Das war die Zeit nach dem Ersten Weltkrieg.Damals hatte Deutschland keinen Kaiser oder König mehr und war daher eine Republik.Anstatt des deutschen Kaisers gab es nun einen Reichspräsidenten als Staatsoberhaupt.Erster Reichspräsident war Friedrich Ebert von den Sozialdemokraten. New students are only permitted to enrol in the winter semester. Hochschule Harz – Hochschule für angewandte Wissenschaften. The master‘s examination is comprised of a final exhibition, an oral and written examination (master‘s thesis and presentation). Einen lieben Gruß an Iris Henning, Redaktion am Hainich. ), uncertified copy of your higher education entrance qualification (Abitur, A-levels), uncertified copy of your certificate of graduation from a university/college of art, along with a uncertified copy of your transcript, Language certificates (see section on language requirements below), or another certificate of equivalent level, Start Deutsch 1 certificate from the Goethe Institute, another certificate of an equivalent level, certificate confirming completion of at least 130 to 160 hours of German language instruction. In specialised courses and workshops, students can learn technical and craft skills as well as the basics of artistic activity. Finden Sie jetzt 101 zu besetzende Kunst Jobs in Weimar auf Indeed.com, der weltweiten Nr. You must provide proof of German language proficiency. Document Type . Digital portfolio submission is possible via the application portal.Application deadline:The digital application can be uploaded until 31 March of the year. In addition, introductory workshop projects give students access to all artistic workshops in which they can work independently during their studies. the aptitude interview and review of your original artistic portfolio. Posters for the “Freie Kunst lecture series 2017” at the Bauhaus-University Weimar. The curriculum is based on the examination of contemporary issues and lines of discourse, relevant artistic media and artistic strategies. Foreign students spend four semesters studying in Weimar, while German students are required to study abroad for at least one semester. Your sketchbooks are best represented by a. IPlease upload your curriculum vitae, your school and professional qualifications as well as a letter of motivation as separate files. Refine . In addition to theoretically examining individual positions, the term »public« is also a central research topic. In addition to theoretically examining individual positions, the term »public« is also a central research topic. The selection of the students of the degree programme is based on an aptitude assessment examination consisting of: To register for the aptitude assessment examination please either perform the» online registration for the aptitude assessment examination test (by 15 January)or submit the following documents to the Faculty of Art and Design by 15 January: You will receive the link to the homework by e-mail after March, 15th. 2007 erhielt … We are aware that photos or scans do not exactly reproduce the original. Weimar Open Access. We recommend that you scan the work from your portfolio or simply take a photo with your mobile phone. If the interviews can be held in person, please bring the original works from your digital application. The Fine Art degree programme concludes with a diploma in the standard period of study of 9 semesters. This requirement is met by providing one of the following: If a candidate lacks sufficient knowledge of German, he or she may choose to gain the necessary language skills in an intensive language course at the Bauhaus-Universität Weimar before the first semester begins. The programme also emphasizes other themes, such as integrating the fine arts into architecture and landscapes, investigating the culture of commemoration, the function of memorials and role of monuments in public space. Artikel 143 (1) Für die Bildung der Jugend ist durch öffentliche Anstalten zu sorgen. The Freie Kunst Department at Bauhaus-University-Weimar on Academia.edu Intensive inhaltliche Arbeit, renommierte Dozentinnen und Dozenten, ausgesuchte Orte und Freiräume für Kreativität und Erkundungen der Umgebung – all das macht die Akademien seit über 45 Jahren zum zentralen Veranstaltungsformat der Studienstiftung. Mehr erfahren. Vom 11. This degree programme is targeted at international students and was established with start-up capital provided by the German Academic Exchange Service (DAAD). Abo & Service: Telefon: 0711 7205- 6161 You may receive an invitation to a video conference. ), Visuelle Kommunikation (Visual Communication), Kunsterziehung an Gymnasien (Teaching Art Education), Doctorate at the Faculty of Art and Design, (You can change this setting at any time via our », Offizieller Account der Bauhaus-Universität Weimar au, Offizieller Account der Bauhaus-Universität Weimar auf Twitter, Offizieller Account der Bauhaus-Universität Weimar auf Instagramm, Offizieller Account der Bauhaus-Universität Weimar auf Vimeo, Application for the aptitude test in the degree programme Fine Art. Sketchbooks can be submitted digitally and count as one piece of work. You must provide proof of German language proficiency. Document Type . Keywords . the upload of your digital application via, pre-selection by reviewing the submitted digital portfolio. Sidjimovska, Ivana (1) Keywords . See All. Bauhaus-Universität Weimar Hochschule für Musik „Franz Liszt“ Weimar. )-Media Art and Design + Produktdesign (Product Design) + Visuelle Kommunikation (Visual Communication) + Kunsterziehung an Gymnasien (Teaching Art Education) + Doctorate at the Faculty of Art and Design + The examination committee of the degree programme makes a preliminary selection after reviewing the submitted work samples. For clarification, please contact the secretariat of the degree programme Silke Partschefeld by e-mail (silke.partschefeld[at]uni-weimar.de).There are three steps to passing the aptitude test: Language requirements:Please submit a current proof of language proficiency with your application documents, which shows that you will reach the required language level by the time of your matriculation at the latest.Lessons are taught in German. For the submission of moving images/audio files etc., only include links (e.g. The works must have been made by you. TheoryThe practical work is accompanied by theoretical examination and discussion provided by the Faculty‘s scientific departments and guest lectures. https://compressjpeg.com/de/. The programme also emphasizes other themes, such as integrating the fine arts into architecture and landscapes, investigating the culture of commemoration, the function of memorials and role of monuments in public space. Herzlich Willkommen auf der offiziellen Facebook-Seite der Bauhaus-Universität Weimar. The interdisciplinary interweave with other degree programmes allows in depth study of Fine Art. Das Gedicht An die Nachgeborenen von Bertolt Brecht ist einer der wichtigsten Texte der deutschen Exilliteratur. The master‘s examination is comprised of a final exhibition, an oral and written examination (master‘s thesis and presentation). Lectures, talks and guest lectures by international experts complement the teaching. We will inform you in good time about the further procedure.In exceptional cases, you can still apply by analogue means. This is taken into account by the examination committee. For capacity reasons, please avoid uploading such files. context-related works are developed and installed in public space in cooperation with various partners. You may receive an invitation to a video conference. Enrolment in this degree programme is limited to 40 students. You do not have to incur any additional costs to have your portfolio professionally digitised. +++ 22:15 Vierten Tag in Folge mehr als 50.000 Neuinfektionen in der Türkei +++ Den vierten Tag in Folge meldet die Türkei mehr als 50.000 Neuinfektionen: zuletzt sind es genau 52.676. Weimar. This degree programme is taught by professor: Danica Dakić. Björn Dahlem, Professor für Freie Kunst an der #BauhausUni, jetzt als Gast beim GLOBART Talk: Flucht ins All / Escape in Space in Wien: ), Application for the aptitude test in the Master's degree programme Public Art and New Artistic Strategies, Language Centre at the Bauhaus-Universität Weimar, Vorstellung des Studiengangs »Freie Kunst«. Das Bauhaus wurde von Walter Gropius als Schule für Gestaltung 1919 im thüringischen Weimar gegründet und siedelte 1925 nach Dessau um. In the context of specialised courses and other courses, students can also choose from a variety of subject areas, including video, media art, new media, performance, photography, new artistic strategies, curating, basics of the art business, and much more.Fully equipped workshops (including wood workshop, metal workshop, print workshop, photo workshop, plaster and mould making workshop, synthetic materials workshop, model making workshop and video studio) are available for students to use for their work. Those who are shortlisted will be invited to the further aptitude test. Transcultural Intertwinements in East Asian Art and Culture, 1920s–1950s. The teachers of Fine Arts support the students in the conception and realisation of their own projects and exhibitions. In the field of Fine Art, your digital portfolio should contain about 20 samples of your artistic work. We will inform you in good time about the further procedure.In exceptional cases, you can still apply by analogue means. Officially called the de:Großherzoglich-Sächsische Kunstgewerbeschule Weimar (Grand-Ducal Saxon School of Arts and Crafts, Weimar), the school was founded following the formation of the Kunstgewerbliche Institut, Weimar in 1905. It is currently unsure whether personal selection interviews can take place. Students from around the world participate in this MFA programme, and German students benefit from the vast network of international partner universities where they can study for one or two semesters abroad. Refine . In addition, individual consultations take place. Attention: Due to the current situation surrounding the spread of the Coronavirus, we kindly ask you to apply digitally for the aptitude tests in the degree programme Fine Art. The Bauhaus-Universität Weimar uses Matomo for web analytics. English Students in this degree programme require very good English language skills. The works frequently make reference to current political, cultural and social issues, as well as the status of public art. Click the Play button to load and view external content from Vimeo.com. If a candidate does not quite fulfil the language proficiency requirements, he or she may choose to participate in an intensive language course in Weimar, as well as take language courses during the semester in order to meet the language requirements. March 4, 2019. Doctoral Thesis (1) Master's Thesis (1) Author . If the interviews can be held in person, please bring the original works from your digital application. Personal mentoring and critiquing play an increasingly significant role as the programme progresses. Bis zu ihrem Verbot 1933 übte sie einen großen Einfluss auf die Gestaltung von alltäglichen Gegenständen und auf das Bauen aus, nicht nur in Deutschland, sondern in der ganzen Welt. Applicants from the People's Republic of China are required to submit the certificate issued by the DAAD Academic Evaluation Centre in Beijing. En 1905 pasó a ser una Escuela de arte estatal. Foreign students spend four semesters studying in Weimar, while German students are required to study abroad for at least one semester. Weimar (1908). Freie Kunst (Fine Art) Freie Kunst (Fine Art) – Diploma; Consecutive degree programme in Public Art and New Artistic Strategies (M.F.A. This requirement is met by providing one of the following: If a candidate lacks sufficient knowledge of German, he or she may choose to gain the necessary language skills in an intensive language course at the Bauhaus-Universität Weimar before the first semester begins. The Fine Art degree programme concludes with a diploma in the standard period of study of 9 semesters. For clarification, please contact the secretariat of the degree programme Silke Partschefeld by e-mail (silke.partschefeld[at]uni-weimar.de).There are three steps to passing the aptitude test: Language requirements:Please submit a current proof of language proficiency with your application documents, which shows that you will reach the required language level by the time of your matriculation at the latest.Lessons are taught in German. In the field of Fine Art, your digital portfolio should contain about 20 samples of your artistic work. Audioführung (1) Skopje 2014 (1) Stadtumbau (1) art in public space (1) artistic research (1) audio walk (1) … Your sketchbooks are best represented by a. IPlease upload your curriculum vitae, your school and professional qualifications as well as a letter of motivation as separate files. What do I do with works that I cannot simply scan? Design by Erik Sachse, with Starla by Napoleon Typefaces. The curriculum is based on the examination of contemporary issues and lines of discourse, relevant artistic media and artistic … Applicants who fail the aptitude assessment examination will receive written notification to that effect. For the submission of moving images/audio files etc., only include links (e.g. (1) Die Kunst, die Wissenschaft und ihre Lehre sind frei. How and by when can I submit my portfolio? The discussion also focuses on aspects of globalism, urbanism and migration.The »Master of Fine Arts« degree is a second-level professional qualification. Photos. The ideas for artistic intervention in public space originate from the students‘ artistic approaches and entail independent development of an individual work. In the next step, please solve this homework and upload it with the following documents via the university's application portal by 31 March of the year: We would like to ask you to send your application materials only via application portal and not via e-mail to us, please! Applicants who fail the aptitude assessment examination will receive written notification to that effect. Digital media has expanded the scope of public space to include virtual environments. » To the Professors and the artistic staff. The original files can be reduced in size using the appropriate online tools.E.g. Studies of East Asian Art History, Freie Universität Berlin, Vol. Freie Kunst (Fine Art) + Media Art and Design + Produktdesign (Product Design) + Visuelle Kommunikation (Visual Communication) + ... As alternative to the practice-based PhD programme, the Bauhaus-Universität Weimar awards the academic degree of "Doctor philosophae" (Dr. Attention: Due to the current situation surrounding the spread of the Coronavirus, we kindly ask you to apply digitally for the aptitude tests in the degree programme Fine Art. New students are only permitted to enrol in the winter semester.ContentsThe following four areas are crucial to artistic work in public space and are investigated in depth during this four-semester degree programme: The artistic and theoretical examination of these thematic areas takes place in »real projects«, i.e. German To ensure that foreign applicants are able to cope with life in Germany, they must have some basic knowledge of German. Sketchbooks can be submitted digitally and count as one piece of work. Paul Klee wird 1879 in Bern in der Schweiz geboren. 2 Bewertungen zum Studium Freie Kunst an der Uni Weimar. What should my digital application look like and what should it contain? to YouTube or Vimeo, if applicable as private/password-protected video) in the PDF of your portfolio. (Basierend auf Total Visits weltweit, Quelle: comScore) Freie Kunst. Mit ihrem breit gestreuten Fächerspektrum von den Sprach- und The forms of interventions include temporary installations, sculptures, actions and performances. Since 1 January 1993, Überlingen has been categorized as a large district city (Große Kreisstadt). Bauhaus-Universität Weimar, Weimar, Germany. that reveal individual interests and working methods and show interest in the chosen field of study. ), Visuelle Kommunikation (Visual Communication), Kunsterziehung an Gymnasien (Teaching Art Education), Doctorate at the Faculty of Art and Design, (You can change this setting at any time via our », Offizieller Account der Bauhaus-Universität Weimar au, Offizieller Account der Bauhaus-Universität Weimar auf Twitter, Offizieller Account der Bauhaus-Universität Weimar auf Instagramm, Offizieller Account der Bauhaus-Universität Weimar auf Vimeo, Application for the aptitude test in the degree programme Fine Art. Each speaker could suggest objects for their poster. Author . Public Art an New Artistic Strategies (M.F.A. How can I present the work from my portfolio and all other documents without a professional scanner? The Faculty of Art and Design at the Bauhaus-Universität Weimar established the English-language, postgraduate M. F. A. degree programme in »Public Art and New Artistic Strategies« in the winter semester 2001/02. Digital portfolio submission is possible via the application portal.Application deadline:The digital application can be uploaded until 31 March of the year. Bis 1906 lebt er in Bern, wo er sich mit Hinterglasmalerei und Radierungen beschäftigt. We recommend that foreign applicants participate in two language courses in August and September before commencing their studies (a four-week course at the Bauhaus Summer Academy and a three-week course at the Language Centre at the Bauhaus-Universität Weimar). Freie Kunst (Fine Art) ... 99423 Weimar phone: +49 (0) 36 43 / 58 38 70 e-mail: christine.hill[at]uni-weimar.de » Visit the website of the professorship » Gallery EIGEN+ART – Christine Hill. 100% der Studenten empfehlen das Studium weiter. Automatically load and view external content from Vimeo.com In the first semester of study, thematic workshops are offered by all professors and staff of the Fine Art programme, which present exemplary contents and the artistic working methods of teaching. Biografía. Weimar Open Access. To be eligible for admission to this degree programme, candidates must have attained a first-level professional qualification from a university/college of art in a degree programme of no less than eight semesters, or an equivalent degree as confirmed by the examination committee. Tübingen und Rostock, Weimar und das Saarland: Städte, Kommunen und ganze Bundesländer versuchen, mit Öffnungsstrategien andere Wege der Pandemie-Bekämpfung zu gehen. In the context of specialised courses and other courses, students can also choose from a variety of subject areas, including video, media art, new media, performance, photography, new artistic strategies, curating, basics of the art business, and much more.Fully equipped workshops (including wood workshop, metal workshop, print workshop, photo workshop, plaster and mould making workshop, synthetic materials workshop, model making workshop and video studio) are available for students to use for their work. Etwa 8.300 der aktuell rund 20.300 Studierenden der Universität Paderborn studieren an der Fakultät für Kulturwissenschaften, darunter über 7.000 Studierende im Bereich Lehramt. The works must have been made by you. The Weimar Princely Free Drawing School (German: Fürstliche freie Zeichenschule Weimar) was an art and literature educational establishment.It was set up in 1776 in Weimar by the scholar and ducal private-secretary Friedrich Justin Bertuch (1747–1822) and the painter Georg Melchior Kraus (1737–1806), as part of Weimar Classicism.It was financed by the young Charles Augustus, … Heute war ich bei Tobias Kühn @tkuehn.arts , einem der Studierenden der Bauhausuniversität Weimar im Bereich Freie Kunst, zu Besuch. You will receive the link to apply for admission online as soon as you have passed the aptitude assessment examination. 6.9K likes. Prerequisite for International Students are German language skills at the level C 1 (DSH-2 or TestDAF TDN 4).If you have any questions relating to certification, please contact Frau Johanna Theuerkauf at the Office of Student and Academic Affairs: johanna.theuerkauf[at]uni-weimar.de. Bei ihrer Einrichtung wirken Reich, Länder und Gemeinden zusammen. Dann ist eine Ausbildung in Wirtschaft und Verwaltung nichts für dich. Refine . 6982) Die Verfassung des Deutschen Reichs. Sicheres Auftreten und ein gesundes Selbstbewusstsein sind hier wichtig, um auch in stressigen Situationen souverän überzeugen zu können. In specialised courses and workshops, students can learn technical and craft skills as well as the basics of artistic activity. If a candidate does not quite fulfil the language proficiency requirements, he or she may choose to participate in an intensive language course in Weimar, as well as take language courses during the semester in order to meet the language requirements. In addition, individual consultations take place. How can I present the work from my portfolio and all other documents without a professional scanner? Doctoral Thesis (3) Master's ... as well as a sound performance in the public space of the city of Weimar, several theoretical and performative elements are brought together in this transmedia ... ‚Volkstracht‘ als Ressource im sozialistischen Rumänien aus der Perspektive von Forschung und Kunst (2020) phil.) What should my digital application look like and what should it contain? Lectures, talks and guest lectures by international experts complement the teaching. https://helpx.adobe.com/de/acrobat/using/creating-simple-pdfs-acrobat.html. This degree programme is targeted at international students and was established with start-up capital provided by the German Academic Exchange Service (DAAD). English Students in this degree programme require very good English language skills. Artistic PracticeIndependent work in the studios and workshops of the university is at the centre of the study programme. Karl Blossfeldt comenzó a estudiar escultura en 1881.Fue moldeador en una fundición, donde ya usaba hojas como presentación para sus adornos. Home; Search; Browsen; Publish; FAQ; Institutes and partner institutions; Fakultät Kunst und Gestaltung; Freie Kunst. The academic focus of the Fine Art programme is to develop and foster authentic and professional artistic individuality. La Bauhaus-Universität Weimar tiene su origen en la Escuela granducal de arte de Sajonia con sede en Weimar, fundada en el 1860 por Carlos Alessandro de Sassonia-Weimar-Eisenach. Wernigerode. Es beinhaltet praktische Lehrveranstaltungen, zum Beispiel in Malerei und Fotografie, sowie theoretische Inhalte, etwa in …