The U-boat war was the only military success the Germans enjoyed at the end of the year. Dönitz remarked they lacked the necessary toughness and discipline and consequently were "of no great assistance to us in the Atlantic. Raeder and the operations staff disputed the value in attacking convoys heading westward with empty cargo holds. From 1933 to 1936, the navy was granted only 13 percent of total armament expenditure. Then in 1935, Admiral Erich Raeder chose Dönitz to reconstitute Germany’s submarine force in defiance of the Treaty of Versailles. In reality, Dönitz was a fervent believer in Adolf Hitler and privately admitted he knew about German concentration camps as early as 1934. Dönitz ist dafür verantwortlich, daß viele Seeleute ihr Leben lassen mußten, weil er den Handelskrieg weiterführen ließ, ohne dabei die Prisenordnung zu beachten. So it's war with England again! [84], Even with operational problems great success was achieved in American waters. The shamrock is the symbol of Ireland and a recurring theme in The National WWII Museum’s collection. In 1935 shipyards produced 14 submarines, 21 in 1936, one 1937. Mai 1945: "Unser Führer, Adolf Hitler, ist gefallen. [185] The evacuations continued after the surrender. It was the combination of convoy escorts and air power that made the Atlantic unsuitable for pack operations. After a convoy system was introduced to protect the shipping, Dönitz shifted his U-boats back to the North Atlantic. BdU intelligence concluded the Americans could produce 15,300,000 tons of shipping in 1942 and 1943—two million tons under actual production figures. They forced a commander to dive to prevent the vehicle marking his position or attacking directly. "[37] He ordered the removal of magnetic pistols in favour of contact fuses and their faulty depth control systems. Dönitz would not withdraw his submarines from combat operations, for he felt the ships, men and aircraft engaged in suppressing the U-boats could then be turned on Germany directly. The Admiralty later issued a report on the matter; "The Germans never came so near [to] disrupting communications between the new world and the old as in the first twenty days of March 1943. Furthermore, replies from the boats enabled the Allies to use High-frequency direction finding (HF/DF, called "Huff-Duff") to locate a U-boat using its radio, track it and attack it. The number of boats available allowed him to form Wolfpacks to comb convoy routes from east to west attacking one when found and pursuing it across the ocean. The Anglo-German Naval Agreement of 1935 allowed submarines and he was placed in command of the U-boat flotilla Weddigen, which comprised three boats; U-7; U-8 and; U-9. The type VII remained the backbone of the fleet in 1943. Furthermore, of these, 215 were lost on their first patrol. At the end of May it had risen to 41. Rudolf Hess, Heinrich Himmler, Joseph Goebbels, Hermann Göring, Albert Speer, Karl Dönitz, Josef Mengele, Adolf Eichmann, Baldur von Schirach, Joachim von Ribbentrop, Roland Freisler, Martin Bormann - "Hitlerovi muži". In the time before his command of submarines, he perfected the group tactics that first appealed to him in 1917. He was Germany’s first Nazi dictator, but he was not its last. Geneviève Guilbaud has lived a life of remembrance, an existence always directed against the forgetting and trivialization of the horrors of Nazism. Dönitz was finally arrested by the allies on May 23. [152] Dönitz had tried and failed to push his forces through lethal convoy defences. [115], 1943 began with continued tactical success for Dönitz in battle. His memoirs, Zehn Jahre, Zwanzig Tage (Memoirs: Ten Years and Twenty Days), were released in Germany in 1958 and became available in an English translation the following year. On 1 September 1935, he was promoted to Kapitän zur See (naval captain). Goebbels: Der Brandstifter (Joseph Goebbels : le pyromane) 4. Hitlers Helfer - Dönitz: Der Nachfolger. A day later, Dönitz sent Friedeburg to US General Dwight D. Eisenhower's headquarters in Rheims, France, to negotiate a surrender to the Allies. He was buried in Waldfriedhof Cemetery in Aumühle without military honours, and service members were not allowed to wear uniforms to the funeral. As the last German officer with the rank of Großadmiral (grand admiral), he was honoured by many former servicemen and foreign naval officers who came to pay their respects at his funeral on 6 January 1981. He remarked, "Britain, in the circumstances, could not possibly be included in the number of potential enemies. Liewen. Download Hitlers Helfer - Vollstrecker der Macht - Joseph Goebbels, Hermann Göring, Heinrich Himmler, Rudolf Heß, Albert Speer, Karl Dönitz. Although Dönitz’s submarines were a serious threat to Britain’s survival, the German navy always rated behind the army and air force in German armament priorities. [114] In 1942 Coastal Command began forming units combined with ASV and Leigh Light groups to attack U-boats in transit to the Atlantic via the Bay of Biscay, which continued into 1943. [180], On 1 May, the day after Hitler's own suicide, Goebbels committed suicide. Rudolf Hess - Er war der erste von Hitlers Helfern, der sich bedingungslos dem Demagogen anschloss. [57], For his part, Dönitz was involved in the daily operations of his boats and all the major operational level decisions. [91] However, ultimately Dönitz could not hope to sink more ships than American industry could build, so he targeted the tanker fleet in the Caribbean and Gulf of Mexico in the hope that depleted oil transport would paralyze shipyard output. Still, Dönitz urged German forces to keep fighting, and even upheld Hitler’s directive to destroy German infrastructure until May 6. On 7 May 1945, he ordered Alfred Jodl, Chief of Operations Staff of the Oberkommando der Wehrmacht (OKW), to sign the German instruments of surrender in Reims, France. They spent their time holding cabinet meetings in which they debated meaningless matters of policy such as whether portraits of Hitler should be removed. Single boats were still sent to the Mediterranean and Indian Ocean. Der Diktator aber war auf Helfer angewiesen, die sich ganz in seine Dienste stellten. Er war Hitlers Großadmiral und Schöpfer der über Jahre äußerst erfolgreichen U-Boot-Waffe. Hitlers Helfer: Karl Dönitz - Der Nachfolger Lederen af nazitysklands ubådsflåde opnåede gennem sin karriere at komme så tæt på Hitler, at denne i sit testamente udnævnte ham til sin efterfølger. [118] Even so, in appalling hunter weather, the Germans sank only 44 ships during the month, even with 100 U-boats at sea, the majority stationed in the mid-Atlantic air gap. Dönitz always calculated the worst-case scenario using the highest figures of enemy production potential. Der Chauffeur und die Helfer Hitlers brauchten Stunden um seinen Leichnam zu verbrennen image: Wikimedia Hitler hatte angeordnet dass er verbrannt werden wollten damit die Alliierten Siegermächte seinen Leichnam nicht als Symbol ihres Sieges nutzen konnten. The impunity with which U-boats carried out these operations in Canadian waters into 1944 provided a propaganda effect. Now, Germany’s rapid collapse prevented Dönitz’s attempts to control events. On 4 May, Admiral Hans-Georg von Friedeburg, representing Dönitz, surrendered all German forces in the Netherlands, Denmark, and northwestern Germany to Field Marshal Bernard Law Montgomery at Lüneburg Heath southeast of Hamburg, signaling the end of World War II in northwestern Europe. All of them fell in battle with a convoy system. [122] Each operation was successful, but all were fought in the mid-Atlantic. Submerged, this meant no radio or Enigma communications and far fewer sightings for the Allied intelligence network to exploit. [146] Dönitz ordered his captains to traverse the Bay under the lee of the neutral Spanish coast, with a sharply rising coast which shielded U-boats from radar. Dönitz authorized General Alfred Jodl to sign the document of surrender, which the latter did at 2:41 AM on May 7 at Reims in occupied France. The November battle around Convoy SL 139/MKS 30 ended in the repulse of 29 U-boats with the loss of only a single ship. [85] Dönitz ordered simultaneous operations in the Caribbean Sea. The tactics were successful but placed great strain on crews who spent up to eight days in constant action. He spent the rest of the war in a British POW camp. The Americans released 255 Liberators for the North Atlantic. As the military situation in North Africa and on the Eastern Front began to deteriorate Hitler diverted a number of submarines to the Battle of the Mediterranean[93] upon the suggestions of Admiral Eberhard Weichold. [97], In 1942 Dönitz summed up his philosophy in one simple paragraph; "The enemy's shipping constitutes one single, great entity. Dönitz's influence over naval officers contributed to none joining the attempts to kill Hitler. Dönitz ordered the engagement to be struck from the submarine's logbook. Mai brachte Dönitz die Gewißheit: Hitler war tot. Doch die Psychogramme dieser Männer haben eines gemeinsam: Sie geben eine Antwort auf die Frage, wie … Hess - Der Stellvertreter. Acutely sensitive to international opinion and relations with the United States, the death of more than a hundred civilians was damaging. [132], For the month of April Allied losses fell to 56 ships of 327,943 tons. [145] To counter radar aircraft, Dönitz ordered his submarines to group together and merge their powerful anti-aircraft armament together while surfaced and recharging their batteries, after initially ordering the groups to remain surfaced throughout the journey and fight off aerial attackers with gunfire. [37] In no fewer than 40 attacks on Allied warships, not a single sinking was achieved. The U-boat war finally came to an end on 8 May 1945, the date of the German Instrument of Surrender. He remained a prisoner of war until 1919 and in 1920 he returned to Germany. German code breakers had their own success in the capture of the code book to Cipher Code Number 3 from a merchant ship. Karl Dönitz was an unusual choice to succeed Hitler. It was scheduled to rendezvous with an Italian submarine, until intercepted by a warship. In gratitude, Hitler appointed the navy's commander as his successor before he committed suicide. Dönitz and Speer were appalled by the destruction of Hamburg, a major construction site. Pekne vypráskaná partička, ktorá utopila svet v krvi. [190] Raeder described him as "a picture-book Nazi and confirmed anti-Semite". Nevertheless, there was still cause for optimism. Découvrez des commentaires utiles de client et des classements de commentaires pour Hitlers Helfer sur [163] On 5 July 1944, the Allied Operation Dredger permitted hunter-killer groups to roam the Western Approaches and Biscay making it a "no-go area" for U-boats. Among other tests, a German version of the Wechsler–Bellevue IQ test was administered. Both men lobbied Hitler to increase the planned production of submarines to at least 29 per month. [68] Only the Hydra settings for May were missing. Hitlers Helfer - Joseph Goebbels/Hermann Göring/Heinrich Himmel/Rudolf Heß/Albert Speer/Karl Dönitz Their mission unknown to them. [9] He served as watch officer on U-39, and from February 1918 onward as commander of UC-25. Jezik. [87] The failure to implement a blackout stemmed from the American government's concern it would affect tourism trade. [200], At the trial, Dönitz was charged with waging unrestricted submarine warfare against neutral shipping, permitting Hitler's Commando Order of 18 October 1942 to remain in full force when he became commander-in-chief of the Navy, and to that extent responsibility for that crime. Allied air power determined where and when U-boats could move freely surfaced. Goebbels, Göring, Himmler, Hess, Speer, Dönitz - ihre Bedeutung im Machtgeflecht der Naziherrschaft, der Grad ihrer Verstrickung in die Verbrechen des Regimes waren höchst unterschiedlich. [169] The surrendered U-boats numbered into the hundreds and were destroyed in the postwar Operation Deadlight. Modifications lengthened this to 8,700 miles. Episode Ep. [97] Albrecht Brandi was one of Dönitz's highest performers but his record is a matter of controversy; post-war records prove systematic over-claiming of sinkings. Dönitz was unrepentant regarding his role in World War II, saying that he had acted at all times out of duty to his nation. Due to the cracked M4 and the use of radar, the Allies began to send air and surface reinforcements to convoys under threat. All of these things tied down Canadian military power and imposed industrial, fiscal, and psychological costs. Hitlers Helfer, 4 Cassetten [Knopp, Guido] on Noté /5: Achetez Hitlers Helfer de Knopp, Guido: ISBN: 9783572011735 sur, des millions de livres livrés chez vous en 1 jour It was not until late 1941 the number of vessels began to increase quickly. Dönitz intended to concentrate his power in a rough arc from West Africa to South America and the Caribbean. However, as evidence of similar conduct by the Allies was presented at his trial, his sentence was not assessed on the grounds of this breach of international law. "[107] When war came, Dönitz became more firmly wedded to his Nazi faith. B-Dienst had cracked the convoy ciphers and by July 1942 he could call upon 311 boats, 140 operational, to conduct a renewed assault. Contrary to Hitler’s public vow to die fighting in a climactic final battle, he had no intention of actually fighting. "[41], In May 1940, 101 ships were sunk—but only nine in the Atlantic—followed by 140 in June; 53 of them in the Atlantic for a total of 585,496 GRT that month. Buy Hitlers Helfer by Knopp, Guido (ISBN: 9783572011735) from Amazon's Book Store. Germany was prohibited by the Treaty of Versailles from possessing a submarine fleet. Da verstanden sie sich noch: Adolf Hitler und sein Stellvertreter in der NSDAP, der seine Macht gnadenlos für unmenschliche Ziele missbrauchte. Göring, however, infuriated Hitler by radioing him in Berlin asking for permission to assume leadership of the Reich. At the start of World War II, he was the senior submarine officer in the Kriegsmarine, known as Befehlshaber der Unterseeboote (BdU). The battle of convoy HX 224 was ended upon the intervention of air power from Iceland. Parts for eight major sections were fabricated across 60 plants in Europe an assembled at Hamburg, Danzig and Bremen to ease the pressure of bombing and congestion at shipyards. [82], Along with conventional U-boat operations Dönitz authorised clandestine activities in Canadian waters, including spying, mine-laying, and recovery of German prisoners of war (as Dönitz wished to extract information from rescued submariners concerning Allied tactics). [117] Unknown to Dönitz, Bletchley Park had restored the flow of Enigma information and the Admiralty was able to re-route convoys around wolfpacks. By issuing these two orders, he was found guilty of causing Germany to be in breach of the Second London Naval Treaty of 1936. Unesi svoju pretragu. Dönitz was taken prisoner. [143], Dönitz reacted by deploying his U-boats near the Azores where land-based aircraft still had difficulty reaching them. "[124] Dönitz later conceded the March battles were to be the U-boats' last victories. Hitlers Helfer is a 53 minute documentary starring Christian Brückner as English Narrator, Bill Croome as Himself and David Ritchie as English Narrator. 119 were destroyed by submarines, 83 (508,707 tons) in the Atlantic. Göring declared that if he did not receive an answer to his telegram within two hours, he would presume Hitler was incapacitated and Göring would assume leadership of the Reich. Positioning west of Ireland could take several weeks submerged. A fourth major battle, Convoy SL 138/MKS 28, developed in the last days of October and ended in another failure for Dönitz. [46] Hitler was content with The Blitz and cutting off Britain's imports. Hitlers Helfer Serie 1996 Moviepilot . He similarly tried to portray his actions at the end of the war as an effort to save German soldiers from the clutches of communism. [72] Other departments in the navy downplayed or dismissed these concerns. The complete practice of unrestricted warfare was not enforced for fear of antagonising neutral powers, particularly the Americans. In 1943 however, the Combined Bomber Offensive complicated the planned production. Dönitz succeeded him as head of state and Führer. That left only the Arctic convoys to the Soviet Union. [109] The battles of 1943 and 1944 were fought with the existing VII and Type IX submarines. Login with Gmail. Hess: Der Stellvertreter (Rudolf Hess : le représentant) 2. [160] Five of the snorkel boats survived. 04. [35], On 7 May 1941, the Royal Navy captured the German Arctic meteorological vessel München and took its Enigma machine intact, this allowed the Royal Navy to decode U-boat radio communications in June 1941. [113] The aircraft imposed restraints on U-boat captains, who feared them for their ability to sink a submarine or alert surface warships to their position. Göring would not acquiesce and in March 1940 Raeder was forced to drop the figure from 29 to 25, but even that plan proved illusory. [179], From mid-April 1945, Dönitz and elements of what remained of the Reich government moved into the buildings of the Stadtheide Barracks in Plön. He was found not guilty of committing crimes against humanity, but guilty of committing crimes against peace and war crimes against the laws of war. [196] Later, during the Nuremberg trials, Dönitz claimed to know nothing about the extermination of Jews and declared that nobody among "my men thought about violence against Jews. *FREE* shipping on qualifying offers. "[17] The statement, made after June 1935, was uttered at a time when the naval staff were sure France and the Soviet Union were likely to be Germany's only enemies. Home / Series / Hitlers Helfer / DVD Order / Season 1 / Episode 2 Karl Dönitz - Der Nachfolger Portrét velkoadmirála a vrchního velitele válečného loďstva, který po smrti Hitlera stanul v čele nacistické vlády. A small building program was already underway but the number of U-boats did not rise noticeably until the autumn of 1941. Unlike thousands of German civilians, soldiers, and Nazi party officials who chose to commit suicide after World War II, Dönitz lived to a ripe old age. As Germany’s military situation deteriorated, Dönitz attempted to negotiate a favorable surrender with the western allies in order to avoid abandoning German soldiers and equipment to the Soviet Union. The same month Dönitz suffered strategic defeat. [150], That month, 21 boats fought a battle with two formations; Convoys ONS 18/ON 202. He returned to sea and was killed on 13 May 1944; he had persuaded his friends to let him go on the E-boat S-141 for a raid on Selsey on his 24th birthday. [10] On 4 October, after suffering technical difficulties, Dönitz was forced to surface and scuttled his boat. This extended the range of Type VIIs. [96] Approximately 60 crews were lost and only one crew managed to withdraw through the Strait of Gibraltar. As Supreme Commander of the Navy beginning in 1943, he played a major role in the naval history of World War II. He accepted the commander's explanation that he genuinely believed the ship was armed. Dönitz was pleased with the promised top speed of 18 knots. [60] In general, BdU intelligence was poor. [196], Even during his imprisonment, after Nuremberg, with the crimes of the Nazi state well-known, Dönitz remained an antisemite. Deutsch. New radars were on the horizon and a direction finding antenna for Naxos was scheduled for use. Doch er wußte, daß er unter Adolf Hitler gute Chancen hatte, schnell befördert zu werden und eine rasche Militär-Karriere zu machen, wie bei den meisten Diktatoren. From June 1940, the German submarines began to exact a heavy toll. Dönitz issued an order to all U-boats to cease combat operations and return to port or surrender to Allied naval vessels. [170], Dönitz admired Hitler and was vocal about the qualities he perceived in Hitler's leadership. Uneinsichtig glaubte er …. "[26], Dönitz abandoned the conference to return within the hour a far more composed man. Within the space of several days in March 1941, Prien and Schepke were dead and Kretschmer was a prisoner. [16] This phenomenal contrast with Dönitz's wartime policy is explained in the 1935 Anglo-German Naval Agreement. [157], A major concern to Dönitz was Operation Overlord, the long predicted landing in France, and what role the U-boat arm and surface forces could play in the defence. Six of the 370 ships were sunk; three were stragglers. In return 29 crews were lost. Hitlers Helfer Hermann Göring Der zweite Mann Doku über Göring Teil 1; June 29th 1941 - Hermann Goering is named Hitlers successor | HISTORY CALENDAR; Hitlers Helfer Hermann Göring Der zweite Mann Doku über Göring Teil 4; Hitlers Helfer: Heinrich Himmler - der Vollstrecker; Hitler, Mussolini And Goering In Germany (1930-1939) With 66 vessels at sea at any one time, and with 200 boats operational, the BdU was still a viable threat and he believed the force could achieve modest success. 01. Convoys relied on RAF Coastal Command aircraft operating from Northern Ireland and Iceland. [49] Dönitz complimented Italian bravery and daring, but was critical of their training and submarine designs. [176], Dönitz's influence on military matters was also evident. Dönitz - Der Nachfolger. That night, 2 May, Dönitz made a nationwide radio address in which he announced Hitler's death and said the war would continue in the East "to save Germany from destruction by the advancing Bolshevik enemy. Dönitz-Regierung in Flensburg Hitlers allerletztes Aufgebot Der Großadmiral und seine Getreuen - noch zwei Wochen nach Kriegsende durfte Karl Dönitz in Flensburg Kabinett spielen. [83] One of these operations was the well-known Operation Kiebitz to rescue Otto Kretschmer. Only 26 were in commission or under construction that summer. Dönitz had instructed them to draw out the negotiations for as long as possible so that German troops and refugees could surrender to the Western powers, but when Eisenhower let it be known he would not tolerate their stalling, Dönitz authorized Jodl to sign the instrument of unconditional surrender at 1:30 on the morning of 7 May. (29.9.2006) všechny komentáře uživatele (k tomuto TV seriálu) / Radek99. [191] Several naval officers described him as "closely tied to Hitler and Nazi ideology. [167] Dönitz was left with the old VIIs to carry the war into 1945. [199], During the trial, army psychologist Gustave Gilbert was allowed to examine Nazi leaders on trial for war crimes. Also in attendance were over 100 holders of the Knight's Cross of the Iron Cross. The hunter-killer groups were called in to hunt the remaining members of the wolfpacks, with predictable results. "[143] A large portion of the 39 U-boats deployed on these operations were intercepted. [138] On 24 May Dönitz ordered the suspension of Atlantic operations, bringing an end to Black May. He concluded that there was "convincing evidence" that, after an "exhaustive investigation" that the Allied codebreakers had been reading high level communications. The U-boats operated in groups or 'wolf packs' which were coordinated by radio from land. Dönitz remained so, long after the war was lost. Library Binding Google eBookstore. After Peter's death Klaus was forbidden to have any combat role and was allowed to leave the military to begin studying to become a naval doctor. [12] Peter was killed on 19 May 1943 when U-954 was sunk in the North Atlantic with all hands. Dönitz knew that Soviet captivity would likely mean death for hundreds of thousands of German soldiers. His command sank more than 3,500 allied vessels in the protracted Battle of the Atlantic during the course of World War II. Adolf Hitler was the man who led the Nazi party to power in Germany and created the Third Reich. Dönitz paced around the room and his staff purportedly heard him repeatedly say, "My God! The official naval historian wrote, "The collapse of the enemy's offensive, when it came, was so sudden that it took him completely by surprise. [167] 60 of the former and 23 of the latter were in service but none were operational. [156] In the first quarter of 1944, U-boats sank only three of the 3,360 ships that passed south of Ireland. Der 1. [103], November 1942 was a new high in the Atlantic. Die Reihe Hitlers Helfer dokumentiert in eindrucksvoller Weise das Leben und den Werdegang der engsten Vertrauten des Diktators Die Öffentlich-Rechtlichen sorgen dafür, dass ich Wochen, manchmal Monate ohne Wiederholungen auskomme: Hitler auf dem Obersalzberg, Hitler und Eva, Hitler und seine Hunde, Hitlers Helfer, Hitler im Bunker. Although skilled and with impeccable judgement, the shipping lanes they descended upon were poorly defended. Rozpútali druhú svetovú vojnu. Meanwhile, two generals, a handful of secretaries, propaganda minister Josef Goebbels and his family, and Hitler’s longtime girlfriend, Eva Braun, remained in the bunker. [102], Dönitz was content that he now had the naval power to extend U-boat operations to other areas aside the North Atlantic. "What would have become of our country today, if the Fuehrer had not united us under National Socialism? [29] With the fall of France, Germany acquired U-boat bases at Lorient, Brest, St Nazaire, and La Pallice/La Rochelle and Bordeaux. [31], Although the phrase was not used, by November 1939 the BdU was practicing unrestricted submarine warfare. Dönitz ordered his submarines into battle until 1945 to relieve the pressure on other branches of the Wehrmacht (armed forces). Despite several investigations, the conclusion of the BdU staff was that Engima was impenetrable. Göring - Der zweite Mann. Goebbels, Göring, Himmler, Hess, Speer, Dönitz - ihre Bedeutung im Machtgeflecht der Naziherrschaft, der Grad ihrer Verstrickung in die Verbrechen des Regimes waren höchst unterschiedlich. Dönitz's claims underplayed German losses, which were, in fact, 41 submarines from 82 in France, a 50 percent loss rate. Goebbels - Der Brandstifter. The boat was sunk by the French destroyer La Combattante. Courtesy of the National Archives and Records Administration. While in a prisoner of war camp, he formulated what he later called Rudeltaktik ("pack tactic", commonly called "wolfpack"). Karl Dönitz was an unusual choice to succeed Hitler. "[50], The establishment of German bases on the French Atlantic coast allowed for the prospect of aerial support. [193], From an ideological standpoint, Dönitz was anti-Marxist and antisemitic[194] who believed that Germany needed to fight the "poison of Jewry". Pekne vypráskaná partička, ktorá utopila svet v krvi. By April 1943 U-boat morale was reaching a crisis point. Hitlers Helfer - Joseph Goebbels/Hermann Göring/Heinrich Himmel/Rudolf Heß/Albert Speer/Karl Dönitz [Guido Knopp] on Dönitz was imprisoned for 10 years in Spandau Prison in what was then West Berlin. Canadian operations, as with American efforts, were a failure during this year. Waters in the southern hemisphere to South Africa could also be attacked with the new Type IX submarine. Dönitz in seiner Runkfunkansprache am 1. Divided along party lines, beset with the spreading poison of Jewry and vulnerable to it, because we lacked the defense of our present uncompromising ideology, we would have long since succumbed under the burden of this war and delivered ourselves to the enemy who would have mercilessly destroyed us. Hitler recognised his patriotism, professionalism but above all, his loyalty. At this time Dönitz first expressed his procurement policies. Joseph Goebbels would become the new Chancellor. Instead, he began planning his suicide to avoid the dishonor of surrender he associated with the German government of 1918. Furthermore, Hitler declared both Göring and Himmler traitors and expelled them from the party. After Dönitz returned to Germany, he chose to remain in the greatly reduced German navy. [14], He continued his naval career in the naval arm of the Weimar Republic's armed forces. In particular, the British Admiralty, on 8 May 1940, had ordered all vessels in the Skagerrak sunk on sight, and Admiral Chester Nimitz, wartime commander-in-chief of the US Pacific Fleet, stated the US Navy had waged unrestricted submarine warfare in the Pacific from the day the US officially entered the war. [148] In September 1943, Dönitz ordered his submarines back to the North Atlantic. Read "Hitlers Helfer" by Guido Knopp available from Rakuten Kobo. [201][202] Dönitz was unable to defend himself on this charge convincingly when cross-examined by prosecutor Sir David Maxwell Fyfe. [100] With support from the Royal Navy and Royal Canadian Navy, the new convoy systems compelled Dönitz to withdraw his captains to the mid-Atlantic once again.