Total revenue of the Singapore Airlines group from fiscal year 2015/16 to 2019/20 (in billion Singapore dollars) [Graph]. View updates on CapitaLand's 2020 AGM, as well as the 2019 Annual Reports of the Group and its listed real estate investment trusts. and over 1 Mio. Annual Report 2018. Please do not hesitate to contact me. On the ultra-long-haul front, Singapore Airlines launched the world’s longest Click the button below to request a report when hardcopies become available. Tanzania. Annual Reports FY2019/20 Annual Report FY2019/20 FY2018/19 FY2017/18 FY2016/17 FY2015/16 FY2014/15 FY2013/14 FY2012/13 FY2011/12 FY2010/11 FY2009/10 FY2008/09 FY2007/08 FY2006/07 FY2005/06 FY2004/05 FY2003/04 FY2002/03 In 2019, total operating revenue was TWD 146,372 million, a decrease of 2.59% yoy. July 2, 2020. READ: The AirlineRatings Top 10 Airlines For 2019. Annual Report 2019. Number of cars sold in the U.S. 1951-2020, Gas prices in the United States 1990-2020, Automotive industry worldwide - statistics & facts, Motorcycle Industry in the United States - statistics & facts, Research expert covering Singapore, Indonesia and Malaysia, Profit from additional features with an Employee Account. Archives for annual reports from 1972 to present. Brisbane Airport Corporation Annual Report 2019 5 NEW AIRLINES IN FY19 Samoa Airways (Apia) Thai AirAsia X (Bangkok) NEW DESTINATIONS IN FY19 Munda, Solomon Islands Uluru Dubbo* Wollongong* ... Singapore Airlines Hainan Airlines. ... 2019: Annual report 2019: Årsrapport 2019: XBRL data files 2019: 2018: Annual report … 199904940D Date of Incorporation 21 August 1999 Investor Relations For enquiries on SGX’s business performance, contact the Investor Relations team at e Sustainability e Annual Report 2019 01 Quick Analysis with our professional Research Service: Content Marketing & Information Design for your projects: Industry-specific and extensively researched technical data (partially from exclusive partnerships). In the 12 months to December 31, Singapore Airlines has racked up an operating loss of US$2.1 billion. File size: 9.23 MB. Find answers and explanations to over 1.2 million textbook exercises. Associate Members. Annual Report 2018/2019. Unless otherwise stated, amounts are reported on an underlying basis. Corporate solution including all features. Annual Report 2018. Pilot Workforce & Training Library. South Africa. Try our corporate solution for free! News Updates & Features. RAA Annual Reports. New, Figures and insights about the advertising and media world, Industry Outlook ANNUAL REPORT 218/1 45 Values have been rounded. Going back to our current website? Annual Report 30 June 2019 DIRECTORS REPORT Your Directors present their report on the consolidated entity (referred to hereafter as the “Group”) consisting of Alliance Aviation Services Limited (the “Company” or “Alliance”) and the entities it controlled at the end of, … China Eastern Airlines Corporation Limited (the "Company"; NYSE: "CEA"; SEHK "0670"; SSE "600115") announces that the Company's annual report for the 2019 … You need a Single Account for unlimited access. The number of passengers carried by Singapore Airlines amounted to about 20.91 million in fiscal year 2019/2020. (July 2, 2020). Annual Report 2017/2018 (32.5 MB) Annual Report 2016/2017 (3.06 MB) Annual Report 2015/2016 (5.67 MB) Annual Report 2014/2015 (1.44 MB) Annual Report 2013/2014 (1.05 MB) Annual Report 2012/2013 (1.55 MB) manner, featuring Singapore World Beatbox champion Dharni Ng. Convention 2021. (212) 419-8286 2019/20 2018/19 % Change Singapore Airlines Passenger Operations Passengers carried (thousand) 20,906 20,738 + 0.8 Revenue passenger-km (million) 104,134.6 102,571.9 + 1.5 Available seat-km ... 8 SINGAPORE AIRLINES | ANNUAL REPORT FY2019/20. Are you interested in testing our corporate solutions? Singapore Airlines Ltd on Thursday (May 16) reported its highest-ever annual revenue on a jump in passengers, though higher fuel costs nearly halved its profit. Annual Report 2019. The number of passengers carried by Singapore Airlines amounted to about 20.91 million in fiscal year 2019/2020. Update, Insights into the world's most important technology markets, Advertising & Media Outlook This preview shows page 1 - 6 out of 238 pages. File size: 9.23 MB. SHORING UP … Opportunities. Growth of Tourism in China - According to a report by Amadeus travel and Oxford Economics, tourism in China is booming and is expected to drive the travel industry. In, Singapore Airlines. Singapore Airlines Ltd on Thursday (May 16) reported its highest-ever annual revenue on a jump in passengers, though higher fuel costs nearly halved its profit. The Investor Relations website contains information about Singapore Exchange Ltd's … 3.2. Annual Report 2019/20. Content Hub. United States. Annual Report 2019/2020 . 2019 Annual Report. ... Changi Airports International and Chongqing Airport Group established Sino-Singapore Chongqing Airport Commercial Management Company Download the full Annual Report. (65) 63486566. Throughout this report, all figures are in Singapore Dollars, unless otherwise stated. This statistic is not included in your account. Summer Seminars. Total revenue of the Singapore Airlines group from fiscal year 2015/16 to 2019/20 (in billion Singapore dollars) [Graph]. Excludes six Boeing 737 MAX 8 aircraft that are currently not in service. Airline Membership. facts. Name) Brenton Wu Designation Company Secretary Description (Please provide a detailed description of the event in the box below - Refer to the Online help for the format) The Company commenced trading on the Catalist Board on 28 October 2011. "Total Revenue of The Singapore Airlines Group from Fiscal Year 2015/16 to 2019/20 (in Billion Singapore Dollars). Return on equity holders’ funds is (loss)/profit attributable to owners of the Company expressed as a percentage of the average equity holders’ funds. You can only download this statistic as a Premium user. United Kingdom. One Singapore dollar (SGD) equals 0.72 U.S dollars and 0.63 euros (as of July 2020). Please contact us to get started with full access to dossiers, forecasts, studies and international data. Singapore Airlines (SIA) - OCBC Investment 2019-05-21: Returning To Trough Valuations. Download Full Version. The, interim dividend of 8 cents per share paid on, 27 November 2019, will be the total dividend, Loss per share is computed by dividing loss, attributable to owners of the Company by the, weighted average number of ordinary shares, During the year in review, until the disruptions caused by the Covid-19 outbreak, the Singapore Airlines Group, had continued to expand its global network, bringing greater convenience to customers and further reinforcing its. Elizabeth Neo reports. ANNUAL REPORT 2019 3 THE REPORT OF THE BOARD OF DIRECTORS FINANCIAL STATEMENTS CORPORATE GOVERNANCE STATEMENT REMUNERATION STATEMENT SUSTAINABILITY REPORT ... the peer group of airlines. As a Premium user you get access to background information and details about the release of this statistic. Cover Page and Contents; Corporate Profile (p9) Group Financial Highlights (p10) Chairman's Statement (p11) Board of Directors (p14) Corporate Information (p20) SPH Organisation Structure (p21) Senior Management (p22) CEO's Overview of Group Operations (p26) Corporate Social Responsibility (p30) Significant Events (p33) Year PDF Flipbook; Annual Report 2018/19: 2.06 MB: Annual Report 2018: 6.14 MB: Annual Report 2017: 5.26 MB: Annual Report 2016: 7.45 MB: Annual Report 2015: 6.03 MB: Annual Report 2014: Left: Jetstar Asia is the sole carrier operating direct services between Singapore and Xuzhou. File size: 9.75 MB. As soon as this statistic is updated, you will immediately be notified via e-mail. In contrast, the airline posted an operating profit of … File size: 9.75 MB. Annual Report 2007. Elizabeth Neo reports. Reporting HomeBusiness ReportFinancial ReportSustainability Report. Form 10-K Southwest Airlines Co 10-K - Annual report [Section 13 and 15(d), not S-K Item 405] And this increase is behind the improved industry financial performance of recent years. A Singapore Airlines Airbus A380 at Sydney Airport alongside a Scoot 787. Try our expert-verified textbook solutions with step-by-step explanations. Please create an employee account to be able to mark statistics as favorites. Membership. Year PDF Flipbook; Annual Report 2018/19: 2.06 MB: Annual Report 2018: 6.14 MB: Annual Report 2017: 5.26 MB: Annual Report 2016: 7.45 MB: Annual Report 2015: 6.03 MB: Annual Report 2014: Accessed April 11, 2021., Singapore Airlines. In 2019, the Lufthansa Group invested 3.6 billion euros (previous year: 3.8 billion euros), a large part of which in new aircraft. SINGAPORE AIRLINES LTD (SIA, SGX:C6L) reported a 3.3% y-o-y increase in revenue to S$16.3b and a 47.6% y-o-y fall in net profit to S$682.7m for FY19, dragged by higher fuel costs; the group had also recognised its share of losses (S$116m) arising from Virgin Australia’s non-cash accounting … Learn more about how Statista can support your business. Overall, we are pleased to report full year 2019 revenues of PHP84.8 billion, That’s up 14% year on year, backed by 14% growth in passenger revenue to PHP61.7 billion, as we flew a total of 22.5 million, passengers, 11% higher than previous year. Singapore Airlines’ financial year is from 1 April to 31 March. position as a global leader in key markets. Even the airline’s new regional business class suite reclines into a fully-flat bed with direct aisle access from every seat and ample storage to stow laptops and accessories. Try our corporate solution for free! [email protected] "Total revenue of the Singapore Airlines group from fiscal year 2015/16 to 2019/20 (in billion Singapore dollars)." Annual Reports and Related Documents Date &Time of Broadcast 28-Jun-2019 08:24:15 Status New Report Type Annual Report Announcement Reference SG190628OTHRHJ2O Submitted By (Co./ Ind. Please authenticate by going to "My account" → "Administration". Statista. Singapore Telecommunications Ltd does not currently have any hardcopy reports on Suriname. This feature is limited to our corporate solutions. Annual Report 2019/20. Regional Horizons. Available freight tonne kilometers (AFTK), meanwhile, grew 4.5% year on year, easily outpacing the 3.4% growth in FTK. Distinctive factors 1) Singapore Airlines has one of the youngest fleet of aircraft compared to all major air carriers, as they have a policy of replacing … Download the full Sustainability Report. Overview and forecasts on trending topics, Key figures and rankings about brands and companies, Consumer insights and preferences in various industries, Detailed information about political and social topics, All key figures about regions and countries, Everything you need to know about Consumer Goods, Identify market potentials of the digital future, Technology Market Outlook Singapore Airlines (SIA) is the flag carrier airline of Singapore with its hub at Singapore Changi Airport.The airline is notable for using the Singapore Girl as its central figure in corporate branding. View interactive reportDownload English PDFDownload German PDF. Venezuela. $1.30 billion UNDERLYING PROFIT BEFORE TAX 18.4% RETURN ON INVESTED CAPITAL $2.81 billion OPERATING CASH FLOW $1.0 billion RETURNED TO SHAREHOLDERS 1 efer to the Review of Operations section in the Qantas Annual Report 2019 for definitions and explanations R of non-statutory measures. Corporate Information. In the annual Skytrax survey, customers chose Finnair as the best airline in the Nordic region for the tenth consecutive time. CNMC Goldmine Holdings Limited (the "Company") is the first Catalist-listed gold producer on the Singapore Exchange Securities Trading Limited (the "SGX-ST"). We believe Nuffield has the potential for further growth and is part of our diversification towards a synergised business strategy. Welcome to the. Then you can access your favorite statistics via the star in the header. By choosing to go back, you'll be taken to the home page of our current website. The freight load factor, therefore, fell about 1 percentage point in 2018, partly unwinding 2017’s gain. Course Hero is not sponsored or endorsed by any college or university. Malaysia Airlines and Singapore Airlines Sign Wide-Ranging Partnership Agreement 2019-10-31 12:02:13 General Announcement Financial Statements and … For the financial year ended 31 March 2019, the Board has recommended a final ordinary dividend of 10.7 Singapore cents a share. (212) 419-8286 Annual Reports and Related Documents Date &Time of Broadcast 03-Jul-2020 08:08:59 Status New Report Type Sustainability Report ... Sustainability Report FY 2019-20.pdf Total size =15020K. As a result, weekly seat capacity to Europe increased by 15% from the previous year. ... 2019 . Register in seconds and access exclusive features. Total operating costs decreased by 1.43% to TWD 146,292 million. Adjusted free cash flow fell to 203 million euros (previous year: 288 million euros) due to lower profits and higher tax payments. Chart. Download Annual Report (10.97 MB) View Annual Report in Flipbook Format. Home. Annual Report 2019. Ancillary revenue posted a 21% growth to … ... 2019 . SIA Annual Report 19-20.pdf - ANNUA L REPORT FY2019 20 MISSION STATEMENT Singapore Airlines is a global company dedicated to providing air, Singapore Airlines is a global company dedicated to, providing air transportation services of the highest, quality and to maximising returns for the benefit of its, dividing equity attributable to owners of the, Company by the number of ordinary shares in, No final dividend will be paid for 2019/20. You need at least a Single Account to use this feature. Scholarship. 8 Brisbane Airport Corporation Annual Report 2019 Financial Year 2019 was, once again, a successful one for BAC Holdings Then you will be able to mark statistics as favourites and use personal statistics alerts. Membership Renewals. Passenger revenue increased by 2.05% to TWD 96,177 million and cargo revenue decreased by … 229 Mountbatten Road, #03-31 Mountbatten Square, Singapore 398007. Annual Report 2019. This is attributed to its surging middle class, which is poised to overtake the United States by 2017. ... Singapore. Financial Statements. Download Annual Report (10.97 MB) View Annual Report in Flipbook Format. A paid subscription is required for full access. Business & Operations Review. The Company commenced trading on the Catalist Board on 28 October 2011. Directly accessible data for 170 industries from 50 countries ", Singapore Airlines, Total revenue of the Singapore Airlines group from fiscal year 2015/16 to 2019/20 (in billion Singapore dollars) Statista, (last visited April 11, 2021), Total revenue of the Singapore Airlines group from fiscal year 2015/16 to 2019/20, Number of passengers of Singapore Airlines group FY 2014-2019, Total revenue Changi Airport FY2013-FY2020, Commercial aircraft movements at Changi Airport in Singapore 2014-2020, Number of aircraft arrivals at Changi Airport in Singapore 2010-2019, Number of aircraft departures from Changi Airport in Singapore 2010-2019, Number of passengers arriving at Changi Airport in Singapore 2010-2019, Number of passengers departing from Changi Airport in Singapore 2010-2019, Number of passengers in transit at Changi Airport in Singapore 2010-2019, Revenue of Singapore Airlines FY 2015-2019, Number of passengers of Singapore Airlines FY 2014-2019, Passenger load factor of Singapore Airlines FY 2014-2019, Number of passenger aircraft of Singapore Airlines FY 2009-2019, Number of passengers carried by Scoot FY 2014-2019, Passenger load factor of Scoot FY 2014-2019, Number of passenger aircraft of Scoot FY 2015-2019, Number of passengers of SilkAir FY 2014-2019, Passenger load factor of SilkAir FY 2014-2019, Number of passenger aircraft of SilkAir FY 2015-2020, Air freight movements at Changi Airport in Singapore 2014-2020, Air cargo discharged in Singapore 2010-2019, Air cargo discharged in Singapore in 2019 by selected countries, Novel coronavirus' (COVID-19) extensive impact estimate on aviation March 2, 2020, Change in weekly flights by airlines in Singapore due to COVID-19 2020, Opinion of people on how airlines handled the COVID-19 outbreak in Singapore 2020, Number of passengers of Singapore Airlines group FY 2019/20 by airline, Total assets of Singapore Airlines FY 2015-2019, Total debt of Singapore Airlines FY 2015-2019, Number of destination of Singapore Airlines FY 2009-2019, Number of employees at Singapore Airlines FY 2009-2019, Operating profit of Singapore Airlines FY 2015-2019, Average age of Singapore Airlines aircraft FY 2009-2020, Number of passenger aircraft of Singapore Airlines FY 2019/2020, by type, Expenditure of Singapore Airlines FY 2015-2019, Key revenue sources and split of Finnair 2018, Garuda Indonesia's on-time performance 2014-2019, Garuda Indonesia's total liabilities and equity FY 2014-2019, Garuda Indonesia's total assets FY 2014-2019, Personnel costs of the air transport industry in Romania 2008-2013, Operating cost of China Southern Airlines in China 2019, by segment, Expected disturbance from airplanes in the near future in the Netherlands 2017, Coronavirus: impact on the aviation industry worldwide, Total revenue of the Singapore Airlines group from fiscal year 2015/16 to 2019/20 (in billion Singapore dollars), Find your information in our database containing over 20,000 reports, Tools and Tutorials explained in our Media Centre.