Barnes. Chairman, Committee on Rules 32nd Guam Youth Congress Nov 2018 - Present 2 years 4 months. Ran Care Bldg., CBU 203
: (671) 989-2572 e-mail: Don’t miss your chance to vote, and make it count. e-mail:
Hagatna, Guam 96910
Suite 207 Ada Plaza Center
Please vote #10 on the Democratic side of the ballot. Committee on Rules Chairwoman Tina Rose Muña Barnes has announced the appointment of the following Legislative Management Team. e-mail:
Hagatna, Guam – Members of the 35th Guam Legislature and the Guam Buildup Office took a tour of the Live Fire Training Range Complex today.
: (671) 989-8356
Hagatna, GU 96910
[1] This is the first supermajority Guam Legislature since the 30th Guam Legislature. 309 DNA Bldg. Hafa Adai REALTORS®️, Sometime this week, our 35th Guam Legislature will voting on Bill 1-35 as amended. Guam Congress Building
Piti, Guam – The United States Coast Guard (USCG) – Sector Guam held a briefing for members of the 35th Guam Legislature on Wednesday 01/08/2020. Committee on Higher Education and the Advancement of Women, Youth, and Senior Citizens. Senator Amanda L. Shelton in the 35th Guam Legislature Resolution 332-35 (COR) Relative to posthumously recognizing the late Carmen Kwek Santos for her many and valuable contributions to the Guam Community College and the community of Guam through her tireless commitment to serve and contribute her professional acumen as the Vice President of Finance and Administration at GCC. Chairman, Committee on Rules 32nd Guam Youth Congress. S p e c i a l Th a n k s t o : The Office of the Governor and Lt. Mr. : (671) 989-5445
This legislature is the first to have a female supermajority. Print. Sinajana, GU 96910
e-mail:,, Honorable Kelly Marsh (Taitano), PhD. It would be great to have all of us REALTORS®️ and other small business owners contact the Senators in support of Bill 1-35 as amended. GET DIRECTIONS
On August 25th, I humbly ask for your vote to continue serving as your senator in the 35th Guam Legislature. Chief of Staff, Senator Tina Mu ñ a Barnes.
Senator Therese Terlaje is a Chamorro, born and raised in the village of Yona.
Hagatna, Guam 96910
Committee on General Government Operations, Appropriations, and Housing, Honorable Therese M. Terlaje
Hagatna, Guam 96910
Mr. : (671) 475-4983
238 Archbishop Flores St.
Committee on Health, Tourism, Historic Preservation, Land and Justice, Honorable Clynton E. Ridgell
: (671) 969-1225/6
Senator, 34th Guam Legislature. GET DIRECTIONS
Guam Legislature. 777 Route 4
Ph. . Policy Advisor, Congresswoman Madeleine Bordallo. e-mail:
: (671) 475-6279
Tina Muña Barnes, who served as speaker in the 35th Guam Legislature, will serve as vice speaker in the incoming Legislature. GET DIRECTIONS
e-mail:, Honorable James C. Moylan
Senator, 35th Guam Legislature. Committee on Heritage and the Arts, Parks, Guam Products, Hagatna Revitalization, Self-Determination,and Regional Affairs, Honorable Régine Biscoe Lee
: (671) 472-3586
34-116, we are submitting herewith, the Guam Solid Waste Authority Financial Reports (Unaudited) for May 2019. Ph. Assistant Minority Whip, MVP Center, Unit 102
In the 2018 Guam election, the Democratic Party of Guam won a supermajority. Chairwoman, Democratic Party of Guam. 1962) January 7, 2019 – January 4, 2021 36th … (671) 989-5681/5682
Early voting is happening now! The source of the data displayed below is provided by the Executive Branch on a quarterly basis. Governor Josh Tenorio, the 35th Guam Legislature led by Speaker Tina Rose Muña Barnes, members of the Consular Corps in Guam, leaders of the Filipino Community of Guam, and other contacts on Guam.
Your voice is your vote, your … Reddit. 163 Chalan Santo Papa
e-mail:, Committee on Education, Air Transportation, and Statistics, Research, and Planning, Honorable Amanda L. Shelton
Ph. Branch formerly served as the Executive Director of the 35th. Tamuning, Guam 96931
Polls open from 7am to 8pm. All … Director. The preparation of each of these resolutions normally require at least a full day of research and writing. 238 Archbishop Flores St.
Committee on Environment, Revenue and Taxation, and Procurement, Honorable Telo T. Taitague
Hagåtña, Guam 96910
Legislative Secretary and Majority Whip.
163 Chalan Santo Papa
DNA Building, Suite 906
e-mail:, Honorable Mary Camacho Torres
Vice-Speaker and Majority Leader
Suite 202A Ada Plaza Center
Assistant Majority Leader
e-mail:, Honorable Kelly Marsh (Taitano), PhD. 238 Archbishop Flores St.
Citizen Centric Report 2019; Citizen Centric Report 2018; Citizen Centric Report 2017
The Guam Visitors Bureau (GVB) joined the 35th Guam Legislature for a very exciting Håfa Adai Pledge signing ceremony in the Guam Congress Building Public Hearing Room. 173 Aspinall Avenue,
Speaker Tina Rose Muna Barnes, the oversight chairwoman on the Committee on the Guam Buildup had organized this site visit in response to a request from her colleague, Senator Therese M. Terlaje. BIBA DEMOCRATS, BIBA GUAM! The Guam Legislature is the lawmaking body of the government of Guam, and has been in existence since the passage of the Organic Act of Guam in 1950. 35th Guam legislature announces leadership positions. #PrioritizeOurPeople 194 Hernan Cortes Avenue, 1st Fl. Hagåtña, Guam 96910
Ph. 35th Guam Legislature, Senator Ridgell. : (671) 989-7696
Members of the 35th Guam Legislature signed the Clean Water Guam Initiative Pledge committing to support the non-profit One World, One Step initiative by upholding and promoting the idea of a plastic-free world by addressing personal lifestyle choices. Ph.
Hagatna, Guam 96910
Consul Hamoy made his rounds of virtual farewell calls on Governor Lourdes Aflague Leon Guerrero and Lt. Legislative Secretary and Majority Whip
Governor, The Mayors’ Council of Guam, the 35th Guam Legislature, Government of Guam Departments/Agencies, Military Representatives from the Marine Corps, Navy, Air Force, Coast Guard, Guam National Air & Army Guard. GET DIRECTIONS
Call the Guam Election Commission at 477-9791 to schedule an appointment in-office or curbside voting. "Its 700,000-resident population do not have equal representation in Congress. It always comes back to my mission to rethink, reconnect, and revitalize. Ste. 35th Guam Legislature Vicente was chosen to be “Governor for the Day” after he tied for first at the Department of Youth Affairs’ Oratorical Contest on April 16, 2019. Committee On Rules and Assistant Majority Whip
Speaker Tina Rose Muna Barnes; Sen.-elect Amanda Shelton, legislative secretary; Sen. Telena Nelson, Vice Speaker. Guam Legislature - Public Law Archive. GET DIRECTIONS
Ph. Ste. With your trust, I will continue to prioritize the needs of our island and people. Ph. 35th – as of 1-7-19; Second Quarter; Fourth Quarter; FY2020. 35th Guam Legislature.
Branch also served as Chief Policy Analyst for former. Make a plan to vote early and vote safely. : (671) 472-3455/6
Majority Democrats and Guam Democratic Party pick veteran legislator Tina Muna Barnes as Speaker. Besides Guam, four other organisations will be … Major events that have affected the legislature since then include the change in politics from a one-party system in the beginning (the Popular Party) to the two-party system of today (the Democrats and Republicans), as well as a reduction in the number of senators from twenty-one to fifteen. Guam GOP: No legislation needed to help those who did not qualify for stimulus - PNC News First The 35th Guam Legislature is in session today to discuss a couple of bills introduced by Senator Amanda Shelton, which would use federal monies (namely the CARES Act) to provide hundreds of families who did not qualify for the federal stimulus, a relief aid of $500. First Quarter; Second Quarter; 3rd Quarter as of 4-1-20; 4th Quarter; FY2021. The Speaker of the 35th Guam Legislature, Madam Tina Muña Barnes, introduced today resolution 335-35 supporting statehood for the District of Columbia. Guam Congress Building 163 Chalan Santo Papa Hagatna, Guam 96910 GET DIRECTIONS Ph. The 36th Guam Legislature has eight women and seven men. 807 DNA Bldg
35th Guam Legislature, Senator Ridgell Jan 2019 - Present 2 years 2 months. 173 Aspinall Avenue,
Guam Congress Building
Chairwoman of the Board of Sanctuary, Incorporated of Guam. GET DIRECTIONS
Ph. Jan 2019 – Present 11 months. Office of Finance and Budget
Ph. Guam Congress Building
The following list of Public Laws are currently available in electronic format. The 35th Guam Legislature was the meeting of the Guam Legislature that was convened in Hagatna, Guam on January 7, 2019 and ended on January 3, 2021, during the first and second years of Lou Leon Guerrero's Governorship. Email. GET DIRECTIONS
Hagatna, Guam 96910
Vice Speaker Nelson was first elected to the 34th Guam Legislature in the 2016 general election. The report tool below displays the GovGuam Executive Line Agency Staffing Patterns as of the 2nd Qtr of FY 2015. 35th Guam Legislature 163 Chalan Santo Papa Hagatna, Guam 96910 Dear Speaker Tina Muna-Barnes: JUN 6 In compliance with the Legislative reporting requirement per P.L. The 35th Guam Legislature was joined alongside Guam Visitors Bureau staff and the Håfa Adai Pledge Kids of M.U. Look for change in the 35th Guam Legislature Regardless of the outcome of Tuesday’s election, there will be a lot of new faces at the Guam Legislature in January and the collective level of legislative experience will be much lower. In conclusion, the Legislature asserts that the Islan Guåhan Emergency Health Powers Act is critical policy, consistent with the Organic Act of Guam and requests that the Court reinforce the Legislature’s power granted by the Organic Act to enact law necessary to protect the health, safety, and general well-being of the people of Guam. e-mail:
Minority Leader
Hagatna, GU 96910
Ph. The Speaker of the 35th Guam Legislature, Madam Tina Muña Barnes, will represent Guam in the territory's induction into UNPO today, at the opening plenary of the XV General Assembly of Unrepresented Nations and Peoples Organization. 35th Guam Legislature: Tina Muña Barnes (b. Terlaje Professional Building
Policy and Press Intern If you do not see the Public Law you are looking for within the following lists, please contact the Clerk of the Legislature or call (671) 472-3465 (Updated: March 1, 2017) 33rd Guam Legislature Public Laws. 761 S. Marine Corps Drive
Committee on Economic Development, Agriculture, Maritime Transportation, Power and Energy Utilities, and Emergency Response, Honorable Sabina Flores Perez
Committee on Public Accountability, Human Resources, and the Guam Buildup, Honorable Telena Cruz Nelson
First Quarter; As of 1/4/2021; As of 2/13/2021; As of 2/27/21; Travel Authorizations and Reports; Gov Guam Citizen Centric Reports; Citizen Centric Reports. In 2018, the 35th Guam Legislature made history when a record number of 10 women were voted into office. Veteran lawmaker Sen. Tina Muna Barnes will be the new speaker and Sen. Telena Nelson was tapped as vice speaker. e-mail:
Policy and Press Intern U.S. House of Representatives Jun 2019 - Aug 2019 3 months. e-mail:
His speech, entitled “Diversity Over Division: It Starts With US”, focused on Guam’s diversity as an asset that should be shared globally.
[1],, Creative Commons Attribution-ShareAlike License, This page was last edited on 29 March 2021, at 16:17. Committee on Federal and Foreign Affairs, Telecommunications, Technology, and Labor, Honorable Joe S. San Agustin
January 10, 2020. More. Consultant, Local and Federal government agencies . The Democrat majority announced the new leadership of the 35th Guam Legislature. For the past year, I have worked with my colleagues in the 35th Guam Legislature to rethink the ways we perpetuate CHamoru cultural values, which have kept our people alive and thriving for many generations and for thousands of years. Since January 2019, the 15 members of the 35th Guam Legislature have introduced 281 mostly congratulatory and commendation resolutions that have absolutely nothing to do with the body's lawmaking, budgetary, oversight, or confirmation duties. 163 Chalan Santo Papa
Share. Nov 2018 – Present 1 year 1 month. During the 35th Guam Legislature, she served as the Chairperson for the Committee on Health, Tourism, Historic Preservation, Land and Justice.
Pinterest. : (671) 989-2572
Telena Cruz Nelson is a two-term Democratic senator currently serving as Vice Speaker and Majority Leader of the 35th Guam Legislature. The 35th Guam Legislature was the meeting of the Guam Legislature that was convened in Hagatna, Guam on January 7, 2019 and ended on January 3, 2021, during the first and second years of Lou Leon Guerrero's Governorship. Lujan Elementary School for the special Håfa Adai Pledge Program signing.