junior High School; Evans Elementary School; Hinchcliffe Elementary School; Kampmeyer Elementary School; Moye Elementary School Todd was elected Alderman for Ward 4 in 2019. 255 South Lincoln O’Fallon, IL 62269 City Hall Hours. Find event and ticket information. In Illinois, U.S. News & World Report. Township Building, 801 E. State St., O'Fallon. Completion of this process does NOT guarantee the student athlete will be a member of the team. O’Fallon Township Office, 801 East State St., O’Fallon. If you’d like to work with a professional, contacting real estate agents in O'Fallon Township High School District 203 is very easy. The Caseyville Township Highway Department, located in O'Fallon, IL, is a government agency that oversees O'Fallon transportation systems and infrastructure. The spring semester will be quite busy for you and your 8th grader as you prepare to conclude the junior high years and begin the next phase of educational experiences. For details, contact the O’Fallon Township Office at 632-3517. Guidance office summer hours will be listed on the website. Reviews (618) 398-6925. Dear parents, Talking with your child about the loss of a peer can be difficult and confusing. For the City of O’Fallon, the offices of Mayor, City Treasurer, City Clerk, and one council seat for each of O’Fallon’s seven Wards will be up for election. The event will include a pot-luck luncheon and performance by a country Western band. O’Fallon Township clerk (18 of 18 precincts reporting) Matthew Gilreath: 869 (46%) ... Several new mayors will take office in Madison County, Illinois election results show We plan to assist you and your student with a seamless transition from junior high school to … Share. Covid-Spring 2020 2021-O'Fallon Township HS Athletic Registration Athletes and parents must complete the online registration before trying out for a sport. The O’Fallon Community Consolidated School District No. Eventbrite - O'Fallon Township High School Disrict 203 presents O'Fallon Township High School Advanced Placement Testing - 2021 - Monday, January 18, 2021 | Monday, March 1, 2021 at O'Fallon Township High School, O'Fallon, IL. $875,000 Estimated Monthly Price: ~$3,000/mo. The average temperature for O'Fallon Township this time of … O'Fallon Township is located in Saint Charles County, Missouri. for state exam performance. The average temperature for O'Fallon Township this time of the year is … for O'Fallon Township High School. The OTHS Social Work Department has compiled a list of ideas to help you have a conversation with your child about loss. ... feel free to call the Township office @ 632-3517. 90, O’Fallon, St. Clair County, Illinois, was legally established on April 9, 1949. The Department of Transportation creates and implements plans to develop an efficient, accessible, and convenient transportation network in O'Fallon. Air Force Junior ROTC (year) Art 1 (year) Business Ownership (semester) Microsoft Office App. See contacts, phone numbers, directions, hours and more for the best City, Village & Township Government in O'Fallon… Stookey Township Office 313 Eiler Rd Belleville IL 62223. The average temperature for Dardenne Township this time of the year is low of 33F and high of 54F. THURSDAY, SEPT. 21 O’Fallon Toastmasters will help you conquer fear of public speaking: Do you dread speaking in front of others? Masks will be required along with limited occupancy due to COVID guidelines. The O’Fallon Township Youth Committee operates out of the O'Fallon Township building where students from O’Fallon Township High School and a handful of adults hold monthly meetings to plan and organize events for youth throughout the community. St. Clair County Clerk’s Office, Election Department, 2nd Floor, 10 Public Square, Belleville 2. On April 6, 2021, there will be local elections for positions in the City of O’Fallon, O’Fallon’s School Boards, and O’Fallon Township. O'Fallon Township Office, Government. It can be hard to know what to say and what not to say to a teen who is grieving. Public Schools. O'Fallon Township is located in Saint Clair County, Illinois. About O'Fallon, IL. ... Visit Our Office. 618-632-2414 Fax 618-632-1477 (Office 2016) (semester) ... O’Fallon Township High School Sewer System #1 Ecology Drive O’Fallon, IL 62269 Tel. Best High School. There are roughly 26,798 residents, living in 10,079 households. There’s information on the O'Fallon Township High School District 203 real estate market at the bottom of search results pages, if you’re looking for an overview of the area. Michaela attends O’fallon Township High School, and … Prior to serving as Alderman Todd served as Vice President on the O’Fallon Community Consolidated District #90 School Board and also as a Trustee for O’Fallon Township. The reassessment process will last for a minimum of two months. 1847 Bethel Ridge Farms Blvd O'Fallon Township, IL, 62269. O’Fallon, Illinois – The St. Clair County Assessor’s Office will be reassessing properties in O’Fallon Township beginning on October 11, 2017. For more information, call the O'Fallon Township office at 618-632-3517. A. Caseyville Township Sewer System Office #1 Ecology Drive, O’Fallon, IL 62269 Office hours 7:30am – 4:00pm; B. Caseyville Township Administration Office 10001 Bunkum Road, Fairview Heights, IL 62208 Office hours: 8:00am – 4:30pm O’Fallon Township. O'Fallon Township Annual Report FINAL 2019-2020 MS4 Report Department Highway Date Modified 6/4/2020 Text PDF. Results listings related to City, Village & Township Government in O'Fallon on Please request records not available on the O’Fallon Township High School website from Beth Shackelford, the District Freedom of Information Officer. 801 E. State St. OFallon, IL 62269. There are roughly 26,390 residents, living in 8,712 households. OTHS - O'Fallon Township High School District 203 . Completion of this process does NOT guarantee the student athlete will be a member of the team. O'Fallon is located in Saint Clair County, Illinois. WEEKDAYS: October 19 thru October 23: 8:30 am to … It roughly encompasses the northeast quarter of Caseyville Township and all of O’Fallon Township, except that portion lying east of Silver Creek. Menu & Reservations Make Reservations . Sauget 2018-2019 Annual Report MS4 Report ... County Office Address #10 Public Square Belleville, IL 62220. Get directions, reviews and information for Stookey Township Office in Belleville, IL. 1. The average temperature for O'Fallon this time of the year is low of 45F and high of 67F. Added 9 days ago. O'Fallon is a city in St. Clair County, Illinois, United States.The 2010 census listed the population at 28,281. There are roughly 26,753 residents, living in 10,274 households. There are roughly 20,336 residents, living in 8,088 households. Chris Monroe was appointed in January 2019. * Share … The mission of O'Fallon Township High School is to access the talents of community, family, and staff to provide a positive environment that maximizes the potential of students to become informed decision makers, engaged life-long learners, and responsible citizens in an ever-changing and diverse society. He has been a resident of O’fallon since 1997 after serving in the Unites States Marine Corp. Greetings from O’Fallon Township High School. Contact Info (618) 277-6600