[45][46][47] The episode mainly features the Hypnotoad staring into the camera, occasionally intercut with a laugh track or shots of the exteriors of various locations to indicate a scene change. [13] It is also a recurring gag that Hermes wants to kill some or all of the members of the Planet Express crew; in "The Farnsworth Parabox", he suggested that Leela shoot the rest of the crew and pondered ejecting the entire crew of both universes except him in Universe 1 into the sun. She first believes herself an alien but later is revealed to be the least-mutated sewer mutant in the history of 31st-century Earth. He also appears in the parody of Cops, called Cop Department. Turanga Morris (voiced by David Herman) and Turanga Munda (voiced by Tress MacNeille) are Leela's father and mother and later on Fry's parents-in-law. Lars Bender is the 25 player is in the list of funniest footballers. In the episode "The Honking", it is revealed that his first job was as a motorised service arm building the most evil car in existence, Project Satan. John DiMaggio says he is his favorite character to voice. The main Nibblonians in the series are Nibbler, Ken, voiced by Billy West, and Fiona, voiced by Tress MacNeille. They get back together briefly, but break up once more when Mom learns the Professor had been initially using her. Member of the "Vice Presidential Action Rangers", and celebrated scientist. In "Godfellas" the gypsy-bot hints that she does not actually have psychic powers; after Fry asks her a question, she replies, "What am I, psychic?". Calculon was run over by Project Satan, and became a were-car (the robot equivalent of a werewolf). He is a lawyer who has appeared both as a defense attorney and as a prosecutor. A graduate student for most of the series' run, in season six, she earns her Ph.D in Applied Physics from Mars University, earning her the title of Doctor. Philosophically-minded janitor at Planet Express. She has been dating Kif Kroker since 3001. Nibblonian representative on Earth, actually "Lord Nibbler", who is thousands of years old. Petunia later joins the Feministas in Into the Wild Green Yonder. Lars als Jungenname ♂ Herkunft, Bedeutung & Namenstag im Überblick Alle Infos zum Namen Lars auf Vorname.com entdecken! The Professor issues his new crew the previous crew's career chips from a manila envelope labeled "Contents Of Space Wasp's Stomach" ("Space Pilot 3000"). He was first seen in "Crimes of the Hot" at the Galapagos Island Robot Party. As the official website of Falcon Studios, we offer a huge library of 3800 videos and hundreds of full-length XXX DVDs from the Falcon family of brands. Only main, supporting, and recurring characters are listed, with brief descriptions of the main and supporting characters also given. The headless body of Spiro Agnew is Nixon's Vice-President of Earth. She then explains to Bender and Fry that it was a ploy to save his part in the show. Gets hims outta heres!" The best plugins and scripts for 3D, VFX and motion graphics software including Adobe After Effects, Cinema 4D and Premiere Pro. Blob (voiced by Maurice LaMarche) is a three-eyed, green, translucent, ill-tempered alien. He first appeared in the season one episode "The Series Has Landed" in a commercial the Professor made for Planet Express. Another is his exclamation, "Sweet zombie Jesus!" He often competes against Farnsworth in various competitions, such as the Annual Inventors' Symposium, though their rivalry appears to have softened over the years, and they have even managed to collaborate with one another every once in a while. In Simpsonorama, she is eaten alive by one of the rabbit-shaped creatures that breaks into the studio. Hermes is insecure when Barbados is around, and LaBarbara leaves Hermes temporarily in Bender's Big Score to be with Barbados Slim after Hermes loses his body. Precisely what role they play on their respective holidays is unknown. This also allows for contemporary celebrities to make guest appearances as themselves. However, when Fry reads Hermes' mind in Into the Wild Green Yonder, it is revealed that Hermes sees him as "pathetic but lovable". The best plugins and scripts for 3D, VFX and motion graphics software including Adobe After Effects, Cinema 4D and Premiere Pro. ", proceeding to link Hermes' disembodied head to the ship's computer. Brain slugs apparently use this as a method of trapping more "prey", since those beings under brain slug control are driven by the desire to place brain slugs on other beings. He first appears as a customer at the pizzeria where Fry mistakenly believes him to have invented gravity for which Hawking accepts credit ("Yeah, sure. After this, he decides he wants to follow in his "father's" footsteps after all. They often pester Amy about their lack of grandchildren and meddle in her love life, trying to find a man to father their grandchild. Zoidberg is voiced by Billy West, who performs the character with a Yiddish-inflected accent inspired by actors George Jessel and Lou Jacobi.[22]. ES6 In Depth is a series on new features being added to the JavaScript programming language in the 6th Edition of the ECMAScript standard, ES6 for short.. Editor’s note: An earlier version of today’s post, by Firefox Developer Tools engineer Nick Fitzgerald, originally appeared on Nick’s blog as Destructuring Assignment in ES6.. What is destructuring assignment? His jealousy of his brother dates back to Philip's birth, when Yancy wanted to have that name, but is informed that his name, Yancy, is a family tradition dating to the Revolutionary War. He lived there for twelve years, during which he spent time with his family and befriended the narwhal Leelu, until an assassination attempt by another brainwashed Bender burned away his hair and damaged his larynx. When Amy and Kif Kroker begin dating, they decide Kif is not man enough for her. 3 sierpnia 1963 w Downey) – amerykański muzyk heavymetalowy, współzałożyciel, wokalista, gitarzysta, kompozytor, producent muzyczny i autor tekstów zespołu Metallica.Jego barwa głosu to baryton.. W 2004 muzyk wraz z Kirkiem Hammettem został sklasyfikowany na 2. miejscu listy 100 najlepszych gitarzystów heavymetalowych wszech czasów … Der Name Lars ist die schwedische Kurzform von Lorenz und geht auf das lateinische Wort „laurus“ zurück, was übersetzt „der Lorbeerkranz“ bedeutet. They participate in her life as much as possible from the sewers until Leela finally learns the truth and attempts to form a real relationship. Sal (voiced by John DiMaggio) is a surly, overweight, blue-collar worker with a thick Bronx accent. A robot policeman, partner of Smitty, a human. He has also been known to steal from his own cash register on occasion. Der Namenstag für Lars ist am 8. [39] Roberto appears in Bender's Game as a patient in the same asylum. Pazuzu (voiced by David Herman) is a gargoyle who Professor Farnsworth owned and put through college. During one of these scenes, Gore was shown to have won the 2000 Presidential Election, but Bender accidentally destroys the ballots in favor of Gore when hunting for Fry. Guenter is seen in other episodes in the background, and crowds. However, he falls asleep constantly, and he is implied to have routinely sent his former crews on suicide missions. The Omicronians are an alien race from the planet Omicron Persei 8. Exotische Namen: Stilblüten elterlicher Einfältigkeit, Jannis, Niklas, Maris & Co.: 30 Vornamen auf -s. Deine Meinung ist uns wichtig: Wie gefällt Dir unsere Webseite? The main characters are listed first; all other characters are listed in alphabetical order. In Bender's Big Score, it is revealed that Michelle had been frozen roughly 736 years longer than she had actually intended, a result of Fry (as Lars) using her cryotube to return to the future and be with Leela. His response was "Oh, those poor sons of... — but that's not important! As with all Nibblonians, Nibbler's feces consist of dark matter, which can be used as starship fuel. In the episode "The Silence of the Clamps" he is shown as one of the wedding guests. Fry believes Flexo to be an "evil twin" of Bender, though it turns out that Flexo attempts to stop Bender from stealing the expensive crown from the Miss Universe pageant. [8], In the season four episode "Kif Gets Knocked Up a Notch", in which Amy's boyfriend Kif becomes pregnant, there was some disagreement among the writers as to whether Amy should be the real mother of his children. His first appearance is as a janitor on the Moon in "The Series Has Landed", servicing the machines in the amusement park. His intelligence comes from his small hat which uses sunspots to create cognitive radiation. He first appeared in "Raging Bender" as the owner of the Ultimate Robot Fighting League, and later in "A Leela of Her Own" as owner of the New New York Mets blernsball team. Suffers frequent misfortune. A man who wears a white gown with a large number 9 on it. [31][32] In the same episode it is also revealed that Munda has a Ph.D. in "exo-linguistics", which allows her to speak alien languages and write in "Alienese". He is also seen to have a painting tattooed on his stomach (in "The Cryonic Woman") and comments that he is "on loan from the Louvre". ", "knock it up a notch", and "no question". He is sometimes seen with a lightsaber-like nightstick. [34] He aims to project a strong ruthless demeanor of a conqueror, but often ends up showing a sensitive side. As grand curator (which is essentially a knowledgeable leader) of the Legion, he becomes the story teller for Philip J. Fry's mission to possibly end the epic long battle between two ancient races, as they by 3009 have noticed that the Chi have been re-emerging. She rejects Fry after learning he does not have a body and is merely a head attached to Amy. Yancy is a traditional family name going back to the Revolutionary War, so it is unknown if Yancy is properly referred to as "Yancy Sr.". He is an alien originally from what he describes as a "backwoods asteroid." In "The Route of All Evil", the Horrible Gelatinous Blob has a son named Brett Blob, who regularly bullies Cubert and Dwight. A race of flying telepathic brains, who feed off knowledge and wish to destroy other sentient lifeforms. 'jacking on') in favour of the Church of Robotology, to which Bender replies; "Do I preach to you while you're laying stoned in the gutter?". Bender Bending Rodríguez (designated in-universe as Bending Unit 22, unit number 1,729, serial number 2716057) is a humanoid industrial robot who rounds out the main trio of characters.He fulfills a comic, antihero-type role in Futurama and is described by fellow character Leela as an "alcoholic, whore-mongering, chain-smoking gambler". Horrible Gelatinous "H.G." The game was rejected by Brøderbund. Wernstrom also appears to respect some of Farnsworth's decisions if he himself believes them to be right as well, as showed in The Beast with a Billion Backs. Matt Groening also frequently expresses his pleasure that he can continue to poke fun at Nixon 30 or 40 years after he was in office. He begins a "romantic relationship" with the inhabitants of the other universe, but even after the universe agreed to move in with Yivo, Yivo 'broke up' with the universe when Fry sent a letter back through the rift to Bender, as Yivo couldn't stand the idea of anyone making contact with the original universe. ... "Hannes stands for the kind … She often wears clothes that reveal her belly button (like Amy Wong). Calculon dies in "The Thief of Baghead" when he tries to defeat Langdon Cobb in the World Acting Championship after Leela and Bender advise him to do the Romeo and Juliet scene and give him water and food coloring. Antagonist. Tate is one of "the finest scientific minds in the universe", according to Professor Farnsworth. Scruffy generally approaches both his job and the rest of his life with a high level of apparent apathy, as shown in "Parasites Lost", in which he ignores a broken boiler in the Planet Express Headquarters to read a pornographic magazine, and continues to read even after said boiler explodes, declaring, "Scruffy's gonna die the way he lived." Amy Wong works as an intern at Planet Express (supposedly kept around because she shares Professor Farnsworth's blood type, and doesn't notice the Professor's tendency to send his crews on suicide missions). She later is shown in a limousine with the recently unfrozen Pauly Shore and later seen holding his hand in "Proposition Infinity". Lrrr (/lɜːr/, voiced by Maurice LaMarche) is ruler of the planet Omicron Persei 8, and always introduces himself as such. Linda joins Leela and her feministas in Into the Wild Green Yonder due to Morbo being treated better than her by the producers with higher pay and more air time. Mother of Amy Wong, and wife of Leo Wong. The first several times he is referred to or seen by his co-workers, they ask who he is, to which he replies, "I'm Scruffy. Petunia (voiced by Tress MacNeille) is an elderly woman who wears a revealing pink dress and uses a lot of make-up. He appears in "Proposition Infinity" in the same asylum, this time with a sock instead of his usual knife. He is a Decapodian, a crustacean-like species of alien. Zapp is generally idiotic, egotistical, boorish, cowardly, and painfully short-sighted. He mentions this encounter repeatedly in later episodes while remaining convinced that Leela lusts after him despite her vocal (and often violent) opposition to the idea. Assistant to Calculon. Impressum. Its name is a reference to Monsanto, an American agricultural company known for genetic engineering of plants.[33]. She fails to fit into the 31st-century life to which Fry has become so accustomed, and so asks him to freeze himself with her for another thousand years. Often agrees by saying "A-yup". It is revealed in Bender's Game that Professor Farnsworth is Igner's father. Barbados Slim (voiced by John DiMaggio) is Hermes' arch-rival. In the commentary for "The Devil's Hands Are Idle Playthings", Castellaneta says the voice is based on a "bad impression of Hans Conried". He manages the Planet Express delivery business with responsibilities that include paying bills, giving out legal waivers, and notifying next of kin. The janitor." He was also featured in Bender's Game as the five-time winner of a demolition derby. he claimed that he became a cop because his father owned a restaurant, and frequent dine-and-dashers kept it from going regional. What is important is that I need a new crew!" Series creator Matt Groening walked up to LaMarr after an early table read and said "Hey Phil, can you do a Jamaican accent?" Heißt Du selber Lars oder kennst jemanden, der diesen Namen trägt? In "Proposition Infinity", she had a robosexual relationship with Bender; She also has a thing for 'bad boys'. Famous acting robot. It is revealed in "Bender Should Not Be Allowed on TV" that throughout his entire time on All My Circuits, he has only ever done one take for each scene. His first appearance was in the episode "Mars University" in which the Professor enrolls him at the university where he becomes Fry's roommate. She briefly serves as the landlady of Fry and Bender, and holds a single share of Planet Express, allowing her the decisive vote for its CEO. Former wife of Barbados Slim. He changes his name and appearance every few decades to conceal his true age, claiming that one of his disguises was David Duchovny. The brain slug can be seen in numerous episodes, normally attached to Hermes. Das nächste Mal wurde er von demjenigen dann mit Knut angesprochen. In "The Prisoner of Benda", he becomes a Duke. Fry wins the Robot Devil's hands, though the Robot Devil manages to reverse the trade after setting up a complicated scheme to force Fry into relinquishing them. Was die Namen der Kinder über Ihre Eltern aussagen, Befristeter Artbeitsvertrag Schwangerschaft. Alien ruler of Omicron Persei 8 who frequently invades the Earth after being nagged to do so by his wife Ndnd; father of Jrrr. Doubledeal (voiced by Tom Kenny) is a businessman usually depicted organising or owning various sporting events, to which he would recruit various season regulars. The Dark One (voiced by Phil LaMarr) is the main antagonist of Into the Wild Green Yonder. He is currently married to Ndnd, his second wife, with whom he has one son, Jrrr (/dʒɜːr/, voiced by Lauren Tom). Among the more prominent mutants in the series are Dwayne, Raoul and Vyolet. The Nudist Alien Scammers are the main antagonist of Bender's Big Score. Professor Farnsworth's clone, who he is raising as a son. Former Olympic. The Professor rarely worries about the safety of the crew, viewing them as a means to an end, as evidenced in the first episode. His most famous role is as the lead character in the long-running robot soap opera All My Circuits. He becomes smitten with Coilette, who is merely using him for material gain. He has put at least one parallel universe in peril with his inventions and visited dozens more (see "The Farnsworth Parabox"). Dwight Conrad (voiced by Bumper Robinson in the TV series, Phil LaMarr in the films) is the son of Hermes Conrad and LaBarbara Conrad. In the episode "Mars University", when asked what he is teaching, he responds: "The same thing I teach every semester, the mathematics of quantum neutrino fields. I am the Professor! The Futurama: Bender's Big Score DVD includes a full 22-minute episode. Januar, 2. Because they are considered genetically inferior they were forbidden by law to travel to the surface without special permission (until the events of "The Mutants Are Revolting"), so they reside in a community made out of objects flushed down toilets. Their arch-enemy is the Brainspawn. She explains that he should go to an audition in disguise to play Calculon for the show. He is murdered by Robot Santa in the non-canonical anthology episode "The Futurama Holiday Spectacular". What he is a professor of is never explicitly stated. [19], He is voiced by Phil LaMarr, who states that Hermes, originally named "Dexter", did not have a Jamaican accent at first and was more uptight. Morbo the Annihilator (voiced by Maurice LaMarche) is the misanthropic alien anchor for √2 News, Entertainment and Earth Invasion Tonight, Good Morning Earth, and other shows on the √2 Television Network. They each have one eye, Morris has a vertically oriented mouth, ten toes on each foot, and the ability to shed his skin, while Munda has a lion tail and octopus tentacles in place of arms. Lars Fillmore (voiced by Billy West) is a technician at the Head Museum in Bender's Big Score, where he met Leela and briefly dated her. [9], Hermes Conrad is a workaholic bureaucrat and the accountant at the Planet Express from Jamaica with a heavy Jamaican accent, known for his 31st-century Jamaican exclamations – for instance, "Sweet manatee of Galilee!". He is introduced in the episode "A Clone of My Own", in which he rejects Farnsworth and becomes hostile to the entire Planet Express crew. Scruffy (voiced by David Herman) is the Planet Express janitor and a recurring supporting character. Other known core members include 'Sweet' Clyde Dixon, 'Curly' Joe, and 'Goosh', although there are several other unidentified members of the team seen throughout the series. That was quite annoying.". Elzar is rude, crass, and unpleasant, and has a very high opinion of himself. They are humans in the 20th century who tended to be absorbed in their own interests (anti-Communism and football, respectively). Main antagonist of ", This page was last edited on 31 March 2021, at 14:54. Cubert has an epiphany after getting hit on the head, realizing how the starship engines Hubert invented work, allowing them to be repaired while Hubert is incapacitated. Alle Fanartikel für Zuhause. Nicht wie ich nordisch cool, Mein Freund heißt Lars, was für die meisten verwirrend ist weil es so nordisch klingt und er total südländisch aussieht. Februar, 21. They are made up of: The Donbot is married to Fanny, a female robot who has a propeller built into her rear end. Obsessed with stabbing people in different places with different objects. The Amazons first appear in "Brannigan Begin Again" but first feature in "Amazon Women in the Mood" when Zapp, Leela, Amy and Kif are stranded on their planet. Tinny Tim (voiced by Tress MacNeille) is an ill-fated orphan-bot with a crutch for an arm and one shortened leg, a reference to Tiny Tim in Charles Dickens' A Christmas Carol. However, LaBarbara was formerly married to Hermes' former Limbo rival Barbados Slim,[17] and got back with Barbados twice when Hermes was temporarily decapitated in Bender's Big Score. Wealthy co owner of the Western Hemisphere of Mars. She dated Fry for a time in "Put Your Head on My Shoulders", but the relationship was brief as Fry quickly got sick of her. The series also follows the relationship between Fry and Leela, as they start off as friends but later develop feelings for one another. The Professor teaches at Mars University and has worked for Momcorp on several occasions but spends most of his time inventing ridiculous devices and sending the Planet Express delivery crew on suicide missions. [11] The series also alludes to Hermes using marijuana, though he is never seen actually using it, partially due to prime-time television censorship standards at the time of the original run for Futurama. Randy Munchnik (voiced by John DiMaggio) is a stereotypically gay man dressed in pink, who speaks in an effeminate voice. The crew are often disgusted by his foul habits, such as squirting ink or eating from trash cans, though he is mostly oblivious to their true feelings about him, having referred to Hermes Conrad and Bender as friends. In Bender's Big Score, Fry creates a time paradox by going back in time and living out his old life and thus continues working at Panucci's Pizza. He makes a cameo appearance in Into The Wild Green Yonder along with Anglelyne as members of the audience seeing the Encyclopod being "born". I appreciated that... Naw I'm kidding. They seek to seize the Earth by obtaining as much information as possible from humans, in addition to seizing all the valuable objects of the planet thanks to the time travel code. Lars Christmas oder Wolf Larsen, wenn er gritzig wird. He had an exploding-problem associated with surprise in "Insane in the Mainframe". Businessman, owner of various sporting enterprises. The former vice-president (voiced by himself) appears as a head in a jar during most of his appearances and also appears with his body during scenes involving Fry's time period. On the very few occasions he has actual good news, he often opens with "Bad news, everyone!" His most notable mutation is a third arm, which in his first appearance had grown in place of his right ear but above it in later appearances. She still carries a disfiguring scar from the incident. Occasionally appears to rescue Farnsworth in urgent situations. Hermes is very enthusiastic about the Limbo and was once an Olympic limbo athlete. Guenter later appears in the episode, "Fry and Leela's Big Fling", where he shows Amy Wong, Bender and Zoidberg around the planet Simian 7. When Doctor Zoidberg had lost his mind due to hormones and was forced to be tied up, she was fooled multiple times into untying him, despite the dangers. He appears to be using his job to gather information about the human race to aid the planned invasion. 25. Calculon (voiced by Maurice LaMarche) is an acting robot renowned for his melodramatic roles and his dramatic speaking style. Guenter (voiced by Tress MacNeille with the vocal effects provided by Frank Welker) is an intelligent monkey experiment made by Professor Farnsworth. Mein Mann heißt auch Lars ( 8.1.76) . After he accidentally reveals to the Planet Express crew that he can speak in Bender's Big Score, he forgets to wipe their memory of his intelligence, which it turns out does not affect them much, and from then on he speaks freely to the crew. A working actor for over 20 years whose jobs have taken him all over the country and the world, Patrick's credits include playing with everyone from Angela Lansbury to Xena. Alien co-anchor with Linda van Schoonhoven of. when unaware of the situation, or when someone questions a statement he has just made. His life as Calculon 2.0 is honored; he watches the ceremony in Robot Hell where his soul resides once more. He not only defeated Hermes at the 3004 Olympics to win the gold medal in limbo, but is also the only person ever to win gold medals in both limbo and sex. His daughter, Kristin Gore, was a writer for the show in its later seasons.