We use text mining and analysis tools to extract information from online data, including traditional or social media, or from large public or proprietary document sets. But does this mark the start of a robust recovery, or is it, in the language of the markets, a ‘dead cat bounce’? Founded in Brussels in 1983, CEPS is a leading think tank and forum for debate on EU affairs, with an exceptionally strong in-house research capacity and an extensive network of partner institutes throughout the world. Immigration has fallen in … CEPS Policy Briefs are published to provide concise policy-oriented analysis of contemporary issues in EU affairs. Vesco Paskalev. The Centre for Analysis and Planning (CAP) was established in 1998. Founded in Brussels in 1983, CEPS is a leading think tank and forum for debate on EU affairs, with an exceptionally strong in-house research capacity and an extensive network of partner institutes throughout the world. European Union project management, research, and advocacy. The Center for European Policy Analysis (CEPA), is a central spook/deep state think-tank in Washington, as can be seen by their staff and advisory board. CeMPA is a world-leading centre for research on distributional analysis and microsimulation in the social sciences A university-recognised research centre home to the Jean Monnet Centre of Excellence. This proportion doubled between 1995 and late 2013: from 8% to 16%. The assessment is carried out by Joint Research Centre, European Environment Agency, DG Environment, and the European Topic Centres on Biological Diversity and on Urban, Land and Soil Systems. Brussels calling, legal empathy and the trade-regulation nexus, Towards a resilient and sustainable post-pandemic recovery. SCER is pleased to announce five publications on its launch day – all available on its website: www.scer.scot SCER’s first policy note – The European Union at 60: Strategic Renewal or Adrift Amidst Multiple Crises?– is by SCER director Dr Kirsty Hughes. Home of Microsimulation. We use cookies to improve our online services. CEPS organises various types of events for its members and the public. "CEPA believes that the strategic theater encompassing the region between Berlin to Moscow, and from the Barents Sea to the Black Sea, represents an area vital of strategic interest to the United States." European Strategy and Policy Analysis System (ESPAS) - Centre for European Reform Europe’s economy is finally showing tentative signs of stabilising. Legal Framework - Mission. Centre for Educational Policy Analysis. ... ORBIS is powered by ESPAS, the European Strategy and Policy Analysis System, a unique inter-institutional project aimed at strengthening the EU's efforts in the crucial area of forward planning. This Policy Brief is also Knowledge for policy Knowledge Centre for Territorial Policies We support EU policymaking through better knowledge management on territorial (urban and regional) related issues. Please let us know all the ways you would like to hear from us: Email (4) We know the ins and outs of the African and European policy landscape. Centre for European Policy Studies Page contents. Browse through the latest publications on the right or click to view all our publications. Our work involves many issues relating to Europe and foreign policy, and our programmes focus on Africa, Asia, the Middle East and North Africa, and Wider Europe. The depth, scope and structure of a political economy analysis need to be adapted to the purpose(s) for which it is undertaken. Although, as EU founding members, Luxembourg and Ireland also . Central and Eastern Europe, once a frontier of China’s influence in the West, has begun to turn a cold shoulder to expansionism. ESPAS brings together the European Commission, the European Parliament, the Secretariat General of the Council of the European Union and the European External Action Service to strengthen the Union's … Established in 2006 under the umbrella of the Stiftung Ordnungspolitik foundation, the cep is based in Freiburg. The challenges facing Europe have never been so great … nor the stakes so high. What to do when a sudden event happens, facts are lacking and disinformation starts to spread? 10.2760/757183 (online) - This report presents an ecosystem assessment covering the total land area of the EU as well as the EU marine regions. It will focus on pan-EU issues as well as having a particular focus on Scotland’s EU interests and policies. She argues that the EU is struggling to overcome its major current challenges due to lack of leadership, lack of solidarity and weak policy formation. about the relevance of adopting a particular public policy. doi: 10.18278/epa.2.2.3 . European University Institute. 8 and 11 on WJLA 24/7 News, APPLY NOW – The 2021 Denton Fellowship is designed to support a network of next-generation leaders from Central and Eastern Europe and foster collaboration between the region and the United States. European Strategy and Policy Analysis System (ESPAS) - Centre for European Reform Europe’s economy is finally showing tentative signs of stabilising. The EPC has a solid, international team of analysts and support staff based in Brussels led by the Chief Executive Fabian Zuleeg, assisted by the Management Team. Das Center for European Policy Analysis (CEPA) mit Büros in Washington, D.C. und Warschau ist eine überparteiliche, gemeinnützige US-amerikanische Denkfabrik, die sich seit 2006 mit der politischen, ökonomischen und sozialen Situation der Länder Mittel- und … Berggasse 17 1090 Vienna Austria Contact: Phone +43 1 319 45 05-0 E-mail: ec@euro.centre.org. health services and system analysis, and; public health. Centre for European Policy Studies (CEPS) Rainer Baubock. The Centre for European Policy is a German think tank whose task it is to evaluate the European Union's draft laws and legislation on the basis of ordoliberal free market criteria. It is headed by Lüder Gerken, chairman of the executive board of the Stiftung Ordnungspolitik and the Friedrich-August-von-Hayek Foundation. Please let us know all the ways you would like to hear from us: Email It will develop…. According to the amendment of Article 13 of the Statute of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs [Law 3566/2007 (Official Gazette A΄ 117)] by Law 4451/13-2-2017 (Official Gazette A΄ 16) and the concomitant Ministerial Decree dated 26-6-2017, the CAP is an … The analysis has therefore only been carried out in relation to Belgium, France, Germany, Italy, the Netherlands, Portugal and Spain. Knowledge for policy Competence Centre on Text Mining and Analysis We use text mining and analysis tools to extract information from online data, including traditional or social media, or from large public or proprietary document sets. At a time when the aviation industry is searching for up-to-the-minute market intelligence, news, trend analysis and thought leadership, CAPA - Centre for Aviation delivers a virtual “Summit” on the second Wednesday of each month, jam-packed with information, data and live interviews. ECDPM-European Centre for Development Policy Management. The Center for European Policy Analysis (CEPA) is a non-profit, non-partisan public policy research institute dedicated to the study of Central Europe. Commentary and Analysis [remove] 2; Policy Brief 1; Publishing Institution. Bricolage or Entrepreneurship? Can responsible investing encourage retail investors to invest in equities? Close, Better Regulation and Industrial Competitiveness, Circular Economy, Climate and the Environment, Global Governance, Sustainable Development and Smart Cities, Innovation, Digital economy and Cyber-security, European Credit Research Institute (ECRI), European Capital Markets Institute (ECMI). Lessons from the Creation of the European Centre for Disease Prevention and Control [43] Thibaud Deruelle . Home Centre for European Policy Analysis CEPA Centre for European Policy Analysis CEPA. Given this context, the analysis of public policies proves useful, particularly in the following situations: 1) Before the decision to adopt a public policy is made There are several possible scenarios: • You must . Subsequently, we conducted a comparative analysis with the following key findings: ... EUROPEAN CENTRE FOR SOCIAL WELFARE POLICY AND RESEARCH. About Us. Knowledge for policy. Ministry of tourism 1, Saborna St., Sofia 1000, Bulgaria UIC: 176789478 VAT: BG176789478. Legal Framework - Mission. Our core skills at the unit are comprised of: Given this context, the analysis of public policies proves useful, particularly in the following situations: 1) Before the decision to adopt a public policy is made There are several possible scenarios: • You must . Hayek Foundation (Slovakia) Fabian Society (UK) Finnish Business and Policy Forum Eva (Finland) Place du Congrès 1, 1000 Brussels They carry out research and analysis, organise expert meetings and events with the main stakeholders concerned with EU and global affairs and produce policy analysis online and in print. COMMENTARY NATO-backed group admits it doesn’t care about Orban’s disregard for ‘Western values’ so long as Hungary helps oppose Russia May 5, 2020 0. A selection of some of our latest videos. Immigration has fallen in … European Policy Centre (EU) European Policy Forum (UK) European Stability Institute (Germany) European Trade Union Institute (Belgium) European Values (Czech Republic) Europeum Institute for European Policy (Czech Republic) F.A. Center for European Policy Analysis (CEPA), Washington D. C. 9.1K likes. A Review of Applications of the Advocacy Coalition Framework in Swedish Policy Processes [18] Daniel Nohrstedt, Kristin Olofsson. You can find more on our youtube channel. Through our project exchanges and collaborative Task Force work, we share our research and policy analysis and offer potential solutions for EU policymaking. The EU’s new agenda for the Mediterranean: Will it make a difference? CEPS produces research papers and reports on current and upcoming policy challenges. See all articles by Centre for European Policy Studies Centre for European Policy Studies. The “In-Work poverty in Europe 2019” report, produced by the European Social Policy Network, showed that since 2012, in-work poverty continues to increase in many European countries: In 2017, 9.4% of all employed people in the EU were at risk of poverty. On selling sovereigns held by the ECB to the ESM, I have read and agree to the terms & conditions. Press centre; News & Events. "CEPA believes that the strategic theater encompassing the region between Berlin to Moscow, and from the Barents Sea to the Black Sea, represents an area vital of strategic interest to the United States." and how these may resonate with policy makers. Institute for National Security Studies (INSS) 12; Centre for European Security Studies 10; Razumkov Centre 10; Africa Center for Strategic Studies 9; Foreign Policy In Focus 9; LSE IDEAS 9; More . Back
That is why we look beyond policy statements and analyse what drives or prevents change. Finalising the construction of the Nord Stream 2 pipeline has become a hotly contested issue that has put all sides…, Anti-regime protests in Belarus and the poisoning of Alexey Navalny have brought EU-Russia relations to their lowest point since the…, The honest answer is, very little. China’s Failures in CEE Open the Door for the U.S. The analysis has been prepared by the Centre for Economics and Business Research (Cebr) in order to provide the European Physical Society with an assessment of the importance of physics to the economies of Europe. The overall aim of…, Better Agri-food Trade Modelling for policy Analysis, Economy-wide assessments of regional trade agreements often fall short of capturing the complexity of agri-food…, The Future of European Social Citizenship, The EU-funded EUSOCIALCIT project will review policies to boost European social citizenship. Policy analysis ; Innovation & R&D . CENTRE FOR ANALYSIS & PLANNING (CAP) 1. CEP POLICY ANALYSIS Immigration, the European Union and the UK Labour Market There are now over six million working age adults in the UK who were born abroad. doi: 10.18278/epa.2.2.4 . Coal region development opportunities under EU Recovery programmes, Institutional and economic policy implications. The focus of this report is the 27 countries of the European Union (EU27), together with Norway ORBIS is powered by ESPAS, the European Strategy and Policy Analysis System, a unique inter-institutional project aimed at strengthening the EU's efforts in the crucial area of forward planning. We use cookies to improve our online services. inform a decision maker. All our experts Newsroom To this end Europeans need to stop tying their engagement to an impossible outcome and waiting on others to shape Syria developments on their behalf. That means looking at all political constraints and incentives. Although, as EU founding members, Luxembourg and Ireland also . COVID-19 Time-varying Reproduction Numbers Worldwide: An Empirical Analysis of Mandatory and Voluntary Social Distancing Alexander Chudik, M Hashem Pesaran, Alessandro Rebucci. 1 Speech by Mario Draghi, President of the European Central Bank, at … Who We Are. Centre for Microsimulation and Policy Analysis. phone: +359 2 904 6809 But does this mark the start of a robust recovery, or is it, in the language of the markets, a ‘dead cat bounce’? The Wider Europe has now become a prominent feature in European foreign policy ... Centre for European Policy Studies (CEPS), Brussels. Thinking ahead for Europe. Our unit is composed of researchers and policy analysts from several backgrounds (e.g. EU-Japan Regional Cooperation Helpdesk; Space.Japan; High Tech Cluster Support; Scientific Internships (Vulcanus) Technology Transfer between EU and Japan; Case Studies: EU-Japan Industrial Cooperation for Decarbonization; News; Events; Library; Japan Business Info; Support for SMEs The European Centre for Economic and Policy Analysis and Affairs ( ECEPAA) is a Belgian non-profit organization specialized in the fields of research, education, youth, migration, entrepreneurship, culture and social inclusion. edoc@tourism.government.bg. To reject non-necessary cookies, go to ‘Cookie settings’, close the window and click ‘Accept’. | ECEPAA is an independent non-profit organisation founded on the idea that research-based policy-making is vital for European societies. CEPA stands for Centre for European Policy Analysis (also Canadian Energy Pipeline Association and 155 more) What can the ECB achieve in a lockdown recession? Centre director: Péter Radó The mission of the Centre for Educational Policy Analysis (CEPA) is to support the actors (government agencies, self-governments and stakeholder groups) of educational policy-making, as well as the discourse on outstanding policy … 19h. CEP POLICY ANALYSIS Immigration, the European Union and the UK Labour Market There are now over six million working age adults in the UK who were born abroad. We use cookies to optimise your user experience and to analyse site usage. Congratulations to CISA professor, Dr. Andrew Novo, on the publication of his article, "The Eastern Mediterranean--Time for the U.S. to Get Serious" by the Center for European Policy Analysis (@cepa). ESPAS website (European Strategy and Policy Analysis System): Analysis of Global Trends Library Established in 1953, the library operates in Brussels, Luxembourg and Strasbourg, providing Parliament with newspapers, journals, books and e-books, a comparative law library and a historical library. https://foreignpolicy.com/2021/04/06/us-china-ideology-communism-capitalism/, 1275 Pennsylvania Ave NW | Suite 400 | Washington, DC 20004 | Phone: 202.551.9200©2020 by the Center for European Policy Analysis, All Rights Reserved, The Algorithm Black Box: A Transatlantic Approach. phone: +359 2 904 6809 Whether policy change is good, bad or absent usually depends on a number of factors and people. By clicking ‘Accept’, you consent to the use of all cookies. Founded in Brussels in 1983, CEPS is a leading think tank and forum for debate on EU affairs, with an exceptionally strong in-house research capacity and an extensive … The last two years were not easy for Boyko Borisov, Bulgaria’s long-serving prime minister. Submit
Knowledge for policy Knowledge Centre for Territorial Policies We support EU policymaking through better knowledge management on territorial (urban and regional) related issues. Ministry of tourism 1, Saborna St., Sofia 1000, Bulgaria UIC: 176789478 VAT: BG176789478. ESPAS website (European Strategy and Policy Analysis System): Analysis of Global Trends Library Established in 1953, the library operates in Brussels, Luxembourg and Strasbourg, providing Parliament with newspapers, journals, books and e-books, a comparative law library and a historical library.