The AfD, led locally by controversial party figure Björn Höcke, more than doubled its share of voters since the last state election. Björn Höcke ist Vorsitzender der AfD-Fraktion im Thüringer Landtag und Landessprecher der AfD Thüringen. Along with Andreas Kalbitz, Höcke is the leader of the AfD's far-right "Der Flügel" faction, which the German government's Federal Office for the Protection of the Constitution declared a … Björn Höcke, Auschwitz und die bunte Vogelwelt; Buchempfehlung: Hans-Joachim Maatz: Corona-Angst. Björn Höcke. "This character comes from the west (of Germany) and then uses the east German state (of Thuringia) as a stage for fairly radical and extreme right-wing views," said Klautke. Initially, the AfD campaigned against the euro and bailouts — but that quickly turned into anti-immigrant rhetoric. Some experts have called the AfD's tactic an abuse of history. Thuringia's election comes at a delicate time in German politics, just weeks after a far-right attacker went on a shooting rampage outside a synagogue in the eastern town of Halle. Björn Höcke is Alternative für Deutschland’s lead candidate in Thuringia, which holds state elections on 27 October. Klautke questioned whether the older group was "still sticking to the old left" that in some ways represents the former German Democratic Republic they grew up in. Read more: Open-minded Germans must speak up to counter rightward drift, Ex-press officer Christian Lüth had already faced demotion for past contentious comments before being caught on camera talking to a right-wing YouTube video blogger. 12.261 personen praten hierover. Sometimes he labels the entire African population "propagators," at others he claims that thousands of German youths "experience school as a fearful place, because African thugs mob, terrorize and beat them there. 16 Jahre lang konnte sie mit ihrem ausgeprägten Machterhaltungsinstinkt und geschicktem Taktieren von ihrer Unfähigkeit, eine bedeutende Wirtschaftsnation zu regieren, ablenken. Björn Höcke ist Vorsitzender der AfD-Fraktion im Thüringer Landtag und Landessprecher der AfD Thüringen. Germany's intelligence services treat the group as suspicious, and a court ruling last September found that it is legally acceptable to label Höcke a fascist. 10.270 Personen sprechen darüber. Nadat hij pleitte voor het breken met de Duitse herdenkingscultuur mocht Björn Höcke niet aanwezig zijn bij een Holocaustherdenking in voormalig concentratiekamp Buchenwald. Following the AfD's success in Thuringia, Knobloch warned on. "I think that is part of the success of Die Linke in some respects," he added. 11.495 taler om dette. Björn Höcke ist Vorsitzender der AfD-Fraktion im Thüringer Landtag und Landessprecher der AfD Thüringen. Germany AfD's Björn Höcke: Firebrand of the German far right. Li gvidas la turingian filion de la dekstra partio Alternativo por Germanio.. Vivo. Thousands of unaccompanied minors have sought asylum in Germany, according to the Federal Association for Unaccompanied Minor Refugees (BumF) — the vast majority of them young men. Nearly a... @bjoernhoecke Twitter. Das Bild Björn Höcke von Marco Verch kann unter Creative Commons Lizenz genutzt werden. Acknowledging Germany's responsibility for the crimes of the Nazi era, he went on to say Germany had a "glorious history and one that lasted a lot longer than those damned 12 years. Privacy Policy | But he's right about everything." Meanwhile a beaming Höcke told supporters on Sunday that, "The people of Thuringia have voted for Wende 2.0," Reuters reported. In elections on Sunday, the AfD is set to make another strong showing in eastern Germany. It doesn't matter to me. A number of people vehemently opposed to his presence also came. "What the AfD wants -- a nationalist, inward-looking Germany -- has nothing to do with what the people wanted in 1989," said Kristina Spohr, a historian and the author of "Post Wall, Post Square: Rebuilding the World after 1989.". It is estimated that as many as 40% of AfD party members identify themselves with the movement and Höcke, its leader. He added that this could also explain "anti-Western" voting tendencies in Thuringia, where voters chose more radical political alternatives over more centrist parties. (2017) and Abendshow: Live aus Berlin (2017). Björn Höcke was born on April 1, 1972 in Lünen, North Rhine-Westphalia, Germany. But when Thuringians went to the polls on October 27, he also led his party to historic gains, taking 23% of the vote — making the AfD the state's second most popular party. Rechtse politicus Björn Höcke kijkt plots uit op 24 betonblokken De replica van het Berlijnse Holocaust-monument. He also argued Germany should close its borders and said of an image showing a drowned refugee child: "We can't be blackmailed by children's eyes.". AfD′s Björn Höcke: Firebrand of the German far right Still, for many in his own party, Höcke is a man who is too far to the right of the political spectrum. Post la abiturienta ekzameno trapasita en 1991 li soldatis ĝis 1992. Pastor Vogel was furious that the AfD had chosen his parish church as the backdrop for its campaign event. 73 tusind Synes godt om. But the AfD's nationalist message has struck a chord in the once-Communist east, where support for the party is the strongest in Germany. 5.823 eru að tala um þetta. But Höcke didn't only attract supporters last fall in Bad Langensalza. Two years ago, the party's national executive board sought to have Höcke's membership revoked, but that plan was shot down by a court of arbitration. Er ist einer von zwei Sprechern der AfD Thüringen und seit der Landtagswahl in Thüringen 2014 Fraktionsvorsitzender der AfD im Thüringer Landtag. Björn Höcke ist Vorsitzender der AfD-Fraktion im Thüringer Landtag und Landessprecher der AfD Thüringen. The head of the AfD in the state of Thuringia made headlines for referring to Berlin's Holocaust memorial as a "monument of shame" and calling on the country to stop atoning for its Nazi past. "And we have to defend ourselves against attackers," she said — even if this meant shooting at women and children. On stage in Bad Langensalza, Höcke knows just what to say to get those sitting at beer-drinking tables at the event up on their feet and cheering. Il anc studiat scol-gerentie. 7,508 talking about this. April 1972 in Lünen) ist ein deutscher Politiker (AfD). Die Linke's state premier, Bodo Ramelow, told German broadcaster ARD: "I see myself clearly strengthened. Never, never ever must we allow the demagogy of a Björn Höcke … ", Read more: Germany's far-right AfD aims at a forgotten demographic, Höcke (center) at a demonstration of his far-right AfD party and the anti-immigrant Pegida movement in Chemnitz, Germany in September 2018. The far-right AfD party has doubled its share of votes in state elections in eastern Germany's Thuringia, led by controversial figure Björn Höcke. Home / Berichten getagged “Björn Höcke” Geachte klant, graag wijzen wij u er op dat voor optimaal gebruik van de Blauwe Tijger het best geholpen bent als u een account aanmaakt. The AfD in Thuringia has nominated its firebrand leader, Björn Höcke, to run for state premier. Höcke is undoubtedly the most divisive politician in the country. Björn Höcke ist Vorsitzender der AfD-Fraktion im Thüringer Landtag und Landessprecher der AfD Thüringen. Much of the rise has to do with authorities counting groups affiliated with the far-right AfD for the first time. My party clearly has the mandate to govern, and I will take it up. Communist East German leader Erich Honecker was the last German politician who condoned shooting at the border. It did so by withdrawing its own candidate for state premier at the last minute during a parliamentary vote and instead backing Thomas Kemmerich of the business-friendly Free Democratic Party (FDP). In February 2017, he urged other lawmakers in the state parliament to join measures against the extreme left-wing in order to "get rid of, once and for all, this rank growth on the German racial corpus" — the latter term clearly derived from Nazi terminology. Incumbent Die Linke took top spot with 31% of the vote, a slight increase on the last state election five years ago. The thought may thrill some, but for others it would be a nightmare come true. State lawmakers have agreed to lift the parliamentary immunity of regional leader of the far-right AfD, Björn Höcke. Björn Höcke, Actor: Kalkofes Mattscheibe - Rekalked. Gauland was roundly criticized for a speech he made to the AfD's youth wing in June 2018. Björn Höcke. Erster Landesprecher des Landesverbandes Thüringen der Alternative für Thüringen ist auch in den nächsten zwei Jahren Björn Höcke. Axel Salheiser, a right-wing extremism researcher in the eastern German city of Jena, says the speeches that Höcke and many other AfD politicians deliver are riddled with words and phrases "confusingly similar" to those used by the Nazis. AfD′s Björn Höcke: Firebrand of the German far right Still, for many in his own party, Höcke is a... hoeckebjoernafd (@hoeckebjoernafd) • Twitter. 10.270 Personen sprechen darüber. News AfD's Björn Höcke faces probe for posting photo of murdered woman. Bekanntester Anführer des Flügels ist Björn Höcke. Weidel initially claimed the mail was fake, but now admits its authenticity. "He's not a typical party politician," said Egbert Klautke, a cultural historian at University College London's School of Slavonic and East European Studies. De Duitse journalistenvakbond DJV stelt in een reactie dat Höcke 'de drempel tussen democratie en fascistische fantasieën heeft overschreden'. Björn Höcke ist Vorsitzender der AfD-Fraktion im Thüringer Landtag und Landessprecher der AfD Thüringen. Höcke claimed last year that Germany was "crippled" by its "stupid" politics of remembrance. Photograph: Felipe Trueba/EPA Philip Oltermann in Berlin Lehden mukaan tiedustelupalvelu toteaa raportissa, että ”siipi” vaarantaa voimakkaasti yhteiskuntajärjestyksen. Lizenz-Beispiel und HTML-Code Photo: Björn Höcke by Marco Verch under Creative Commons 2.0 ", Though many gathered in Bad Langensalza would not agree with Höcke's way of presenting his argument, they also don't condemn it. Zeit für einen Song! | Mobile version, the far-right populist Alternative for Germany, Nazi 'bird shit' and the limits of free speech in Germany, Merkel slams 'unforgivable' far-right backed state premier vote, Germany's far-right AfD aims at a forgotten demographic, Open-minded Germans must speak up to counter rightward drift. ", The left-wing party won the most votes in the over-60 age group, while the AfD was the most popular party in Thuringia among all groups under 60, according to German newspaper. Nearly a quarter of voters in Thuringia voted for the far-right AfD last fall. But it was the phenomenal rise of the AfD, which came in second place with 23.4% of the vote, that raised serious concerns, particularly among Jewish leaders, in the wake of a shooting outside a synagogue earlier this month. The German term, "entsorgen," raised obvious parallels to the imprisonment and killings of Jews and prisoners of war under the Nazis. 9,079 talking about this. Was mit unserer Psyche geschieht. Björn Höcke (* 1. dubna 1972 Lünen) je německý učitel a politik za stranu Alternativa pro Německo.. V mládí patřil k Mladým křesťanským demokratům, ale v dubnu 2013 se stal jedním ze zakládajících členů Alternativy pro Německo (AfD).Je jedním ze dvou mluvčích strany v Durynsku a od voleb v roce 2014 také předsedou stranické poslanecké skupiny v durynském parlamentu. We use cookies to improve our service for you. Poste li studis ĝis 1998 en Bonno, Gießen kaj Marburg la fakojn historio kaj sporto por instruadlicenco en gimnazioj. 4,487 talking about this. Although Vogel quietly watches from afar, others scream "out with Höcke," while others simply weep. Björn Höcke, Fraktionsvorsitzender der AfD im Thüringer Landtag, erklärt hierzu: „Die ‚Stabilitätsvereinbarung‘ ist nichts anderes als ein verkappter Koalitionsvertrag. It was unable to bump the left-wing Die Linke from top spot in Sunday's state election -- though without a majority, Die Linke will need to form a coalition to remain in power. Germany, like several countries across Europe, has seen a shift in recent years from centrist groups to more populist parties. 12.41 Uhr: AfD Thüringen wählt Höcke erneut zum Landessprecher. Björn Höcke ist Vorsitzender der AfD-Fraktion im Thüringer Landtag und Landessprecher der AfD Thüringen. Doch statt sich zu distanzieren, hat Parteichef Alexander Gauland nach der Thüringen-Wahl erklärt, Höcke sei in der Mitte der Partei. (CNN)Just two weeks shy of the 30th anniversary of the fall of the Berlin Wall, an election in the east German state of Thuringia has highlighted the deep divisions still gripping the country. Wie wir unsere Freiheit und unsere Werte erhalten. Now the far right has stolen it. Officers must "use firearms if necessary" to "prevent illegal border crossings." Björn Höcke ist ein rechtsextremer deutscher Politiker . Legal notice | Along with Andreas Kalbitz, Höcke is the leader of the AfD's far-right "Der Flügel" faction, which the German government's Federal Office for the Protection of the Constitution declared a … 74K likes. Beeld EPA Wilfred van de Poll 23 november 2017, 13:34. Anti-immigrant former history teacher Höcke has previously called Berlin's Holocaust memorial a. Klautke added, however, that while state elections give the federal government an idea of their standing locally, they don't usually have an immediate impact on the party. Björn Höcke (* 1. Björn Höcke (gebore 1 April 1972) is 'n Duitse politikus en lid van die politieke party Alternative für Deutschland (AfD).. Uitbeelding. Höcke is in Lünen in Wesfale gebore. Nearly a quarter of voters in Thuringia voted for the far-right AfD last fall. Björn Höcke, Fraktionsvorsitzender der AfD im Thüringer Landtag, erklärt hierzu: „Die deutsche Sprache ist als das primäre Mittel zur Verständigung der Deutschen zugleich das Medium unserer kollektiven und individuellen kulturellen Selbstverständigung. Still, for many in his own party, Höcke is a man who is too far to the right of the political spectrum. (16.12.2019), Björn Höcke will be allowed to remain a member of the Alternative for Germany (AfD) party, an arbitration tribunal has ruled. It is not hard to imagine why, Höcke has called for a "180-degree turnaround" in the way Germany looks at its past, and he regularly uses expressions like "degenerate" or "total victory" in his speeches — despite the fact that as a former history teacher he knows full well which dark chapter of German history he is conjuring up. "We can always shoot them later, that's not an issue. Alles wie gehabt oder Zeitenwende? Björn Höcke es un politico de Germania.Il nascet li 1-im de april 1972 in Lünen e co-presidente del fraction del partise Alternative por Germania in li parlament del país federal Thuringia.Höcke es anc un del parlatores del partise Alternative por Germania in Thuringia.. Björn Höcke studiat sport e historie por devenir un instructor. Posted on 26 augustus 2019 by Wolter Berends As in many other eastern German states, Thuringia's AfD is dominated by an extreme-right contingent known as "The Wing." Kort na sy geboorte trek die gesin na Neuwied in Rynland-Palts, en later na die naburige Anhausen.Van sy grootouers was etniese Duitsers wat uit Oos-Pruise verdryf is. Björn Höcke ist Vorsitzender der AfD-Fraktion im Thüringer Landtag und Landessprecher der AfD Thüringen. De populaire maar radicaal-rechtse AfD'er Björn Höcke heeft met dreigende woorden een televisie-interview afgebroken. Alice Weidel generally plays the role of "voice of reason" for the far-right populists, but she, too, is hardly immune to verbal miscues. Er ist einer von zwei Sprechern der AfD Thüringen und seit der Landtagswahl in Thüringen 2014 Fraktionsvorsitzender der AfD im Thüringer Landtag.