Seit 1985 bin ich Alphaville-Fan und habe den musikalischen Werdegang der Band bis heute verfolgt. Unter den neuen Songs ist auch eine Neufassung des Alphaville-Klassikers „Summer in Berlin“, den Marian Gold, Bernhard Lloyd und Frank Mertens 1984 auf ihrem Debütalbum „Forever Young“ veröffentlichen.Ein wunderbarer Song, der gerade in diesen Tagen des Lockdowns unsere Sehnsucht nach der Leichtigkeit und Ausgelassenheit des Lebens nährt. And Westberlin was a paradigm for that. Der Klassiker endlich neu aufgelegt Alphaville-Fans aufgepasst: Die deutschen Popikonen veröffentlichen 2021 zwei erweiterte und remasterte Deluxe-Reissues ihrer Alben »Afternoons In Utopia« und »The Brea… lieferbar ab 7.5.2021. Bass – Ken Taylor. 4:46 To Germany with Love ... New Wave, Synth-pop. One of Alpha 60's dictates is that "people should not ask 'why', but only say 'because'". History is a 1993 Alphaville album. Nach dem Tod von Keyboarder Martin Lister vor drei Jahren hat Mastermind Marian Gold seine Band neu formiert. Beiträge: 1014 Übersetzungen, 2 Transliterationen, 2722 Mal gedankt, 259 Anfragen erfüllt hat 149 Mitgliedern geholfen, Hat 1 Lied transkribiert, hat 13 Idiome hinzugefügt, hat 11 Idiome erklärt, hat 2181 Kommentare hinterlassen, hat 41 Anmerkungen hinzugefügt Jetzt in das Album Strange Attractor von Alphaville reinhören Alpha 60 has outlawed free thought and individualist concepts like love, poetry, and emotion in the city, replacing them with contradictory concepts or eliminating them altogether. 05.09.2007 22:12 miss_grace Member ***** auch eindeutig 6* 05.09.2007 22:15 Kirin Member **** Kann man gelten lassen. Alpha 60 converses with Lemmy Caution several times throughout the film, and its voice is seemingly ever-present in the city, serving as a sort of narrator. Alphaville is a German synth-pop band centered around vocalist. Its consensus reads, "While Alphaville is by no means a conventional sci-fi film, Jean-Luc Godard creates a witty, noir-ish future all his own. German purveyors of brooding yet catchy synth pop, including a trio of international hits during 1984 led by "Big in Japan." Está página não é oficial, é apenas um fã clube, onde o objetivo é unir fãs, que podem trazer curiosidades. As an archetypal American anti-hero private eye in trenchcoat and with weathered visage, Lemmy Caution's old-fashioned machismo conflicts with the puritanical computer (Godard originally wanted to title the film Tarzan versus IBM). It was the last Alphaville album with Ricky Echolette. In a near future, the American secret agent Lemmy Caution travels to Alphaville posing as the journalist Ivan Johnson from the Figaro-Pravda newspaper. "Alphaville, périphéries" ("The Outskirts of Alphaville"), special feature, "The future is now: Sci-fi films in real locations",,,, "Alphaville, directed by Jean-Luc Godard", "Anticipation, ou: l'amour en l'an 2000" in, Letter in Motion to Gilles Jacob and Thierry Frémaux, Buffalo Bill and the Indians, or Sitting Bull's History Lesson,, French avant-garde and experimental films, Short description is different from Wikidata, Wikipedia articles needing rewrite from October 2020, Articles with unsourced statements from October 2020, Articles to be expanded from October 2018, Wikipedia articles with SUDOC identifiers, Wikipedia articles with WorldCat-VIAF identifiers, Creative Commons Attribution-ShareAlike License, Valérie Boisgel as 2nd Seductress Third Class, Michel Delahaye as Prof. von Braun's assistant. Enjoy the videos and music you love, upload original content, and share it all with friends, family, and the world on YouTube. "Forever Young" was played in a high school prom-related scene in the 2004 film Napoleon Dynamite. It stars Eddie Constantine, Anna Karina, Howard Vernon and Akim Tamiroff. Denn: Hier zählt die Musik. Natacha is a citizen of Alphaville and when questioned, says that she does not know the meaning of "love" or "conscience". März 2021. Sicher? And „Summer in Berlin“ is a paradigm for it. Alphaville: une étrange aventure de Lemmy Caution (Alphaville: A Strange Adventure of Lemmy Caution) is a 1965 French New Wave science fiction neo-noir film directed by Jean-Luc Godard. At the end, as Paul Misraki's musical score reaches its climax, Natacha realizes that it is her understanding of herself as an individual with desires that saves her, and destroys Alpha 60. In fact, none of it even reached the screen and according to Bitsch the German backers later asked Michelin to repay the money when they saw the completed film. Directed by Jean-Luc Godard. 1: A Victory Of Love: 4:14: 2: Summer In Berlin: 4:45: 3: Big In Japan . Becky Hill "Forever Young" (by Alphaville) - McDonald's Christmas advert 2020 In an image reminiscent of George Orwell's concept of Newspeak, there is a dictionary in every hotel room that is continuously updated when words that are deemed to evoke emotion become banned. As a result, Alphaville is an inhuman, alienated society. Beiträge: 2543 Übersetzungen, 5044 Mal gedankt, 121 Anfragen erfüllt hat 45 Mitgliedern geholfen, hat 45 Lieder transkribiert, hat 1 Idiom hinzugefügt, hat 11 Idiome erklärt, hat 736 Kommentare hinterlassen, hat 1 Anmerkungen hinzugefügt SCHILLER x ALPHAVILLE: „Summer in Berlin“ und dem 20minütigen Epos „Der Klang der Stadt“ Está página não é oficial, é apenas um fã clube, onde o objetivo é unir fãs, que podem trazer curiosidades. Create and get +5 IQ From: (Jan Morenzin) this one is a fabulous piece of music by a german pop-band called Alphaville. 14 neue Studiotracks. When he refuses Caution's offer to go back to "the outlands", Caution kills him. Studio albums: 7: Live albums: 1: Compilation albums: 10: Video albums: 3: Singles: 25: The discography of German synth-pop group Alphaville. Alphaville were formed by vocalist and lyricist Marian Gold and keyboard player Bernhard Lloyd, both of whom were members of the Nelson Community, a multimedia art collective based in Berlin. Track listing. 2 talking about this. Part of this sequence shows Caution riding an elevator up to his room, which was achieved thanks to the fact that the hotel used as the location had two glass-walled elevators side by side, allowing the camera operator to ride in one lift while filming Constantine riding the other car through the glass between the two. Caution meets Dickson, who soon dies in the process of making love to a "Seductress Third Class". sowie weitere Produkte von und mit Alphaville (DVDs, Bücher usw.). Das Ergebnis dieses Unternehmens wurde 2003 in einer 4-CD-Box dokumentiert und unter dem Titel CrazyShow veröffentlicht. 02. Jedes neue Album unterschied sich stilistisch von seinen Vorgängeralben, wodurch die Band immer wieder ihre große künstlerische Bandbreite unter Beweis gestellt hat. People who show signs of emotion are presumed to be acting illogically and are gathered up, interrogated, and executed. Backing Vocals – Wednesday (2) Backing Vocals – Wednesday (2) 4:43: 4: To Germany With Love. Nach der Veröffentlichung des Remix-Albums Forever Pop 2001 verlegten Alphaville die gesamte Produktion ihres neuen Werkes ins Internet, wo ein Online-Publikum die Entstehung der Lieder verfolgen, kommentieren und kostenlos herunterladen konnte. Caution eventually destroys or incapacitates it by telling it a riddle that involves something Alpha 60 can not comprehend: poetry (although many of Alpha 60's lines are actually quotations from the Argentine poet Jorge Luis Borges; the opening line of the film, along with others, is an extract of Borges's essay "Forms of a Legend", and other references throughout the movie are made by Alpha 60 to Borges's "A New Refutation of Time"). German synth pop group Alphaville enjoyed major success in the United States with their early hits "Forever Young" and "Big in Japan," and went on to a lasting career in Europe, South America, and Asia. bestnote. Account & Lists Account Returns & Orders. Dear Friends, what is Albert Einstein’s relativity formula paired with the colour code of Ultramarine doing in a post on Alphaville’s social media? Alphaville Biography by Mark Deming + Follow Artist. Você também contribuir com publicações falando conosco. (The city name is given as Nueva York—Spanish for New York—instead of either the original English name or the French literal rendering "Nouvelle York".). At the end of '81, Gold and Lloyd (Frank would come in not long afterwards) take part in a concert with 5 other artists, on Nelson Community. It stars Eddie Constantine, Anna Karina, Howard Vernon and Akim Tamiroff. Caution is on a series of missions. E=mc2 & CI 77007. Natacha discovers, with the help of Lemmy Caution, that she was actually born outside of Alphaville. There are no special props or futuristic sets; instead, the film was shot in real locations in Paris, the night-time streets of the capital becoming the streets of Alphaville, while modernist glass and concrete buildings (that in 1965 were new and strange architectural designs) represent the city's interiors. Invited by the designer Michael Michalsky, Alphaville performed songs from the new album as well as old hits at the StyleNite on 21 January 2011 during Berlin Fashion Week. Buildings used were the Electricity Board building for the Alpha 60 computer centre and the Hotel Scribe. That happened with „Next Generation“, a song, we... Read More. 23.08.2007 15:21 Hans Rocher Member ***** Grandios! [7], Alphaville is mentioned in the first chapter of Salman Rushdie's "The Satanic Verses. Caution falls in love with her, and his love introduces emotion and unpredictability into the city. Téli városrészen, a hópelyhek kr Expatriate American actor Eddie Constantine plays Lemmy Caution, a trenchcoat-wearing secret agent. Ganz sicher? Mit Hits wie "Forever Young" wurden die Münsteraner Marian Gold und Bernhard Lloyd 1984 über Nacht zu Stars - dabei hatten sie als sozialistisches Kollektiv angefangen. Tracklist Hide Credits. The film won the Golden Bear award of the 15th Berlin International Film Festival in 1965. Distinctive lead voice of Marian Gold. Gleich im ersten Anlauf ein europaweiter Hit: In neun Ländern auf Platz 1, in knapp 30 in den Top 10 vertreten und in den US-Dance-Charts ebenfalls auf Rang 1.
Nachdem die Neue Deutsche Welle zu Ende war, fand der Synthipop in Deutschland seine Meister: Alphaville.
Heutzutage führt einfach kein Weg an "Big In Japan" vorbei. No title so far for this one 2.) [7], Like most of Godard's films, the performances and dialogue in Alphaville were substantially improvised. Time travel... Read More. Seit 1993 tritt Gold unter dem Namen Alphaville auch live auf, was jedoch bis heute von den damaligen Bandmitgliedern Bernhard Lloyd, Frank Mertens und Ricky Echolette abgelehnt wird. The Professor himself talks infrequently, referring only vaguely to his hatred for journalists, and offering Caution the chance to join Alphaville, even going so far as to offer him the opportunity to rule a galaxy. "Forever Young" was also featured in the Canadian movie 1987 (2014). Jetzt bequem online bestellen. The single was a hit in Scandinavia and in the European German-speaking countries in the same year.. Nach langer Zeit sehnsüchtigen Wartens ist endlich die neue Alphaville-Single auf dem Markt - und was für eine Single! Albums Studio albums. Alphaville Liedtext: Moon Girl: Sometimes it seems the night will last forever / Sometimes it seems th... Deutsch English Español Français Hungarian Italiano Nederlands Polski Português (Brasil) Română Svenska Türkçe Ελληνικά Български Русский Српски العربية فارسی 日本語 한국어 Big In Japan - Alphaville 3:52 play stop Seeds - Alphaville 3:15 Diese Diskografie ist eine Übersicht über die musikalischen Werke der deutschen Synthie-Pop-Band Alphaville.Den Quellenangaben und Schallplattenauszeichnungen zufolge verkaufte sie in ihrer Karriere bisher mehr als drei Millionen Tonträger, wovon sie bislang alleine in ihrer Heimat Deutschland über 1,5 Millionen Tonträger verkauften. Irgendwann zwischen Moskau, Berlin und Lima entstand bei Jochen Schmalbach, Marcus Meyn und Volker Hinkel der Wunsch, abseits der Band Camouflage, mit der die 3 nun schon seit über 15 Jahren gemeinsam um die Welt reisen, ein neues Projekt zu entwickeln. Na, wer da als geschichtlich bewanderter Musikfreund angesichts des Plattentitels "Alphaville" mal nicht schmunzelt …Im Zusammenhang mit IMPERIAL TRIUMPHANT sollte man aber nicht damit rechnen, hymnischen New Wave oder Pop geboten zu bekommen; die drei New Yorker, die dahinterstecken, sind nämlich mit allen extremmetallischen Wassern gewaschen. Always deep-thought lyrics. With Eddie Constantine, Anna Karina, Akim Tamiroff, Valérie Boisgel. Profil: Alphaville is a German synth-pop band centered around vocalist Marian Gold (Hartwig Schierbaum), formed in 1982 in Münster. NEW ALBUM: Lil Wayne Drops New Album 'Funeral' ft. Adam Levine , Watch Will Smith perform to iconic song 'Prince Ali' from Aladdi ; More News; Artists. As of March 10 you will not only be abl e to order the brandnew single “Heartbreak City” (Instant Grat!) Übersetzung des Liedes „Big In Japan“ (Alphaville) von Englisch nach Ungarisch (Version #2) ... Lied: Big In Japan 18 Übersetzungen; Übersetzungen: Arabisch, Deutsch, Finnisch, Französisch, Griechisch, Italienisch, Kroatisch, Persisch, Rumänisch 9 weitere; Anfragen: Japanisch Ungarisch Übersetzung Ungarisch. Year Album details Peak chart positions GER AUT FIN NOR NL. Caution then enlists the assistance of Natacha von Braun (Anna Karina), a programmer of Alpha 60 and daughter of Professor von Braun. März 2021. The concept of the individual self has been lost to the collectivized citizens of Alphaville, and this is the key to Caution's riddle. 05 Februar 2021. Neue Band, neuer Sound Alphaville haben sich verändert. Alphaville's song "Forever Young" was featured in the movie Listen to Me (1989) featuring Kirk Cameron in one of his first film roles. The film ends with her line "Je vous aime" ("I love you"). … from Alphaville with love What I remember about the time when the Forever Young Album was released is that we received a promo-schedule from... Read More 27 09.08.2007 18:11 bandito Member ***** 5+. The use of words that mean the opposite of their actual derivations is further echoed in Godard's film with the reversed symbolism of the nodding gestures for "yes" and "no". Warum auch? Headlines" (alternate lyrics) - 3:47 "Fallen Angel" (demo) - 3:57 "Big Yellow Sun" (alternate demo mix) - 6:38 Hier gibt’s die Offiziellen Deutschen Charts in ihrer ganzen Vielfalt. Keine (eigenen) Mixe oder Medeleys. März 2021. Alphaville arbeiten am neuen Album „Thunderbaby“ Ein paar Welthits später mutierten Alphaville dann zum Studioprojekt, eine Zeit an die sich Gold folgendermaßen erinnert: „Wir haben unser Dasein im Elfenbeinturm genossen, alles ausprobiert und auf den stetigen musikalischen Wandel gesetzt.“ Mitte der 90er-Jahre begann dann doch noch die Live-Phase und die hält bis heute an. Bitsch protested that he had never read a Lemmy Caution book, but Godard simply said "Read one and then write it." So sind Alphaville 2017 facettenreicher denn je, sowohl was ihre Musik als auch die Themen betrifft. (4xCD, Album + CD + 2xDVD-V, NTSC + 2xBlu-ray + Box), Guide d'utilisation de la Base de Données, Like To Get To Know You Well / Forever Young, Las Cosas Solo Pueden Mejorar / Por Siempre Joven, Yeh Yeh (12" Dance Mix) / Baila Conmigo (Dance With Me), One Hit Wonders in UK but not in other countries. Channing Way 3.) The film is set in the future but the characters also refer to twentieth-century events; for example, the hero describes himself as a Guadalcanal veteran. News: “Afternoons in Utopia” and “The Breathtaking Blue” Dear Friends, what is Albert Einstein’s relativity formula paired with the colour code of Ultramarine doing in a post on Alphaville’s social media? At the end of '81, Gold and Lloyd (Frank would come in not long afterwards) take part in a concert with 5 other artists, on Nelson Community. 414 likes. Das neue Album beginnt getragen, in Moll, mit dem Song “Giants” und einer Aussage, die das Universum von Alphaville in einem einzigen Satz zusammenfasst: “I hate to sleep / But I love to dream.” Alphavilles neue Songs sind in diesem Sinne songs of faith and devotion und imstande, große Gefühle und lebenserklärende Gedanken mit dem Vokabular des Pop zu vereinen. However, in Alphaville, director Jean-Luc Godard moves Caution away from his usual twentieth-century setting and places him in a futuristic sci-fi dystopia, the technocratic dictatorship of Alphaville. Mad Tornado... No title so far for this one 2.) Inkl. Está página não é oficial, é apenas um fã clube, onde o objetivo é unir fãs, que podem trazer curiosidades. Overview ↓ … Alphaville hatten in ihrer bislang über 30-jährigen Karriere Welthits wie “Big In Japan”, “Sounds Like A Melody”, “Jet Set”, “Dance With Me” und natürlich “Forever Young”.Nun erwartet uns ab dem 7.April 2017 mit “Strange Attractor” ihr neues, siebtes Studio-Album – ein Pop-Album, das so klingt, als sei es für unsere zerrissene Welt geschrieben worden. There is no strumming pattern for this song yet. Alphaville - AFTERNOONS IN UTOPIA - (Vinyl) im Onlineshop von Saturn kaufen. Bitsch read a Caution book, then wrote a 30-page treatment and brought it to Godard, who said "OK, fine" and took it without even looking at it. This list may not reflect recent changes . Lemmy Caution is a secret agent with the code number of 003 from "the Outlands". The new Alphaville Album “Strange Attractor” will be released April 7, 2017. Read Full Biography. In March 2011 Alphaville toured the album across Germany and had signed a new deal with the Universal Music Group. Channing Way 3.) It features electronic jazz, new wave music, synthpop, swing music, hip hop, classical ballads and Pink Floyd-like epic electronic music. Alphaville – Strange Attractor jetzt kaufen. Weiterer starker Alphaville Song der mir als Single entgangen ist - aber egal, war vor meiner Zeit, so ist es doch ganz spannend mal neues zu erfahren 27.11.2020 09:48 merlin77 It was then given to Michelin, who was pleased with the result, and the "script" was duly translated into German and sent off to the backers. [21], 1965 French science fiction neo-noir film. 4 talking about this. „Alphaville“-Frontmann Marian Gold macht seit rund 30 Jahren Musik und kann einfach nicht damit aufhören. Alphaville (Band) Alphaville ist eine deutsche Pop -Band, die 1983 gegründet und durch Lieder wie Big in Japan und Forever Young international bekannt wurde. Schiller x Alphaville. Godard appropriated the character for Alphaville but according to director Anne Andreu,[7] Godard's subversion of the Lemmy Caution "stereotype" effectively shattered Constantine's connection with the character—he reportedly said that he was shunned by producers after Alphaville was released. Und das wirkte sich natürlich auch auf ihren Sound aus. At one point, Caution passes through a place called the Grand Omega Minus, from where brainwashed people are sent out to the other "galaxies" to start strikes, revolutions, family rows, and student revolts. Liedname: Interpret*: Originaltempo 1: Takte/min. Released in 1993 on cassette and only to members of the official Alphaville fan club, History is a collection of early Alphaville demo tracks, B-sides, and a few out-takes. Bewertung, Strange Attractor. A A. Nagy Japánban. Images of the E = mc2 and hf = mc2 equations are displayed several times throughout the film as symbols of the regime of logical science that rules Alphaville. One of my definite favourite electronic POP projects of the 1980s. However, the album's experimental nature and lack of commercial success led the band to return to its synth/dance roots with the following album, Salvation. Im Alphaville-Shop bei finden Sie alles von Alphaville (CDs, MP3, Vinyl, etc.) [6], Constantine came to the film through producer André Michelin, who had the actor under contract. Das #1 Album. Wenn ich mir das mal erlauben darf bei der Gelegenheit: Den Frontmann fand ich fies! NEW SINGLE! B. Entdecken Sie die Biografie und die Diskografie, und reden Sie mit bei den Kundendiskussionen über Alphaville ", On review aggregator website Rotten Tomatoes, Alphaville received an approval rating of 91% based on 46 reviews, and an average rating of 8.36/10. “Strange Attractor” ist da: “Forever Young”-Hitmaker Alphaville veröffentlichen neues Album 07.04.2017 Sie haben Hits veröffentlicht, die wirklich jeder mitsingen kann – und sie haben den Sprung ins Hier und Jetzt mit Bravour gemeistert: Mit “ Strange Attractor ” veröffentlichen Alphaville ein neues Album . 05. A U.S. secret agent is sent to the distant space city of Alphaville where he must find a missing person and free the city from its tyrannical ruler. Die Band veröffentlicht weiterhin Lieder, Alben und Remixe, die vornehmlich über das Internet vertrieben werden. [8], The opening section of the film includes an unedited sequence that depicts Caution walking into his hotel, checking in, riding an elevator and being taken through various corridors to his room. Ausnahme: Der Mix hat einen eigenen Interpreten. Alpha 60 is a sentient computer system created by von Braun, which is in complete control of all of Alphaville. Homesickness is also a very contradictional phenomenon. It became known after 2 years of existence, with the songs “Forever Young”, “Big in Japan”, “Dance With Me” and “Sounds Like A Melody für mich das beste lied von alphaville überhaupt. Alphaville is a band from Münster, Germany. Despite its futuristic scenario, Alphaville was filmed entirely in and around Paris and no special sets or props were constructed. Entering Alphaville in his Ford Galaxie,[3] he poses as a journalist named Ivan Johnson and claims to work for the Figaro-Pravda. Find Alphaville discography, albums and singles on AllMusic. So many songs we forgot to play So many dreams are swinging out of the blue We let them come true Forever young, I want to be forever young Do you really want to live forever, forever forever Forever young, I want to be forever young Do you really want to live forever forever forever Forever young, I want to be forever young Solltet ihr auf einem Mix/Medley tanzen, so füge bitte jedes Lied einzeln hinzu. The film won the Golden Bear award of the 15th Berlin International Film Festival in 1965.[1][2]. No matter how ugly or run down the place is we once called our home, we never escape its magnetism. HOMESICKNESS is a terrible feeling but it creates great songs. Alphaville in 2005. Constantine had become a popular actor in France and Germany through his portrayal of tough-guy detective Lemmy Caution in a series of earlier films. Der Song ist jedoch auf Plattformen wie Youtube und MyVideo im Umlauf. Constantine didn't play Lemmy Caution again until Panic Time in 1980. Dann kannst du das Lied und den Interpreten hinzufügen.Bitte nur Originale. However, as Coutard recalled, this required multiple takes, since the elevators were old and in practice they proved very difficult to synchronize. Here’s the news: Last week we wrote 6 great new songs: 1.) The voice of Alpha 60 was performed by a man with a, There is also a high-end suburb outside of, Robert Palmer mentions at the end of this video that the album cover of, This page was last edited on 13 February 2021, at 23:15. Started out as a trio with Gold backed by synth players Bernhard Lloyd and Frank Mertens. Website der Band M.I.N.E. 04. Alphaville is a German synth-pop band centered around vocalist Marian Gold (Hartwig Schierbaum), formed in 1982 in Münster.Started out as a trio with Gold backed by synth players Bernhard Lloyd and Frank Mertens. Alphaville combines the genres of … Versionen : #1 #2. The single achieved more success in the United States than in the United Kingdom, but it failed to reach the American top 40 despite three separate US single releases. 2 CDs EUR 19,99* Artikel merken In den Warenkorb Artikel ist im Warenkorb Alphaville. Alphaville News. Está página não é oficial, é apenas um fã clube, onde o objetivo é unir fãs, que podem trazer curiosidades. Get their first album with the essential hits. Ist das Lied noch nicht in unserer Datenbank vorhanden? According to cinematographer Raoul Coutard, he and Godard shot this section as a continuous four-minute take. at Amazon/iTunes, you can also place your album preorder there. Seit 1985 bin ich Alphaville-Fan und habe den musikalischen Werdegang der Band bis heute verfolgt. Alphaville - Forever Young (Version 2) (Official Music Video) 3:59; Sounds Like a Melody. First, he searches for the missing agent Henri Dickson (Akim Tamiroff); second, he is to capture or kill the creator of Alphaville, Professor von Braun (Howard Vernon); lastly, he aims to destroy Alphaville and its dictatorial computer, Alpha 60. Auch das Internet hat es Alphaville angetan: Die Nummer neun von "Dreamscapes" gibts zunächst nur auf News News from us. "Forever Young" is a song from German synth-pop band Alphaville's 1984 debut album of the same name. German purveyors of brooding yet catchy synth pop, including a trio of international hits during 1984 led by "Big in Japan." Assistant director Charles Bitsch recalled that, even when production commenced he had no idea what Godard was planning to do. [4] The opposition of his role to logic (and that of other dissidents to the regime) is represented by faux-quotations from Capitale de la douleur ("Capital of Pain"), a book of poems by Paul Éluard. It was the time when "digital sound" was all new and revolutionary, people were just about to abandon the analog synths and reel 2 reel tape machines which were back in demand 15-20 years later. "[20] Time Out London gave the film a positive review, calling it "a dazzling amalgam of film noir and science fiction". Try Alphaville hatten in ihrer bislang über 30-jährigen Karriere Welthits wie “Big In Japan”, “Sounds Like A Melody”, “Jet Set”, “Dance With Me” und natürlich “Forever Young”.Ihr neues Album “Strange Attractor” ist nun eine Kreuzung aus pumpenden Funk- und Soul-Zitaten mit reinem Elektro-Pop.