As a supplement to all the other great work youâre doing, these features help boost your authority and reputation, as well as offer a hands-off way of keeping your community updated on your Amazon activity. See the top 1,690 Amazon influencers. @amazon Instagram Influencer Profile - Contact Amazon Vous participez déjà au programme Amazon Influencer ? 3 talking about this. El Amazon Influencer Program es una extensión del actual Programa de Afiliados en línea para influencers de redes sociales. Verified Profiles are Amazon pages that capture your social identity, including a public name, a short bio, social media links, and recent content and updates published across Amazonâs social experiences. Les influenceurs obtiennent une page sur Amazon avec une URL de vanité exclusive pour présenter les produits qu'ils recommandent à leurs abonnés. Cliquez sur 'Commencer' pour vérifier si vous êtes éligible. And now, we’re making the whole experience even better. We’ve streamlined sharing for creators, and shopping for followers. New Influencers are verified as a part of the sign up process. », « C’est amusant de pouvoir compiler et partager les produits que j’aime sur ma page Amazon. Ce programme permet aux … In other words, they’re a person you want to represent your brand because they can help drive Amazon sales. Esto te ofrece una manera adicional de dirigir el tráfico a Amazon, lo que resulta especialmente útil cuando no es posible establecer enlaces … © 1996â2020,, Inc. or its affiliates. En quoi ce programme est-il différent du Programme Partenaires d’Amazon? Introducing, Verified Profiles! Tell your fans to follow you on Amazon! « Nos abonnés adorent acheter les produits que nous recommandons et c’est vraiment appréciable d’avoir la possibilité de les diriger vers une page unique sur laquelle ils peuvent trouver tous les produits que nous présentons dans nos vidéos. Achetez neuf ou d'occasion Hey loves I wanted to share how to setup an amazon influencer account. Influencers get a page on Amazon with an exclusive vanity URL to showcase the products they recommend to their followers. Comment fonctionne l’Amazon Influencer Program? Amazon provides help and assistance to its influencers (just as it does to its affiliates). When someone buys from your page you get a commission just like the Amazon associates or affiliate program. How sucessfull is Amazon (@amazon) on Instagram? Your profile is about YOU! With many Amazon influencers to choose from, we’ve narrowed down our ten top sources for seller tips, product inspiration, and growth mindsets for those selling on Amazon. Amazon Prime Student is a Prime membership program created for college students. The Amazon Influencers Program launched with the goal of supporting creators like you, who work hard to keep their audiences updated on their current projects and new favorite finds â including their top product and promo picks on Amazon. Even though it works like the affiliate … But, it takes a long time to build a following using any of these channels. Recommandez des produits. Retrouvez Influence: How to Raise Your Profile, Manage Your Reputation and Get Noticed in a Relationship Economy et des millions de livres en stock sur Avec l’Amazon Influencer Program, vous pouvez obtenir votre propre page Amazon avec une URL pour afficher les produits que vous recommandez à vos abonnés. Tournez une vidéo ou prenez une photo de vos produits préférés pour créer le buzz sur votre page influenceur. Introducing, Verified Profiles! Con el Influencer Program, tienes tu propia página en Amazon con una URL para mostrar los productos que recomiendas a tus seguidores. This signals to customers that you are someone with a meaningful following whose opinions are valued by Amazon and others. Obtenez votre propre page sur Amazon avec une URL personnalisée et utilisez-la pour recommander des milliers de produits. Pour en savoir plus sur l’Influencer program. 3,951 Likes, 321 Comments - Amazon Influencer Program (@amazoninfluencerprogram) on Instagram: “Click the link in our profile to learn more about the Amazon Influencer Program. The Amazon Influencer Program is designed for social media influencers with large followings and a high frequency of posts with shoppable content. An Amazon influencer is someone who has a marketing partnership with Amazon to promote products and drive sales. You can manage the people you follow on Your Profile. See live analytics of follower change, engagement rate and much more. Come funziona l’Influencer Program di Amazon? They use their social media presence to connect with their audience and receive income from advertising the goods and services related to their passions, interests, and even their personal brand. Additionally, once youâre verified, your fans can follow you on Amazon! Amazon Influencer Program works almost just like Amazon Affiliate Program but with more personalized hint. L’Amazon Influencer Program ti consente di creare la tua pagina su Amazon dal URL personale, per mostrare i prodotti che consigli ai tuoi follower. This content includes reviews, questions, answers, Idea Lists, Spark stories, and a tile that links to your Influencer store. We use cookies to improve service and provide tailored ads. Once somebody saw a shopping ad somewhere, he follows the link and is able to buy stuff … Top Amazon Influencers. Some influencers are members of the Amazon Influencer Program. Then marketing their store on their social profiles. As a verified Influencer, you get a blue checkmark next to your name. Building a blog, social media following and/or podcast can be an effective way to promote your Amazon products. Achetez et téléchargez ebook Influence: How to Raise Your Profile, Manage Your Reputation and Get Noticed (English Edition): Boutique Kindle - Business & Investing : ». Je dispose enfin d’un espace unique sur Amazon où je peux tous les partager en même temps. Join our free community to get access to the latest news and resources, engage with influencers, and secure collaborations with top brands. You are given the option to have your current account verified or to create a new profile if you wish to manage your influencer account separately. L’Amazon Influencer Program est une extension du Programme Partenaires en ligne existant pour les influenceurs des réseaux sociaux. Nous avons aussi vu nos revenus Partenaires grimper en flèche ! Amazon has clearly found that influencers encourage their followers to buy enough product to warrant their investment in the program. Nous avons eu des retours très positifs. », « J’adore trouver de super produits dont je ne peux pas me passer. The more the customers use the said URL for shopping and make qualifying purchases, the influencers make money on the sales. Partagez votre URL, facilitez la vie de vos abonnés qui souhaitent acheter les produits que vous recommandez et gagnez de l’argent sur les achats éligibles en même temps! L’Amazon Influencer Program est une extension du Programme Partenaires en ligne existant pour les influenceurs des réseaux sociaux. It has high conversion rates. Lorsque des clients achètent des produits via votre page, vous gagnez de l’argent sur les achats éligibles. We work with over 100,000 influencers who help brands build awareness, create content, and drive sales. Avec l’Amazon Influencer Program, vous pouvez obtenir votre propre page Amazon avec une URL pour afficher les produits que vous recommandez à vos abonnés. Rejoignez l’Amazon Influencer Program par l’intermédiaire d’un compte éligible YouTube, Instagram, Twitter ou Facebook. In case you haven’t heard, the Amazon influencer program allows you to get your own page on Amazon with a picture and exclusive vanity URL to showcase the products you recommend to your followers. Utilisez votre URL personnalisée pour guider facilement vos abonnés vers vos produits recommandés, disponibles à l’achat à un seul et même endroit. Amazon Influencer Program is an initiative by to tie up with leading social media influencers and giving them their own vanity URL where the influencers can catalog the products that they recommend to their fans and followers. Prime Student is looking for social media sa v vy students to represent the brand as a Prime Student Social In f luencer. Either way, Larry provides inspiration and guidance for those looking to hustle a seven-figure income out of Amazon. Weâre continuously working to include even more tools and features in the Influencer Program, and hope a Verified Profile translates to your increased affiliate success. Si vous n’êtes pas éligible pour l’instant, nous vous recommandons de réessayer plus tard, car les critères d’éligibilité sont susceptibles de changer. Find @amazon Instagram stats and other social media profiles and rankings. The Amazon Influencer Programme is designed for social media influencers with large followings and a high frequency of posts with shoppable content. Je parcours le monde à la recherche des meilleurs produits et désormais, j’ai une page où partager mes trouvailles ! L’Amazon Influencer Program vous permet d’obtenir votre propre page Amazon avec une URL personnalisée exclusive pour afficher les produits que vous recommandez à vos abonnés. Creating Your Custom Storefront. Voici comment ça marche. As an influencer, you’re pretty much free to indulge in your creativity to promote products as you desire. Influencers get a page on Amazon with an exclusive vanity URL to showcase the products they recommend to their followers. All Influencers are automatically verified as a part of being approved for the program. So your posting plans are all up to you. The Amazon Influencer Program is an extension to the existing online Associates program for social media influencers. Les influenceurs de toutes catégories peuvent participer à ce programme. There aren’t any rules as far as what you should post and how often. As Amazon evaluates requests for invitation to the Amazon Influencer Program, they will look at various factors including but not limited to the number of followers on various social media platforms, engagement on posts, quality of content and level of relevancy for amazon products sell best offer throw Amazon rewards them every time their published link earns a click. An Amazon influencer is a person who’s established themselves as an authority in a certain niche on a social platform, which gives them the ability to influence purchasing decisions — specifically by promoting a product for sale on Amazon. They mostly promote them via social media platforms, websites or blogs inserting links to the items on Amazon. Promuovi il tuo URL: per i tuoi follower sarà più semplice acquistare ciò che consigli e, nel frattempo, guadagnerai denaro per gli acquisti idonei! Shoppers can find your profile by: 1) clicking on the profile link located on your store page; 2) clicking on the avatar image on your onsite contributions; and 3) people search. 477k Followers, 85 Following, 18 Posts - See Instagram photos and videos from Amazon Influencer Program (@amazoninfluencerprogram) Amazon Follow enables you to stay up to date with the people, brands, and interests that you care about on Amazon. Cela vous donne un moyen supplémentaire de rediriger vos abonnés vers Amazon, ce qui est particulièrement … Noté /5. Youâve built a successful brand and engaged following on being a consistent source of information and inspiration, and you have the unique honor of literally influencing: your fans eagerly track your ideas, experiments, and general happenings for both entertainment and guidance. consultez la foire aux questions détaillée du programme. Influencers get a commission on products that were sold via their pages on Amazon. Influencers are earning a commission of up to 10%, depending on the type of product. The program allows influencers to earn fees for purchases they drive through their social media platforms. Amazon influencers are often independent Amazon affiliates who have been provided with promotional links by Amazon to publish on their blogs or social feeds. Get your own…” To create a video you need many pieces of equipment from a camera to light. Vous devez actuellement posséder un compte YouTube, Instagram, Twitter ou Facebook pour être éligible à ce programme. At Amazon Associates he shares his knowledge to help you improve your own affiliate marketing strategies. … Une fois retenu, vous pourrez aussitôt composer votre page! This video guides you on how to add products to your Amazon Influencer Page. As an Influencer, you know the value of rapport and reputation, and also of staying present and top-of-mind in your community. The Amazon Influencers Program launched with the goal of supporting creators like you, who work hard to keep their audiences updated on their current projects and new favorite finds — including their top product and promo picks on Amazon. The program is free and easy … Cela vous donne un moyen supplémentaire de rediriger vos abonnés vers Amazon, ce qui est particulièrement utile dans les situations où il est impossible d’insérer un hyperlien (par exemple, les légendes Instagram ou le contenu vidéo.). And now, we’re making the whole experience even better. The Amazon Influencers Program launched with the goal of supporting creators like you, who work hard to keep their audiences updated on their current projects and new favorite finds — including their top product and promo picks on Amazon. Martin is an experienced affiliate marketer and blogger. And now, weâre making the whole experience even better. Influencer Responsibilities. We’ve streamlined sharing for creators, and shopping for followers. C’est tellement plus facile de partager avec mes abonnés et d’aider les gens à trouver les produits qu’ils aiment ! When someone clicks through from one of these emails or push notifications, you receive attribution and will participate in any purchases they make. Influencers are clearly making enough commission to warrant their time … More new resources coming soon! Amazon Prime Student Social Influencer Spring 2021 Job Description. Introducing, Verified Profiles! Cela leur simplifie la vie. What Does it Mean to Be an Influencer? Total reach: 3060615. The Amazon Influencer Program is still new—not many sellers know about it—but it’s growing to include more influencers. But the hard part is that YouTube is not easy to maintain as other influencer marketing platforms. Amazon Influencers: Introducing Verified Profile, Branding Made Successful [for Influencers & Bloggers]. Youtube is the best as an influencer marketing platform. What is the Amazon influencer program? By using this site, you agree to this use. Amazon Influencer Program Qualifications for different blogging platforms. This way, when youâre active on â including adding new recommendations to your storefront â they are alerted and can continue to be inspired to shop by you! Total reach: 3060615. Larry Lubarsky. The programme allows influencers to earn fees for purchases they drive through their social media platforms. View the profiles of people named Influenceur Amazon. I hope you find this helpful! Join Facebook to connect with Influenceur Amazon and others you may know. With the Influencer Program, you get your own page on Amazon with a URL to showcase the products you recommend to your followers. 1. Get Started Categories > A > Amazon Find Top Ranked Amazon Social Media Influencers. Tous comme les stories Instagram, les stories Snapchat constituent un moyen rapide et unique d’inciter vos abonnés à se rendre sur votre boutique Amazon. You may receive relevant updates about the people, brands, and interests that you follow. You might know him as Larry Lubarsky, or you might know him as Watch Me Amazon. When a shopper follows you on Amazon, theyâll receive updates via email and push notifications whenever you contribute new content on the site â a product review, a new Idea List, etc. Le programme Amazon Influencer est exclusivement conçu pour les influenceurs des réseaux sociaux suivis par un grand nombre de personnes les suit et dont les publications sont très fréquentes, avec du contenu pouvant être acheté. Weâve streamlined sharing for creators, and shopping for followers. Nous regardons votre nombre d’abonnés et d’autres paramètres d’engagement concernant votre présence sur les réseaux sociaux. It may be much more effective to partner up with existing blogs / social media influencers & podcasters to promote your products. Soyez récompensé. So far there’s a good mix of influencers and products for shoppers to choose from, so there are lots of opportunities to use the program to increase sales.