I had researched lots of places to visit in Suriname, but beyond that, in-depth information on the country was pretty scarce. 0.94%. This page was last edited on 6 February 2021, at 21:12. [4]. Latest; About; Donate; All charts; Sustainable Development Goals Tracker; Coronavirus pandemic: daily updated research and data. Population Pyramids: Ukraine - 2019. Javanen (titel op object), NG-1994-65-5-15-4.jpg 4,760 × 3,564; 2.44 MB. Our World in Data. 2021 Growth Rate. Location: Suriname Event: The Government of Suriname has announced that an extended total lockdown will be in place nationwide from Friday, January 29 at 7pm until Monday, February 1 at 5am, and again from Friday, February 5 at 7pm until Monday, February 8 at 5am. Nearly 400 thousand inhabitants in Suriname were aged between 15 and 64 as of 2019. The 2019–20 season was Liverpool's 128th season in existence, and their 58th consecutive season in the top flight of English football. January 12, 2019 GMT PARAMARIBO, Suriname (AP) — Authorities in Suriname say they have confiscated more than 2,300 kilograms (5,070 pounds) of cocaine in the largest seizure ever for the South American country. [4] According to 2012 census, there were 270,629 males and 271,009 females in Suriname.[5]. . Where is Suriname? Expatriate remittances, which fuel the transfer surplus, are expected to decline in line with the difficult global economic situation. Cities in Suriname. In 2019, Suriname's population increased by approximately 0.93 percent compared to the previous year. Government. By World Bank. 2021 Population Rank. Sranan Tongo is the lingua franca and second most spoken language of Suriname. Even though the island nation's population has been on a … Aukan is mainly spoken by the Aukan tribe of the Maroon community. Suriname. Also living in Suriname are Dutch citizens, some of which with a Surinamese background. Read more. Americas. The census used self-identification for ethnic classification. Saramaccan is spoken by the Saramaka tribe of the Maroon community. Amerindians are the original inhabitants of Suriname. miles). Sarnami Hindustani is spoken by the Surinamese Indian community. Population, GDP, life expectancy, birth rate and other key metrics for Suriname. Ecuador’s population growth rate from 2019 to 2020 is 1.55%, adding about 269,000 people to the population. The economy of Suriname was largely dependent upon the exports of aluminium oxide and small amounts of aluminium produced from bauxite mined in the country. Suriname has a tropical climate. Most Surinamese people live in the narrow, northern coastal plain. Negara ini berbatasan dengan Guyana Prancis di timur dan Guyana di barat. On 1 January 2019, the population of the European Union (EU) was estimated at almost 513.5 million, compared with 512.4 million on 1 January 2018. - Keywords: demography, population pyramid, age pyramid, aging, retirement, Suriname, 2019. Beginning in the 1990s new migrants from China moved to Suriname, and Putonghua, during circa 2004–2014, became the main Chinese lingua franca in the country. Dutch is the official language of Suriname and the mother tongue of around 60% of the population. Area. 163,820 km². English is mostly used in the business sector mainly to communicate with foreign businesses. It is the smallest independent country on the South American continent. According to the 2019 revision of the World Population Prospects the total population was 575,990 in 2018, compared to only 215,000 in 1950. Suriname has large American expatriate (mostly retiree) communities (about 50,000 Americans live in Suriname). Mailing List - See more. If you continue to navigate this website beyond this page, cookies will be placed on your browser. When I visited Suriname in July of 2019, I didn’t really know what to expect. The Maroon people (people of African descent brought to Suriname as slaves), Creole (people of mixed African and European descent), and the Javanese account for 21.7%, 15.7%, and 13.7% of the country’s population, respectively. This article is about the demographic features of the population of Suriname, including population density, ethnicity, education level, health of the populace, economic status, religious affiliations, and other aspects of the population. Capital City. This is a list of United States of America states by population as of 2019.The list was made using the 2019 Census estimates taken by the United States Census Bureau.The total population of the United States was 330,150,668 at the December 2019 Census.. 171. However, after the departure of Alcoa, the economy depended on the exports of crude oil and gold. Blog - Follow us on Twitter - Buy a poster - Contact us by email, © December 2019 by PopulationPyramid.net, made available under a Creative Commons license CC BY 3.0 IGO: http://creativecommons.org/licenses/by/3.0/igo/, Population Pyramids of the World from 1950 to 2100, Less developed regions, excluding least developed countries, Comparison of carbon emissions per country, List of countries ordered by their population size, Origin of the migrants stocks per country, Adolescent fertility rate (births per 1,000 women ages 15-19), Age dependency ratio (% of working-age population), Antiretroviral therapy coverage for PMTCT (% of pregnant women living with HIV), Antiretroviral therapy coverage (% of people living with HIV), Births attended by skilled health staff (% of total), Children with fever receiving antimalarial drugs (% of children under age 5 with fever), Completeness of death registration with cause-of-death information (%), Diabetes prevalence (% of population ages 20 to 79), Diarrhea treatment (% of children under 5 receiving oral rehydration and continued feeding), GNI per capita, Atlas method (current US$), Health expenditure per capita (current US$), Immunization, BCG (% of one-year-old children) - Turberculosis, Immunization, DPT (% of children ages 12-23 months) - Diphtheria, pertussis (whooping cough), and Tetanus, Immunization, HepB3 (% of one-year-old children) - Hepatitis B, Immunization, Hib3 (% of children ages 12-23 months) - Meningitis, Pneumonia, and Epiglottitis, Immunization, measles (% of children ages 12-23 months), Immunization, Polio (% of one-year-old children), Incidence of HIV (% of uninfected population ages 15-49), Incidence of malaria (per 1,000 population at risk), Incidence of tuberculosis (per 100,000 people), Labor force, female (% of total labor force), Literacy rate, adult female (% of females ages 15 and above), Literacy rate, adult total (% of people ages 15 and above), Literacy rate, youth male (% of males ages 15-24), People practicing open defecation, urban (% of urban population), Population ages 65 and above (% of total), Prevalence of HIV, total (% of population ages 15-49), Prevalence of overweight, female (% of female adults), Prevalence of overweight, male (% of male adults), Prevalence of overweight (% of children under 5), Prevalence of syphilis (% of women attending antenatal care), Public spending on education, total (% of GDP), Risk of impoverishing expenditure for surgical care (% of people at risk), School enrollment, secondary, male (% net), Sex ratio at birth (male births per female births), Smoking prevalence, females (% of adults), Suicide mortality rate (per 100,000 population), Tuberculosis death rate (per 100,000 people), Unemployment, total (% of total labor force), http://creativecommons.org/licenses/by/3.0/igo/. Informal relationships vary: the upper classes of all ethnic backgrounds mix freely; outside of the elite, social relations tend to remain within ethnic groupings. Bevölkerungswachstum in Suriname In den Jahren 1960 bis 2019 stieg die Bevölkerungszahl in Suriname von 289.966,00 auf 581.363,00 Einwohner. Part of this increase is probably caused by interchanging identities of Creole and Maroon, causing a decrease in the proportion of Creole and an increase in the proportion Maroon. Prior to the 2004 census, mixed-race people were counted as Creoles. Mijn zus Olga heeft in Paramaribo een huis gehuurd en wij mochten komen aansluiten. Republik Suriname (Surinam), dulu bernama Guyana Belanda atau Guiana Belanda adalah sebuah negara di Amerika Selatan dan merupakan bekas jajahan Belanda. $647.3 million (2019) Main data source: CIA World Fact Book All values, unless otherwise stated, are in US dollars. By United Nations Children’s Fund, Ministry of Social Affairs and Housing, General Bureau of Statistics, Institute for Social Research. Population Pyramids: Suriname - 2019. According to 2012 census, there were 270,629 males and 271,009 females in Suriname. Liverpool's 2021 population is now estimated at 906,443.In 1950, the population of Liverpool was 1,382,309.Liverpool has grown by 4,735 since 2015, which represents a 0.53% annual change. 3.61/km² . According to the 2019 revision of the World Population Prospects[2][3] the total population was 575,990 in 2018, compared to only 215,000 in 1950. (previous page) 20161104 ... IPhO-2019 07-07 opening team Suriname.jpg 5,472 × 3,648; 4.19 MB. The proportion of children below the age of 15 in 2010 was 28.6%, 65% was between 15 and 65 years of age, while 6.5% was 65 years or older Javanen (titel op object), NG-1994-65-3-31.jpg 4,908 × 3,930; 2.38 MB. Each ethnic group preserves its own culture, and many institutions, including political parties, tend to follow ethnic lines. Suriname is the only independent country in the Americas that speaks Dutch. The population is one of the most ethnically varied in the world. Javanese is spoken by the Surinamese Javanese community. Region. This statistic shows the population change in Suriname from 2009 to 2019. Languages include Carib, Arawak, Tiriyó and Wayana. But when I arrived, I found an irresistible country filled with diversity, hidden gems, tropical paradises, untouched wonders, and friendly, hospitable people. Submitted on: 06 Jan, 2014. The Population of Gibraltar (1950 - 2019) chart plots the total population count as of July 1 of each year, from 1950 to 2019. Total and Percent Distribution of Population by Age (Censuses 2004 & 2012), Where no separate figures are given, these people are included in, South Georgia and the South Sandwich Islands, Learn how and when to remove this template message, United Nations Department of Economic and Social Affairs, Population Division of the Department of Economic and Social Affairs of the United Nations Secretariat, World Population Prospects: The 2010 Revision, "United Nations Statistics Division - Demographic and Social Statistics", "National report submitted in accordance with paragraph 15 (a) of the annex to Human Rights Council resolution 5/1 Suriname*", "REPORT ON CENSUS 2004 COVERAGE EVALUATION", "With Aid and Migrants, China Expands Its Presence in a South American Nation", Resultaten achtste (8e) Volks- en woningtelling in Suriname (volume 1) : Demografische en sociale karakteristieken en migratie, https://en.wikipedia.org/w/index.php?title=Demographics_of_Suriname&oldid=1005268584, Articles with unsourced statements from December 2014, Articles needing additional references from May 2011, All articles needing additional references, Articles with unsourced statements from July 2020, Creative Commons Attribution-ShareAlike License. Structure of the population (02.08.2004) (Census) : Structure of the population (01.07.2011) (Estimates) : The Population Departement of the United Nations prepared the following estimates for Suriname. Enterprise Survey 2010. Maroons have the highest fertility rate, with 4.47 children per woman. Media in category "People of Suriname" The following 200 files are in this category, out of 283 total. Hakka and Cantonese is spoken by Surinamese Chinese, mainly as a second language after Dutch. Largest Cities in Suriname # CITY NAME POPULATION; 1: Paramaribo: 223,757: See also. It has a North Atlantic Ocean coastline in the north and is surrounded by French Guiana to the east, Brazil to the south and Guyana to the west. Chart and table of the Suriname birth rate from 1950 to 2021. Suriname President Bouterse sentenced to 20 years for killings Desi Bouterse found guilty of killing 15 political opponents in 1982, two years after he seized power in a coup. Other indicators visualized on maps: (In English only, for now) Adolescent fertility rate (births per 1,000 women ages 15-19) The relatively small population lives mostly along the coast. Suriname’s most fertile soils occur in the inundated lands reclaimed by diking and drainage (polders), which are principally in the New Coastal Plain. Climate. In deze film van 26 minuten de hoogtepunten van onze stadswandelingen. 1 Dec 2019 Above-ground biomass in forest per hectare. In de zomer van 2019 verbleven we een kleine week in het bijzondere Paramaribo Suriname. Suriname. Amerindian languages are spoken by the Surinamese Amerindian community. Articles by topic. One did not need to travel to the nation's capital to participate in these marches, however; activists also organized hundreds of “sister marches” across the United States and internationally. Suriname, formerly the colony of Netherlands Guiana or Dutch Guiana, is a country in Northern South America. The population of Suriname has a multi-ethnic background. The native Amerindians and people of other ethnic ba… Acting Police Chief Roberto Prade said Saturday that the cocaine was discovered at the port in the Paramaribo capital. Ecuador has positive net migration and a fertility rate of 2.44 births per woman, more than the population replacement rate of 2.1 births per woman. Multiple Indicator Cluster Survey 2010. It is also used in the hospitality industry to communicate with tourists. 2021 World Percentage. After winning the 2020 elections, Chan Santokhi was the sole nomination for President of Suriname. Submitted on: 18 Oct, 2019. In January 2020, it was announced that the equivalent of around US$100 million had disappeared from the Central Bank of Suriname (CBvS). Submitted on: 15 Dec, 2011. During 2018, more deaths than births were recorded in the EU (5.3 million deaths and 5.0 million births), meaning that the natural change of the EU population was negative for a second consecutive year. French is spoken by some Maroons due to the cultural influence from French Guiana, Portuguese mainly by immigrants from Brazil and Portugal, and Spanish due to immigrants from, Cuba, Venezuela, Colombia, and other Latin American countries. However, Bouterse was convicted by a Surinamese court on 29 November 2019 and given a 20-year sentence for his role in the 1982 killings. Their proportion has increased considerably during the past decades, from 9% in 1964 to 22% in 2012. The proportion of children below the age of 15 in 2010 was 28.6%, 65% was between 15 and 65 years of age, while 6.5% was 65 years or older . Just like Sarnami Hindustani, Javanese can be either the mother tongue, second language or third language (after Dutch or Sranan Tongo) for some. All groups may be found in the schools and workplace. United Nations projections are also included through the year 2100. Suriname Jump to. On the other hand, Hindustani's have the lowest fertility with 1.78 children per woman. On 13 July, Santokhi was elected president by acclamation in an uncontested election. GDP (IMF) $3.92. 139 likes. Subregion. According to estimates there may be as many as: The total fertility rate for Suriname as a whole is 2.53 children per woman aged 15 to 49. Depending on the person this language can be either the mother tongue, second language or third language (after Dutch or Sranan Tongo). Afghanistan AFRICA Albania Algeria Angola Antigua and Barbuda Argentina Armenia Aruba ASIA Australia Australia/New Zealand Austria Azerbaijan Bahamas Bahrain Bangladesh Barbados Belarus Belgium Belize Benin Bhutan Bolivia (Plurinational … A poll among the readers on the website of Dagblad Suriname, a popular newspaper, showed that about two weeks before the elections, around 90% were concerned about the debts that Suriname had to pay off. South America. Suriname 2019. Sources - What is a population pyramid? Published by H. Plecher, Jan 5, 2021 This statistic shows the total population of Suriname from 2015 to 2016, with projections up until 2025. The balance of services (15% of GDP in 2019) and the balance of investment income (10% of GDP in 2019) are structurally in deficit, but should remain stable. This site uses cookies to optimize functionality and give you the best possible experience. Di selatan berbatasan dengan Brasil dan di utara dengan Samudra Atlantik. Creoles are descendants from slaves from Africa. Paramaribo. Hindustanis (people from northern India) comprise 27.4% of the country’s population. The Yearly Population Growth Rate chart plots the annual percentage changes in population registered on July 1 of each year, from 1951 to 2019. See also the number of migrants for this country. The Maroons are descendants from slaves from Africa that escaped to the interior of Suriname. Dies bedeutet einen Anstieg um 100,5 Prozent in 59 Jahren. PopulationPyramid.net Population Pyramids of the World from 1950 to 2100. Density. Cantonese was introduced in Suriname by the second wave of Chinese immigrants in 1970. Similar marches were held on its first and second anniversary, in January 2018 and January 2019, respectively. GDP (UN) $3.28 Bn. Suriname Government. The current population of Suriname will be different to these census figures, as the census records residents, and notes legal visitors, but does not record illegal immigrants. 0.01%. The 2019 population density in Suriname is 4 people per Km 2 (10 people per mi 2), calculated on a total land area of 156,000 Km2 (60,232 sq. Den höchsten Anstieg verzeichnete Suriname im Jahr 1961 mit 2,84%.