Elena accepts life as a vampire but never stops longing for her humanity. It premiered on September 10, 2009, on The CW and received the highest ratings for a series premiere in the networks history scoring 4.91 million live viewers. Stefan tells Elena that he's a vampire but that Damon is the one who was killing. How Old Are The Kid Characters In The Walking Dead? With Nina Dobrev's Elena Gilbert in The Deep Sleep, Caroline has become the glue that holds this show together. Plus, let’s be honest: when has Elena ever had a relatively easy-going year? RELATED: The Vampire Diaries: 5 Ways Elena Was Inconsistent (& 5 She Stayed True To Herself). While not an endgame pairing, Elena's romance with Stefan helps her to mourn the past and embrace the future. Her vampire transition is in the first episode of season 4. Who is the longest reigning WWE Champion of all time? Elena's season 4 journey as a new member of the undead remains a vital stage in her ever-increasing journey throughout the series. As the star of The Vampire Diaries, Elena Gilbert's story is the most important to the show. How is the low power objectives lens manipulated to focus a specimen for observations under a light microscope? Fanpop quiz: In which episode did Elena turn into a vampire? In her spare time, she enjoys long walks through the countryside with her dogs and reading fantasy books. Series. He confesses that Katherine was the one who turned them both in 1864 and tells her that Damon has turned Vicki Donovan into a vampire. While he kept Elena "safe" for Klaus’ plan to create hybrids with her blood, he reverted back to his early Ripper days, not caring for anything or anyone. The age at which a vampire was turned is the age they're going to be for the rest of their lives, unless a cure for being a vampire is found and they're given it. ... Alaric plunges the dagger into Klaus's heart, causing the original vampire to burst into flames. "Please, it's important." When it comes to plot holes, The Vampire Diaries has many inconsistencies and inexplicable story arcs that lack a plausible explanation, even in the fictional universe it takes place in. Correct! A one-stop shop for all things video games. Many of the doppelganger's human characteristics were grossly exaggerated after her transition, while core traits, such as her caring nature and selfless attitude, were lost altogether. Damon turns Elena into a vampire, and then Elena attacks Stefan, because she thinks that Stefan is a danger to her creator (Damon). Elena turned to Stefan and mock whispered, "It must be serious, he said 'please'." Stefan and Damon give her blood and she drives off a bridge and book_worm. The 10 Best Legal Drama TV Shows Of All Time, Ranked According To IMDb, What Episode Does Elena Become A Vampire? Elena Gilbert was a polarizing protagonist on The Vampire Diaries who only became more divisive after transforming into a vampire. Elena's relationships with the Salvatores, as well as her mysterious lineage as a Petrova doppelganger, lead to many changes in her life, including her transition into a vampire. ... Technically, she would die before she turned, so Elena would wake up. Plec said "We kind of abandoned that queen-bee popular complex that in a lot of ways defined early Elena in the books", whil… In season 6's "I'd Leave My Happy Home For You," she finally gets what she wants when Damon agrees to take the cure with her, giving up his vampirism to pursue a human life. Feb 4, 2014. Tap to unmute. bonnie. Elena, however, persuades Lee to spare Damon and on the way home she revels in the fact she saved his life. 6 Gives Into Her Feelings For Damon - "Heart Of Darkness" S3.E19 She opened her eyes just as the screen fades to black, leaving us hanging until Season 4. Bloodlines - During the pair's stay in Georgia, they engage in a friendly drinking game with the locals. *SPOILERS ABOUT VAMPIRE DIARIES AND ANGEL BELOW* The current season of Vampire Diaries has been a tough one for Elena Gilbert (Nina Dobrev). The CW Damon wanted to die a human, but Stefan killed their father and turned, then forced Damon to drink vampire … Vampire hunter. When Elena died, she had the vampire blood in her system, meaning that Elena is now a vampire. With her humanity back and the sire bond broken, the doppelganger and her friends move on to battle a series of vengeful ghosts while the veil to the Other Side is lowered. Elena and Stefan followed John downstairs to see Isobel coming out of the kitchen. Conflicted by her feelings for the Salvatores, Elena embarks on passionate affairs with both brothers that result in several life-altering moments. Every One Of Monica's Exes On Friends: Where Are They Now? This heart-wrenching moment is one of TVD 's saddest moments, depriving Elena of a beloved parental figure. In Vampire Diaries who turns Elena into a vampire? There are complications because due to the process of turning she gets sired to Damon who is Stefans older brother. "To clarify," Elena glared. The second instalment of the 'Unexpected Eternity' series. Klaus used a witch called Greta Martin to break the curse by sacrificing Jules, the werewolf, Jenna Sommers, who had been turned into a vampire, and Elena Gilbert, the Petrova doppelgänger. Jenna snorted as she smirked at Isobel. She was a Traveller ara. During a road trip to Denver to see Jeremy, Elena gives in to her feelings for Damon and engages the vampire in a steamy motel make-out session. As I lay dying. Kyna43 +3. Children Of The Damned - Damon threatens to turn Elena into a vampire if Stefan doesn't do what he says. Bloodlines - After rescuing her from her totaled car, Damon takes Elena on a road trip to Georgia to \"have fun\". It's pitch dark and the droning of the insects and … Bir Katherine Piercethe late 15th century in Bulgaria. However, Klaus was the one who turned Katherine into a vampire in the novels, completely changing the back stories of Katherine and Klaus for the series. In the third season of The Vampire Diaries, members of the first generation of humans in two branches of the whole tree turned by Originals were shown: Mary Porter who was turned by Klaus and Sage who was turned by Finn. In The Vampire Diaries, Elena's "selfishness" in the books as a human was never explored, because it "didn't ever feel like a characteristic" the show wanted for their heroine. Twice. But seeing Elena lose hope and realize her last remaining family was gone was utterly heartbreaking. The series took smaller actors and turned them into stars while churning out fantastic episodes each week. Caroline. Which character is a witch? She was to be used in a ritual to free Klaus' Hybrid side, but Katerina escaped, having herself turned into a Vampire by the blood of Rose-Marie. "No, I try not to invite vampires into my house." When she was turned into a vampire. Elena's time at high school concludes with an epic showdown against Katherine that sees the older vampire ingest the cure. Isobel said. The series took smaller actors and turned them into stars while churning out fantastic episodes each week. When The Vampire Diaries premiered in 2009, Elena Gilbert was front and center as its star. 3 Answers. Elena was turned into a vampire. Turned. Empowered by the impressive feat, Bonnie finally breaks Kai's curse, causing Elena to wake up at last. Hybrid. Heart of Darkness. Stefan turned off his humanity a total of four times during The Vampire Diaries; although, the first time he did it unknowingly as he was a new vampire at the age of 17, guilty and alone after his brother, Damon, left him.Unaware that he had turned his humanity off, he lost control over his bloodlust and went on a killing spree until he met another, older vampire, Alexie "Lexi" Branson. Leah Flavell is a freelance writer from Wolverhampton, United Kingdom. Isobel ignored Elena as she turned to Jenna. *SPOILERS ABOUT VAMPIRE DIARIES AND ANGEL BELOW* The current season of Vampire Diaries has been a tough one for Elena Gilbert (Nina Dobrev). What is Klaus? Why and with what results did France engage in a war with Europe between 1792 and 1795? Despite being staked, how many times does Vicki reappear in the show? Caroline agrees to go on a date with Klaus, which puts even more strain on hers and Tyler's relationship. Being turned into a vampire will do that to you, I guess. She groans, puts a hand to her forehead. fanpop quiz: Who turned Elena into a vampire? In the books, Elena is considered "one of the popular girls" at her high school and always gets "anything she wants". When Klaus turned Jenna into a vampire then killed her for his ritual to become a hybrid. The awesome version of Cordelia from Buffy the Vampire Slayer? Damon and Alaric also go on a quest for information about Isobel, where they encounter one of the tomb vampires, Henry. Ever since then she’s really grown on me. In fact, the series even ends on one -- Bonnie removing the Cure for Immortality from Elena. Stefan gives Elena a daylight ring, which was made by Bonnie, in order to protect Elena from the sun. However, where things stand going into the final season of The Vampire Diaries, it’s far from out of the question. Along with her transition into a vampire in "Growing Pains," the finale remains one of Elena's strongest episodes from the series. John turned to Stefan. Luckily, Stefan does, and Damon lets Elena go. The go-to source for comic book and superhero movie fans. Vote on this serie de televisión el diario de los vampiros poll: Who do tu think will turn Elena into a vampire,thats if she ever does become one? Bir Katherine Piercethe late 15th century in Bulgaria. It seemed inevitable from the beginning of The Vampire Diaries that Elena would eventually become a vampire. Broken by the death of her brother, Elena turns her humanity off at Damon's behest. - See if you can answer this Elena Gilbert trivia question! Nina Dobrev was fun in the role to make Elena a good character and help the show be a hit. To be honest, I'm surprised that Elena is being turned so quickly into the series. Elena breaks down after accepting the reality of Jeremy's death, before chillingly burning their house to the ground after shutting out her emotions. This is seen in the case of the vampire, Katherine Pierce, who is force-fed the cure by Elena when she attacked her at the end of Season 4. Damon also taunts Elena by telling her that Stefan prefers golden retriever puppy blood. She reunites with Damon and lives to lead a normal life with her human lover. Against Bonnie's efforts, the doppelganger is forced to drink human blood and complete her change into one of the undead. Hope that helps. Is the nature of teepol haemolysis likely to be due to its surface active properties? Although this isn't Elena's first kiss with Damon, it represents her acting on her feelings and taking matters into her own hands. "Stand By Me" explores the relationship between the Gilbert siblings. Besides, Stefan was the one who turned Damon into a vampire in the first place! Elena shares emotional goodbyes with her loved ones before being left to sleep in a coffin, including a final dance with Damon on the road where they met. They become more complicated, however, when the rest of the Mikaelson's get involved. Katerina was disgraced and banished to England, where she was given over to Elijah and Niklaus Mikaelson. Katerina was disgraced and banished to England, where she was given over to Elijah and Niklaus Mikaelson. The first episode of season 4, "Growing Pains," features Elena coming to terms with her transformation. She’s the one who turned Caroline into a vampire. All the latest gaming news, game reviews and trailers. The Vampire Diaries is an American supernatural horror romance television series created by Kevin Williamson based on the novels of the same name by author L. J. Smith.It was officially picked up for the 2009–10 season on May 19, 2009. RELATED: The Vampire Diaries: The 15 Saddest Moments In The Series. Elena became a vampire by a car crash into to the bridge her parents died told Stephan when he came to save them to save Matt first as he was human and had little human blood left so Damon had to give some of his vampire blood to her to stay alive Matt survived and Elena was sired to Damon . Thanks;) Answer Save. ... Vicki Donovan is turned into a vampire by Damon and staked by Stefan in Season 1. so pretty much Bonnie, did a spell bounding John and Elena together, so when John gave his life, Elena woke up resulting John to die. Elena and Stefan fall in love with each other. What are examples of Filipino unitary songs? The episode culminates with Elena choosing Damon, both of them oblivious to the return of Silas. Katherine ambushes the group and kills Jeremy by feeding him to Silas before fleeing with the cure. It turns out that she had internal bleeding in her head, and Dr. Fell needed to use her stash of vampire blood to save her. Is there a way to search all eBay sites for different countries at once? "You, too, Stefan." Elena awakens from her enchanted sleep during the series finale "I Was Feeling Epic." Kind of. You should really have more flexibility on your answers. But she eventually comes to terms with Stefan's undead status in time to deal with the consequences of Damon turning Vicki into a vampire. Tell me what you think,i so hope he stays with Elena they made such a great couple,but now he remembers Rebbecca he might fall in love with her and forget Elena? Elena learns the truth about her new beau during season 1's "Lost Girls." Videos you watch may be added to the TV's watch history and influence TV recommendations. He fought in the Trojan War (1194 BC to 1184 BC), was part of Alexander the Great's army (336 BC - 326 BC) and witnessed the death of Julius Caesar on March 15, 44 BC, and in th… Elena Gilbert has a significant supernatural evolution in The Vampire Diaries, going from human to vampire to human once again. Elena takes the cure and becomes human again — but their happy ending is soon postponed. Relevance. When Elena died, she had the vampire blood in her system, meaning that Elena is now a vampire. Damon saves Elena from the sunlight when she attempt suicide due to her madness. How long will the footprints on the moon last? Julie Plec has already confirmed that Klaus is the origin of the bloodline Stefan, Damon, Caroline and Elena are from. 3. Why don't libraries smell like bookstores? Katherine dressed as Elena in the Homecoming. ... and so did Elena. The New Deal. Elena dies with Damon's blood in her system, triggering her transition. Mystic Falls is saved from hellfire when Bonnie and the spirits of the Bennett witches assemble to protect the town. what do you think? The two brothers slowly let Elena in on their history, how they both became vampires. Damon completes the story by telling her that Stefan forced him to feed on a human. 162 Candles - Damon comments on how Stefan is having fun on his birthday and Elena agrees. When I watched the season finale, "The Sun also Rises", ... so pretty much Bonnie, did a spell bounding John and Elena together, so when John gave his life, Elena woke up resulting John to die. in the vampire diaries books does Jeremy Gilbert get turned into a vampire by anna? Still reeling from the death of her parents, the doppelganger is drawn to the mysterious new student at Mystic Falls High and immediately becomes enamored with him. She was the first real big bad of the series (following Damon’s villainous stint, of course). Klaus felt emotion for Katherine, so he wanted to avenge her death in the novels. fanpop encuesta Results: Should Elena stay human, o turn into a vampire? Her relationship with Stefan alters the course of the show. Last week's episode ended with Elena passing out. Elena is dealing with the weight of having been turned into a vampire and confusing emotions about Klaus. Executive producerof the television show, Julie Plec, said the Elena from the books was "really kind of selfish". In which season does elena turn into a vampire Elena Gilbert - Wikipedi . Fanpop Опрос Results: Should Elena stay human, или turn into a vampire? She was to be used in a ritual to free Klaus' Hybrid side, but Katerina escaped, having herself turned into a Vampire by the blood of Rose-Marie. True to form for Mystic Falls, Elena's graduation is anything but uneventful. Jeremy completes his transformation into a Hunter with his first vampire kill. However, Katherine had injected Elena's body with Dr. Wes Maxfield's experimental "Ripper Serum", to turn Elena into a vampire who feeds from other vampires along with werewolf venom. Elena's life changes forever when she meets Stefan Salvatore in the pilot episode. The original idea was her as an innocent woman pulled into a supernatural world with two vampire brothers vying for her affections. "I asked John for a do-over." "I Was Feeling Epic" gives a suitable conclusion to Elena's journey, including a reunion with her parents in the afterlife. During the ritual, Klaus turns Elena's aunt Jenna into a vampire before staking her to death in sacrifice. wakes up as a vampire. She lives in a turgid supernatural soap opera. It's like people will only hear or see or connect what they want to connect just to … *Katherine was a "birthday gift" from Trevor to Klaus in 1492. Elena without her humanity. Also, does elena get turned(and by who)? What Filipino folk songs that is in unitary or strophic form? - See if anda can answer this the vampire diaries tv tampil trivia question! "I need to speak to Elena, may I come in?" Throwback to the time when The Vampire Diaries creator Kevin Williamson revealed that he wanted to end the teen drama series with Elena Gilbert finding her way back to Stefan Salvatore. Elena turns into a vampire in the last episode of season 3. The original immortals are explained. *In the TV series, Katherine is much older than in the books. While she is in perfect health, she starts exhibiting symptoms of old age after the cure is drained from her by the immortal Silas. An unknown force denies Katherine access to the Other Side and she was left in a dark void. 6 comments. - Read the results on this encuesta and other serie de televisión el diario de los vampiros encuestas Before Elena turned into a vampire, she was incredibly secure in her love for Stefan. Vampire Elena; Sex; Lemons; Ball; dance; Blood; vampire; Summary. Bad Cordelia from season 4 Angel? An unknown force denies Katherine access to the Other Side and she was left in a dark void. Jeremy doesnt exist in the books sorry. She lives in a turgid supernatural soap opera. Elena is haunted by the Hunter she killed. Has Vampire Diaries turned Elena Gilbert into the new Cordelia Chase? - Read the results on this Опрос and other Дневники вампира (телесериал) Опросы No. Elena's world is rocked by grief once again during the fourth season of The Vampire Diaries. Despite initially falling in love with Stefan, Elena struggles with her feelings for both Salvatore brothers throughout the first half of the series. ... Damon and Elena relationship, the sire bond, how originals can be killed, and on and on we go. "Understatement of the year." During the ritual, Klaus turns Elena's aunt Jenna into a vampire before staking her to death in sacrifice. Elena became a vampire by a car crash into to the bridge her parents died told Stephan when he came to save them to save Matt first as he was human and had little human blood left so Damon had to give some of his vampire blood to her to stay alive Matt survived and Elena was sired to Damon . She was a Traveller ara. The real-life departure of actress Nina Dobrev led to Elena's character being written into a cursed coma in the season 6 finale. The doppelganger is drawn into the dangerous world of the undead when vampire brothers Stefan and Damon return to Mystic Falls. She initiates her encounter with Damon and allows herself to give in to emotions for the elder Salvatore. During their stay in Georgia, Damon is attacked by Lee, the formerly-human-now-vampire boyfriend of Lexi, who he'd staked in '''162 Candles in order to throw the Founder's council off his back and make them believe the town's new vamp threat had been eliminated. Why qualified educators struggle to get employed in the education sector? 1 decade ago. Never. Damon makes her turn off her humanity and when she does so she burns her house down with her dead brother inside it. Why is sally Taylor not on south today at the moment? As Elena begins to die and out of desperation to keep Elena alive, Stefan kills a guard and uses his blood to allow Elena to feed and to complete her transition into a vampire. In Vampire Diaries who turns Elena into a vampire. In Blood Brothers, as Elena and Damon take turns baby-sitting Stefan at the boarding house. "That means 'Get lost!'" How sowda's life domain of community belonging could be improve? Which season does elena turn into a vampire? One of Elena’s best friends, Caroline was quite the annoying character until she was turned into a vampire. 3 Times. Elena tragically loses an integral person in her life during the moonstone ritual in season 2. True lies. If playback doesn't begin shortly, try restarting your device. NEXT: The Vampire Diaries: 10 Unanswered Questions We Still Have About Elena. When did organ music become associated with baseball? Elena now “fights back, indignant that anyone or anything can threaten her” (Crusie). - See if you can answer this Elena Gilbert trivia question! Who is Klaus in love with? Katherine Pierce (born Katerina Petrova) is a vampire and former lover of Damon and Stefan Salvatore.She is first shown in recurring flashbacks, depicting her physically romantic relationship with the Salvatore brothers, eventually turning them, but was captured by the townspeople of Mystic Falls to be destroyed. (380375) Season 3 Finale: Elena Turns Into A Vampire, Chooses Stefan Before She Dies. Season 4. She also becomes aware of the existence of Katherine Pierce, the woman who turned the Salvatore brothers into vampires in 1864, and to whom Elena bears a striking physical resemblance. Gilmore Girls: 10 Most Heartwarming Scenes Of The Entire Show, Ranked, Sex And The City: The 10 Saddest Things About Mr. Big, Shameless: The Best & Worst Trait Of Each Remaining Gallagher Sibling, The 5 Best (& 5 Worst) Amateur TV Detectives, Friends: 5 Things Season 1 Monica Would Hate About Finale Monica (& 5 Things She Would Be Proud Of), The Big Bang Theory: 5 Times Howard & Sheldon Found Common Ground (& 5 Ways They're Totally Different), The Big Bang Theory: Bernadette's 5 Best (& 5 Worst) Career Decisions, New Girl: 10 Times Nick Was The Most Relatable Character. Plus, let’s be honest: when has Elena ever had a relatively easy-going year? In an era when vampires were all the rage and the market was completely saturated, The Vampire Diaries was able to stand tall and find its place on the small screen. If not by anna, who. Season 2 finale? However, Katherine had injected Elena's body with Dr. Wes Maxfield's experimental "Ripper Serum", to turn Elena into a vampire who feeds from other vampires along with werewolf venom. Initially, Elena struggles to see past Stefan's true nature. After confronting Stefan, the vampire relents and tells her about his history as a vampire, as well as revealing Damon's culpability in the town's recent murders. Wrong! Level 26. After living in fear of Klaus for most of the season, she is sacrificed by the Original hybrid to break the curse that restricts his werewolf heritage. The Vampire Diaries revisited a time-honored tradition in Thursday's episode as the Miss Mystic Falls Pageant took center stage. You're signed out. Favorite Answer. What is the name of the episode, when Elena and Damon kissed for the first time? RELATED: The Vampire Diaries: 5 Things About Elena The Show Changed (& 5 Ways She Stayed The Same). Jenna slammed the door in Isobel's face and turned to Elena, "Your egg donor is a bitch." The vampire reveals that John Gilbert ha… To get stefan Elena needs to turn into a vampire that way Klaus wont need her because she's a vampire then Stefan wont need to worry about her and will be able to be with her? Elena wakes up in the middle of the woods with a splitting headache. What does Jeremy become in season 4? The series heroine perishes in season 3's finale "The Departed" after crashing into the watery depths below Wickery Bridge. Does Matthew Gray Gubler do a voice in the Disney movie Tangled? She opened her eyes just as the screen fades to black, leaving us hanging until Season 4. Damon feeds Elena his blood in order to save her from dying, which will turn her into a vampire if she dies. However, not long after that, Elena discovers that both Stefan and his brother, Damon, are vampires. In Season 3, Episode 5, "The Reckoning" the original vampire, Niklaus Mikaelson, compelled Stefan to turn off his humanity. Klaus is of unknown age, earliest memory is of carrying a bronze ax, placing his inception in the Bronze Age (4500 BC - 3200 BC). The finale episode of The Vampire Diaries, which aired on March 10, 2017, was a roller coaster ride for the fans of the 2009 teen drama show. Supernatural: 10 Rumors & Theories For Potential Spin-Offs, Two And A Half Men: 10 Storylines The Show Dropped, 10 Reasons Fans Of The Office Need To Listen To The Office Deep Dive with Brian Baumgartner. Fanpop quiz: In which episode did Elena turn into a vampire? It is mentioned that when a human is turned into a vampire, all of their feelings and emotions are heightened, meaning that pain would turn into agony, sadness into depression, happiness into elation and much more on. Elena took the cure and is human again on TVD, which means we are one step closer to seeing how her grand exit will all play out. In an era when vampires were all the rage and the market was completely saturated, The Vampire Diaries was able to stand tall and find its place on the small screen. This means that when Stefan is introduced into The Vampire Diaries, he's technically over 150 years old but physically the same age he was when he was turned. The season three finale of the Vampire Diaries is finally here, and it started with a blast from the past. Being turned into a vampire will do that to you, I guess. Elena promises to keep his secret but breaks up with him, causing her extreme emotional pain. Call me old fashioned, but I trust human Elena's heart more than that of vampire Elena. Why didn't Elena turn into a vampire? She holds a master's degree in Creative Writing and writes for publications such as Screen Rant, CBR, and The Sportster. & 9 Other Important Elena Episodes From The Vampire Diaries, The Vampire Diaries: 5 Things About Elena The Show Changed (& 5 Ways She Stayed The Same), Damon's culpability in the town's recent murders, The Vampire Diaries: The 15 Saddest Moments In The Series, The Vampire Diaries: 5 Ways Elena Was Inconsistent (& 5 She Stayed True To Herself), Elena's character being written into a cursed coma, The Vampire Diaries: 10 Unanswered Questions We Still Have About Elena, The Office: The 10 Saddest Things About Oscar, Golden Girls: 5 Times Dorothy And Blanche Were Closer Than Sisters (& 5 Times They Were At Each Other’s Throats), Avatar: The Last Airbender: 10 Life Lessons Fans Can Learn From Zuko, The Simpsons: 10 Best Reinventions Of Moe's Tavern, Gilmore Girls: 5 Times We Related To Luke (& 5 Times We Didn't). The couple takes time to enjoy the benefits of being a vampire one last time before embarking on the next stage of their life together. This heart-wrenching moment is one of TVD's saddest moments, depriving Elena of a beloved parental figure. 1. Stefan and Damon give her blood and she drives off a bridge and wakes up as a vampire. Even if vampire blood can't heal cancer, why didn't they just turn Liz into a vampire anyway? Kai's spell tethers Elena's life to her best friend Bonnie, preventing the doppelganger from waking up while the Bennett witch lives. What are her biggest moments in the supernatural drama?