Compare. ART. JARDINE MATHESON HOLDINGS LD. If you find any of the dividend record is wrong or duplicated, please contact me. 2020 INTERIM DIVIDEND We wish to advise the following sterling equivalent of the 2020 interim dividend of the above Company. 0,37157 EUR. Jardine Matheson Hdg Dividend. Nachdem die Aktie Mitte 2015 bei rund 50 US-Dollar stand, kostete sie 2019 stolze 70 US-Dollar. Scrip Dividend Circular for JARDINE MATHESON HOLDINGS LD. is owned and operated by DividendMax Ltd. Our premium tools have predicted Jardine Matheson Holdings Ltd. with 97% accuracy. Info. Nothing shall substitute for the independent investigations and sound judgement of our users. Find the latest dividend history for Jardine Matheson Holdings Ltd. (JARLF) at Portfolio Watchlist. Jardine Matheson Hldgs Ltd . Jardine-Matheson … Jardine Matheson Aktie Dividenden Die Jardine Matheson Dividende wird auf der Jahreshauptversammlung für das abgelaufene Geschäftsjahr festgelegt. JARDINE MATHESON : Swings to Loss in 2020 Amid Weaker Performances from Southea.. 11.03. Dividenden & Splits zur Jardine Matheson Aktie. Payout History. Your account is set up to receive Jardine Matheson Holdings Ltd. notifications. 2020 interim dividend per share: US cents 44.00 ----- GBP equivalent: 34.1923 pence ----- Stock analysis for Jardine Matheson Holdings Ltd (JM:Singapore) including stock price, stock chart, company news, key statistics, fundamentals and company profile. Jardine Matheson Holdings Limited, oft auch Jardines bzw. Scrip Dividend Circular JARDINE MATHESON HOLDINGS LD. der Börse unterstützt. Dividend Summary. Betrag. We accept no liability whatsoever for any decision made or action taken or not taken. 30 September 2020 . Jardine's genannt, ist ein multinationaler Konzern mit Schwerpunkt Süd-Ost-Asien. Jardine Matheson is a multinational enterprise with a portfolio of businesses focused primarily on Asia and grouped into eight core companies. The dividend yield is calculated by dividing the annual dividend payment by the prevailing share price. Aktie: Jardine Matheson Holdings Ltd. ISIN: BMG507361001. Das Unternehmen ist u. a. in den Bereichen Immobilien, Hotels, Bau, Einzelhandel, Finanzdienstleistung, Fahrzeugbau und -handel tätig. JARDINE MATHESON : Slumps To FY20 Loss Amid COVID-19: 11.03. Jardine Matheson Holdings Ltd. on Thursday reported a loss for 2020 but maintained its dividend. Published: 2020-09-02 01:51:00 [Portal] 265 Document Dated: 2020-09-02 Download: NI-000010189.pdf: application/pdf Document. 1,28 USD. Wie Sie an Der Firmensitz ist offiziell auf den Bermudas, die Hauptverwaltung befindet sich aber im Jardine House in Hongkong. JARDINE MATHESON : Posts 2020 Loss But Maintains Dividend: 11.03. FCA / NSM. The next Jardine Matheson Holdings Ltd. dividend went ex 13 days ago … Im Anschluss daran stimmen die Aktionäre im Rahmen der Hauptversammlung in der Regel mit einfacher Mehrheit zu. Laufende Dividende. The table below shows the full dividend history for Jardine Matheson Holdings Ltd. Seither ging es mit der Aktie von Jardines steil bergab. Dividende. Add Jardine Matheson Holdings Ltd. to receive free notifications when they declare their dividends. © 1994-2021 by - Quelle für Kurse und Daten: Jardine Matheson-Aktie mit neuem 5-Jahres-Tief, Jardine Matheson-Aktie unter 20-Tage-Linie, Jardine Matheson-Aktie über 20-Tage-Linie. Jardine Matheson Dividende: Hier finden Sie die Dividende-Seite für den Wert Jardine Matheson. The Consecutive Annual Dividend Increases - the number of years this company has been increasing its dividends. Articles. shares you hold and we'll calculate your dividend payments: Sign up for Jardine Matheson Holdings Ltd. and we'll email you the dividend information when they declare. DAX. Ex-Tag. 20.08.2020. Ereignis. Für Jardine Matheson-Aktionäre errechnet sich derzeit eine. JARDINE MATHESON HOLDINGS LTD (J36) USD 66.16 +1.16% +0.77. JMHLY Stock Historical Dividends and Yields - Jardine Matheson Holdings Ltd : Stock dividend history, yield and payout ratio data. Jardine Matheson Aktie: WKN 869042 - ISIN BMG507361001 - Aktueller Aktienkurs, Charts, Nachrichten und Termine zu Jardine Matheson. In depth view into Jardine Matheson Holdings Dividend including historical data from 2008, … Divs. 2019-03-15. 2018-03-21. Companies; Documents; Forms; Alerts; Stock Ticker Lookup. The Group's strategy is to build its operations into market leaders across Asia, each with the support of Jardine Matheson's extensive knowledge of the Region and long-standing relationships. Jardine Matheson Holdings Ltd. on Thursday reported a loss for 2020 but maintained its dividend. JARDINE MATHESON : Slumps To FY20 Loss Amid COVID-19: 11.03. Jardine Strategic pays an annual dividend of currently $0.34 per share. JARDINE MATHESON : S&P Downgrades Jardine Strategic to A … der Börse unterstützt. … Payout Estimate. RNS Number : 1643A. JARDINE MATHESON HOLDINGS LIMITED . New. ... Jardine Matheson Holdings Ltd. - ADR Dividend policy Increase Price as of: MAR 26, 04:29 PM EDT $65.94 -0.22 -0.33% JMHLY: OTC (Stock) Jardine Matheson Holdings Ltd. - ADR Dividend policy Increase Price as of: MAR 26, 04:29 PM EDT $65.94 -0.22 -0.33% Watchlist Overview. Zahlungszeitraum. Aktuell liegt der Aktienkurs nur … Wie Sie an Die Unruhen in Hongkong, die Spannungen zwischen den USA und China, sowie die Corona-Pandemie sind nicht spurlos am Aktienchart von Jardine Matheson vorbeigegangen. Jardine C&C Dividend Yields history across the years. Die Jardine Matheson Dividende wird auf der Jahreshauptversammlung für das abgelaufene Geschäftsjahr festgelegt. USD 1.28. DIVIDEND. Jardine Matheson Hldgs Ltd. 25 September 2020 JARDINE MATHESON HOLDINGS LIMITED 2020 INTERIM DIVIDEND Please be advised of the following in respect of the scrip election for the 2020 interim dividend of the above Company: Interim Dividend Per Share. Jardine Matheson Holdings Ltd. on Thursday reported a loss for 2020 but maintained its dividend. Scrip Dividend Scheme: 3: InvestEgate: JARDINE MATHESON Aktie jetzt für 0€ handeln: Fr: S&P: Jardine Matheson Holdings Ltd. The Asian conglomerate posted a net loss for the year of $394 million, swinging from a $2.84 billion profit in 2019 Revenue fell 12% to $90.91 billion, and underlying pretax profit decreased 40% to $2.79 billion. SCRIP ALT USD 0.42. DIVIDEND. Anns. Dividend Uptrend A stock’s Dividend Uptrend rating is dependent on the company’s price-to-earnings (P/E) ratio to evaluate whether or not a stock’s dividend is likely to trend upward. Information. Verhältnis. So sieht der Aktienchart von Jardine Matheson aus. JARDINE MATHESON : Strategic Minority Shareholders Mull Legal Action to Demand .. Dividendenart. Holen Sie sich Informationen über Jardine Matheson-Dividenden und Ex-Dividenden-Termine. A company that pays out close to half its earnings as dividends and retains the other half of earnings has ample room to grow its business and pay out more dividends in the future. Trading Ideas. JARDINE MATHESON AKTIE (ISIN: BMG507361001): Realtime-Kurs der Jardine Matheson Aktie, Dividenden-Rendite und Termine, aktuelle Nachrichten ⇒ Die nächsten Kursziele. There are typically 2 dividends per year (excluding specials). Jardine Matheson pays an annual dividend of currently $1.70 per share. JARDINE MATHESON : Posts 2020 Loss But Maintains Dividend: 11.03. Hauptversammlung. These shareholders may make new currency elections by notifying the United Kingdom transfer agent in writing. Search / Go. The chart below shows the optimized dividends for this security over a rolling 12-month period. 20.08.20. Datum. Dividend. JARDINE MATHESON HLDGS LTD (SGX:J36) Company Announcements of JMH USD | SGX Listed Companies @ SG Shareholders will receive their cash dividends in United States dollars, unless they are registered on the Jersey branch register where they will have the option to elect for sterling. 2018-08-15. Scrip dividend scheme Introduction On 2nd March 2017, your Directors recommended a final dividend for 2016 of US$1.12 per ordinary share, which is payable in cash in United States dollars on 11th May 2017 (the 'Dividend Payment Date'). DIVIDENDE. JARDINE MATHESON : Strategic Minority Shareholders Mull Legal Action to Demand .. 10.03. Schlußdividende. The #1 Source For Dividend Investing. 0,440000000 USD. Das in Hongkong beheimatete Konglomerat Jardine Matheson (WKN:869042) wurde ursprünglich als koloniales Handelshaus gegründet.Heute ist das mit Bedacht geführte Unternehmen in vielen Branchen und verschiedenen asiatischen Ländern vertreten. The dividend will be paid on 14th October 2020. HV. Notes. Through its balance of cash producing activities and investment in new businesses for the future, the Company aims to produce sustained growth in Shareholder value. The next Jardine Matheson Holdings Ltd. dividend went ex 17 days ago for 128c and will be paid in 1 month. Jardine Matheson Holdings Ltd. ZEITRAUM. All DividendMax content is provided for informational and research purposes only and is not in any way meant to represent trade or investment recommendations. Jeder zu diesem Zeitpunkt investierte Anleger bekommt die so festgelegte und anschließend veröffentlichte Summe je Aktie. 265. 2018-08-17. Year Yield Total Amount Ex Date Pay Date Particulars; 2021: 1.95%: USD 0.34: USD0.34 2021-05-27 Dividende. The Asian conglomerate posted a net loss for the year of $394 million, swinging from a … 25.03.2021. Diese drei Unternehmen haben ihre Dividenden besonders üppig gesteigert: Jardine Matheson. Its activities include financial services, supermarkets, consumer marketing, engineering and construction, motor trading, property, and hotels. Trans. Mit dem Rücksetzer auf 35,40 EUR hat Jardine Matheson-Aktie (ISIN BMG507361001) am 14.07.2020 ein neues 5-Jahres-Tief erreicht und damit den Kurs vom 13.07.2020 eingestellt.Die Jardine Matheson-Aktie ...weiterlesen. Weitere Ergebnisse anzeigen. Dabei schlägt der Vorstand die Dividendenhöhe vor. 2019-03-14. Dividend Yield (TTM) = 2.60%. The previous Jardine Matheson Holdings Ltd. dividend was 34.1923p and it went ex 8 months ago and it was paid 6 months ago. Enter the number of