Set related product’s heading text (you can use HTML). Unsubscribe at any time. You may have thought that your site was organising WooCommerce related products by product category only, but WooCommerce also relates products by Product Tags. A common need is to change the text that shows in the Related Products area. Unfortunately, there’s no built-in option or action/hooks in wooCommerce to change that text. Change WooCommerce Related Products Text. So, here are a few steps you […] WooCommerce Variable Products. Enhance the price detailing using the before and after text on your WooCommerce product prices. I’ll assume you’re ok though and jump right into the block building. To stop the related products from showing up on your theme, you need to understand how to add a code snippet to your functions.php file. Insert the code in functions.php of your child theme. 2. In any case, you want to make the changes quickly and easily. // ===== // CHANGE RELATED PRODUCTS TEXT TO YOU MAY ALSO LIKE TEXT // ===== function change_you_may_also_like( $translated ) { $translated = str_replace( 'Related products', 'You may also like...', $translated ); return $translated; } add_filter( 'gettext', 'change_you_may_also_like' ); In general to override Woocommerce template files like. WooCommerce is developer friendly, too. Install the Code Snippets plugin; Activate the WooCommerce variables snippet site-wide; You can now use WooCommerce product-related variables in your GMB post text or auto-publish template: We won't send you spam. This looks ugly, but I need to use variable products to handle various packaging sizes, flavours, strengths etc. Border Color: Choose the border color of the related product’s Button. Background Color: Choose the background color of the related product’s Button. Unlike cross-sells, WooCommerce up-sells show on product page to recommend alternatives that are of higher quality or higher priced than the currently viewed product. Don’t forget to share the post to help out others! Related Products for WooCommerce can help you : Display real related products (using a slider or not). Associate products by product category and tags. Is there any way I can change them following this same method? But when you use a WooCommerce VARIABLE PRODUCT the default text says SELECT OPTIONS. Normal | Hover. andonietech. Unfortunately, there’s no built-in option to change that text. WooCommerce Docs. On a single product page, WooCommerce will display related products from the same category at the bottom. We’ll be using Genesis Custom Blocks for this, so if that’s new to you, go check out this previous tutorial for the 101. Hi, that is great. Change the Check out our other products text between the single quotes with whatever text you want. WordPress, Shopify, Magento Resources Online | CodeSanjal, How to install Wordpress On Local Server(XAMPP) Step By Step Guide. Set Category or Tag based related products. Once you click the button, the page will reload and you can see a success message. Set the number of related products you want to display or Disable them. Add the following code at the bottom of functions.php file. There are dozens of WooCommerce themes that come with related products display in the single product page like one shown in the image below: Drawbacks of setting WooCommerce related products using default WooCommerce. Use WooCommerce related products shortcode for related products like [wt-related-products product_id="19"] Tested OK with WooCommerce … Make sure always use child theme otherwise you will lose changes after theme update. Some plugins might prevent the code to work as well. Check out on my test environment: I hope you found this tutorial useful and the solution worked for you! Is it possible to change the ‘related products’ text via the X child theme? For that, it uses a default text, which is “Related products”. Click on the “Save Changes” button at the bottom of the text editor to save the changes you made. Whether your online store is brand new, or you've been a retailer for a while and are looking to expand, increasing revenue is probably on your mind. Documentation, Reference Materials, and Tutorials for your WooCommerce products The “Related products” text should now be changed. Save my name, email, and website in this browser for the next time I comment. Please what if I want to change some other texts on some other pages? With the plugin installed and active, we add a new block and set it up like this: you copy the file … You’ll need to access your WordPress site’s files to edit the functions.php file. WooCommerce Related Products will normally show up automatically under your WooCommerce Single Product, based on your WooCommerce Product categories or tags (read more here). How to Hide In Stock Message from WooCommerce Product Page? If you don’t have a child theme, you can use the Code Snippets plugin to add the code there. Please, drop a comment if it’s not working for you we will reply and help you solve the issue. You can download this directly from your site and activate it with a few clicks. Now you have added the code into the functions.php file in your theme to hide the Related Products section on the single products page in your WooCommerce store. If you’re using a translation plugin, use that to change the “Related products” text, not the code. However, with so many marketing strategies to choose from, it's hard to choose which ones to prioritize. 1. Set Category or Tag based related products. But, luckily, there’s a solution, and I’ll show it to you! But, luckily, we can use WordPress gettext & ngettext filter which can be used the change Related Products text to some custom text like “You may also like”. function my_text_strings( $translated_text, $text, $domain ) { switch ( $translated_text ) { case 'Related Products' : $translated_text = __( 'Related Books', 'woocommerce' ); break; } return $translated_text; } add_filter( 'gettext', 'my_text_strings', 20, 3 ); Associate products of your choice along with the chosen products. Once you type three letters the text field will provide a drop down to select the products … Looking for a way around the typical hard coded WC php doc change – looking forward to your thoughts, thx so much July 11, 2015 at 5:51 am #327268 Custom Related Products for WooCommerce is a free plugin available in the plugin repo. In that case, you should consider contacting the theme developers and ask for help. I also recommend using a child theme, otherwise, all the changes will be lost with the next theme update. Once installed and active you should see a new Related Products field in your products Linked Products tab. Here we take a look at the free plugin ELEX WooCommerce Product Price Custom Text (Before & After Text) and Discount. WooCommerce single product page will display products from the same category as related products with default title Related Products. Unfortunately, there’s no built-in option or action/hooks in wooCommerce to change that text. However it’s often much better if you can control your related products section. But, luckily, there’s a solution, and I’ll show it to you! The best way to override default templates is to copy the file to a folder named /woocommerce/single-product inside your current theme. Changing the “Related Products” text in WooCommerce 4 requires a small piece of code. The Product Price Before and After Text Extension This means that they might have their own custom code for WooCommerce, which might prevent the above code to work. The plugin can automatically fetch the product price and other details from your WooCommerce product and place them in your GMB post text. Display related products … How to change the WooCommerce number of products per page, Best Google Chrome Extension for SEO 2020, Best WordPress Security Plugins ( Free & Premium ) to Keep Your WordPress Site Secure 2020. You know, that’s one of the biggest WooCommerce display issues. It could be something you want to do long-term, but more likely it’s short-term. Steps to change WooCommerce “Related Products” text Display related products … WooCommerce – Change “Related Products” text. These products cannot be specified in the admin, but can be influenced by grouping similar products in the same category or by using the same tags. Related products (automatic) also show on the product page. Unfortunately, there’s no built-in option to change that text. If you have any WooCommerce related plugins, disable them, clear the caches, and check the product page. While the traditional methods of adding related products in WooCommerce work well, they are done manually and need to be monitored every now and then to monetize the strategies. I recommend backing up your functions.php file or the entire website! Refer this article to import related products. it’s all lower case rather than normal. Any ideas how to change the font though? You can also hit the follow button on Twitter and subscribe to the YouTube channel. WooCommerce related products are a quick and easy way to boost sales. How to Change “Related Products” Text in WooCommerce, How to Change the “You may also like” WooCommerce Up-Sells Text, How to Create Folders in the WordPress Media Library, How to Add Animated Number Counters in WordPress, How to Add Fancy Post Widgets in Elementor with the JetBlog Plugin. The following options can be set independently for both the normal and hover states. The first and the easiest way is just replace the default WooCommerce templates which are: single-product/related.php; single-product/up-sells.php; cart/cross-sells.php; All you have to do is to find these files in WooCommerce plugin’s template directory in duplicate them into your theme’s woocommerce … I used to have the following function working to change to Related Products text in Woocommerce. Products have images of different proportions, different title lengths, some have review stars and some don’t, making the “product grid” layout a big mess in regard to height. So, make sure you clear them all until the change appears. The default “Out of stock” label for sold out products is quite plain. Return to previous page Topic: Change Related Product text in woocommerce. Some store owners rather have text that says ‘Recommended Products’ or ‘Other Products You May Like’ or something else. But, luckily, we can use WordPress gettext & ngettext filter which can be used the change Related Products text to some custom text like “You may also like”. I hope you find this code snippet and article useful. Add this into your theme functions.php file, changing “Your Custom Text Here” to whatever you want: add_filter( 'gettext', 'wtd_related_products_text', 20, 3 ); Are you looking for a way to change the default “Related Products” title text on the WooCommerce product page? Our Top Ranked #1 Web Host for WordPress Hosting. Creating up-sells is similar to creating cross-sells: Up-sell products show in a slider block below main product images, under default text “You may also like…”: Related products These custom fields are also called product add-ons and they include text fields, select fields, checkboxes, and so on. Add the following code at the very bottom of the file or right above the ?> ending tag (if there’s any). Related products, up-sells and cross-sells are all sorted randomly. February 2, 2015 7:07 am . Working on the Snug CBD website this morning, I found that the when you add a SIMPLE PRODUCT to WooCommerce it shows the BUY NOW text as ADD TO CART by default. How to change number of related products output in WooCommerce product page. This basic code snippet shows how to change that text. The main reason … How to change the WooCommerce “Related Products” text? Make changes to that file. In this post, I am going to show you a very simple solution to add WooCommerce Custom Text Field on Product Page. Built with a REST API, WooCommerce is scalable and can integrate with virtually any service. Text Color: Choose the color of the related product’s Button Text. 1. I recommend backing up your functions.php file or the entire website! Related Products is a section on some templates that pulls products from your store that share the same tags or categories as the current product. Never let your customer miss a sale or price discounts, by using these before and after text on your product prices. Design a complex store from scratch, extend a store for a client, or simply add a single product to a WordPress site—your store, your way. Some WordPress themes come with built-in support for WooCommerce. Set related product’s heading text (you can use HTML). Change “Related products” Text in WooCommerce. 3. I also recommend using a child theme, otherwise, all the changes will be lost with the next theme update. This snippet allows to quickly change the “Related products” text which is shown by default at the bottom of a single product page in a WooCommerce shop. Forums Royal WordPress Support Forum Change Related Product text in woocommerce. Set the number of related products you want to display or Disable them. How to Move Comment Textarea Field to Bottom in WordPress. CodeSanjal is the WordPress, Shopify, Magento resource site providing tips and tricks for Website developer & designer. WooCommerce Remove Related Products . If, like most WooCommerce store owners you’ve setup multiple product categories and product tags, you’re likely to have a large proportion of your product catalog show up as “related products” on WooCommerce product pages. Step 1: Adding & Configuring the Block. If that is your case, You can Remove Related Products In WooCommerce, by adding the below code to your theme’s functions.php file it will remove the related products from the single product page. Related Products for WooCommerce can help you : Display real related products (using a slider or not). 3. /wp-content/plugins/woocommerce/templates//. You’d be very familiar with the below screenshot I guess. Participant. If you refresh the product page and nothing happens, clear your browser and site cache. With the plugin activated you can now begin manually setting related products for your shop items. If you have any questions or thoughts, drop a comment or send a message via contact or Facebook page. 2. Hello friend, Thanks for this nice tutorials. It’s very helpful. After changing the text, click on the Save changes button at the bottom, and now you have successfully changed Out of stock text with your custom text on WooCommerce message. How to Change The Number of Related Products in WooCommerce Using Code Snippets Conclusion. This is the case with adding text before and after the price of a product. For this tutorial, I’ll be using the functions.php file from a child theme and cPanel. I’m going to show you how to choose the related products you show, how to change the related products layout and how to change the related products text… A site’s caching system can come from different (even multiple) places: server, plugins, theme, CDN, page builders. Related Products