You will either have to graduate a CODA approved dental program or apply for faculty positions in any university that has openings. Does Illinois still accept a Residency Program for license from a foreign-trained dentists? Kindly help me with this. All the best! Hi If you have specific questions regarding the process, feel free to ask. I really have 3 questions, 1 best resources for classes/workshops for passing the boards? We are considering relocation to the US Virgin Islands due to my potential job change (she is planning to sell her practice anyway), and I’m trying to help find out if she can obtain a licence in the VI without significant additional education or training. Once he became licensed in the State of New York and in Florida, all he did in his office were Impacted 3rd molar extractions, pre-prosthetic surgery, biopsies, implants, dentoalveolar trauma, etc.. WISCONSIN thank you again for this marvelous blog. HI! Bhagwan Shree Rajneesh needed a new place to build his worldwide commune. You will have to look at individual programs.. as of now I don’t think there’s a comprehensive list of all the programs. Thank you. Thank you very much for providing detailed information on your website. The NC dental board states that you must “graduate with a dental degree” meaning DDS…read the last part of the sentence you took from the website. Which can allow me to practice in VA. I also did MPH. Do you recommend I do the GRE/AEGD programs? This is how I solved my problems. Thanks a lot for your reply Meera. Bachelors degree is enough to apply but there will be very few universities and programs that will accept foreign students without US DDS. Take advantage of your time , life, and career. Meaning that if you graduated from a Canadian Dental School, it is considered as having graduated from an American or U.S. 2. There is no general list, hence the reason for starting this blog. You’ve mentioned that we have to take NBDE exams,so there in USA what are the refrences? I will get around to it as soon as I can though! Some of these universities may ask you to have both National Dental Boards (Parts I and II), they might also ask you to pass a manikin or bench test? Also can you give a brief idea about when do the fellowship courses and DDS courses for internationally trained dentists start? There is a disadvantage to not being able to use the contacts you made while in school in California but it’s not the end of the world. Back in the day, Los Angeles was the most expensive city in California (I do not know if it still is or wether it has changed within the last 10 years)? You are on the right track – my current assistant is a dentist from Iran – it is a valuable insight into the US dental practice and programs value that. Sorry for the off topic, I was just curious and wanted more details on the Canadian dental licensure process. It even brought prestige to my private practice!! Research into these options and decide which route is for you. Programs at state schools sometimes provide a stipend but will be barely enough to cover your tuition (harder for foreign dentists to get into). How you work will also depend on your immigration status…most specialists work as independent contractors but you can do that only if you have a green card or citizenship. Thanks for the reply. If you or somebody you know living in Michigan or thinking of moving to Michigan are interested, you can reach me directly at! Hi Amruta, We have worked with several international dentists in the past and are currently working with 3. Plan on working in NY and would like to know how it works. However, I could not find any information about this on the NSBDE site. It has been totally useful for me and I have cleared a lot of doubts. Thank you for the detailed insight into the options. With Sincere respect. ), apply to as many IDP programs. NOTICE: Many university-based programs cater to foreign dentists, because they want that dentists to go back and promote that program and the university as well (an example, is the University of Pittsburgh School of Dental Medicine, New York University College of Dentistry, University of Illinois, University of Nebraska, etc.). Because he showed beyond a reasonable doubt, that he had performed all of these surgeries and he had indeed. I am maintaining this blog as a help to show people where to start. Let me know how that works for you… I’m interested to see what happens. In the state of Massachusetts, foreign dentists can be eligible for Dental Intern Limited Licensure or Full-Time Faculty Limited Licensure. May The Blessings of Our One G-D, Our Lord Be Upon You All (No Matter Which Religion You Belong To, We Are All Children Of The Same One God) The G-d of “I AM”!!! I have passed NBDE part 1 and 2 and I am going to apply for pediatric dentistry. My wife is from Venezuela, graduated from dental school there in the 1980s, relocated to CA in the early 2000’s, was licensed in CA and has been practicing general and cosmetic dentistry since that time, and has owned and operated her own very successful practice for 15 years. Can I practice without going back to dental school? . It would be great to know. Ortho is good but a lot of general dentists are now doing Invisalign sort of courses so there is competition. Yes that was my understandig unfortunately. I really appreciate your effort…very informative post, I wanted to ask you I am from India just completed my bds in oct 2018…and have given my neet exam for postgraduate studies. 4 yr dental program is a totally different have to write the DAT for that. So according to my understanding, a BDS coupled with a DPH degree aallows me to sit for the licensure exam in Texas? Most faculty licensure requires that you have a valid job offer to be able to apply. What about a foreign dentist that would like to work in Kansas? I wanted to know what is the qualification required to apply for the postgraduation courses in the USA? i would really appreciate if u could spare some time for me..I wish to meet you before i leave back for India. Then there are faculty positions international dentists can apply for..these are far and few in between. i am doing my masters in dental surgery(mds) in Periodontology and oral implantology in china.after my mds i want to go Usa for practising dentistry.And my question is what should i do to practise dentistry after my mds??? Respected sir, thank you for all the informations given above. Yes, I have come across foreign dentists who practice as faculty but I don’t know of a common resource that compiles that information anywhere. Yes Hi All suggestions are welcome! Thank you. The options are: The only state that grants a US dental license without additional US training is Minnesota (MN). Yo tengo un amigo cuyo se hizo Ortodoncista y Odontopediatra en Pittsburgh! we have come across AEGD (ADVANCED EDUCATION IN GENERAL DENTISTRY ) PROGRAMS WHICH ARE CODA APPROVED ADA RECOGNISED SPECIALITIES PREFERABLY IN STATES LIKE FL,IN,KY,OH,OR,VA,WA,WI . It’s amazing how passionate you are about spreading your knowledge and helping so many aspirants. We need to get all the paperwork for her MDS degree (she took her exams in June and all documents are not available yet) to ECE for evaluation. If he gets accepted into a program (college/dental school), he can study under student visa. You will also need a work visa so that will add to the list of requirements. Or a externship/shadow/dental assistant experience in US give me more advantage All the best! In New York City, dentists in Manhattan get pay more than dentists in Queens or Brooklyn. There are dentists who gain admission in US dental programs straight out of dental schools in their own country with no experience, no research, no US internship. Do you know what are the licensing law for foreign dentists in the state of Rhode Island? I would say apply to Perio programs because you can appear for the American Board of Periodontology only if you have a US Perio certificate. Digo, si no estas casado?, tienes hijos? Thanks for the appreciation..I have soooo many things I want to share and make this process easier for others but my schedule is crazy right now with a one year old in the mix! Her MDS was in Oral medicine and radiology. Where from where did u do ur mph kindly let me know as i am also applying for the same and also need some advises for the same .can i plz have your email id or anythng so that i can contact you and get my doubts clear.thanks, I am also in the same boat. In Connecticut you can get a limited faculty license when you have completed a 2 consecutive years of AEGD residency and you must have an unlimited license from a different state. Tnx for ur help, Hi , regarding all those information ( 6 options ) that you mentioned & that you posted at above , im wonder if we ( forigner ) still need and required to take the NBDE PART 1 and part 2 before taking up those 6 options such as GPR , AEGD OR …. Your email address will not be published. Got back to the grind and put in 12-14 hrs a day studying for around 3 months. Work experience is always a plus but it doesn’t hurt to explain your situation while your applying to programs, you never know if you will get accepted. Espero haberte ayudado en algo. 1) oral surgeon – in the states of north carolina, south dakota or ohio i have done my BDS from INDIA foloowed by MDS from india itself. I would advise you to send emails to ortho programs with your resume and a cover letter explaining your interest in the ortho program and ask if they will consider you for the program without a DDS. pediatric dentistry program. Will there be a difference in salary of a DDS and an MSD in states. Thanks! Hi. Best of luck to the both of you! I’m planing for Master in Orthodontist, whichever state or university is accepted I will go. i came to usa 2 years before with my family (hus&kid). How Can I contact to you to Clear some doubts. Thanks for making this easy for us. No, your GPA does not matter when you are interviewed for a job. Regarding the WREB/NERB eligibility, I’m looking into it but if I remember, all you need is a letter from your program director saying you have completed 2 yrs of US CODA approved training to be eligible for the exam. You can be accepted for specialty without DDS but for Ortho that’s highly competitive so your chances are very limited. Two consecutive years, law changed in 2012. You will have to give the NBDE exams eventually for your state licensure but some schools may not have that as a requirement to apply to their program. DR PRERNA. – What type of financial aid did you request? So, have to figure how all this will work out in grand scheme. Felicidades y Bendiciones!! Hi Amruta, I went to the ADA website to find information but the only thing I found were the requirements for students who went to school in Kansas and nothing specifically about foreign students. I wish I could have someone like you to talk to. Best thing would be to email some of the OMFS programs directly. and im on my H4 visa doctor… We also use third-party cookies that help us analyze and understand how you use this website. Could you give me some light into what are my best possibilities? Can I use a tourist visa? I am an MDS in orthodontics from India.I shall be moving to US after my marriage soon. If you know of any information on the blog that is outdated or incorrect, please feel free to share information. Universities generally process work visas only for full time faculty and it is a disadvantage to you that they have to additionally bring you from India. I would advise you to go through an International dental program or any specialty program and get a US dental license. It is going to help foreign trained dentist (like me) a lot. I am not aware of any list that has sorted this out already. 5. According to your information, I could apply for the Nevada state dentist license. Hello I do not know of anyone personally who has gone this route. Let me know more about opportunities in USA as a BDS graduate .Am I able to do speciality programs there ? If you get a job offer, then the employer must sponsor you for a work visa. But you could practice all of the Pediatric Dentistry you wanted in your private office!! Since , I am on H4 visa, I cannot work here. Am I abble to apply to RCP program without being a resident/citizen? Come browse our large digital warehouse of free sample essays. Finding a job isn’t impossible, but you will have to network online – there are recruiters, corporate companies, ads on different association pages and worst case scenario – cold call or email owner dentists directly., Hello i did my bds from pakistan. HELLO MR MACK, I AM INTERESTED TO KNOW ABOUT THE FACULTY PATHWAY. Right now that’s all you can your final year of the program you can appear for the clinical exam of your choosing. Dear Dr Meera My name is Lwin, a BDS dentist from overseas who live in USA. But you are permitted to practice your specialty within the confines of your private office and within the definition of what your practice should be. Dr. Meera. So I’ve been googling and reading a lot about what he can do once here and before reading your blog I assumed the only option was giving the NBDE and going for the advanced program. 2) orthodontist – in the states of washington, virginia, nebraska. University based specialty programs are easier to get in, since you would probably would need to pay some type of tuition. Unfortunately Lwin, Iâm not sure which ortho programs take foreign dentists directly. But some insurance companies have just a set fee per procedure, and will pay you that set fee regardless if you are a specialist in the field or not? Hey mam.. Check them out and then try to get a faculty job in the university you are studying in. Make sure you let them know you are interested in applying to the program and what their advice would be. I really appreciate the effort you are spending to look at massages and answears all questions Is tat dds is the only way that I can practice dentistry in USA or by doing any certificate courses in specialities makes me to practice in USA? He doesn’t mind practicing as just a general dentist either so if you think that is a better option please let me know. Hi Meera, 3. I have done my specialization in public health dentistry .How can I apply to practice in USA without doing NBDA. I am sure you and your family will do great. To apply for a Faculty license, you will need a full time faculty job offer. Within the last 3 years i decided to focus more on dental implant I am currently looking to help a former Dentist and his broker I worked for and was a patient at his practice that is still in operation in Arcata California. I am a private lender, I provide loans to companies and individuals with low interest rates and reasonable interest rates of 2%. Madam I am in chennai India.i am 49 year old.i have BDS degree from chennai.i worked 15 years in saudi as a general dentist .now I lost my job due to Saudi nationalisation. Meera, I have a DDS from India and I am about to move to the US in later of 2019. 2-I am a permanent resident of Arizona. i heard a rumor and i was wondering about it? If I do dds, will that again allow me to practice Prosthodontics in USA? Do I need to study all over again? For example, Washington state only requires that a foreign dentist completes a two-year dental program from a US dental school. If so where? (Of their fees established via their contracts with the providing dentist and the policy holder). • Not required to graduate from an ADA/CODA approved school