The government's decision to move the nation's administrative capital to Naypyidaw has drained an unknown number of civil servants away from Yangon. A large number of Rakhine and Karen also live in the city. The city's streets saw bloodshed each time as protesters were gunned down by the government. Voor de Tweede Wereldoorlog was 55% van de 500.000 inwoners Indiaas, Zuid-Aziatisch en een derde was Bamar. In 2005 werd het aantal inwoners op 4.082.000 inwoners geschat en in 2013 lag dit aantal op 5.209.541[1]. During colonial times, cricket was played mostly by British officials in the city. In november 2005 wees de militaire overheid Naypyidaw, een geplande stad 320 km ten noorden van Rangoon, aan als de nieuwe bestuurlijke hoofdstad en verplaatste vervolgens een groot deel van de overheid naar de nieuwe stad. Yangon remains the largest city and the most important commercial center of Myanmar. De Circulaire Spoorweg Rangoon is een 45,9 km lang forensisch spoorwegnet, dat Rangoon met haar randgemeenten verbindt en 39 stations telt. Its standard time zone is UTC/GMT +6:30 hours. Eleven people were killed in the attack, and one of the 162 people that were injured was a member of the LCMS mission team to Myanmar. Obwohl es die Hauptstadt von Myanmar ist, gibt keinen Flughafen. Adresse Format Myanmar Posts and Telecommunications No 43 Bo Aung Gyaw Street YANGON, 11181 MYANMAR Code des Bezirks Upload media. [3][4] In die tijd was het een klein vissersdorpje, rondom de Schwedagonpagode. In de jaren 1890 kwamen er wijken bij ten noorden van het Kandawgyimeer en het Inyameer. In der Hauptstadt Naypyidaw setzte die Polizei am Montag einen Wasserwerfer gegen hunderte Protestierende ein, dort sind Demonstrationen eigentlich eher unüblich. Ziegen vor Pagode, Hauptstadt Rangun , Myanmar , Asien, Tier, Reise, BB, DIG; P.-Nr. Wealthier Yangonites still have access to country's best medical facilities and internationally qualified doctors. Yangon is home to pagoda festivals (paya pwe), held during dry-season months (November – March). However, after years of underinvestment, Yangon's modest hotel infrastructure—only 3000 of the total 8000 hotel rooms in Yangon are "suitable for tourists"—is already bursting at seams, and will need to be expanded to handle additional visitors. [75] Even in Yangon, which has the best infrastructure, the estimated telephone penetration rate was only 6% at the end of 2004, and the official waiting time for a telephone line was 3.6 years. Yangon ([jaŋˈgʊn], engelsch Rangoon, hoochdüütsch Rangun) weer bit 2005 de Hööftstadt vun Myanmar (Birma). Yangon is the most populous city by far in Myanmar. [86] Much of the country's legal imports and exports go through Thilawa Port, the largest and busiest port in Burma. Anmerkung der Redaktion: In einer früheren Version des Artikels haben wir Rangun (heute offiziell Yangon) als Hauptstadt von Myanmar bezeichnet. The 150-acre (61-ha) lake is surrounded by the 110-acre (45-ha) Kandawgyi Nature Park,[43] and the 69.25-acre (28-ha) Yangon Zoological Gardens, which consists of a zoo, an aquarium and an amusement park. Yangon is Burma's main domestic and international hub for air, rail, and ground transportation. Following the 1988 nationwide uprising, the military government has repeatedly closed universities, and has dispersed most of the undergraduate student population to new universities in the suburbs such as Dagon University, the University of East Yangon and the University of West Yangon. [7] Er bestaan niettemin nog steeds tamelijk grote gemeenschappen van Zuid-Aziaten en Chinezen in Rangoon. Veel van de wegen zijn in slechte toestand en niet breed genoeg om het toenemende aantal personenauto's te accommoderen. But the result is a stretching tail on the city, with the downtown area well removed from its geographic centre. Yangon's property market is the most expensive in the country and beyond the reach of most Yangonites. This map was created by a user. In der Regenzeit von Ju ni … De stad ligt aan de Rangoonrivier, vlak bij de kust van de Golf van Martaban. According to a 2007 estimate, the military government spends 0.4% of the national budget on health care, and 40% to 60% on defence. Akore Myanmar Life Hotel, Rangun - Reserva amb el millor preu garantit! [62], On 16 January 2017, as part of public transport reforms, city bus network system Yangon Bus Service (YBS) was created by the Yangon Region Transport Authority. Praktisch alle Touristen beginnen ihre Myanmar Reise in der Hauptstadt Yangon, denn hier liegt der grösste internationale Flughafen des Landes. Dit deden ze ook met vele andere plaatsnamen in Myanmar. [20] De populariteit van de spoorlijn is gestegen nadat de overheid in augustus 2007 de subsidies op benzine verlaagde. [45] A few miles north of the pagoda lies the 37-acre (15-ha) Inya Lake Park – a favourite hangout place of Yangon University students, and a well-known place of romance in Burmese popular culture. Yangon is also home to annual the Myanmar Open golf tournament, and the Myanmar Open tennis tournament. Nicht Yangon, wie viele annehmen. The wealthy do not rely on domestic hospitals and travel abroad, usually Bangkok or Singapore, for treatment. Wikipedia. Rangun. The satellite towns—old or new—receive little or no municipal services. Most men of all ages (and some women) spend their time at tea-shops, found in any corner or street of the city. Other options include karaoke bars and pub restaurants in Yangon Chinatown. [63] YBS is claimed to be a disabled-friendly bus service and have a card payment system. Immigrants have founded their regional associations (such as Mandalay Association, Mawlamyaing Association, etc.) 23 meters above sea level. Wann ist die beste Reisezeit für die Hauptstadt Rangun? (In 2008, rents for a typical 650-to-750-square-foot (60 to 70 m2) apartments in the centre and vicinity range between K70,000 and K150,000 and those for high end condos between K200,000 and K500,000. In the 1790s, the East India Company opened a factory in Yangon. Burmese is the principal language of the city. [28] The city features a lengthy wet season from May through October where a substantial amount of rainfall is received; and a dry season from November through April, where little rainfall is seen. Maps from 1944 show little development north of Inya Lake and areas that are now layered in cement and stacked with houses were then virtual backwaters. Yangon Central Railway Station is the main terminus of Myanmar Railways' 5,403-kilometre (3,357 mi) rail network[49] whose reach covers Upper Myanmar (Naypyidaw, Mandalay, Shwebo), upcountry (Myitkyina), Shan hills (Taunggyi, Lashio) and the Taninthayi coast (Mawlamyine, Dawei). [74], Common facilities taken for granted elsewhere are luxury prized items in Yangon and Burma. Despite their less-than-perfect conditions, the buildings remain highly sought after and most expensive in the city's property market. The general state of health care in Yangon is poor. This order is repeated from west to east. Credit cards are only rarely used in the city, chiefly in the more lavish hotels. Yangon boasts the largest number of colonial-era buildings in Southeast Asia,[4] and has a unique colonial-era urban core that is remarkably intact. [61] In May 2003, a ban on using car horns was implemented in six townships of Downtown Yangon to reduce noise pollution. During Ne Win's isolationist rule (1962–88), Yangon's infrastructure deteriorated through poor maintenance and did not keep up with its increasing population. [91] The manufacturing sector suffers from both structural problems (e.g. Queen Saw Pu built a palace next to the Shwedagon Pagoda in the town in 1460 and spent her semi-retired life at that palace until her death in 1471. [8], Tijdens het isolationistische regime van Ne Win (1962—'88) verslechterde de infrastructuur van Rangoon door slecht onderhoud, waardoor het niet op gelijke tred met de groeiende bevolking kon meegroeien. The number of visitors dipped even further following the Saffron Revolution and Cyclone Nargis. At least 14 light industrial zones ring Yangon,[89] directly employing over 150,000 workers in 4,300 factories in early 2010. Hauptstadt: Naypyidaw. The British captured Yangon and all of Lower Burma in the Second Anglo-Burmese War of 1852, and subsequently transformed Yangon into the commercial and political hub of British Burma. [1][36], Downtown Yangon is known for its leafy avenues and fin-de-siècle architecture. Dit verbod werd in april 2004 in heel de stad ingevoerd. Mit rund 5,21 Millionen Einwohnern in der eigentlichen Stadt und 5.998.000 Einwohnern in der Agglomeration (Stand Census von 2013 ) ist Rangun die größte Stadt und das industrielle Zentrum des Landes. On 7 May 2005, a series of coordinated bombings occurred in the city of Yangon, Myanmar. Yangon , also known as Rangoon, is the capital of the Yangon Region and the largest city of Myanmar (also known as Burma). Successive governments have built satellite towns such as Thaketa, North Okkalapa and South Okkalapa in the 1950s to Hlaingthaya, Shwepyitha and South Dagon in the 1980s. ©Goethe-Institut Myanmar IMPORTANT ANNOUNCEMENT! Yangon was founded as Dagon in the early 11th century (c. 1028–1043) by the Mon people, who dominated Lower Burma at that time. 380 km nördlich der alten Hauptstadt Rangun. [90] The city is the centre of country's garment industry which exported US$292 million in 2008/9 fiscal year. Na de Indiase opstand van 1857 werd Bahadur Shah II, de laatste leider van het Mogolrijk, naar Rangoon gestuurd om daar te wonen. [11][12] Toch leeft een groot deel van Rangoon zonder fundamentele gemeentelijke diensten zoals het hele etmaal elektriciteit en een frequente afval ophaaldienst. 'End of Strife'), also known as Rangoon, is the capital of the Yangon Region and the largest city of Myanmar (also known as Burma). Since February 2010, pick-up truck bus lines have been forbidden to run in six townships of central Yangon, namely Latha, Lanmadaw, Pabedan, Kyauktada, Botahtaung and Pazundaung Townships. [69] The city's population grew sharply after 1948 as many people (mainly, the indigenous Burmese) from other parts of the country moved into the newly built satellite towns of North Okkalapa, South Okkalapa, and Thaketa in the 1950s and East Dagon, North Dagon and South Dagon in the 1990s. The narrow streets are numbered; the medium and broad roads are named. Kort na de onafhankelijkheid van Myanmar in 1948 werden vele koloniale namen van straten, parken en plaatsen veranderd naar nationalistische Myanmarese namen. Elk township wordt bestuurd door een comité van de leiders van het township, wie beslissingen maken over de verfraaiing en infrastructuur. Na de oorlog werd het weer eigendom van de Birmanen. Public hospitals including the flagship Yangon General Hospital lack many of the basic facilities and equipment. Het heeft directe vluchten naar grote steden in Azië: Dhaka, Hanoi, Ho Chi Minhstad, Hongkong, Tokio, Peking, Seoul, Guangzhou, Taipei, Bangkok, Kuala Lumpur, Kunming en Singapore. Es wird ca. 12 Bilder 10 Tipps zur geheimnisvollen Hauptstadt von Myanmar Foto: / Krunja Seit 2005 ist die Stadt Naypyidaw Myanmars Hauptstadt. Rangun (offiziell Yangon [jaŋˈgʊn], englisch Rangoon) ist eine Stadt in Myanmar und Hauptstadt des Verwaltungsbezirks Yangon-Division. Together with our partners we are committed to achieve Myanmar’s swift return to democracy. After independence cricket all but died out in the country. [46] The city is made up of 33 townships and is part of Yangon Region. Het kan ook vertaald worden als "einde van de strijd". [39] In 2012, the city of Yangon imposed a 50-year moratorium on demolition of buildings older than 50 years. Yangon has three radio stations. Het voormalig hooggerechtshof, de voormalige gebouwen van het secretariaat en enkele hotels zijn goede voorbeelden van een vervlogen tijdperk. Weather Underground provides local & long-range weather forecasts, weatherreports, maps & tropical weather conditions for the Yangon area. Between 300,000 and 400,000 visitors that went through Yangon International in 2011. [51][52], The Yangon Urban Mass Rapid Transit is a proposed rapid transit system, due to begin construction in 2022 and be complete by 2027. Learn how to create your own. While many students in poor districts fail to reach high school, a handful of Yangon high schools in wealthier districts such as Dagon 1, Sanchaung 2, Kamayut 2, Bahan 2, Latha 2, and TTC provide the majority of students admitted to the most selective universities in the country, highlighting the extreme shallowness of talent pool in the country. [3] With over 7 million people, Yangon is Myanmar's most populous city and its most important commercial centre. The city hosted the 1961 and 1969 South East Asian Games. In 1755 veroverde koning Alaungpaya Dagon, en noemde het toen Yangon. As of January 2010, the number of new high-rise building starts approved in 2009–2010 was only 334, compared to 582 in 2008–2009. Most rent outside the centre and few can afford to rent such apartments. Yangon became the capital of the Union of Burma on 4 January 1948 when the country gained independence from British rule. Only Yangon and Mandalay have any sizeable number of doctors left as many Burmese doctors have emigrated. In juli 2008 kostten de twee meest populaire auto's in Rangoon, een Nissan Sunny Super Saloon uit 1986 en een Toyota Corolla SE Limited uit 1988, respectievelijk $20.000 en $29.000.