Sabine Engelberger Data Management, Archive, Registration. Weiterlesen. Fill out the LMU online registration form at: Online-Immatrikulationsantrag Postal registration (foreign students in person) at the LMU Registrar's Office (Studentenkanzlei) by the appropriate deadline! C ourses are taught in German and partly in English. Preparation = Success Before you start writing; Make the most of your experience; What you can do right now; CV/ Résumé Step-by … In the interview, applicants will be asked to present their projects, and the panel members will discuss any open questions with them. Fraudsters tempt you with payable offers and demand the deposit in advance. International students in attendance receive support from a German-speaking peer if necessary. After you have received a letter of confirmation from the Department of Chemistry AND the confirmation of the International Office you should take the following steps:. The LMU-China Alumni Network (LMU-CAN) started in October 2017. How to Apply for PhD Studies in Modern History at the LMU. The LMU-CAN activities address LMU Alumni from China who studied or are still studying at LMU. International Relations office Fakultät für Betriebswirtschaft / Munich School of Management. Bitte verschaffen Sie sich zunächst einen Ãberblick, worauf Sie bei Ihrer Bewerbung und Einschreibung achten müssen, bevor Sie sich mit weiteren Details vertraut machen. Please show this copy to the International Affairs Office when registering. All citizens of foreign countries (without the German Abitur) must also apply for admission at the Office of International Affairs (Referat für Internationale Angelegenheiten) and submit to them an application for admission (Antrag auf Zulassung), German-language proficiency test results, officially notarized documents, etc. To be honest, housing in Munich is hard to find. For detailed information on the basic administrative steps (pdf) please get in touch with the International Office and the relevant faculty. News Profile program Application Prerequisites Admission Application Procedure International Applicants Enrollment Career Prospects Contact FAQ print; Content. Aleksandra Olszewski Applications, Advising, Admission, Registration (international … An organization called ‘Deutschkurse bei der Universität München e.V.’ offers German classes. Responsible for content: International Office print; top; Service. The course conveys business and economic aspects in their breadth and in their contexts as well as methodological and communicative skills. English Master Programs. Programs for visiting students. Aufgrund der Vielfalt der Studiengänge und der unterschiedlichen … Vollzeitstudium für internationale Studierende. Applicants must hold an excellent Master’s level degree in European Ethnology, Cultural or Social anthropology, or a related area awarded by an accredited institution of higher education. The team in the International Office … Doctoral projects should cover research areas described in the profile. Informationen zu den einzureichenden Unterlagen finden Sie hier. LMU-Portal; Department of Economics; Sitemap; Breadcrumb Navigation. Bewerben Sie sich zusätzlich beim International Office der LMU München. [ Read more ] Doctoral studies Disclaimer: Only complete and fully documented applications will be considered by the faculty admissions committee. Dean’s Office Medical Faculty Enrolment at the LMU Date: 10.08.2017 ENROLMENT AT THE LMU Students with a non-German qualifying degree Accepted Ph.D. candidates who have a qualifying degr ee from outside of Germany, need to enrol at the International Office. Please contact the International Office. Due to its international character, English is the official language of the program. Auch nach Ihrem Auslandsaufenthalt können Sie das internationale Flair der LMU genießen: Knapp 18 Prozent aller Studierenden kommen aus dem Ausland und viele der studentischen Initiativen sind interkulturell aktiv. Information on acceptance rates. Step 5: Enrolment at the International Affairs Office To enroll as a student at LMU you must bring your official letter of acceptance and Candidates have to submit their applications through an online platform provided by the GraduateCenterLMU. Please show this copy to the International Affairs Office when registering. Auf den folgenden Seiten wollen wir Sie auf Ihrem Weg zum Studium an der LMU begleiten. Online Language Preparation. Frequently asked questions about ex-change studies at LMU. International Relations. Studies Office If your application is successful you will receive an official letter of acceptance by the Master Studies Office. Applicants with an International Baccalaureate Diploma (IB) If you apply with an International Baccalaureate Diploma (IB), there are a few things you need to know. by our International Office and the Studentenwerk Giessen, our local student services organisation. Note: Both offices need to accept your application! For questions concerning your IB Diploma or IB examinations in light of the current corona situation, please contact the IBO or your school directly. Application Procedure. Here is a list of all German Master Programs. Regarding the Learning Agreement follow the instructions giving on the Learning Agreement website. Appointments via email Students and PhD students from other universities are also welcome to apply for the program, but places for them are limited. More information about the application to the University and the necessary application documents can be found on the central website. The application consists of the following documents: The documents have to be submitted in English. Applicants have to provide certificates attesting to their language skills. The workshops and schools are conducted in English, but there are also some German-language events and seminars at LMU, the University of Basel and the University of Graz. LMU … Accommodation. Ingrid Hornung-Sohner Applications, Advising, Admission, Registration (international degree students) +49 (0)89 / 2180-3156. (more infos can be found on the LMU Web site). Von der Krankenversicherung bis hin zu Kulturtipps: Der International Student Guide wappnet Sie für das Leben in München. A panel of academics participating in the program reviews the applications and invites a selection of applicants for interviews. Visiting students select the courses they want to register for from the LMU online course catalog. Their knowledge of English has to correspond to Level C1/advanced (CEF). Note: The online application tool is currently closed. Master in Quantitative Economics ; Application Main Navigation. Bewerbung International Postgraduates Veranstaltungen Programm Personen Links Kontakt drucken; Inhaltsbereich. … If you are an international student, you need an additional acceptance letter from the International Office to start your studies (i.e. Students from abroad must submit special application forms. Experience from the last years shows that approximately 40 percent of applicants are invited to the interview. LMU's Bachelor of Science in Business Administration is a admission restricted 3 year programme with 180 ECTS credits. You will find advice on the application process on the LMUexchange homepage Bewerbung über das Referat Internationale Angelegenheiten. Application. 1. Home; Programmes and Courses; International Relations Main Navigation. upon enrollment). The application consists of the following documents: A cover letter describing their education and academic background and how their research interests relate to … Career We offer a stimulating international environment with an ambitious young team and modern facilities. International Office Rooms G 020 and G 024 Ludwigstr. LMU-Portal; Sitemap; Language Selection. Work or study in English-speaking countries What’s different & why it matters; The German advantage! Although the courses are not free of charge, the International Office will subsidize the courses for Erasmus and LMUexchange students. There is always the danger of Internet fraud, so please do NOT transfer money in advance (for rent, security deposit etc). It is an excellent place to meet other students and to exchange views on academic and personal matters. Under the umbrella of the Munich Center of Neurosciences - Brain & Mind (MCN), the Graduate School of Systemic Neuroscience (GSN) coordinates with a network of research groups to provide a stimulating environment for novel formulation of … In Munich, the International Office of LMU is responsible for evaluating foreign degrees. LMU also … Wenn Sie als Nicht-Deutsche einen Bachelor-, Master- oder einen anderen Abschluss an der LMU erwerben wollen, sind Sie hier richtig! Many of you will be registering at LMU as students of study abroad programs such as Erasmus, LMUexchange and DAAD etc. If it is not possible for you to come to Munich at the beginning of September or March respectively you can improve your language … Interkulturelle Nachbereitung. Prospective doctoral students have to enroll at the university where their primary supervisor is based. Many different roads lead to Munich. This is a two-step process: Step 1: In this first step, you need to send the listed documents to the International Office … Looking to do a study exchange for a few months at LMU? Aufgrund der Vielfalt der Studiengänge und der unterschiedlichen Ausgangsbedingungen der Studieninteressierten gibt es nicht nur einen Bewerbungsweg, der für alle gilt, sondern unterschiedliche Bewerbungsvarianten. It is possible to participate in the program via any of the participating universities. International LMU Master's Program in Biochemistry is taught entirely in English and provides students an interdisciplinary education. Current Information / Corona-Virus. In April/May, you will receive all important documents for your exchange from LMU International Office, including your personalized Learning Agreement, which requires you to choose courses at the partner university. Ludwigstr. Studies Office If your application is successful you will receive an official letter of acceptance by the Master Studies Office. The first registration is available to visiting students as well as the continuation of registration and re-registration. If you decide not to take this exam you have to submit an equal language certificate (see above list) … Step 5: Enrolment at the International Affairs Office To enrol as a student at LMU you must bring your official letter of acceptance and Bewerbung / Immatrikulation ... register as visiting students for the purpose of completing those parts of their degree program at LMU Munich that are offered here. Voraussetzungen, Bewerbung, Zulassung und Immatrikulation, So beantragen Sie die Zulassung zum Studium, Bachelor, Master, Staatsexamen, Promotion und weitere Abschlüsse, Allgemeine und spezifische Voraussetzungen für das Studium, Deutsch-Nachweis, Deutschkurse und Fremdsprachen. After you have received a letter of confirmation from the Department of Chemistry AND the confirmation of the International Office you should take the following steps: Fill out the LMU online registration form at: Online-Immatrikulationsantrag and postal registration at the LMU Registrar's Office (Studentenkanzlei) by the appropriate deadline! German Master Programs . Students have the opportunity to attend classes at the LMU Language Center. The application deadlines for both offices are January 15th and July 15th. International visiting students. … Some of the English classes are offered before the starting date of the doctoral program. About us Programmes and Courses Degree Programmes Course Units Fostering Talents International Relations Research Alumni and Business Partners Staff Service print; Content. Every summer semester, Universität Hamburg and the Studienkolleg Hamburg offer international prospective students a pre-semester preparatory course to prepare them for their program. In order to help you to get off to a good start at LMU and in Munich … You will find more information and the application form at Please note that the International Office invites you to write the DSH-Certificate, but you have to enroll yourself. It is expected to open in May 2021. If you are not able to prove your minimum knowledge through a current certificate of attendance or an equal language certificate, you do not fulfil the admission requirements. For … Current information is also … If you hold an excellent Master's degree in an historical subject, and if you are interested in doing a PhD in history, there may be ways to do it at the … Events such as round tables, country evenings, quiz nights and parties, not to mention exhibitions, are very popular among our students. Integrieren Sie, was Sie im Ausland gelernt haben: Wir helfen Ihnen, von Ihrem Erfahrungsschatz zu profitieren. Contact Person: Dr. … 27 (ground floor) The LMU provides more information on matriculation for international students. wohnen-bewerbung @ Do NOT apply again. It has been organized by Mr. Hao FENG, a former LMU-China Scholarship Council (CSC) program student, and supported by the International Office of LMU. 2. one to the International Office of the LMU Munich (check of formal eligibility to study at a German university). Have you thought about starting a PhD in history? For further information please get in touch with Dr. Kristin Kastner. And … Let LMU help you find the study program that's right for you. LMU LUDWIG- MAXIMILIANS- UNIVERSITÄT MÜNCHEN INTERNATIONALE ANGELEGENHEITE INTERNATIONAL OFFICE . Bereit für die nächsten Schritte? The majority of LMU's Master programs are taught entirely in German and require an excellent knowledge of the German language. +49 (0) 89 2180 2234 E-Mail: The goal of the LMU-CAN is to provide a cooperation … Prerequisites Admission Application Procedure Required … MISU also provides a summer academy and German courses. A cover letter describing their education and academic background and how their research interests relate to the research areas of the doctoral program, A research proposal outlining their doctoral project, including information on research questions and the theoretical and methodological approaches to be used; a survey of the current state of literature and research in their chosen area; and a timetable for completion (not more than five pages in total), Degree transcripts, evidence of internships and time spent studying abroad, Evidence of foreign language skills (e.g., TOEFL), One reference written by an academic teacher, Hinweise zur Datenübertragung bei der Google™ Suche, Institut für Empirische Kulturwissenschaften und Europäische Ethnologie, 2. Deutsch; Breadcrumb Navigation. The LMU’s International Office is responsible for evaluating language qualifications. 28 / room 13 D-80539 München Tel. We recommend that applicants contact the program coordinator before submitting their applications. Candidates have to submit their applications through an online platform provided by the GraduateCenterLMU. Consequently, the LMU International Office is in charge of the application process. Bewerbungsfrist für das International Office ist der … Wenn Sie als Nicht-Deutsche einen Bachelor-, Master- oder einen anderen Abschluss an der LMU erwerben wollen, sind Sie hier richtig! It is also pretty expensive compared to other German cities. The LMU’s International Office is responsible for evaluating language qualifications. Hinweis zur Datenübermittlung bei der Google-Suche, Zur englischen Sprachversion / Switch to English. All about student accomodation Affordable student accommodation is not easy to find in Munich and surrounding areas. The University offers the Erasmus+, SEMP and LMUexchange programs to do just that. Application: LMUexchange is organized by the International Office. Follow this link for the online application tool of the GraduateCenterLMU: Auf den folgenden Seiten wollen wir Sie auf Ihrem Weg zum Studium an der LMU begleiten. Bewerben Sie sich wie oben beschrieben über das Online-Bewerbungsportal. Für internationale Bewerberinnen und Bewerber: Bitte beachten Sie das folgende Vorgehen bei der Bewerbung! LMU is looking forward to welcoming new international students. Jobline LMU brought to you by the Language Center. .