Expertly mixed for high-travel speed and high-deposition rate MAG welding of carbon steels, it is ideal for automatic and robotic applications. From household appliances to chemical vessels and pipes, for both austenitic and ferritic stainless steels, ARCAL™ Chrome offers brilliant welding performance with clean a weld aspect. GMAW Shieldpro 20 BlueShield 6.2 Arcal 12 Supa Argon 02 2 GMAW Shieldpro 21 1 GMAW Stainshield BlueShield 1 (SI) 1.5 GTAW Arcal 10 2.5 GTAW Shieldpro 22 Argoplas 5 BlueShield 12 5 GTAW Shieldpro 23 2 GMAW Arcal 121 1 18 GMAW Shieldpro 30 ... Gas comparison chart. ARCAL Speed är en universell skyddsgas för MAG-svetsning med trådelektrod av låg- och olegerade stål. - TIG welding (all materials) MIG welding of aluminium and copper alloys, Welding of plasma Root shielding of all materials Plasma cutting Forming gas No 2 Venture Drive ARCAL™ Chrome is the argon mixture for all purpose MAG welding work on stainless steels. b a For this classification Argon may be replaced partially or completely with helium. This is the approach that Air Liquide’s ARCAL™ brings to the users. ARCAL™ Speed. The shielding gas cylinder valve has CGA 580 fitting. Mixed for high-travel speed and high-deposition rate MAG welding of carbon steels, ARCAL™ Speed is the essential arc welding gas when weld time is a critical factor and is ideal for automatic and robotic applications. Our ARCAL™ and LASAL™ brand gases, equipment and services have been developed by our network of experts to meet the diverse needs of the metal fabrication industry. Main group I – Inert gases Main group M1 to M3 – Oxidizing gases Main group R – Reducing […] Air Liquide UK Limited, Station Road, Coleshill, Birmingham B46 1JY. ARCAL™ Force has been designed to meet these needs, whether in the workshop for automobile construction or heavy machinery (earthmoving, agricultural tools, ships), in boiler-making or on a construction site. ARCAL™ 21. #22-28, Vision Exchange The composition of this welding gas has been carefully selected to obtain an optimal result in MAG arc welding.With a CO2 content of 2%, you get very good looking weld beads without the need to brush or … Flame cutting, gas welding, soldering, brazing and braze welding... Read more $ 299.00 ALbee Flamal Oxygen 11lt... Easy to buy Simply pay and pick up your full ALbee TM cylinder from Dandy Gas. For . GMAW (MIG) welding of carbon steels in all transfer modes, short-circuit, globular, spray, and pulsed-spray transfer. • ARCAL™ M11 is the ideal welding gas when looking to optimize the productivity of your austenitic stainless steel MAG welding operations • Excellent in pulsed mode, ARCAL™ M11 will show you all its possibilities in automatic, robotic or manual mode while reducing the various emissions from our ARCAL Welding Range l Gas is compliant with BS EN ISO 14175:2008 The Reference ARCAL range has been designed to provide a general high-quality ARCAL™ Prime - Ar - ARCAL™ Prime, the pure solution for TIG, MIG, Plasma welding. Arcal 14 = Welding Of Body Metal. High Quality Shielding Gas Solutions | ARCAL Gases. Lorch – Welding Machines, Welding Torches and Automation. b Two gas mixtures with the same Z-classification must not be … 1.3. No matter the surface – oxidized or contaminated, gapped or mismatched – it is extremely tolerant to preparation. Crystal argon, Lazal 5, 99.999% pure argon & helium: For welding aluminum, stainless steel, copper, titanium and even gold TIG processes. ARCAL Speed. Over time, our expertise has evolved to meet the changing needs of our customers and technologies. Den ger dig god finish, liten mängd rök och väldigt lite svetssprut. For over 100 years, welding and cutting gases have been at the heart of Air Liquide’s offer. Our pure gases and gas mixes are also available in bulk mixing installations. ARCAL Prime is our primary high-quality shielding product for most welding situations. Denna gas kan du även använda med perfekt resultat för högproduktiv svetsning, t ex robotiserade applikationer. Perform risk assessment prior to use. We are a majority owned subsidiary of Air Liquide, one of the largest industrial gas companies in the world. GMAW Arcal 211 15 10 StainleSS Steel GTAW Argon (100%) Argon Arcal 1 Argon GMAW Shieldpro 20 BlueShield 6.2 Arcal 12 Supa Argon 02 2 GMAW Shieldpro 21 1 GMAW Stainshield BlueShield 1 (SI) 1.5 GTAW Arcal 10 2.5 GTAW Shieldpro 22 Argoplas 5 BlueShield 12 5 GTAW Shieldpro 23 2 Gases for Welding & Cutting. ARCAL™ Speed. We have four ready-to-weld argon mixture solutions that cover virtually all welding application needs. ARCAL™ ARCAL™ New Generation ARCAL™ is the Air Liquide premium brand for gases and gas-based solutions related to arc processes used for welding and cutting. Gas: Uses: ARCAL 14: GMAW (MIG) welding of carbon steels in all transfer modes, short-circuit, globular, spray, and pulsed-spray transfer. Mixed for high-travel speed and high-deposition rate MAG welding of carbon steels, ARCAL™ Speed is the essential arc welding gas when weld time is a critical factor and is ideal for automatic and robotic applications. Through a spirit of innovation and a commitment to high performance with simplicity, we aim at pushing the welding gas … In addition to its well-known and extensive use as the carbonating and dispensing medium in the beverage industry, carbon dioxide has numerous other uses in many different industries. ARCAL™ Chrome is the most efficient gas mixture for all stainless steel MAG welding. ARCAL™ Prime, the pure solution for TIG, MIG, Plasma welding. Mixed for high-travel speed and high-deposition rate MAG welding of carbon steels, ARCAL™ Speed is the essential arc welding gas when weld time is a critical factor and is ideal for automatic and robotic applications. Our Main Locations in Singapore & Riau Islands. ARCAL™ offers a full range of high-quality, ready-to-use shielding gas solutions. We continually adapt our gas solutions to respond to the challenges of construction and manufacturing processes. Originally established in 1985 to service the South Eastern Suburbs of Melbourne with Welding Equipment & Consumables, Safety Products, Abrasives, and Industrial & Hospitality gases, Dandy Gas have now expanded this range of products available to include Hand & Power Tools, Tapes, Work Wear, Clothing and many other related items. • ARCAL™ Force is the robust MAG welding gas, whether manual or automatic welding, in any position and with all types of wires • Cylinders at the Top: ARCAL™ Force is fitted as standard with SMARTOP™ for easy use. Do you have large structures to be welded, very thick plates, or even large thin sheets? ARCAL™ Speed. YouTube. It is carefully selected to match chromium – the key component of steels for corrosion resistance. ARCAL Flux is the carbon and stainless steel all-purpose welding gas mixture designed specifically for FCAW applications. ARCAL Welding Gas. ARCAL™ Chrome. These include TIG and plasma welding of all materials including titanium, MIG welding of aluminum and copper alloys, and universal root shielding of all materials. ARCAL™ Speed. Indeed, with ARCAL™ Chrome, you can weld all stainless, ferritic and austenitic steels, in all positions! We have put the simple back into arc welding, without taking away any of our quality and safety. This product is carefully selected to match with chromium – the key component of steels for corrosion resistance. (03) 9794 6287, ARCAL represents Air Liquide’s range of arc welding shielding…. ARCAL Prime is a 99.998% pure argon gas, suitable for TIG and plasma welding for all materials, including titanium. Tel: 0800 637737 Fax: 01675 467022 Email: The world leader in gases, technologies and services for Industry and ARCAL™ Prime is our primary high-quality shielding product for most welding applications. Excellent for jobs requiring painting or coating due to low-silicate formation. A world leader in gases, technologies and services for Industry and Health, Air Liquide is present in 80 countries with approximately 66,000 employees and serves more than 3.6 million customers and patients. • TIG welding gas and plasma welding gas of all materials including the most sensitive: aluminum, titanium, zirconium, magnesium, copper and their alloys. Indeed, with ARCAL™ Chrome, you can weld all stainless, ferritic and austenitic steels, in all positions! • MIG welding of aluminum alloys, including pulse welding. GMAW (MIG) welding of stainless steels, especially in spray transfer. The Reference ARCAL range has been designed to provide a general high-quality gas for every application. Mixed for high-travel speed and high-deposition rate MAG welding of carbon steels, ARCAL™ Speed is the essential arc welding gas when weld time is a critical factor and is ideal for automatic and robotic applications. Welding Gases - Teral. Z Gas mixtures with components, which are not listed in the table or gas mixtures with a of the specified range. Excellent for jobs requiring painting or coating due to low-silicate formation. Expertly mixed for high-travel speed and high-deposition rate MAG welding of carbon steels, ARCAL™ 21 is the essential arc welding gas when weld time is a critical factor and is ideal for automatic and robotic applications. 99.998% argon ensures reliable integrity of the weld bead making ARCAL Prime the pure gas solution for your arc welding needs. ARCAL™ Speed is the essential arc welding gas when weld time is a critical factor. ft. Industrial-grade cylinder and valve with CGA 580 fitting; C-25 (75% Argon, 25% CO2) is a preferred gas for MIG welding; Excellent performance on thin materials ARCAL Chrome is the ideal solution for MAG welding stainless steel. ARCAL™ 21 ARCAL Chrome is the simplest, efficient gas mixture for all stainless steel MAG welding … ARCAL™ Force is the ready-to-weld solution for MAG welding of heavy carbon steel structures. Denna Highly adaptable with low fume and spatter emissions that reduces post-welding operations, characteristics of ARCAL™ Speed make it the choice when high productivity is needed without sacrificing quality. Created Date: ARCAL Speed. Teral and Atal blends: For carbon steel MIG processes. Expertly mixed for high-travel speed and high-deposition rate MAG welding of carbon steels, ARCAL Speed is the essential arc welding gas when weld time is a critical factor and is ideal for automatic and robotic applications. ARCAL™ 21. Hög svetshastighet; Mindre efterarbete 99.999% argon ensures reliable integrity of the weld bead making ARCAL™ Prime the pure gas solution for your arc welding needs. ARCAL™ Force is the MAG welding shielding gas for your heavily stressed carbon steel parts. Arcal Shielding Gases. Tel: 0800 637737 Fax: 01675 467022 Email: The world leader in gases, technologies and services for Industry and These carefully prepared gas mixtures deliver consistent results for all types of structures, every time you weld. from our ARCAL Welding Range l Gas is compliant with BS EN ISO 14175:2008 It can also be used for MIG welding aluminium and copper alloys. Optional: ALTOP™ or EXELTOP™ heads with integrated regulator valve: no more regulator or pressure gauge protruding from the cylinder! Relevant identified uses of the substance or mixture and uses advised against Relevant identified uses : Industrial and professional. From household appliances to chemical vessels and pipes, for both austenitic and ferritic stainless steels, ARCAL™ 12 offers brilliant welding performance with a clean weld aspect.
Air Liquide UK Limited, Station Road, Coleshill, Birmingham B46 1JY. By accepting the use of cookies on our website, you allow us to offer you quality content adapted to your browsing profile, to gather statistics to improve your website experience and to secure the transactions you do on our website. ARCAL™ Speed is the essential arc welding gas when weld time is a critical factor. With so many options, it can be difficult to pick the right gases for your operation. ARCAL Prime is our primary high-quality shielding product for most Refillable argon/CO2 cylinder; 20 cu. ARCAL™ offers a full range of high-quality, ready-to-use shielding Oxygen, nitrogen and hydrogen are essential small molecules for life, matter and energy. Expertly mixed for high-travel speed and high-deposition rate MAG welding of carbon steels, ARCAL™ 21 is the essential arc welding gas when weld time is a critical factor and is ideal for automatic and robotic applications. ARCAL™ Speed. Optional: ALTOP™ or EXELTOP™ heads with integrated regulator valve. Arcal 12 and 14: For all stainless steel MIG processes. ARCAL represents Air Liquide’s range of arc welding shielding... Read more; Flamal Oxygen Cylinder. From earthmoving and agricultural equipment to bridge building and ship modules, ARCAL™ Force was engineered with heavy use in mind. ARCAL™ gases are used in arc welding, root shielding, plasma cutting, TIG welding and MIG/MAG welding. ARCAL Flux has excellent short-circuit welding characteristics and is perfect for open root welding of pipe. Flame cutting, gas welding, soldering, brazing and braze welding... Dandy Gas supply a variety of different gas types, as well as gas cylinder hire... We are a majority owned subsidiary of Air Liquide, one of the largest industrial gas companies in the world. 99.998% argon ensures reliable integrity of the weld bead making ARCAL™ Prime the pure gas solution for your arc welding needs. Trade name : ARCAL™ 211 SDS no : 206010 1.2. Carbon Dioxide CO2. They embody Air Liquide’s scientific territory and have been at the core of the company’s activities since its creation in 1902. ARCAL™ Prime is our primary high-quality shielding product for most welding situations, including TIG and plasma welding of all materials such as titanium, MIG welding of aluminium and copper alloys, and universal root shielding of all materials. Shield gas for welding processes. In this article we discuss four main groups of gases that are most commonly used in gas arc welding processes. ARCAL™ Force is ready for your toughest and most challenging welding applications. Classification according to the standard In NEN-EN-ISO 14175 standard, gases are divided into main and subgroups. • The high performance shielding gas solution for TIG, MIG and PLASMA welding of all materials • Cylinders at the Top: ARCAL™ Prime is fitted as standard with SMARTOP™ for easy use. The right shielding gas ultimately makes or breaks your welds, directly impacting your final product and your reputation. ARCAL™ Chrome is the argon mixture for all purpose MAG welding work on stainless steels. ARCAL Speed är en universell skyddsgas för MAG-svetsning med trådelektrod av låg- och olegerade stål. Simplicity - the right gas for your processes. Mixed for high-travel speed and high-deposition rate MAG Customer Oriented, Solution Driven ARCAL™ 12 is the simplest, most efficient gas mixture for all stainless steel MAG welding situations. This shielding gas has excellent performance on thin materials with a clean weld appearance. MCAW (metal core) welding where low smoke is a concern. GMAW (MIG) welding of stainless steels, especially in spray transfer. S 608526. Expertly mixed for high-travel speed and high-deposition rate MAG welding of carbon steels, it is ideal for automatic and robotic applications. ARCAL shielding gases for welding simplify arc welding and reduce operating costs. Contact supplier for more uses information. Our ARCAL™ cylinders come with EXELTOP™, which is equipped with an on/off lever, a quick connect system and a permanent pressure gauge, allowing you to check the content of your cylinder anytime. Details of the supplier of the safety data sheet These include TIG and plasma welding of all materials including titanium, MIG welding of aluminum and copper alloys, and universal root shielding of all materials.