And while I … Finally he did actually ask her to marry him, and she said no, eventually declaring to the entire room of people focused on the happiness of Barry and Iris that she did not want to marry you, Oliver Queen. Whenever Oliver had a moment during any of the nazi-fighting, he brought up the fact that Felicity didn't want to marry him, either to Felicity or to Barry and Iris, and wanted to talk about it constantly. What's the Best Superhero Show on TV? When Felicity asks Oliver, mid-fight, whether they’re actually going, he replies: “Of course we’re going.” Then why didn’t you RSVP beforehand, you dingus? Oliver and Felicity's last fling before the ring Travel Mug. She and Oliver didn't even have their own vows, because they couldn't compete with Barry and Iris. A continuation of Oliver and Felicity and Team Arrow's journey after the events of Safe. But you wouldn’t know that from how Oliver and Felicity managed to make it about themselves, while also breaking a shocking number of rules for being a decent guest at someone else’s nuptials. Anyway, don't invite the Queens to your wedding because they will most definitely make it all about them. Curtis is openly homosexual since early teenhood, though his mother could barely stand his coming out. Or we guess we might be calling her Felicity Queen now, since she and Oliver tied the knot in what was probably the most obnoxious way possible, after the proposal happened in the most obnoxious way possible, and then they were all obnoxious about it while there were actual nazis (including a nazi version of Oliver!) Arrow EP Marc Guggenheim took to social media to tell fans there is a "story-specific reason" Oliver doesn't wear his wedding ring in the season premiere. These people are seriously the worst. Video Editor and Staff Writer at io9. I'm so defeated at this point, but I hold on past commercials for a look at next week, excited because Felicity said she's finally leaving! And it was clearly supposed to be cute and heartwarming but instead it was just SO RUDE. Club Deadspin Not later. By eandg81. Feb. 24, 2016. Arrow's Stephen Amell is Hoping for an Olicity Wedding in Season 6 Someone make an Olicity wedding hashtag, stat! Meanwhile, Lyla (guest star Audrey Marie Anderson) and Diggle (David Ramsey) deal … Especially because you and your girlfriend are in the freaking wedding party? The Biggest Moments from the 2017 CW DC Crossover So Far. While another couple was also getting married! Oliver and Felicity were supposed to be the best man and maid of honor, the silent witnesses to this beautiful event—silent being the key word. The two and a half weeks between that phone call and the wedding were horrible for Oliver. She and Oliver play this stupid game of cat and mouse about whether they want to get married, something that bites everyone in the ass later on. Entertainment Television, LLC A Division of NBCUniversal. Oliver accepts, and now Barry and Iris have to share their big moment with these two eggheads (who will do it all again with their own wedding in the midseason finale). roaming around trying to kill everyone. arrow, olicity, olicity wedding, green arrow, felicity smoak, felicity, oliver, overwatch, green arrow, oliver x felicity, oliver and felicity, queen smoak wedding, arrow season 6, dctv crossover, hvff atlanta. (Or, Oliver and Felicity are in bed and Oliver is out like a light. Of course, it's The Flash and we should always be worried, but honestly, WestAllen has had enough wedding drama to last them a lifetime, which Oliver and Felicity should have realized, which is why they should have just let them have this one to themselves, gosh darn it! In her early childhood, Felicity had a teddy bear she named Mr. Square Bear, which she lost when she was four years old, much to her devastation. Speaking as a diehard Olicity 'shipper, I can honestly say that I've dreamt of what Oliver and Felicity's Arrow wedding would be like long before anyone got down on one knee. My doppelganger is that rebelling greeting card from Futurama. That being said, fans may notice Oliver isn't wearing his wedding ring in the Season 8 premiere, but according to Stephen Amell, there's a reason for that. Felicity ends the episode in a wedding dress (where she again makes a dumb joke), tells Oliver she loves him, and then says it can never happen. Cupid has been freed by A.R.G.U.S., but is back to her murderous ways. This week’s CW DC crossover, Crisis on Earth-X, centered around the long-awaited wedding of Barry Allen and Iris West. Felicity repeatedly rejects Oliver, then flat-out screams “I don’t want to marry you!” in full view of everyone. And to top it all off, they were among Barry and Iris' many friends who didn't RSVP for the wedding until the day before, which is just plain rude! He had a nazi doppelganger married to nazi Supergirl, and all he wanted to do was talk about Felicity rejecting his proposal. Oliver and Felicity break this rule—not once, but twice. The Flash airs Tuesdays at 8 p.m. and Arrow airs Thursdays at 9 p.m. As a kid, Curtis was a huge fan of wrestling, especially the clean fighting style of Terry Sloane/Mr. Superhero. This was a story years in the making, a major event for these two pinnacle characters in the DC TV universe. Check out the hottest fashion, photos, movies and TV shows! I'm ready," Felicity said with a hint of a smile as she played with her wedding ring. All rights reserved. Instead of helping Barry pare down his notes to the best moments and lines, Oliver tells him to wing it—adding that if he just has silence, that’ll be fine too. So they not only stole their ceremony, but also essentially stole their vows. (To be fair, the Legends didn’t RSVP until the last minute, something Martin called “a serious breach of courtesy,” and neither did Kara. This is a series of one-shots and stand-alone moments, recasting moments from season 2 into the Safe Universe. Though I doubt Miss Manners ever covered that one... VPN Unlimited: Lifetime Subscription + 1 Year of PlayStation Plus. While Iris and the girls are getting their nails done, Felicity makes the social faux pas of saying Iris is “glowing,” something Caitlin rightfully points out is a term saved for pregnant women. That means Felicity not only interrupted her and Oliver’s best friends’ wedding, it was also her ex’s wedding.). A love story between Oliver and Felicity took shape starting in season 2, culminating in a wedding in season 6. Vertigo came back, Tommy quit the bar and the assistant manager really wasn't stepping up his game as necessary. It was a destination wedding at a small private island two hundred miles off the coast of Starling City. On the other side of town, Oliver is pulling his own crap by giving Barry horrible advice. Series. Right then. Arrow said goodbye to a beloved character on Monday's finale, as actress Emily Bett Rickards exited the show after seven seasons as Team Arrow's tech mastermind Felicity Smoak. An Olicity Wedding On 'Arrow' Is Happening, Guys. Arrow Photos: Oliver and Felicity's Official Wedding Is Well-Attended. This work is part of a series and should be read in order. Felicity knew the only reason she'd been invited to the wedding was so that Maddie could rub her face in it. Arrow’s Oliver Queen and Felicity Smoak might be good at saving the world, but they’re inconsiderate assholes when it comes to wedding etiquette. But Oliver and Felicity didn’t RSVP until what looks to be the day before the rehearsal dinner. This was a chance in a lifetime to prove to the world just how well she had done. "Remember to say 'I do,'" is the last thing she said to him. Arrow's Oliver and Felicity Were the Worst Wedding Guests Ever in the CW Crossover Way to steal a wedding ceremony, you guys By Lauren Piester Nov 29, 2017 3:05 AM Tags However, none of that compares to the awfulness that is to come. Arrow’s Oliver Queen and Felicity Smoak might be good at saving the world, but they’re inconsiderate assholes when it comes to wedding etiquette. By Caitlyn Callegari. Arrow Series Finale: Felicity and Oliver Reunite in the Afterlife as Green Lantern Twist Is Confirmed this link is to an external site that may or may not meet accessibility guidelines. ... Oliver and Team Arrow thus must figure out a way to save Lance while still keeping the city safe. 's Oliver and Felicity Were the Worst Wedding Guests Ever in the CW Crossover. Then, when Iris asks her about her relationship with Oliver, she doesn’t do what Kara rightfully does and deflect the question (you don’t want to distract the bride with your stupid problems). That has to violate some rule of etiquette. Does this mean we should be worried?! And despite the issues that have … If there's one thing we learned from this year's CW crossover, it's to not invite Oliver Queen and Felicity Smoak to your wedding. After Felicity left to go into hiding with Mia at the end of Season 7 of Arrow, she and Oliver spent Season 8 apart. 'Arrow' Series Finale: Why Oliver and Felicity's Emotional Reunion Was the Perfect Final Scene. Ranking Small Screen's Comic Stars. I hope you don’t get any presents. But since no one pointed that out, they just continued on with it, and both couples were married together for some reason. Let’s keep this in the context of Barry kidnapping a man who wasn’t even invited to wedding #1 to officiate at wedding #2, merely because the greatest american hero minister at #1 got blasted or vaporized or whatever it was. © 2021 E! Arrow's Stephen Amell is Hoping for an Olicity Wedding in Season 6. Curtis Holt was born in Starling City and grew up with a brother, to whom he was extremely close. Despite the absence of Emily Bett Rickards in the eighth and final season of The CW's Arrow, Felicity and Oliver Queen are still married in the present-day timeline. It puts pressure on your partner to accept something they may not be comfortable with, or forces them to reject you during a romantic wedding—something that actually happens the first time around. Oliver adds a joke about how they can’t compete with Barry and Iris’ vows, only to then go into his own vows because “Fuck you, Barry.”, (It also should be added that Felicity and Barry briefly dated before Felicity got with Oliver. Barry asks him what he should do about his wedding vows, since they’re a million pages long. Traditional etiquette says you’re supposed to RSVP two to three weeks before a wedding, so the bride and groom can get a head count for the caterer. The number one rule of wedding etiquette: Don’t propose to your partner at someone else’s wedding. Then, Barry and Iris were literally in the middle of an adorable impromptu ceremony with Diggle officiating (which was already awkward because it was right after Stein's funeral, still in funeral clothing, but whatever). Right now! Moments before Barry and Iris are pronounced husband and wife, solidifying their relationship in the eyes of God and man, Felicity interrupts the ceremony to demand she and Oliver also get married. They chose to selfishly interrupt their friends on one of the most important days of their lives with their own dramatic bullshit, over and over and over again, culminating in them stealing the spotlight for a marriage brought under duress. After seeing Arrow show … Felicity offered to let him back out but Oliver insisted and … First, Oliver pops the question to Felicity during the rehearsal dinner. Then, at the end of the crossover, Barry and Iris decide to get married last-minute (next to a pile of Diggle’s vomit), with Oliver and Felicity serving as the witnesses. But Felicity… Let’s start with that RSVP. Barry and Iris just stood there, saying nothing, while Oliver and Felicity blabbered on about what they were doing, with no one ever pointing out that Oliver and Felicity could have Diggle marry them literally any time they wanted, any other time that was not during the post-funeral wedding of someone else. She realized right then and there that she did, in fact, want to marry Oliver, and they should do it now! Will you marry me?’ In the back half of Season 4, after Felicity turned her father in to the authorities, … Instead, Felicity stopped Diggle while he was pronouncing man and wife to ask if she and Oliver could SHARE THE CEREMONY. Arrow 's Oliver and Felicity Were the Worst Wedding Guests Ever in the CW Crossover. No, it won’t be, Oliver. Arrow. The Plot. At the rehearsal dinner, Oliver just started talking about how he wanted his and Felicity's rehearsal dinner to be just like that, and Felicity got all "what are you talking about?" Felicity Smoak was born on July 24, 1989, to Donna Smoak and Noah Kuttler in Las Vegas, Nevada. She is kidnapping and murdering celebrity couples, so despite calling off the wedding, Oliver and Felicity … All right, let me give it to you straight. Laurel Lance was introduced in the pilot episode as the ex-girlfriend that Oliver Queen betrayed by sleeping with her sister, whom he took aboard the Queen’s Gambit, where she was presumably killed. Your source for entertainment news, celebrities, celeb news, and celebrity gossip. It’s Felicity that keeps prodding him awake, asking him ridiculous questions about their future, and Oliver sleepily plays along - until one question catches him completely off guard). | #Arrow 5.20 “Underneath” — Official Description OLIVER AND FELICITY ARE TRAPPED — Things get intense when Oliver (Stephen Amell) and Felicity (Emily Bett Rickards) are trapped in the bunker together. The most striking thing about this image is that Felicity, who has been wheelchair bound for the last few weeks after being shot by Dahrk's men, is standing as well indicating that Curtis Holt's (Echo Kellum) wedding-present … Ever since Oliver Queen proposed to Felicity, the Green Arrow has remained dedicated to his bride-to-be. And another thing: Barry and Iris' second wedding did not include the phrase "I do," which might not be such a big deal in a casual setting, but remember the waitress who was most likely Barry and Iris' future daughter? Tags: arrow cw, green arrow, felicity smoak, olicity, oliver and felicity Executive Producer Marc Guggenheim has released a new set photo (via Twitter) that shows Oliver and Felicity standing together at the alter, behind married under a white canopy. A wedding that was one of the most-anticipated events of the year for DC CW-verse fans was ruined by Oliver and Felicity. Rather, she brings down everyone’s mood by getting all maudlin. The A.V. Felicity Megan Smoak, also known by her code name Overwatch, is a fictional character in The CW's Arrowverse franchise. She was raised in the Jewish faith by her mother. I'm literally reliving my sophomore year of high school. Granted, it wasn’t a public proposal (at least at first) so it wasn’t taking focus from the bride and groom, but it’s really, really bad form to use a wedding as a proposal venue. Lindsay MacDonald July 22, 2017, 11:20 a.m. PT That’s not how vows work. Arrow loves a good parallel, so while Oliver and Felicity navigate their post-breakup status, psycho stalker Cupid (a.k.a Carrie Cutter) arrives in … Screw you guys. But I’m gonna give them each a pass, because Kara lives in another dimension, and the Legends can just travel a month back in time and RSVP retroactively.). But let's start with that proposal, which was barely a proposal. It’s a beautiful scene... until it’s ruined by the worst people on the planet. The two of them are also pretty terrible during wedding preparations.