Yes, that cookie is one of the best in the entire niche. But many of their courses cost at least $200. Our Sonic Meditation affiliate program offers a win to everyone involved. You can even download their audio products in MP3 format, so you can take them around with you on your smartphone or tablet. And everyone benefits when you promote this affiliate program. the product and conversion rates are the most important part of an affiliate program. Commission rate: 15%. The good news is that it is still a very good commission to start out with and if you can get the scaling commission up to its max it becomes one of the best for the entire niche. Each item is made either from organic or recycled materials, including cotton, hemp, soda bottles, flaxseed, and kapok. Take your earnings to a higher plane of existence. Firstly because effectively monetizing your affiliate website means being able to test multiple affiliate offers with the same audience, including digital products. 40 0. Meditation cushions and other accessories is another great niche idea. These include topics such as unifying desire, approaching work and relationships with loving detachment, and developing a strong spiritual schedule. Better Listen was first set up in 2013, so they’re a relative newcomer to the industry. Products listed on Clickbank can be a tough sell sometimes but their commissions more than make up for the extra time needed for promotion. They also have some courses on the subjects, but the books and e-books are the highlights of this partner program. But they’d be missing a trick here because meditation practitioners who use essential oils tend to buy them in bulk. Promote Buddha Groove if you want to, but don’t say we didn’t warn you. 2; SHOP; Relaxing Music – Affiliate Program. So this program fits neatly within this niche. The commission and cookie really put this affiliate over the top. This isn’t just some random online training course either – they only accept students every 4 – 6 months. The good news for you affiliate marketers is that they pay 14% commission on every sale referred through text links or banners on your website. There’s nothing to buy and lots to learn. 75%. Better Listen offers a wide variety of self-help and meditative audio products for you to promote on your meditation blog or website. Your visitors are going to buy candles somewhere, so they might as well buy this element of their meditation supplies through your website. There's also Amazon and Offervault to look into for spiritual affiliate programs. It is important to be sure that this is something your audience will want to use before really making a huge promotional push. The tracking cookie information was not available, but typically Clickbank products have a decent cookie duration. They offer full 90-day tracking cookie giving you plenty of time to make your sales and receive commissions for them. I think that probably applies here, but as mentioned be sure to check on it after you are accepted. Search meditation affiliate programs and meditation affiliate offers using our meditation CPA offers search engine. Yup, I'm a bit of a mixed bag, but it all works...somehow. That’s about as much of the swag as you’re going to find that but really the main focus should be on the course has to begin with. I think it simply reflects how undervalued the tracking cookie can sometimes be with both affiliate marketers and the programs themselves. Through the Teal Swan affiliate program, your patrons can access self-help guidance and meditation created by a best-selling author. So, getting down to dollars and cents – do they offer high commissions on product sales? Make sure you accurately gauge your reader’s tolerance for the Seven Minute Mindfulness to be sure it won’t hurt your credibility if it is not well received. Some of the books are $10 others range all the way up to about 300 for an entire course type of product. Being Your Own Boss. I’m glad that I can now find great meditation affiliate programs that can not only make me money, but also get me into a a ‘zane’ mood. His book, “The Soul Solution”, is dedicated to the idea of using self-guided meditation to transform your life. Affiliate Disclosure. I had no idea that there would be so many meditation affiliate programs out there and some of them sound absolutely amazing. This is the highest on the list and one of the highest in the entire meditation niche. We offer an exciting affiliate plan with huge commissions. But they also sell a pretty complete range of meditation essentials, including cushions, smudge sticks, incense, Malas (prayer beads), singing bowls, prayer flags, and altar accessories. A 747 could land on your lawn and you wouldn’t notice because your mind is fully engaged with something else. So I’ve included a couple of ClickBank products for the meditation Niche on this list. Meditation and the idea of “finding yourself” have become incredibly popular in Western countries over the last decade or two. Thanks for the compliment I am glad you liked the article. Based on their average order value you can expect to earn around $12 per affiliate transaction. So 25 courses @ $149 x 40% = $1,490 in affiliate marketing commission. These types of mindfulness and attraction affiliate programs can be pretty good earners for you but they do come with a lot of baggage. We have over 400+ different health related courses to promote. Mindfulness and Meditation Affiliate Program. They produce sight and sound meditation glasses and systems that help the user get to their place of zen that much faster. We thought this one might be of interest to people who want to start their own meditation “business”. Now, 10% of a book costing $15 isn’t going to set your world on fire. You will most likely receive a commission on the upsells as well but they are a major turn off for a lot of people. Audio meditation does it for me any time and I believe that many listeners will appreciate this. There were far more than just the 10 I put on the list but I felt these were the best and most diverse selection I could come up with. You can attract strange looks for not meditating or doing yoga at least a few times a week. They give you the lead magnet, landing page, and sales page. Which typically means promoting a variety of relevant products to the same audience. How To Write A Product Review That Sells Without Making Your Site Look Cheesy (Template & Examples You Can Follow), How To Make Money Blogging in 2021: What Beginners Should Know Before Getting Started, [Case Study] How We Sold An 18-Month-Old Site For Mid 6 Figures (And The Exact Tactics We Used To Grow It This Fast), 21 Real Life Examples of Successful Affiliate Marketing Websites in 2021, How to Monetize a Blog: 37 Practical Tactics You Can Use Today, How To Build An Amazon Affiliate Website (Step by Step Walkthrough + WordPress Template Download). The products are very good very popular online courses. Affiliates are paid commissions for each referral they send. They have many in-person courses called ziveLive. But his store also sells a number of online courses ideal for anyone on the journey to self-enlightenment. The commission is outstanding and even though the cookie isn’t available I can’t imagine it would be something that would really cause affiliate program to nosedive. You need to be absolutely sure that the product is high-quality and above board. Her online store contains a wide range of guided meditations that you can purchase individually or as a bundle. Our reasoning behind that is because this company is about more than Yoga training and classes. Welcome to the Meditation Teacher’s Training Affiliate Program. There’s good news and bad news when it comes to this affiliate program. Guide your clients’ meditation habits by setting goals and keeping them accountable. URL: Brooklyn Candle Studio affiliate program. And, all our guides are up-to-date, informative, and include the most useful information on meditation. They have a huge selection of products for a wide array of prices. So why should you promote this affiliate partner? First is the cookie which is the industry standard. Ziva’s affiliate program is comprised of zivaONLINE, our flagship meditation training, and zivaKIDS, the world’s most fun and effective meditation training for kids. about us. But their meditation category is made up of over 200 different products, covering methods and practices from Buddhist to Kabbalist systems. When these ClickBank affiliate programs do convert they are outstanding to use. A good tracker, but nothing special. One last thing to mention about this affiliate program and its products is that there’s a very wide price range for their offerings. At 50% it is hard to beat the appeal of this product. Authority Hacker® is a trademark of Judgement Media Ltd. Hey, I'm Niall, a member of the Authority Hacker writing team. They do have a somewhat limited range of products though, so you’ll really need to pre-sell the “organic” and “recycled materials” angle. So they take what they do very seriously. Their meditation category includes cushions, mats, bolsters, and even meditation benches. Affiliate program provides, allows for additional income with Carolina Morning links, referrals, purchases, discounts, meditation cushions, pillows, eco furniture 888-267-5366 Facebook But it fills in wonderfully as a secondary program whenever you have the opportunity to promote a meditation book or similar product. Are you building a mediation/mindfulness blog and looking to monetize? She managed to fight through those issues and now helps people around the world with their own problems. Now it is your turn to get started building your own Authority Website. Another reason for saying it’s best viewed as one of those bolt-on affiliate programs is because you only make around $2.60 in affiliate commission per average sale. The Spiritual Affiliate Programs. It means that as an affiliate marketer you need to keep things in perspective. But I did find another candle program for you to promote on another affiliate network – more on that later. Your visitors will also find a full range of other meditation accessories there, including mats, sweatshirts, comforters, pillows, etc. Breathing techniques are taught as part of most forms of meditation, but maybe your visitors want to try alternative methods? Which is what affiliate marketing is all about. They also offer a 14-day meditation program that is suitable for both experienced and new practitioners and is very reasonably priced. The products are good and pretty plentiful. Many of your readers will be familiar with here story of self-doubt and depression. You may have to be a little bit clever in your promotion to really fit this into a straight mediation niche website but it is certainly doable. Therefore, your promotions should start with information posts on exactly what these glasses are and how they work and then you can move onto the promotion and selling of the products. Another excellent partner program to consider for your meditation blog. Become an 8MMSR Affiliate Get started promoting 8 Minute Meditation and start earning 70 percent commissions, simply insert 8MMSR into your Clickbank Hoplinks along with your own ID. They also sell ‘Discovery Kits’ which is a selection of small candles to see which ones your visitors might most like. For starters, we typically don’t feature ClickBank products with a ‘Gravity’ score of less than 20, but we made an exception here. And with 11% growth expected for the foreseeable future. I was surprised at the number of meditation affiliates as well when I went to do my research for the article. Overall this is a decent affiliate program and the only drawback is the number of products is fairly limited. Each of the meditation programs we’ve covered so far focuses on the practice of meditation. They manufacture and sell a range of environmentally friendly health and wellness products. When you’re focused but calm and anything seems possible. I've been using this system for a few years now and they didn't used to have an affiliate program, I'm pleased to see they've now started one! ‘Sounds True Affiliate Program’ is my favorite of these. Truly a wonderful opportunity!” Adam, Alameda, California With that said, their ‘Network Earnings’ score indicates their affiliate landing pages do a pretty good job of converting traffic, as does their EPC. Meditation in any form is therapeutic. Help heal your community while adding additional monthly curriculum and income. I think it’s pretty obvious. But parents that are into meditation are probably going to enjoy a lot of the products offered by Generation Mindful. Which, most of the time, they absolutely are. This website is a participant in the Amazon Services LLC Associates Program, an affiliate advertising program designed to provide a means for sites to earn advertising fees by advertising and linking to These candles are that little bit different because they’re hand-poured from soy wax and use essential oils for their scents. Joining: is free, and only takes three minutes (details at the bottom). This meditation affiliate program pays 12% commission on all sales referred through an affiliate link. Sounds True offers guided meditation courses, books, music, and spoken word audio. Some of the best commissions and tracking cookies, as well as fantastic products, await you in the partner programs. People who practice meditation tend to want to have nice stuff in their meditation space to show off to their friends. The practice of meditation has been around longer than most organized religions. It is not just retail stores like Buhhda Grove, the meditation industry as a whole is over a billion-dollar industry (source) at this point. This is why the meditation niche in the US alone will be worth at least US$2 billion within the next 24 months. Plant Therapy, on the other hand, only supply 100% pure USDA-certified organic essential oils. A $150 flat fee is also available for retreat referrals. The Manduka brand is proof that a simple idea can turn into a million-dollar business almost overnight. As an affiliate you can earn 40% recurring commissions on initial sales and all further subscription renewals. Personal Information First Name * Last Name * Phone Number * Email * Mailing Information Street Address 1 * Street Address 2 City * State * Postal Code * Country * Please select oneAfghanistanÅland IslandsAlbaniaAlgeriaAmerican… This article may contain *affiliate links. They have hundreds of different products ranging from books on how to meditate to living your life with peace and love in your heart. The reason for this is not everybody can get to the live events that are in Los Angeles and New York City. Another huge commission for a digital product. Thank you for your interest in sharing meditation. Would love to join the Sounds True, Amy Pattee, and MindPlace affiliate programs. And the affiliate terms were outstanding as well, I’d have to double-check but I don’t think there was one under a 10% commission. Better Listen offers up a robust 20% commission for their affiliate partners. EPC: $194. And then stay in it for as long as you need to using their meditation training systems. Spend a little time familiarizing yourself with your Clickbank and E-Junkie affiliate accounts.Read through each aspect to get a good understanding of the process. Partner with us by joining our Affiliate Program for our virtual Live Stream Sound Bath events. They also offer a 10 year cookie life and two payments per month. This website uses cookies to improve your experience. As we stated above, her courses cost $149 each. Typically on this network, you were going to find very high commissions on other digital products. Johnson runs a highly successful gym equipment affiliate program and can help you to earn excellent commissions. Because it can be difficult to meditate if you’re uncomfortable or if your meditation space isn’t set up properly. This gives you an opportunity to promote items that parents can buy for their kids and really create content that is going to be extremely helpful for the parents. They have a wonderful selection of just about anything you would need for yourself or a meditation practitioner in your life. To help you get started, we put together a free video training that will give you all the tools and tactics you will need to get started even if you don’t have any prior experience. In fact, the meditation niche is exploding with apps like Headspace leading the way. We even offer a 2-hour, 100% free web class on the basics of getting your first affiliate marketing website up and running. But if your visitors need something a little more personal, then they can refer to her online courses on achieving self-love, and similar topics. Thank you, this was genuninely very interesting. What are they? Bean products manufactures eco-friendly meditation supplies … They also have a vast collection of zen terrariums and accents as well as quite a good-sized selection of oils, teas, candles, and incense. Launching February 15, 2020 @ 9:00 AM EST. All you need to do is promote their program. This family-owned business has served fans of the esoteric and spiritual lifestyles since 1969. There’s nothing not to like. Ziva has a wide range of courses and training seminars in guided stress-free meditation. So a handful of books and a single online course could easily net you $30 in affiliate marketing commissions. Great to see this type of commission. But they’ve carved out a very specific niche for themselves –audio and video courses on everything spiritual. Generation Mindful’s products are focused more on young people and children. Which is why your visitors might enjoy... Mindplace. Just when you thought the commissions couldn’t get any better sounds true affiliate program comes in with an unbelievable 35% Commission on all qualifying sales for the affiliate partners. Basically, the average person is going to spend several hundred dollars on cushions, Malas, incense, etc. Some of the books don’t fall into the mediation category but you will find more than enough to justify these partner programs included in this list. Thank you for your interest in promoting The Beginners Guide To Meditation! For More Information, Please Refer To Our Affiliate Disclosure. 13 Creative Ways To Come Up With Blog Post Ideas So You Never Wonder What To Blog About Next! They don’t care what the commission is. Well here it is – Brooklyn Candle Studio. And people who meditate just love the types of essential oils sold by Plant Therapy. They offer a generous 35% commission rate. Basically, the cheaper products you’ll find online have been diluted with harsh chemicals. The bad news is for the consumer because their cheapest system costs $259. Please click here to sign up at Digistore24 Here you can easily generate your personal promo links to single pages and earn commissions Link to the SHOP site with all products listed: SUBCONSCIOUS HEALING: Banner 300 x 300 pixels: And the products are ideally suited for meditation blog. As they do with most meditation supplies. That being said, when you combine the products and the terms you will be very satisfied with the results of this partner program, I think. Because we want you to make the most money from your efforts as an affiliate. Thanks for stopping by and, as always, have a wonderful day. Various depictions of “the future” typically show people wearing some kind of goggles or headset. You’ll earn 7% in affiliate commission for each sale you refer to this meditation affiliate program. When you join, you will get a lead magnet, lead capture page, … If you can find a balance for these 2 concepts then you have a perfect affiliate program but more often than not you are going to have to make a compromise somewhere along the way, especially with high commission digital products. The first time I was taught meditation it involved using a candle and focusing my attention on the flame instead of just keeping my eyes closed. There are no complicated forms to fill out. The variety of products in low but that is because they are so focused on a couple of areas. There’s lots to choose from, but we’ve separated the wheat from the chaff. Teal Swan offers guided meditations, online courses, tarot, workshops, and much more. Affiliates get paid 7.5% commission on every sale they make. Good but not great. Sonic Meditation Affiliate Program The Sonic Meditation is a product from Listening To Smile (company/organization) that offers frequently minded music based on science that helps people meditate easily and help them get rid of all the stress, negative vibrations, and instability in life. I am not a huge fan of scaling commissions because it can get a bit confusing especially if you don’t know exactly where you stand on any given product. Just be sure you know what you earned for each product you promote and you will be fine. When you add in the commission and the tracking cookie you have a real gem of an affiliate program here. Next up is the rating for this affiliate program. Well, this is what Convert Commission offers you. We look forward to partnering with you. like you might have , it because o there cookies duration and high commission, plus an added advantage their products variation and uniqueness. From an outsider’s perspective, the product looks fine, the information could be useful to many people and you should be able to promote it worry-free. Buddha Groove is an online retailer that specializes in all manner of meditation-related products. .Let us see if the affiliate terms can live up to their great product selection. Their products are attractive to a large audience, but when they cost $5 – $12 you’ll struggle to make a lot of money with this affiliate program alone. Some of these audiobooks can p[robably be found at Amazon, but you will get nowhere near the 20% commission offered by this outstanding option as one of your affiliate partners for your meditation website. Don't forget to visit my Clickbank Spotlight page for more news and updates. You have the first three covered, so let me help you with the last one. Meditation affiliate programs allow individuals to promote these programs and their mediation related products and services in return for a commission.