Inspector Clouseau tries to get into the castle. With David Niven, Peter Sellers, Robert Wagner, Capucine. Inspektor Clouseau, der „beste“ Mann bei Interpol ist die fünfte Folge der Pink-Panther-Reihe aus dem Jahr 1976 und die vierte unter der Regie von Blake Edwards. empfohlen von Vega-Driver. Before Inspector Gadget, we had the indomitable Inspector Jacques Clouseau, played by the legendary Peter Sellers. His intention is to give a diversion to the press, while he uses his best men to chase the killer and thief. Access Google Drive with a free Google account (for personal use) or Google Workspace account (for business use). When new updates appear, they're downloaded from inside the Driver Booster program, so you can avoid having to get them manually from each manufacturer's website. Clouseau informally interrogates the head of the house, Benjamin Balon, who is hip to Clouseau's incompetence, and takes full advantage to throw him off track. Der ehemalige Chefinspektor Dreyfus steht kurz vor seiner Entlassung aus der Nervenheilanstalt. Inspector Clouseau. From the word "Go," Clouseau must contend with a taxi driver who takes things far too literally, as well as an unhelpful local, and a truly notorious revolving door! It is also the first Pink Panther film to be released since Son of the Pink Panther released in 1993. You know, artistic integrity and all that (until they needed a hit and/or money). Must Have Bumbling Through Sumatra (Bumbling Traveller Adventure Series) Full Ebook . Saved from His intention is to give a diversion to the press, while he uses his best men to chase the killer and thief. In order to further spy on Lady Lytton in The Return Of The Pink Panther, Inspector Clouseau goes undercover as a Gstaad cleaning serviceman, with his recruited bellboy in tow. The resulting scuffle leaves the room in tatters, Gambrelli in tears, and Clouseau dragging Cato's unconscious body out of the bedroom with a pair of split-seat pants on. He does, too, in a hilarious package that has little to do with the caper it pretends to remake. Struggling to maintain his cover, Clouseau ends up throwing his vacuum cleaner into reverse, destroying the room before making a less-than-stylish escape! Dreyfus assigns the worst police inspector Jacques Clouseau to the case. Between 1964 and 1993, nine Inspector Clouseau films would be released, although Inspector Closeau starred by Alan Arkin and the movies made after Peter Sellers's death are mostly not considered canon . Driver Booster is the best free driver updater program. Report. See Return Of the Pink Panther on Amazon. Apr 9, 2018 - From the 1976 film 'The Pink Panther Strikes Again' Clouseau: No. your own Pins on Pinterest Perhaps, the deadliest major motion picture comedy I have ever seen. (Apologies for the insult to black holes.) 11. In most of the films, he was played by Peter Sellers, with one film in which he was played by Alan Arkin and one in which he was played by an uncredited Roger Moore (both after Sellers sudden death). The timing couldn't be worse, with an already stressed out Gambrelli screaming while Clouseau tries to put a stop to Cato's training session. Inspector Jacques Clouseau investigates the murder of Mr. Benjamin Ballon's driver at a country estate. Read about not the best driver by Inspector Clouseau and see the artwork, lyrics and similar artists. With Peter Sellers, Elke Sommer, George Sanders, Herbert Lom. Undistinguished, go-through-the-motions bedlam follows until Jacques Clouseau is found, portrayed by Roger Moore(! Derek started writing about video games at age 14 and went on to write for GamePro Magazine and several other prominent outlets. The tears flow when Clouseau fails to strike the cue ball once more, before attempting a different approach that ends up splitting the table's fabric right down the middle! Dijit) widgets Best moments: Clouseau flying in the air about the cathedral in his quasimodo outfit and the world’s greatest assassins trying to kill Clouseau at the Oktoberfest. 1976's The Pink Panther Strikes Again sees Inspector Clouseau on the trail of former Chief Inspector Dreyfus, who has recently escaped the loony bin following one-too-many unfortunate run-ins with Clouseau. With Peter Sellers adamantly refusing to return as Inspector Clouseau, Alan Arkin was approached, following his big success with The Russians Are Coming, The Russians Are Coming (1966). What comes next is a colossal train wreck of misinformation, painful injuries and hair-graying property damage, before ending with the funniest buckshot accident of all time! Before they're swept away in a tidal wave of passion, Clouseau's housekeeper (and martial arts sparring partner) Cato launches an attack designed to catch him off his guard! What they don't count … The nightmare scenario plays out in hilarious comic fashion when Clouseau gets caught in traffic, and everyone stops to have a look at the sensuous, naked Gambrelli, who proceeds to have a panic attack. As Clouseau's disguise disintegrates thanks to too much time hiding in the sauna, he attempts to flee the hotel room with the bellboy, before the two are caught by Lady Lytton's masseuse. After a series of insane blunders and screw-ups, a drunken Clouseau and Maria Gambrelli find themselves in the throes of romance during the second half of A Shot In The Dark. Jan 7, 2019 - This Pin was discovered by Dana Hall. RELATED: The 10 Biggest Comedy Box-Office Bombs Of The Decade (According To Box Office Mojo). Browse more videos. Playing next. Watch Revenge Of the Pink Panther on Amazon. Log in. The two spar over a friendly game of pool, with Clouseau completely out of his element. Going into the deal, I felt Martin to be the only current comic star who has the chops to pull off the challenge. Sellers is widely regarded as the definitive Chief Inspector Clouseau of pop culture by fans and critics alike. Sellers rushed to location on a Friday and the shoot began Monday. Apr 9, 2018 - From the 1976 film 'The Pink Panther Strikes Again' Discover (and save!) Find the latest tracks, albums, and images from Inspector Clouseau. It was directed by Bud Yorkin, written by Frank Waldman and Tom Waldman and stars Alan Arkin as Inspector Clouseau. Inspector Jacques Clouseau ([ʒak klu.zo]) is a fictional character in Blake Edwards's farcical The Pink Panther series. The scene is made more hilarious thanks to the character of an innocent bystander who witnesses the bizarre car chase, while simultaneously acting as a linchpin for we, the audience. Their mission: Stop a globe-trotting thief who specializes in stealing historical artifacts. Aug 7, 2013 - From the 1976 film 'The Pink Panther Strikes Again' Sadly, we're starting over with Clouseau's previous cases and personal history ignored. Chief Inspector Dreyfus does not want the "idiot" found, of course, so he rigs the investigation to be led by the second worst detective of all, the NYPD's Sergeant Clifton Sleigh (Ted Wass). Inhalt. After bumbling his way through a tour of the mansion, Clouseau finds himself face to face with the staff, after falling down a flight of stairs. Sellers is in top form, with deadpan delivery and stern seriousness that only slightly masks his own Peter Principle, but the rest of the actors (including the woefully underappreciated Tony Sympson) help sell the hilarity. Search. 11 years ago | 2.2K views. It runs automatically to find outdated drivers. Inspektor Clouseau, der beste Mann bei Interpol [OV] 3,89 € 9,74 € Lieferung für 3,00 € : 16. This great scene comes courtesy of 1964's A Shot In The Dark, where Clouseau investigates a series of murders that revolve perpetually around the seemingly innocent, but incredibly suspect Maria Gambrelli. Mike Durrett has spent more than a decade writing about comedy on the web. Chief Inspector Dreyfus does not want the "idiot" found, of course, so he rigs the investigation to be led by the second worst detective of all, the NYPD's Sergeant Clifton Sleigh (Ted Wass). It was filmed by Mirisch Films at the MGM-British Studios, Borehamwood and in Europe. Follow. NEXT: 10 Comedies From The 1960s That Are Still Just As Funny Today. He was the man who would be Clouseau. ... too outrageous and not as funny. Inspector Clouseau the hunchback. 4. Listen to music from Inspector Clouseau like Telephone engineer (full scene), Thank Heaven for Little Girls {From Revenge of the Pink Panther} & more. Inspector Jacques Clouseau investigates the murder of Mr. Benjamin Ballon's driver at a country estate. Check out Son of the Pink Panther on Amazon. Eager to explore more in the silly detective, Edwards grabbed an unrelated Broadway whodunit and — with William Peter Blatty (The Exorcist) — rewrote the play as sophisticated slapstick for Sellers. Inspector Clouseau is a 1968 British comedy film, and the third installment in The Pink Panther film series. 5 years ago | 153 views. Playing an iconic character like Inspector Clouseau has to be a challenge for any actor. 0. Apr 12, 2020 - From the 1975 'The Return of the Pink Panther' and also 'Revenge of the Pink Panther' (1978). Saved from When the coach of the France soccer team is killed by a poisoned dart in the stadium in the end of a game, and his expensive and huge ring with the diamond Pink Panther disappears, the ambitious Chief Insp. Before Inspector Gadget, we had the indomitable Inspector Jacques Clouseau. This sets off a hilarious chase scene with both Lyttons dressed in ape costumes, each in separate vehicles trying to avoid a pursuit by Clouseau, dressed in a Knight's costume. 0. ), billed as Turk Thrust II. All the latest gaming news, game reviews and trailers. Nearly a dozen years passed before Edwards and Sellers resumed their partnership on the Clouseau front after this project for British television evolved into a theatrical feature. RELATED: The 10 Best Comedy Podcasts Of All Time. Using outtakes, largely from The Pink Panther Strikes Again, and previously seen footage, series characters share memories of their encounters with the missing detective. Directed by Blake Edwards. However, he does not know who The Phantom really … Undistinguished, go-through-the-motions bedlam follows until Jacques Clouseau is found, portrayed by Roger Moore(! Inspector Clouseau the hunchback. Charles Dreyfus (Herbert Lom), who has finally cracked over Inspector Jacques Clouseau's (Peter Sellers') antics, escapes from a mental institution and launches an elaborate plan to get rid of Clouseau … Hauptgegner von Inspektor Clouseau ist dabei erstmals sein früherer Chef Dreyfus. After surviving an assassination attempt during the first act of The Return Of The Pink Panther, Inspector Clouseau reports the incident to Inspector Dreyfus, who expresses disappointment that his assailant botched the job. Inspektor Clouseau, der „beste“ Mann bei Interpol ist die fünfte Folge der Pink-Panther-Reihe aus dem Jahr 1976 und die vierte unter der Regie von Blake Edwards. (Only half of these films are actually propelled by the diamond.) This attempt to reinvigorate the franchise failed … Dreyfus: So what we need is more light. Directed by Bud Yorkin. The lush, wacky tale of the voluptuous Pink Panther diamond had, it seems, created another gem. What a triumph of comedic timing! Undistinguished, go-through-the-motions bedlam follows until Jacques Clouseau is found, portrayed by Roger Moore(! In an apparent attempt to top all of the Panthers, Clouseau becomes James Bond-like, tracking Chief Inspector Dreyfus (Herbert Lom), who has gone beyond madness to build a Doomsday machine to blow up major cities if someone, anyone doesn't kill Clouseau. The go-to source for comic book and superhero movie fans. Inhalt. So, UA brought in TV's Bud Yorkin as director and Alan Arkin as our man. Inspector Clouseau Der beste Mann bei Interpol Trailer ... Best of Day 2 - CLK LM, BRM V16, Golf Bi-Motor, 917K. The first 50% or so is solid funny, but the ludicrous undercover costumes the detective dons become disjointed, hit-or-miss side sketches in the festivities. Best PDF and Document Annotation and Markup Tool. Apr 12, 2020 - From the 1975 'The Return of the Pink Panther' and also 'Revenge of the Pink Panther' (1978). 5 years ago | 153 views. These are his best moments. See The Pink Panther Strikes Again on Amazon. This attempt to reinvigorate the franchise failed … A string of robberies has occurred in Britain and it's up to Inspector Clouseau to catch the criminal. The semi-final act of the original 1963 Pink Panther film finds Sir Charles Lytton and his nephew George caught red-handed by Inspector Clouseau while trying to steal the titular diamond during a costume ball. Edwards did the unthinkable. With David Niven, Robert Wagner, Herbert Lom, Joanna Lumley. From the 1976 film 'The Pink Panther Strikes Again' Saved by Sue Mirabile. 0:15. Inspektor Clouseau ist der dritte Film der Pink-Panther-Reihe aus dem Jahr 1968 und der erste, der nicht unter der Regie von Blake Edwards entstand. In the latter half of A Shot In The Dark, Clouseau goes undercover (and without cover) inside a nudist's colony to find Maria Gambrelli. Directed by Blake Edwards. Report. We're witnessing creative burnout, especially with Sellers in a Brando fat suit and 1950s Mafioso threads. 4. He attempts to cross a large moat using a number of tools, from grappling hooks to a makeshift pole-vault, all of which end in dismal failure. The semi-final act of the original 1963 Pink Panther film finds Sir Charles Lytton and his nephew George caught red-handed by Inspector Clouseau while trying to steal the titular diamond during a costume ball. With Alan Arkin, Frank Finlay, Delia Boccardo, Barry Foster. LiveAbout uses cookies to provide you with a great user experience. Peter Sellers returns in this second compilation of Inspector Jacques Clouseau's funniest moments from the Pink Panther movies. Godzilla Vs. Kong: 5 Fan Theories That Turned Out To Be True (& 5 That Weren't), 10 Most Hilarious Inspector Clouseau Moments, 10 Comedy Masterpieces From The 90s That You've Probably Never Seen, The 10 Biggest Comedy Box-Office Bombs Of The Decade (According To Box Office Mojo), 10 Comedies From The 1960s That Are Still Just As Funny Today, Twilight: 10 Strongest Male Characters, Ranked By Power, 10 Movies To Watch To Get Excited For Morbius, Halloween: Michael Myers' 10 Best Murder Weapons, Ranked, Disney: 10 Best Performances In The Live-Action Remakes, Star Wars: 10 Hilariously Incorrect Memes That Are Too Funny, 10 Best Contemporary War Movies Like The Hurt Locker, 10 Best Up-And-Coming Directors With Four Movies Or Less, The 10 Best Sci-Fi Movie Sequels Of All Time, Ranked By Rotten Tomatoes, 10 Best Movies Like Zack Snyder's Justice League (That Aren't Part Of The DCEU), Twilight: Why Bella Should Have Been With Both Edward & Jacob (& Why She Was Right To Choose), 10 Best Dark Romance Movies Like The Lobster, The Goonies: Main Characters Ranked Least To Most Likely To Survive An Apocalypse, 10 Movie Love Triangles That Could Have Been Resolved With A Polyamorous Relationship, 10 Biggest MCU Phase Four Set Photo Reveals (So Far), 10 Best Dark Comedy Movies Like Seven Psychopaths, 15 Movies To Watch About Chess If You Liked Netflix's The Queen's Gambit, Pirates Of The Caribbean: 10 Characters Most Likely To Survive A Zombie Apocalypse. ), billed as Turk Thrust II. Revenge of the Pink Panther (1978) PG | 99 min | Comedy, Crime, Mystery . Big Deals Bumbling … Needing a warm body, a desperate Edwards hired Sellers. With Steve Martin, Jean Reno, Emily Mortimer, Andy Garcia. Several of the Clouseau sequences are amusing, but the bulk is desperation strokes to exploit Sellers. The reason they still kept The Pink Panther in the title was because it had become synonymous with inspector Clouseau . berasixus. The 1968 film Inspector Clouseau stars Alan Arkin as Clouseau, and does not feature any other recurring characters from the rest of the series. Not only does it play a part in this film, but also serves as the main plot point in its sequel, The Pink Panther Strikes Again. Arkin, accepted, at the time (or so he admits) believing that he could do any role offered to him. Insp. The semi-final act of the original 1963 Pink Panther film finds Sir Charles Lytton and his nephew George caught red-handed by Inspector Clouseau while trying to steal the titular diamond during a costume ball. His widow agreed, says Internet Movie Database. In the 2006 Pink Panther revival and its 2009 sequel, he is played by Steve Martin. Inspector Clouseau shows up to visit Dreyfus and put in a good word on his behalf. Seite 1 von 1 Zum Anfang Seite 1 von 1 . Inspector Jacques Clouseau ([ʒak klu.zo]) is a fictional character in Blake Edwards's farcical The Pink Panther series. She sued, winning $1,475,000. ), billed as Turk Thrust II. With Peter Sellers, Herbert Lom, Lesley-Anne Down, Burt Kwouk. The fifth and final Sellers appearance as Clouseau (or so Peter thought) has the world's ruthless assassins plotting his demise. Much has been said of Steve Martin in the Clouseau role, treading on Sellers' domain. Watch Curse Of The Pink Panther on Amazon. Sept. Siehe Details. With David Niven, Peter Sellers, Robert Wagner, Capucine. I feared this one, the first Pink Panther in three decades not to involve the participation of Blake Edwards. Directed by Blake Edwards. Provides a "Widget" tab in the DOM inspector to enable inspecting Dojo (i.e. He is portrayed by Peter Sellers in the original series, and also by Alan Arkin in the 1968 film Inspector Clouseau and, in a cameo, by Roger Moore (credited as Turk Thrust II) in the 1983 film Curse of the Pink Panther . Revenge of the Pink Panther (1978) PG | 99 min | Comedy, Crime, Mystery . So much goes wrong, so quickly. After some courteous catching up, Dreyfus' hopes for release go pear-shaped following a series of madcap accidents involving a broken picnic bench, a rake to the face, and a sucker-arrow that once again sends Dreyfus careening over the cliff into insanity! The Pink Panther is a 2006 American comedy-mystery film and a remake of The Pink Panther franchise, marking the tenth installment in the series. In most of the films, he was played by Peter Sellers, with one film in which he was played by Alan Arkin and one in which he was played by an uncredited Roger Moore both (both after Sellers sudden death). After the film opened in U.S. theaters to enormous success, Shot swiftly got its shot, and houseboy Kato and boss Dreyfus came to become beloved characters in comedy. Feb 20, 2014 - From the 1976 film 'The Pink Panther Strikes Again' Things don't go according to plan, however. Browse more videos. Jacques Clouseau war ursprünglich eine von Peter Sellers dargestellte tragikomische Nebenfigur in dem unter der Regie von Blake Edwards entstandenen Film Der rosarote Panther (1963), die später zur Hauptfigur der Pink-Panther-Reihe wurde.Bis 1978 wurden fünf Filme mit Peter Sellers und außerhalb der offiziellen Reihe ein Film mit Alan Arkin als Clouseau gedreht. He seems puzzled when his use of the rake fails to strike the cue-ball, prompting Balon to offer him a severely warped pool cue as a substitute. Inspektor Jacques Clouseau. Jacques Clouseau teams up with a squad of International detectives who are just as bumbling as he is. For movie fans, he gave us some of the most delightful, side-splitting comedy ever committed to film! Ensuing after the events of Clouseau's disappearance, his bosses at the Surete put a computer into service to elect a new shrewd detective, Sleigh, who turns up just as inept as Clouseau. What's great about this scene is how it sets up Dreyfus' eventual descent into madness, as his obsession with killing Clouseau grows. If you've never seen a film from the franchise, we highly recommend you do! It's compatible with all versions of Windows and makes updating drivers simple. Inspector Jacques Clouseau investigates the murder of Mr. Benjamin Ballon's driver at a country estate. - 18. By using LiveAbout, you accept our, The 15 Most Important Movies of the 1960s, Jack Lemmon and Billy Wilder Classic Movies, The 20 Best African-American Horror Movies. Chief Inspector Jacques Clouseau (formerly Inspector) is a fictional detective in Blake Edwards's Pink Panther series. Already treading on thin ice, Clouseau manages to prod Dreyfus' already agitated state through a series of comic mishaps involving a pitcher with an insecure top, and a handgun-style lighter that is later mixed up with the real item! Check out Trail of the Pink Panther (Movie Cash) on Amazon. Dreyfus assigns the worst police inspector Jacques Clouseau to the case. 11. Detective Inspector is borrowed from the Surete on special assignment for Scotland Yard in hopes that a fresh outlook will help the government recover the loot from the Great Train Robbery, which is being used to underwrite a new crime wave. Inspector Clouseau, an expert on The Phantom's exploits, feels sure that he knows where The Phantom will strike next and leaves Paris for Switzerland, where the famous Lugashi jewel 'The Pink Panther' is going to be. Sign up. The accompanying music fits Clouseau's ineptitude perfectly, setting the right tone for a riotous round of belly laughs! (from Revenge of the Pink Panther, 1978) Back to image Follow The Telegraph. After showcasing his newfound confidence (and mental stability), Chief Inspector Dreyfus prepares for a meeting with the sanity review board, where he is sure to be released back into society following his descent into madness. While the escapade is immensely entertaining, it marked the end of the Inspector's charming subtilty. This second outing is the first all-Clouseau picture, but as far as comedic offerings, this movie is second to none. 0:16. Access Google Drive with a free Google account (for personal use) or Google Workspace account (for business use). Now a super-villain bent on world domination, Dreyfus is held up in a Bavarian castle with a deadly super-weapon, forcing Clouseau to infiltrate and stop his plans. Inspector Jacques Clouseau ([ʒak klu.zo]) is a fictional character in Blake Edwards's farcical The Pink Panther series. It wasn't long before the lead, David Niven, realized his film had been stolen from under him. Directed by Harald Zwart. Although The Pink Panther is far less comedic than its sequels, this was the scene that set the tone for the over-the-top physical comedy so prevalent in future installments of the franchise. The bumbling Inspector Clouseau travels to Rome to catch a notorious jewel thief known as "The Phantom" before he conducts his most daring heist yet: a princess' priceless diamond with one slight imperfection, known as "The Pink Panther". He's also a scriptwriter and actor with over 20 years of experience in those fields. When the coach of the France soccer team is killed by a poisoned dart in the stadium in the end of a game, and his expensive and huge ring with the diamond Pink Panther disappears, the ambitious Chief Insp. Kunden, die diesen Artikel angesehen haben, haben auch angesehen. Produced at the same time as Trail of the Pink Panther, the search continues for the elsewhere sleuth. First, Clouseau makes the attempt in broad daylight. Clouseau isn't far behind! Clouseau and Gambrelli make their getaway in the inept Inspector's Mini - wearing nothing except their birthday suits! The beginning of The Pink Panther Strikes Again features one of the most hilarious setups of all time. Hauptgegner von Inspektor Clouseau ist dabei erstmals sein früherer Chef Dreyfus. 6.7. 2:26 . Jan 7, 2019 - This Pin was discovered by Dana Hall. Definitely a classic scene! Inspector Clouseau tries to get into the castle. He now brings his veteran pop culture XP to ScreenRant, TheGamer and CBR. Edwards' last hurrah is a PP that trickled far too long. Aug 7, 2013 - From the 1976 film 'The Pink Panther Strikes Again' This movie earned its spot on this list... dead last. Best moments: Clouseau flying in the air about the cathedral in his quasimodo outfit and the world’s greatest assassins trying to kill Clouseau at the Oktoberfest. Directed by Blake Edwards. The animated title sequence is the undisputed high point of this movie, a developing trend over the several preceding vehicles. There's no Pink Panther jewel involved. After A Shot in the Dark, Edwards, and Sellers declined the third turn. This attempt to reinvigorate the franchise failed with a thud. The nutty screen character of French Police Inspector Jacques Clouseau bumbled from modest beginnings in 1963's The Pink Panther to become a beloved motion picture franchise, at times on the same commercial level of popularity as 007 himself, James Bond. This sets off a hilarious chase scene with both Lyttons dressed in ape costumes, each in separate vehicles trying to avoid a pursuit by Clouseau, dressed in a Knight's costume. The sequel was in the can, but United Artists shelved it before The Pink Panther opened. In this film, Inspector Jacques Clouseau is assigned to solve the murder of a famous football coach and the theft of the famous Pink Panther diamond. He made a Peter Sellers Inspector Clouseau movie long after the actor's death, a cheater, like a bad TV clip show. Fortunately I was saved by the darkness. Follow. This sets off a hilarious chase scene with both Lyttons dressed in ape costumes, each in separate vehicles trying to avoid a pursuit by Clouseau, dressed in a Knight's costume. Inspektor Clouseau ist der dritte Film der Pink-Panther-Reihe aus dem Jahr 1968 und der erste, der nicht unter der Regie von Blake Edwards entstand. It's an incredibly funny sequence with astounding comedic timing that builds the narrative upon which the rest of the movie is based. Chief Inspector Jacques Clouseau (formerly Inspector) aka Pink Panther is a fictional detective in Blake Edwards's Pink Panther series. When the dust settles, Clouseau comes face to face with a combative hotel clerk, and his own worst enemy - his accent! The actor and the director improvised new Clouseau material. Today we're counting down ten of Inspector Clouseau's most hilarious moments in the Pink Panther series of films. RELATED: 10 Comedy Masterpieces From The 90s That You've Probably Never Seen. Der ehemalige Chefinspektor Dreyfus steht kurz vor seiner Entlassung aus der Nervenheilanstalt. 6.7. MediaBuzz. Hoo, boy. Read about not the best driver by Inspector Clouseau and see the artwork, lyrics and similar artists. No matter what they do, there will be inevitable comparisons and not always favorable. SUBSCRIBE to my Secound Youtube channel link here.. to all.. For more … ... too outrageous and not as funny. Discover (and save!) Feb 20, 2014 - From the 1976 film 'The Pink Panther Strikes Again' Library. They enter Lytton's hotel room and inadvertently set off a series of side-splitting events featuring a naughty parrot, a faulty lamp socket and an overzealous alarm clock, among other things. Watch fullscreen. In what is now his most iconic role, the bumbling Inspector left a trail of mayhem and chaos in his quest to bring the guilty to justice! While I admire the fine timing and physical humor of Blake Edwards' comedies, especially the ones with cartoony structures, this episode disappointed me in the initial release. 1976's The Pink Panther Strikes Again finds Clouseau interrogating the staff of a rich family where a kidnapping has taken place. A one-stop shop for all things video games. These are the best of the Pink Panther movies, from greatest to... well, not so great. Not far away from her is yet another dead body, prompting Inspector Dreyfus and his Sûreté to raid the establishment. There are so many funny scenes in this sequence that we can scarcely believe it, ourselves! The second half of 1975's The Return Of The Pink Panther sees Clouseau traveling to Gstaad to keep an eye on Lady Lytton, the wife of the notorious Charles Lytton who stole the Pink Panther diamond so many years before. How these actors managed to make it through a scene without succumbing to insane fits of laughter is anyone's guess! Where Clouseau was once an innocent, simply employed in the wrong line of work, here he's on a path to increasing insanity, outlandish disguises, explosive gags, and a strange, thick accent he never had before. Inspector Clouseau tries to get into the castle. Chief Inspector Dreyfus does not want the "idiot" found, of course, so he rigs the investigation to be led by the second worst detective of all, the NYPD's Sergeant Clifton Sleigh (Ted Wass). Check out The Pink Panther (1963) on Amazon. Diese übernahm stattdessen Bud Yorkin, die Rolle des tollpatschigen Inspektors spielte in diesem Film Alan Arkin. Best Of Inspector Clouseau - Part 2. studmuffin0681. Works with Google Drive and Google Classroom Works with Google Drive and Google Classroom Kami Extension - PDF and Document Annotation The Pink Panther Strikes Again is a 1976 comedy film.It is the fifth film in The Pink Panther series and the third to include the phrase Pink Panther in its title, although the Pink Panther diamond is not part of the story. Diese Einkaufsfunktion lädt weitere Artikel, wenn die Eingabetaste gedrückt wird. When an elusive group of thieves commits a string of robberies across Europe, the British prime minister enlists the expertise of bumbling sleuth Inspector Clouseau (Alan Arkin). The story goes that when Ava Gardner left the cast abruptly, Peter Ustinov followed. It still does, although there are some delightful moments. Directed by Blake Edwards. Ten years passed without a spawn of Blake Edwards' misguided post-Peter Panthers — until he materialized with another bastardization: the love child of Jacques Clouseau, also a police officer and a bungler, played by the black hole of comedy, Roberto Benigni.