The voicing seemed instantly recognisable, with that bright top end, balanced mid-range and contained bottom end. Based on my experience I think it sounds very close indeed, and in its own right, it's a very good–sounding microphone. The Golden Age Premier GA-800G is currently the only microphone to fully reproduce the C800G. A semiconductor active cooling and external cooling system is used in the GA-800G ensures that the GA-800G has the highest possible signal-to-noise ratio. The original coupling and bypass capacitors have been traded for better ones, resulting in deeper low-end reproduction and more delicate-sounding highs. It´s appearance and structure, as well as accessories and circuit principles, including its … All contents copyright © SOS Publications Group and/or its licensors, 1985-2021. Itå«s appearance and structure, as well as accessories and circuit principles, including its sound character, strictly follows the original design. The valve is mounted in an aluminium casing with a cooling chip attached to the bottom; this allows the heat to be transferred to the large external aluminium–alloy heatsink, and then dissipate into the air surrounding the microphone. There's no room for the power supply, however, which may be a minor inconvenience to more mobile engineers, but I can see why they choose to keep the hard case a more manageable size. The C‑800G is especially revered in pop, rap and R&B circles, partly by association (it's a favourite microphone for many well–known vocalists), and perhaps also because of a perception of exclusivity due to the substantial cost! Das klassische C800G ist das einzige Röhrenmikrofon der Welt, das mit einem aktiven Halbleiterkühlsystem ausgestattet ist, das im Vergleich zu den meisten anderen Röhrenmikrofonen ein höheres Signal … It´s appearance and structure, as well as accessories and circuit principles, including its sound character, strictly follows the original design. The Golden Age Premier GA-800G is currently the only microphone to fully reproduce the C800G. They did say Quote: "The Golden Age Premier GA-800G is currently the only microphone to fully reproduce the C800G. The capsule used in the GA-800G can handle a high sound pressure level. They did, however, take the opportunity to upgrade the material choice for the circuit board itself, from epoxy to a (much more expensive) Rogers ceramic version. The heat generated by the valve in the mic's casing is dissipated by something called a Peltier device, which ensures a higher signal–to–noise ratio than other tube-based designs. The tube in this circuit has an anode voltage of 90V and will generate more heat than tubes in many other tube microphones that typically uses voltages between 35-50V. Many engineers and studios would like to have a C‑800G in their locker, especially for certain genres where it's seen as the real deal, but the price makes this unfeasible for many. Perfekt für Hip Hop/Rap geeignet, lässt die Verarbeitungsqualität Luft nach oben. Apart from the price, the most distinctive feature of the C‑800G is the large heatsink that protrudes from the rear of the microphone. Free shipping for many products! You may login with either your assigned username or your e-mail address. All rights reserved. The Golden Age Project GA-800G is a large-diaphragm tube condenser microphone. The capsule used in the GA-800G can handle a high sound pressure level. Again, like the original, no pad options are present. The temperature of the tube in the GA-800G is the effectively kept down when the GA-800G is in it´s working state, the heat generated by the tube is actively dissipated. Es besteht kein Zweifel: das GA-800g ist das hochwertigste Mikrofon der Premier … The whole package — case and power supply — does come in a cardboard carry case that you could keep and use again for remote recording sessions if needed. It's fine in use, however. My only concern would be where it fits into the very crowded microphone market in general. It has a very high-quality performance and modern sound character.The GA-800G uses a ROGERS ceramic circuit board that has superior insulation parameters and offers a more stable performance. The additional advantage is that there is no need to worry about replacing tubes in the power supply. The solder is FELDER silver/copper-containing solder from Germany.Shockmount: Rycote USM-VB, Tech Specs:Microphone Type: Tube Condenser, Polar Pattern: Cardioid, Omni, Max SPL: 137dB (Cardioid), 140dB (Omni), Self Noise: 18dB (A weighted), Copyright 2018 Golden Age Project | All Rights Reserved |. As with my recollections of using the Japanese original, it almost sounded as if some of the mix work had been done for you. NAMM 2020: The Coolest Studio Gear by Wes, Antelope, Korg, AKAI, Golden Age Premier . More Details. Check out the Sound on Sound reviewCheck out the reviewCheck out the Musictech reviewCheck out the TobiTech review. The Golden Age Premier GA-800G is currently the only microphone to fully reproduce the C800G. thank you for building it ;)", Capacitors, resistors and solder: The metal resistors and electrolytic capacitor from Japan are of special audiophile audio types. Re: Zoom H5 - Best External Gear to Enhance Sound Quali... Zoom H5 - Best External Gear to Enhance Sound Quality. It´s appearance and structure, as well as accessories and circuit principles, including its sound character, strictly follows the original design. In der neuen Folge Gear Time haben wir das Golden Age Premier GA 800 C im Studio. I have little doubt that you'd find plenty of uses for this mic when you're not recording vocals, and I'm looking forward to trying it on more acoustic instruments, guitar cabinets or as a mono drum option. The Sony C‑800G is among the greatest vocal mics ever made, but getting hold of one has never been easy. Your email address will not be published. The GA-800G makes the prospect of getting 'that' sound and look more realistic. The coupling and bypass capacitors is of a very high quality, resulting in a deep and exact low frequency performance and a delicate and transparent high frequency reproduction. Leave a Reply Cancel reply. This is no gimmick, and Golden Age say that when they were experimenting with how to recreate the sound of the original, they found it was an integral part of the design. Once a year I help a local organisation record vocals for around 15 different young singers performing covers of well–known pop songs. After a lot of listening tests comparing a tube rectifying circuit with a solid state one, we found that we did prefer the sound of the latter so this is what we decided to use. This included a selection of both male and female singers, and the vocal chain was a Neve 1073LB preamp with a small amount of compression from a UA 1176 LN. It´s appearance and structure, as well as accessories and circuit principles, including its sound character, strictly follows the original design. The GA-800G microphone is a tube microphone equipped with a semiconductor active cooling system that results in a higher signal-to-noise ratio compared to most other tube microphones. PCB board:A ROGERS ceramic gold-plated circuit board is used. Launched in 1992, the Sony C‑800G valve capacitor microphone is still available new today, although it's a little unclear whether it's actually in production or if distributors are just holding existing stock. The price is still high, but it does bring the sound and look of the original within reach of many more engineers and studios. times higher than an ordinary PCB board. Alle anzeigen. The ’47 has a bright character with real midrange edge, while the ‘251 is more open and closer to the accurate nature of the GA-800G. High-end 800G style Tube microphone built as the classic original! I had to do a quick mix of all the recordings at a later date, and this was where I got a chance to properly evaluate the vocal recordings I had captured. MacBook Pro - replacement battery recommendations? Sie sind die universellen Mikrofone im Studioalltag. Golden Age Premier. It perhaps feels a little smaller, and there seems to be less space below the Gigeresque heatsink into which to fit the mic in its holder. The coupling capacitors are Siemens EPCOS from Germany. Some observers may also question how a company like Golden Age can justify the asking price, while other companies seem determined to drag the price of classic designs as low as possible. Im Test: Das Golden Age Premier GA-800G ist eine Nachbildung des Sony C-800G. Despite coming in at around a third of the price of the original, the potential outlay puts you into the realms of some very well–respected and well–known microphones that could hold their value better — if that's an important consideration. Power supply: The GA-800G uses a modern power supply with solid state rectifiers for the high voltage rail.After a lot of listening tests comparing a tube rectifying circuit with a solid state one, we found that we did prefer the sound of the latter so this is what we decided to use. This type of circuit board is usually used in high-end aerospace communication products, the cost is about twenty (20!) Either way, it's one of the most expensive mics available, and even if you are in a position to pay close to £$10,000 to buy a one new, it might prove difficult: electronic devices sold in the European Union have to be compliant with current ROHS legislation, and the C‑800G is not. Online-Ratgeber. As should be the case in a busy recording session, the gear was a non-issue — a very good sign, in my opinion. Als ich erfahren habe, dass von Golden Age Premier eine Kopie des legendären Sony C-808G erscheinen soll, war für mich sofort klar so eins muss ich haben. The views expressed are those of the contributors and not necessarily those of the publishers. Golden Age Premier GA-800G High End Tube Microphone The GA-800G microphone is a tube microphone equipped with a semiconductor active cooling system that results in a higher signal-to-noise ratio compared to most other tube microphones. cant say enough good things about it. Quite simply, if I could afford it I would have one in my studio's collection, so I was very intrigued to see how close Golden Age have got to the original. The GA-800G uses a ROGERS ceramic circuit board that has superior insulation parameters and offers a more stable performance. It's not a subtle design feature by any means but the original designers were following a 'no comprise' brief, creating a performance-focused microphone that did not aim to look like anything else. Case, power supply and cabling are all good quality. The All-New Behringer Keyboards 'n' Stuff Thread. This heat sink will then dissipate the heat from semiconductor cooling chip to the air surrounding the GA-800G. During that time, the Swedish company have steadily built a reputation for reimagining high-end outboard and microphones at dramatically more affordable prices than the originals. The GA-800G power supply unit.It was somewhat fortunate that — before the entire world shut down due to Covid-19 — I had a session at the studio that proved to be an excellent test. The GA-800G has been replaced by the GA-8000 that uses a new power supply. The Golden Age Project Premier GA-800G is a recreation of a classic tube condenser microphone, one renowned for its silky top end and low-noise performance. Golden Age are, to my knowledge, the first company to create such a faithful version of this famous mic and its original specs — and this is reflected in the price, of course. Ganz im Gegenteil geht das schwedische Unternehmen Golden Age durchaus offensiv mit dieser Tatsache um. In recent years, however, they've introduced a more upmarket range of products, under the name Golden Age Premier. Published July 2020. WIN award-winning Aston Microphones Element mic, Distant City Studios - A Drum Room With A Difference. Der Sound ist top. (4.5 / 5) Das Golden Age Premier GA-800G will keineswegs verheimlichen, ein möglichst exakter Clone des Sony C-800G sein zu wollen. The Golden Age Premier GA-800G is currently the only microphone to fully reproduce the C800G. new: ga-800g NEW: PRE-573 PREMIER The PRE-573 PREMIER is a one-channel vintage style microphone-, line- and instrument preamplifier. Very minimal EQ correction or enhancement was needed on any of the singers. This, they claim, sounded better in blind listening tests. The Golden Age Premier GA-800G is currently the only microphone to fully reproduce the C800G. It´s appearance and structure, as well as accessories and circuit principles, including its sound character, strictly follows the original design. I'll talk a little more about how close I think it sounded to the original Sony mic shortly, but first I'll say that there was not one point in the session where I was aware that the GA-800G wasn't working on a particular singer. The GA-800G microphone is a tube microphone equipped with a semiconductor active cooling system that results in a higher signal-to-noise ratio compared to most other tube microphones. The GA-8000 microphone is a tube microphone equipped with a semiconductor active cooling system that results in a higher signal-to-noise ratio compared to most other tube microphones. That's not really what they set out to do here, though, as this is a custom–made product that aims to get as close to the original as possible. 118. Sweetwater is excited to present the Golden Age Premier GA-800G. Sie sind die universellen Mikrofone im Studioalltag. It has a very high-quality modern sound performance. The GA-800G microphone is a tube microphone equipped with a semiconductor active cooling system that results in a higher signal-to-noise ratio compared to most other tube microphones. For the price of the GA-800G, you could get both a GA-47 and GA-251. The coupling and bypass capacitors is of a very high quality, resulting in a deep and exact low frequency performance and a delicate and transparent high frequency reproduction. for the 500 format with a number of great features. It's clean and precise–sounding but still sounds like a valve mic, and it's easy to see how this would be a great asset if you're working on musical styles where the vocal reigns supreme. The Sony C‑800G is among the greatest vocal mics ever made, but getting hold of one has never been easy. This range has seen them combine premium components with hand-built construction, as well as styling and accessories that are a great deal closer to those of their inspirations. No room for the power supply in the carry case. The higher voltage used in the GA-800G increases the heat dissipation so the semiconductor active cooling system is an important element in the design. Valve Microphone. Großmembranmikrofone. Based on vintage Neumann and AKG/Telefunken designs, these valve condenser microphones are up there with the best. It's appearance and structure, as well as accessories and circuit principles, including its sound character, strictly follows the original design. There are inevitably a few differences, but in the mic itself you'll find the same French 6AU6A tube, and the circuitry is identical to the original. It takes compression and eq so well its fantastic. Recreating iconic German microphones is a well-trodden path these days, but the company's latest offering sees them taking on a more recent Japanese valve design, and one of the more curious of the 'fantasy' microphones. The tube (a 6AU6) is mounted in an aluminum casing, with the semiconductor cooling chip being attached to the bottom of the case. The contents of this article are subject to worldwide copyright protection and reproduction in whole or part, whether mechanical or electronic, is expressly forbidden without the prior written consent of the Publishers. Fazit lesen . Online-Ratgeber. Golden Age Premier have gone where few others have gone before and produced a near identical recreation of the famous, and very expensive, Sony C‑800G. The classic C800G is the only tube microphone in the world equipped with a semiconductor active cooling system that results in a higher signal-to-noise ratio compared to most other tube microphones. Golden Age doesn’t mince words when … Sensibly, Golden Age describe the GA-47 as being “inspired by” the Neumann classic rather than as an exact recreation. Other than that, the power supply is where the most differences can be found, as GA decided to use a solid-state design (the original used a valve), again based on listening tests and long-term reliability. just blown away by the resolution, ultra low noise and insane crisp but smooth top end. Nach einiger Wartezeit war es dann soweit und ich konnte eines der ersten GA-808g in Händen halten. So sind sich GA Premier GA-800G und Sony C-800G mehr als nur entfernt ähnlich. Qualitativ gibt es beim GA-800g absolut nicht zu bemängeln. It's been 15 years since Golden Age Project released their first product, the Pre‑73 mic preamp. Fazit lesen . For example, a ceramic gold-plated ROGERS circuit board is used, bringing superior insulation and improved performance. Golden Age Project’s iteration of this classic large-diaphragm condenser mic strictly follows the original design, including its appearance and architecture, as well as accessories and circuitry — … Sound is very reminiscent of the original Sony C‑800G. Curious not only in the looks department but also in the fact that it's a very expensive mic, yet not one most people would describe as 'vintage'. On some of the more capable and experienced singers, it was very easy to hear why this style of mic is revered for pop music. It's been a little while since I used an original C‑800G but the feel and styling of the mic are very similar indeed. It is traditionally used on sung and spoken-word vocals. Great care has been taken to ensure accuracy in the preparation of this article but neither Sound On Sound Limited nor the publishers can be held responsible for its contents. The microphone ships in a sleek and sturdy hard case that holds the mic itself, all the cabling and the shockmount. It's all about the top–end 'presence' for me with this mic, and the voicing of the GA-800G definitely has that silky, present high-end sound that I associate with the original. Once a little mix treatment like compression and reverb had been measured in, the vocals sat wonderfully against the music and felt very simple to place, level-wise. It has a very high-quality performance and modern sound character. Capsule: A manufacturer with more than twenty years of microphone capsule production experience are producing a capsule that have a modern sound character. The Golden Age Premier GA-800G is currently the only microphone to fully reproduce the C800G. The Golden Age Premier GA-800G is currently the only microphone to fully reproduce the C800G. It´s appearance and structure, as well as accessories and circuit principles, including its sound character, strictly follows the original design. The standard was quite mixed, but when evaluating a mic that is predominately known for vocal recording, having such a variety of voices in quick succession was very revealing. Alle anzeigen. A user quote from A. J. in Germany:"Just received the mic and recorded the first song with the g-800 into a 1073 and i have to say it exceeds all my expectations. Golden Age PRE-73 Premier and PREQ-73 Premier 1073-style preamps are coming . It´s appearance and structure, as well as accessories and circuit principles, including its sound character, strictly follows the original design. It is still a substantial outlay, and I would always recommend trying a mic in this price range out for yourself first, but I think Golden Age Premier have produced a very credible and more affordable recreation of a strange-looking but wonderful–sounding microphone. Based on my own previous encounters with the mic it manages to achieve this whilst also being very sympathetic to sibilance and other general harshness you might encounter when recording vocals. De-essing was required on some of the singers, but for others, it just wasn't necessary at all. Microphones / Miking. This unique pool of knowledge, craft, and skill — combined with the golden ears of numerous musicians, producers, and audio engineers — has culminated in the creation of the custom S17 capsule used in the 017 Series. The additional advantage is that there is no need to worry about replacing tubes in the power supply. There's not much more to say on how it looks, as the Sony was never designed to impress in the looks department! The new psu uses a FET based stabilization circuit for the high voltage rail resulting in an even smoother top end. Find many great new & used options and get the best deals for Golden Age Project Premier GA800G Microphone at the best online prices at eBay! Golden Age Premier GA-47 £1,265 and GA-251 £1,495. A manufacturer with more than twenty years of microphone capsule production experience are producing a capsule that have a modern sound character. They did say Quote: "The Golden Age Premier GA-800G is currently the only microphone to fully reproduce the C800G. The GA-800G uses a ROGERS ceramic circuit board that has superior insulation parameters and offers a more stable performance. Wie bis jetzt bei jedem Golden Age Premier Mikrofon sind alle Komponenten mit einer Seriennummer versehen. The GA-47 is the first member of a new Golden Age Premier product range, designed to occupy a rather higher price band than their other gear and to showcase higher standards of build quality. This is reflected in a heavier price tag than their Project range, but they still come in significantly cheaper than the original vintage products. TobiTech - Audio und Hardware Testmagazin - Golden Age Premier GA-800G. NAMM 2020: Golden Age Premier GA-800G remakes a legendary condenser . Großmembranmikrofone. The microphone's distinctive heatsink can make it a little tricky to mount, but Golden Age have included a good–quality Rycote shockmount that does about as well as any mic clip could at holding the mic in place. It has a very high-quality performance and modern sound character. A high end tube microphone with a modern sound character. Of course, modern manufacturing is a bit different and Golden Age has taken some liberty in the name of a better product. Golden Age Premier klont mit GA-800G einen Klassiker. As with the original, the mic has two polar patterns — cardioid and omnidirectional — which are switchable on the mic itself. It is, however, an excellent–sounding tube microphone that has a bright, present sound that manages to sound simultaneously smooth, glossy and 'expensive'. The heat that the tube generates is transferred to the reverse side of the semiconductor and transferred to the effective outer aluminum alloy heat sink at the rear of the microphone. Mit dem Golden Age Premier wagt sich der schwedische Hersteller an einen weiteren Mikrofonklassiker heran: das Sony C800G. The GA-800G microphone is a tube microphone equipped with a semiconductor active cooling system that results in a higher signal-to-noise ratio compared to most other tube microphones. INTRODUCTION. Web site designed & maintained by PB Associates & SOS. They've certainly not been shy with taking on some heavyweight designs under the new branding, and I was impressed with their take on the U47 when I reviewed the GA-47 in SOS November 2018. Golden Age Premier GA-800G. The connecting wires inside the GA-800G are oxygen-free copper wires from Japan. By Neil Rogers. I didn't get a chance to try the mic on as big a variety of instruments as I would have liked, but I did use it on an acoustic guitar recording and I got a bright, open sound using it in the omnidirectional polar pattern. It's been 15 years since Golden Age Project released their first product, the Pre‑73 mic preamp. I suspect the potential market for this microphone is only going to be concerned with one thing: does it sound like the original? Tube: In order to ensure the tube will have a long life, we are using a NOS CIFTE 6AU6 tube from France, it has a maximum anode voltage rating of about 300V. GA-800G Tube Microphone. The Golden Age Premier GA-800G is currently the only microphone to fully reproduce the C800G.