Zum Profil. This service is … Bauhaus-Universität Weimar. The application modalities, admission requirements and application deadlines for the respective degree programmes are posted on our online application portal and the faculty web pages, and are summarised under application Information. For the summer semester (SuSe) by 15 January. I can help you find answers to any questions. Herzlich Willkommen auf der offiziellen Facebook-Seite der Bauhaus-Universität Weimar. We only need these in case of admission or enrollment. Diese Institution erlangte am 3. The history of these specialized on Architecture, Civil Engineering, Design and Media College dates back to the mid 19th Century back. These degree programmes are subject to admission restrictions which require candidates to submit an application in due form and time. Mietpreise für privaten Wohnraum liegen im Mittelfeld, das Studentenwerk Thüringen vergibt Heimplätze. Afterward you send your data electronically by clicking on the "Send" button. For your study at Bauhaus- University Weimar we wish you success. You wish to round off you education? Bauhaus-Universität Weimar. Some degree programmes are in such high demand that there is not enough space for all the applicants. These degree programmes are subject to admission restrictions which require candidates to submit an application in due form and time. Stöbern Sie auf der Website der Fakultät Kunst und Gestaltung um zu sehen, mit welchen Themen sich die Studierenden der vergangenen Jahrgänge des Bachelor-Studiengangs Produktdesign und des Masterstudiengangs Produktdesign in ihren Abschlussarbeiten beschäftigt haben. Mit der Verleihung des Bachelors haben Sie einen definierten und europaweit anerkannten Abschluss, der auf die Ansprüche weiterführender Studienprogramme und auch auf die berufspraktische Tätigkeit vorbereitet. In all of the other programmes offered by the Faculty of Architecture and Urbanism, Faculty of Architecture and Urbanism, and the Medienmanagement programme, you can only begin your studies in the winter semester. The Bauhaus.Botschafters are students at the Bauhaus-Universität Weimar answering questions about their own degree program. Mit Erfahrungsberichten und zulassungsfreien grundständigen Studiengängen. There are exceptions for students with a school leaving certificate issued in Germany (e.g. The application deadline for the artistic & design bachelor's & master's degree programmes at the Faculty of Art & Design at # BauhausUni # Weimar is 31 March. Darauf reagiert die Bauhaus-Universität Weimar. German courses are also held during the semester concurrently with regular classes. EINBLICK.Bauhaus zeigt, was möglich ist. The university also offers an online format of study for the students who are interested. Please note that for the degree programmes Architektur (B.Sc. Students of the Bauhaus-University Weimar who are inscribed in courses via BISON, please use the category “Uni Weimar”. iAgora provides university reviews and ratings by international graduates, Erasmus and exchange students. Degree Programmes with an Artistic Aptitude TestBefore you can enrol in one of the following Bachelor programmes,you first have to take an artistic aptitude test. Perspektiven Neben den Aspekten der Ästhetik, Verständlichkeit, Sinnfälligkeit oder Attraktivität eines Produktes sind Produktdesignerinnen und -designer auch gefordert, Fragen der umsichtigen Produktion, des Energieaufwandes und der Ressourcenschonung zu bedenken und im Rahmen der Möglichkeiten zu beantworten. uni-assist e.V. Offizieller Account der Bauhaus-Universität Weimar au, Offizieller Account der Bauhaus-Universität Weimar auf Twitter, Offizieller Account der Bauhaus-Universität Weimar auf Instagramm, Offizieller Account der Bauhaus-Universität Weimar auf Vimeo, Admission Requirements for Bachelor Degree Programmes, Admission Requirements for Master Degree Programmes, Application with school and university degrees outside the EU (except Switzerland). Geschwister-Scholl-Straße 8 99423 Weimar Tel. and all further post graduate master programmes it is necessary to print out the completed PDF document of the electronic application form and send it by post to the Studierendenbüro (Student Office) of the Bauhaus-Universität Weimar with all the necessary documents by the application deadline. Hauraus Uni-TV stellt für euch die Fakultät B an der Bauhaus Universität Weimar vor Kommunikationsdesign heißt an der Bauhaus-Universität Weimar Visuelle Kommunikation. An der Bauhaus-Universität Weimar steht vieles im Zeichen des Experiments: suchen, denken, erproben, diskutieren, zusammenarbeiten und Ideen umsetzen. Thank you for your understanding! We take great pleasure in offering you admission to the Bauhaus- Universitat Weimar. does not cooperate with commercial agencies in or outside of Germany to mediate the placement of applicants at German universities. Anlässlich des 100-jährigen Bauhaus-Jubiläums hat die Bauhaus-Universität Weimar ein breitgefächertes Jubiläumsprogramm sowie ein »Bauhaus.Semester« initiiert, um das historische Bauhaus, dessen Wirkung und unsere Gegenwart als Universität einer anderen Zeit zu reflektieren – in Lehre, Theorie und Praxis. Bauhaus Weimar. Master degree programmes build upon previously completed Bachelor programmes, going into more depth in the field of study or providing additional academic or professional qualifications. The master’s degree will cost an applicant about 1,000 USD per an academic year. Verschiedene Projekte in Weimar, Deutschland und weit darüber hinaus tragen zum besonderen Profil der Fakultät Architektur und Urbanistik bei. You have to be here in person for enrollment by September 30 th. Management [Bau Immobilien Infrastruktur] an der Bauhaus-Universität Weimar - hier gibt es Infos zur Regelstudienzeit, Zulassung, Bewerbung und Studienbeiträgen für den Bachelor. … Die Bauhaus-Universität Weimar bittet daher qualifizierte Wissenschaftlerinnen ausdrücklich um ihre Bewerbung. Bauhaus-Universität Weimar 99423 Weimar Universitäten, Schulen und Hochschulen 38 Angebote am Standort Successful participation in an aptitude assessment procedure is a prerequisite to enrolment in these programmes. Möglich ist auch ein Lehramtsstudium. So you successfully submitted your application form to the Bauhaus-Universität Weimar. The Bauhaus-Universität Weimar uses Matomo for web analytics. You can meet this requirement with a DHS-2 certificate or a TestDaf certificate with a minimum of TDN4 (C1 level). Bauhaus University Weimar. You can meet this requirement with a Cambridge Certificate in Advanced English (level C); TOEFL test with a score of 80 points (internet-based); IELTS (Band 6.0), or a comparable test. 7K likes. Please accept your placement as quickly as possible and enrol to ensure that all of the formalities are completed in time for the beginning of the semester. Zum Profil. Contact jascha.fibich[at]uni-weimar.de ← Bauhaus Weimar. The content review to determine that students meet the prerequisites of each programme is conducted by the examination committee of the corresponding faculty. Then you likely have 1,000 questions about studying and applying to programmes offered in Weimar. Stöbern Sie hier auch schon mal im Projekt-Showcase »Expermiment.Bauhaus« oder im Jahresmagazin »Bauhaus-Journal« um zu sehen, was Bauhausuni-Studierende so treiben! DIE STADT. Human-Computer Interaction. Hoffmann-Gymnasium Bamberg general qualification for university entrance. Architektur studieren an der Bauhaus Universität Weimar Unser Mappenkurs Weimar bereitet dich spezifisch auf deine Bewerbung für den Studiengang Architektur an der Uni Weimar vor. At our university, the prerequisite for enrollment in undergraduate programmes is a University Entrance Certificate (A level or equivalent), a subject-specific certificate of education, a master craftsman’s certificate, a state certifying technician’s or management exam, or equivalent qualification.Professionally qualified candidates not otherwise qualified for university studies who have successfully completed a vocational programme of at least two years duration and have at least three years of subsequent professional experience may enrol in a programme related to their professional field on a probationary basis. Bauingenieurwesen an der Bauhaus-Universität Weimar - hier gibt es Infos zur Regelstudienzeit, Zulassung, Bewerbung und Studienbeiträgen für den Bachelor. Start of the winter semester: 1st of October 2017. Der Studienbeginn ist meist im Wintersemester (45 Studiengänge), es gibt darüber hinaus Angebote mit Beginn im Sommersemester (zwölf Studiengänge). The university has 4,065 students enrolled with more than 30% international students.It invites admission applications in Summer and Winter Semesters. Most of the Master programmes in the Faculties of Civil Engineering and Media, as well as the Architektur programme, allow application and enrollment either in the summer or winter semester. The Bauhaus.Botschafters are students at the Bauhaus-Universität Weimar answering questions about their own degree program. Ranks 1st among universities in Weimar. If your German proficiency is slightly lower than the required level, it is possible to fill your knowledge gaps before the semester begins in intensive courses offered by the Bauhaus-Universität Weimar’s Language Centre, at »Bauhaus Summer School« for instance. Disclaimer: This University profile has not been officially reviewed and updated by Bauhaus-University Weimar's representatives yet; we cannot guarantee the accuracy of all the above University information. Bauhaus-Universität Weimar ... Universität; Architektur und Urbanistik; Bauingenieurwesen; Kunst und Gestaltung; Medien; Aktuell. Freie Kunst. Diplom. However, some degree programmes require the completion of an internship during the course of study. It is located in Weimar, Germany. E.T.A. +49 3643 58-0. NEW AROUND HERE? The application modalities, admission requirements and application deadlines for the respective degree programmes are posted on our online application portal and the faculty web pages, and are summarised under application Information. Bauhaus-Universitat Weimar is an international university with a highly distinctive spectrum of subjects. Architektur Bachelor Bauhaus Uni: Hallo, ich möchte gerne zum Wintersemester Architektur studieren, eventuell an der Bauhaus Universität in Weimar und habe no … – Studis Online-Forum All courses are free of charge, but you need to register. All candidates who fulfil the prerequisites are guaranteed enrolment in these programmes as long as they register within the enrolment period. It's on a pedestrian street, we just parked or car on the next street and walked around. About iAgora. The university offers an extensive spectrum of instruction with about 40 courses of study, including fine art, design, visual communication, media design, media studies, architecture, civil engineering, materials science, processing technology, environment and management. A level or comparable) or a professionally qualifying degree in an English language field. Währenddessen lernen sie die verschiedensten Techniken und wachsen an ihren Aufgaben. German Language ProficiencyMost of the degree programmes at the Bauhaus-Universität Weimar require German language proficiency. Situated in the historic city of Weimar, Germany, it originated from two progressive, international institutions: the Weimar Saxon-Grand Ducal Art School and the "Staatliches Bauhaus". However, we will still be available to you by phone or email. The online application portal leads you step by step through the questions of the application form and asks you to upload certain documents. Jubiläumsbuch: »Idee Inhalt Form. Full-time students whose native language is not German must demonstrate German language proficiency prior to enrollment. October 3rd is the national holiday of Germany. Upon successful completion of two probationary semesters, the student is eligible for final registration in the programme.If in doubt whether your academic qualifications enable you to apply to our university, please contact the Bauhaus-Universität Weimar Student Office or the ministry of culture of your German federal state. Attention Google translation Information portal for students interested for the University Weimar The Bauhaus University Weimar is a university in the Thuringian town of Weimar. For registration you need the following documents: the proof of payment of the semester contribution fee (can be arranged in Weimar), en/university/studies/university-administration/semester-contribution/, https://www.uni-weimar.de/en/university/studies/university-administration/semester-contribution/. In tours and workshops they offer first hand information that may be helpful in making decisions regarding the appropriate course of study in Weimar. Publication Server of Weimar Bauhaus-University The library offers to publish electronically generated and qualified documents on its online publication system. In tours and workshops they offer first hand information that may be helpful in making decisions regarding the appropriate course of study in Weimar. EINBLICK.Bauhaus zeigt, was möglich ist. It is not necessary to send the application documents by post in paper form. Der Bachelor-Studiengang Urbanistik ist berufsqualifizierend. If you fulfil the admission requirements for these undergraduate programmes and apply by the deadline, you can register immediately, as you are guaranteed admission. Stöbern Sie hier auch schon mal im Projekt-Showcase »Expermiment.Bauhaus« oder im Jahresmagazin »Bauhaus-Journal« um zu sehen, was Bauhausuni-Studierende so treiben! Bachelor . In 1919 the school was renamed Bauhaus by its new director Walter Gropius and it received its present name in 1996. Kunst im öffentlichen Raum und neue künstlerische Strategien. für Studienstart und Studienplatz-bewerbung. Bauhaus-Universität Weimar. You wish to apply with us? Bauhaus-Universität Weimar, Weimar, Germany. Bauhaus Walk Regular tours from students and pre booked group tours. External guests can only access open courses, therefore please use the category “Open Courses”. Contact and Information Ehemalige Professur Betriebswirtschaftslehre im Bauwesen ... Research Associates. and M.Sc. In der Mitte Deutschlands, zentral im Bundesland Thüringen gelegen liegt Weimar. Language CentreAt the Bauhaus-Universität Weimar Language Centre you can improve your knowledge of German in intensive courses that culminate in the DSH exam. Im Studium werden den Studierenden hier kreative und analytische Aspekte der Architektur vermittelt. Now that you have decided on a course of study at the Bauhaus-Universität Weimar, you can apply online to a degree programme of your choice. Quelle: Uni Weimar 2019 Er erfüllt als zweiter Bachelor-Studiengang bundesweit überhaupt die Bedingungen der deutschen Bundesarchitektenkammer, um nach einer anschließenden zweijährigen Berufspraxis in die Liste der Stadtplaner eingetragen zu werden. The funding period of this 12-month scholarship format begins on 1 April. We offer you the possibility to deepen your research interests in an international and interdisciplinary oriented doctorate programme. and M.Sc. Accredited by ‘Thuringian Ministry of Education, Science and Culture’, Bauhaus University offers 39 Bachelor’s and Master’s degrees through its four faculties of Architecture and Urbanism, Civil Engineering, Art and Design, and Media.. Bachelor; Weimar; Suchen. The testis designed to evaluate artistic and creative aptitude.According to paragraph 61, section 3 of the Thüringer Hochschulgesetz(Thuringian Higher Education Act) in exceptional cases, thesuccessful completion of an aptitude test alone may qualify (…) astudent for admission to an artistic course of study (…) or artistic-creative course of study (…)«.For the Lehramt an Gymnasien: Kunsterziehung (Zweifachstudiumund Doppelfach) programme, a University Entrance Certificate ismandatory. Distinguished experts from various disciplines and countries have worked here together with their students to revolutionize education. Some degree programmes are in such high demand that there is not enough space for all the applicants. Bauhaus-Universität Weimar. International rankings and admission details to graduate programmes like masters, MSc, MBAs and summer courses at Bauhaus-Universität Weimar … Bauhaus-Universität Weimar has affordable bachelor’s programs that cost less than 1,000 USD/year. Bauhaus-Universität Weimar: Bachelor Unsere beiden Bachelor-Studiengänge Architektur und Urbanistik liefern das grundständige Rüstzeug für Ihren Einstieg in den Beruf. Due to the current situation, the Campus Office will remain closed until further notice. Der Bachelor-Studiengang „Medienkultur“ an der Bauhaus-Universität Weimar vermittelt Ihnen in 6 Semestern grundlegende Kompetenzen in den Bereichen Medienwissenschaft, Kulturwissenschaft und Medienökonomie. ; It has a huge library with over 5,000 square meters of usable floor space and a collection of approximately 488,500 books. Das Spektrum der Bauhaus-Universität Weimar umfasst ca. 56 Bachelor-Studiengänge in Weimar Weimar | Mit 63.000 Einwohnern befindet sich die Universitätsstadt Weimar etwa 25 Kilometer östlich von Erfurt. Quelle: Uni Weimar 2019 Was machen Produktdesignerinnen und Produktdesigner? Scholarship holders are only allowed to work in a part-time job according to the relevant regulations of the Bauhaus-Universität Weimar. Um Produktdesign an der Bauhaus-Universität Weimar zu studieren muss man zuerst einmal eine Eignungsprüfung bestehen. You will find all relevant information here, Changes the background color from white to black, Elements in focus are visually enhanced by an black underlay, while the font is whitened, Offizieller Account der Bauhaus-Universität Weimar au, Offizieller Account der Bauhaus-Universität Weimar auf Twitter, Offizieller Account der Bauhaus-Universität Weimar auf Instagramm, Offizieller Account der Bauhaus-Universität Weimar auf Vimeo, Information tool for prospective international students. 40 Studiengänge und reicht von der Architektur und dem Bauingenieurwesen über die Mediengestaltung, -wissenschaft und -informatik bis hin zu Kunst und Design. As a general rule, your final marks should be well above average. Campus.OfficeGeschwister-Scholl-Straße 1599423 Weimar. Bauhaus-Universität Weimar. The test is designed to evaluate artistic and creative aptitude. Mit einem Bachelor-Abschluss im Fach Architektur an der Bauhaus-Universität Weimar erhalten Sie die grundlegende Befähigung zur Tätigkeit im Berufsfeld des Architekten. Bauhaus - University Weimar is in the top 6% of universities in the world, ranking 62nd in Germany and 930th globally. Informatik an der Bauhaus-Universität Weimar - hier gibt es Infos zur Regelstudienzeit, Zulassung, Bewerbung und Studienbeiträgen für den Bachelor. Ein familiärer Campus, gute Betreuungsverhältnisse, ein kreatives Umfeld! Um Architekt zu werden, hat man einen weiten Weg vor sich. Degree Programmes with an Aptitude Assessment ProcedureAn aptitude assessment procedure evaluates both the qualification level of your University Entrance Certificate (grade average), as well as subject-specific capabilities in the form of artistic aptitude test, letters of motivation, additional qualifications, practical experience and the results of selection interviews. Please keep in mind that all university offices, public authorities and shops are closed. Bauhaus-Universität Weimar Рівні освіти: Бакалавр (Bachelor) Магістр (Master) Доктор наук (PhD) Початок вебінару: 25 лютого о 15.00 The application modalities, admission requirements and application deadlines for the respective degree programmes are posted on our. Während des Studiums gestalten die Studierenden Bücher, Zeitschriften, Kataloge, Fernsehgrafiken, Plakate und vieles mehr. The exams are held every March and September. The Bauhaus-Universität Weimar is a university located in Weimar, Germany, and specializes in the artistic and technical fields. Some institutions claim to be connected to uni-assist. Produktdesign studieren an der Bauhaus-Universität Weimar. Now that you have decided on a course of study at the Bauhaus-Universität Weimar, you can apply online to a degree programme of your choice. Degree Programmes with an Artistic Aptitude TestBefore you can enrol in one of the following Master programmes, you first have to take an artistic aptitude test. DAS STUDIUM . Please visit the official website of Bauhaus-Universität Weimar to make sure the University information provided is up-to-date. Mit der Bahn gelangt man in nur 15 Minuten in die Landeshauptstadt. Its campus is a UNESCO World Heritage site. There are exceptions for students with an English school leaving certificate (e.g. In allen wissenschaftlichen Bereichen spielt, wie auch in der künstlerischen Entwicklung, die Praxisnähe eine wichtige Rolle. Degree Programmes subject to Qualification CheckA qualification check is carried out to determine whether the knowledge you have already acquired is sufficient to satisfy the subject-specific requirements of your desired Master programme.To make the determination, the examination committee reviews your application materials. Distinguished experts from various disciplines and countries have worked here together with their students to revolutionize education. Please visit the official website of Bauhaus-University Weimar to make sure the University information provided is up-to-date. The Bauhaus-Universität Weimar’s broad spectrum encompasses around 40 degree programmes and courses of study, ranging from fine art to design, visual communication, media design, media science, media informatics, architecture, civil engineering, engineering and the environment, and management. Study courses. the proof of your health insurance (can be organized in Weimar). Information for Erasmus students in UNI-WEIMAR, Bauhaus-Universität Weimar, Weimar, Germany: blogs, experiences and photos. Originally founded in 1860 by Grand Duke Carl Alexander […] ), Urbanistik (B.Sc. Die Bauhaus-Universität Weimar ist eine auf gestalterische und technische Bereiche spezialisierte Universität in Weimar, deren Ursprünge auf die 1860 gegründete Großherzoglich-Sächsische Kunstschule und auf das 1919 gegründete Staatliche Bauhaus zurückgehen. Quelle: Uni Weimar 2019 Der studentische Projektshowcase EXPERIMENT.Bauhaus bietet einen Einblick in das Studium und zeigt Projekte, die Studierende während ihres Studiums entwickelt haben. This first academic degree can be a Bachelor, Master or Diplom earned at a university, university of applied sciences, art academy or technical college. Der Fachschaftsrat vertritt die Studierenden und steht für Anregungen, Fragen und weiteres gerne zur Verfügung. Read more about Bauhaus-Universität Weimar including student testimonials, faculty interviews and more. Master Urbanistik (anwendungsbezogene Planungsprojekte und Seminare insb. Auf rund 60 Seiten berichtet STUDI-Info sowohl über das Bewerbungsverfahren für die medizinischen Fächer als auch über das Zulassungsverfahren für staatliche Universitäten und Fachhochschulen mit örtlichem NC, private Hochschulen und duale Studiengänge.PDF Download In the Bachelor of Architecture study course, renowned professors in the field communicate analytical, creative and constructional aspects of architecture. Phone Consultation:Monday until Friday 10 a.m. – 12 a.m. and 1 p.m. – 3 p.m. phone: +49 (0) 36 43/58 23 23 fax: +49 (0) 36 43/58 23 60 e-mail: study[at]uni-weimar.de, Changes the background color from white to black, Elements in focus are visually enhanced by an black underlay, while the font is whitened, Now that you have decided on a course of study at the Bauhaus-Universität Weimar, you can apply online to a degree programme of your choice. Bauhaus Scholarships for students may not be awarded to candidates who are already receiving public funding. Mit einem Bachelor-Abschluss im Fach Architektur an der Bauhaus-Universität Weimar erhalten Sie die grundlegende Befähigung zur Tätigkeit im Berufsfeld des Architekten. The Bauhaus, the most influential design school in the 20th century, was founded in 1919 in our main building on campus. Learn more about contents, application and prospects of our bachelor's degree programmes Architecture and Urban Planning. Master of Science. Zum Profil. Learn more about our application procedures. Alles zur Bauhaus-Universität Weimar und ihren 45 Studiengängen. Die Regelstudienzeit beträgt 8 Semester. Hat man diese bestanden, gilt es 8 Semester Regelstudienzeit zu absolvieren um dann am Ende den Bachelor of Arts zu erreichen.