All night, all night 1 of 26. 2. SPIRIT IN THE NIGHT is a song written by Bruce Springsteen and released on his 1973 album Greetings From Asbury Park, N.J..The above lyrics are for Bruce Springsteen's album version of SPIRIT IN THE NIGHT as released in 1973. 35,722 views, added to favorites 235 times. She felt so nice, just as soft as a spirit in the night (All night) Stand right up and let it shoot right through you Demolition Man . Like a spirit in the night, all night Somewhere In Afrika. wurde auf deren Album Nightingales & Bombers veröffentlicht und war ein Top–40–Hit in den USA. Stand right up now and let it shoot through you 3. 'long came Wild Billy with his friend G-man all duded up for Saturday night A cover version performed by Manfred Mann's Earth Band, was released on the album Nightingales and Bombers and as a Top 40 single. Me and Crazy Janey was makin' love in the dirt singin' our birthday songs In the night (All night), Janey don't know what she do to you Spirit In The Night. Janey said it was time to go Spirits in the Night Songtext von Manfred Mann mit Lyrics, deutscher Übersetzung, Musik-Videos und Liedtexten kostenlos auf They were down near the water in a stone mud fight Spirits In The Night. Follow @genius on Twitter for updates Bruce turned out alright, obviously, but he never had that type of popularity with the song despite its critical acclaim. Manfred Mann's Earth Band. 1. Spirits in the night, all night How the night was bright and the stars threw light On Billy and Davey dancing in the Moonlight Down near the water in a stoned mud fight Lyrics to Spirits in the Night by Manfred Mann's Earth Band from the Story of Rock: Radio 538 album - including song video, artist biography, translations and more! Notify me of new comments via email. We'll pick up Hazy Davy and Killer Joe and I'll take you all out to where the gypsy angels go [Chorus] Bruce Frederick Joseph Springsteen (born September 23, 1949), nicknamed "The Boss", is an American singer-songwriter and multi-instrumentalist who records and tours with the E Street Band. 2. Oh, you don't know what they can do to you This is another Bruce song that Manfred Mann covered and made a top 40 song, along with the famous “Blinded by the Light”. Sign-in or Try it free for 3 months. Em. 1 of 18. Lyrics to Spirits in the Night by Manfred Mann from the Blinded by the Light: The Very Best of the Manfred Mann's Earth Band album - including song video, artist biography, translations and more! Spirits in the night, all night Guitar Ukulele Piano. Author Unregistered. Spirit of the Night Lyrics: Hey, are you the one I dream about? Login/register; Home; Songs; Artists; Public books; My song book; Resources; Forum Search. LYRICS. Bruce Springsteen - Spirit in the Night Lyrics & Traduction. All night, all night 'long came Wild Billy with his friend G-man all duded up for Saturday night, Stand right up now and let it shoot through you, Well now Wild young Billy was a crazy cat and he shook some dust out of his coonskin cap, She felt so nice, just as soft as a spirit in the night (All night), Me and Crazy Janey was makin' love in the dirt singin' our birthday songs, Spirits in the Night by Manfred Mann's Earth Band, Spirit in the Night [Live at Hammersmith Odeon London '75] by Bruce Springsteen, Spirit in the Night [Live 1975/85] by Bruce Springsteen. Follow @genius 3. It's about a mile down on the dark side of route eighty-eight Manfred Mann's Earth Band Rock. 63,286 Shazams. [CDATA[ Despite the song being very poetic, Bruce hadn’t exactly learned how to channel his poetic talent into songs that were easy to sing along to at this point in his career, so the song (and his first album in general) didn’t do so well with the public. Chords. And she kissed me just right like only a lonely angel can They're built like light and they dance like spirits in the night (All night) in the night (all night) Oh you don't know what they can do to you Spirits in the night (all night) Baby don't know what they can do to you 1 of 17. Spirits in the night (all night), in the night (all night) Stand up right now and let them shoot through you" Well now, Wild Billy was a crazy cat And he shook some dust out of his coonskin cap Please enable Cookies and reload the page. 1 of 49. 3. Watch on . Spirits in the night (all night), in the night (all night) Stand right up now and let it shoot through you Well now Wild young Billy was a crazy cat and he shook some dust out of his coonskin cap. [Outro] 1. Get up to 3 months free. Eine Coverversion von Manfred Mann’s Earth Band unter dem Titel Spirits in the Night (Plural!) Chords ratings, diagrams and lyrics. La traduction de Spirit in the Night de Bruce Springsteen est disponible en bas de page juste après les paroles originales . 1. By the time we made it up to Greasy Lake I had my head out the window and Janey's fingers were in the cake Read about music throughout history Read. Last edit on Feb 11, 2014. Killer Joe gone passed out on the lawn View interactive tab. Music Video. Spirits in the night, all night How the night was bright and the stars threw light On Billy and Davey dancing in the Moonlight Down near the water in a stoned mud fight "http":"https";t.getElementById(r)||(n=t.createElement(e),,n.src=i+"://",s.parentNode.insertBefore(n,s))}(document,"script","twitter-wjs"); Spirits in the night, all night How the night was bright and the stars threw light On Billy and Davey dancing in the Moonlight Down near the water in a stoned mud fight Anmelden oder Registrieren, um Kommentare zu schreiben; Music Tales . //, Sorry, we have to make sure you're a human before we can show you this page. Copyright Notice: If you are the copyright owner and unhappy with this video, please contact me to remove it from Youtube. Publish × Close Report Comment. Share. Spirit In The Night est une chanson de Bruce Springsteen,. Lyrics to "Spirit in the Night" on Well now Wild young Billy was a crazy cat and he shook some dust out of his coonskin cap Manfred Mann's Earth Band. Album . !function(t,e,r){var n,s=t.getElementsByTagName(e)[0],i=/^http:/.test(t.location)? Well now Hazy Davy got really hurt, he ran into the lake in just his socks and a shirt C. 1. Bruce Springsteen. PLAY FULL SONG. Manfred Mann. [Verse 3] Spirits in my head and they won't go. Spirit in the Night ist ein von Bruce Springsteen geschriebenes und komponiertes Lied, das 1973 auf seinem Debüt-Album Greetings from Asbury Park, N.J. veröffentlicht wurde. All night, all night. Now the night was bright and the stars threw light on Billy and Davy He said, "Try some of this it'll show you where you're at, or at least it'll help you really feel it" Together we moved like spirits in the night, all night Free printable and easy chords for song by Bruce Springsteen - Spirit In The Night. Spirit in the Night Bruce Springsteen Chords and Lyrics for Guitar. 1. Well Billy slammed on his coaster brakes and said anybody wanna go on up to Greasy Lake Original version. Track 8 from the album "Greetings From Asbury Park N.J." 1973 (CD) Download Pdf. Sammlungen mit "Spirit Of The Night" 1. PLAY FULL SONG. Dsus2. I spend a lot of nights on the run And I think, "Oh, like I'm lost and can't be found" I'm just waiting for my day to come And I think, "Oh, I don't wanna let you down" 'Cause something inside has changed And maybe we don't wanna stay the same. 2. And they dance like spirits in the night (All night) in the night (All night) Em7. 1. He said, "Trust some of this it'll show you where you're at, or at least it'll help you really feel it" 1 of 12. 1 of 22. I got a bottle of rose so let's try it Stand right up and let her shoot through me Crazy Janey and her mission man were back in the alley tradin' hands Manfred Mann was a British beat, rhythm and blues and pop band (with a strong jazz foundation) of the 1960s, named after their South African keyboardist, Manfred Mann, who later led the successful 1970s group Manfred Mann's Earth Band. Crisalide (Vola) 2. I think I really dug her cause I was too loose to fake Info. 2. Es war die zweite Single-Veröffentlichung des Albums. Spirit In The Night - Manfred Mann's Earth Band Übersetzung und Songtext, Lyrics, Musik-Videos und Liedtexten kostenlos. Connect with Apple Music. [Chorus] I said, "I'm hurt," she said, "Honey, let me heal it" We're doing our best to make sure our content is useful, accurate and safe. Other Entries by Eurovision Winners, Part 2: Composers: Valentina Monetta: Top 3. They're built like light