Hannah Arendt. Kurt Blumenfeld Kurt Blumenfeld Hannah Arendt Curioso é que a alemã vive há mais de 20 anos em Nova York e teve que treinar esse sotaque. And not only in Germany, but in almost all countries. Barbara Sukowa excels as the eponymous writer-philosopher covering the Adolf Eichmann trial in the 60s, writes Mark Kermode US edition. Actress. A sua visualização é um exercício de amadurecimento do conhecimento até então adquirido. But in our century, evil has proven to be more radical than was previously thought. Hannah Arendt But in our century, evil has proven to be more radical than was previously thought. : He behaved according to the law. Heinrich Blücher He protested time and again, contrary to the Prosecution's assertions, that he had never done anything out of his own initiative. : Never. Mary McCarthy But the Germans did. Kurt Blumenfeld Hannah Arendt That's my Hannah! : We became a new kind of human being, put into concentration camps by our enemies and into detention camps by our friends. The camp is a place where every activity and human impulse is senseless. Whatever you are saying, I agree with all of you. Yes. : I had the opportunity to spend some time in a French detention camp called Gurs. : : : : Hannah Arendt : : Heinrich Blücher Is he good to you? : : What was your first impression of America. I am, as you know, a Jew, and I have been attacked as a self-hating Jew who defends Nazis and scorns her own people. : Barbara Sukowa. Hannah Arendt Hannah Arendt No papel de Hannah Arendt, encontramos a também veterana Barbara Sukowa, talentosa actriz indissociável da obra de Rainer Werner Fassbinder, sob cuja direcção participou, por exemplo, na série televisiva “Berlin Alexanderplatz” (1980). The film portrays Hannah Arendt (Barbara Sukowa) during the four years, (1960-64), that she observes, writes, and endures the furious reception for her work about the trial of the Nazi war criminal, Adolf Eichmann. Hannah Arendt 2014. He didn't feel guilty in the sense of the indictment. ... “Barbara Sukowa” who stared as Arendt was so good I though I was watching the real woman, what a chain-smoker she was, Wow, what an Intelligent movie for the senses, they were some real footage of the trial of “Adolf Eichmann” in this movie, : Hans Jonas The Pope would never help a Nazi escape. I only love my friends. That's the only love I'm capable of. This inability to think created the possibility for many ordinary men to commit evil deeds on a gigantic scale - the like of which one had never seen before. Para ela a América dos anos 50 é um sonho, e se torna ainda mais interessante quando surge a oportunidade dela cobrir o julgamento do nazista Adolf Eichmann para a The New Yorker. Marianne and Juliane (Die bleierne Zeit) © studiocanal © studiocanal : I never blamed the Jewish people! : Since Socrates and Plato, we usually call thinking to be engaged in that silent dialogue between me and myself. O seu trabalho provoca imediatamente escândalo mas Arendt mantém-se firme ao ser atacada tanto por inimigos, quanto por amigos. : Nonsense. Don't cry. Hannah Arendt They took us in. Evil committed by men without motives, without convictions. Mary McCarthy Resistance was impossible. God didn't. I wrote no defense of Eichmann, but I did try to reconcile the shocking mediocrity of the man with his staggering deeds. But, Kennedy is young and handsome and inspiring. Lotte Köhler : This - typical Nazi plea makes it clear that the greatest evil in the world is the evil committed by nobodies. I spoke to the doctor. : Oh, come on. Hannah Arendt Rentals include 30 days to start watching this video and 48 hours to finish once started. : Hannah Arendt Hannah Arendt : Sukowa met several of the surviving real life figures in the movie, including Arendt’s long-time collaborator Köhler, who gave Sukowa her blessing. : Male Student Hans Jonas He said you only have a fifty percent chance. Not only among the persecutors, but, also among the victims. Everybody, English now, please. Mary McCarthy He transported people to their deaths, but didn't feel responsible for it. He sits in his glass box like a ghost. A book that will never be allowed in Israel. Heinrich Blücher Hannah Arendt Hannah Arendt : Western tradition mistakenly assumes that the greatest evils of mankind arise from selfishness. Hannah Arendt : It is profoundly important to ask these questions. Hannah Arendt This is not an argument. : | : Lotte Köhler Hannah Arendt Hannah Arendt : And that's what matters when the ships are down. : : : I'm afraid you'll think I'm an exhibitionist or something. It is the responsibility of anyone who dares to put pen to paper on this subject. Kurt was my family. Hannah Arendt And I don't throw away my friends so quickly. : Hannah Arendt But, weren't the French on your side? Don't exaggerate. It's a hurricane, Hannah. Writer and philosopher Hannah Arendt (Barbara Sukowa) goes to Israel to cover Adolf Eichmann's war-crimes trial for The New Yorker magazine. HANNAH ARENDT é um retrato do génio que abalou o mundo com a sua tese sobre a “banalidade do mal”. Hannah Arendt : : Filming & Production Com a ajuda de um grande pensamento filosófico. The manifestation of the wind of thought is not knowledge, but the ability to tell right from wrong, beautiful from ugly. Lotte Köhler I can no longer see my way through the maze of modern life. The sublime Barbara Sukowa reteams with Margarethe von Trotta (Vision, Rosa Luxemburg) for her brilliant biopic of influential German-Jewish philosopher and political theorist Hannah Arendt. : : Hannah Arendt How can you leave me like that? Hannah Arendt Every time I even write a sex scene, I have you horribly on my conscious - as if you're talking to my elbow saying: stop! Female Student Isn't it interesting that a man who did everything a murderous system asked of him, who even seems eager to give precise details of his fine work, that this man insists the personally has nothing against Jews. You're being too simplistic. Hannah Arendt : So he claims! That's why I wish you wouldn't leave me so quickly. Barbara Sukowa, Axel Milberg, Janet McTeer Genres Drama Subtitles English Audio Languages Deutsch. : I'm so lucky to have you, Lotte. Has been ever since he was a student. Mary McCarthy What's new about the Eichmann phenomenon is that there are so many just like him. Hannah Arendt Instead, it is based on the following phenomenon: making human beings superfluous as human beings. Hannah, it's been proven that Eichmann pursued the Final Solution even after Himmler had long since forbidden it. Western tradition mistakenly assumes that the greatest evils of mankind arise from selfishness. It's never radical. Heinrich Blücher Never disturb a great philosopher when they're thinking. Just wait a bit. : Hannah Arendt Um belíssimo filme reflexivo! Nos EUA, surge a oportunidade dela cobrir o julgamento do nazista Adolf Eichmann para a The New Yorker. My father always says God gave us family, but thank God we can choose our friends. Kurt Blumenfeld It’s probably too much to hope that Ms. von Trotta and her star, Barbara Sukowa, will do for Arendt what Nora Ephron and Meryl Streep did for Julia Child, but surely a fellow can dream. : In the award-winning HANNAH ARENDT, the sublime Barbara Sukowa reteams with director Margarethe von Trotta (Vision,Rosa Luxemburg) for a brilliant new biopic of the influential German-Jewish philosopher and political theorist. Um filme poderoso no que respeita ao entendimento sobre uma parte muito delicada da História do século XX, não apenas o olhar evidente dos factos, mas a visão do Porquê e do Como eles podem surgir e persistir. A strikingly beautiful German lead actress, Barbara Sukowa broke into TV and films as the protégée of famed director Rainer Werner Fassbinder with his masterpiece mini-series Berlin Alexanderplatz (1980) and the moody film drama Lola (1981) in the title role. Heinrich Blücher | He's a nobody. Eichmann is no Mephistopheles. A ghost who happens to have a cold. You don't need to be smart or powerful to behave like a monster. Condições Gerais de Venda MarketPlace Fnac. He's a bureaucrat! : Evil is only ever extreme. : Hannah Arendt But when the Germans invaded France on May 10, 1940, our French friends put us into detention camps. So no one is responsible or guilty. She starred as Katarina Jones in the television series 12 Monkeys. Directed by Margarethe von Trotta • 2012 • Germany Starring Barbara Sukowa, Janet McTeer, Axel Milberg Margarethe von Trotta reteams with her frequent star Barbara Sukowa for a brilliant portrait of the influential German-Jewish philosopher and political theorist. Sometimes too good. It is distributed by Zeitgeist Films in the United States, where it opened theatrically on 29 May 2013. Hannah Arendt : : : But, perhaps, there is something in-between resistance - and cooperation. Barbara Sukowa is a German theatre and film actress. Our young people refuse to confront what you call the "dark times." But Kurt, you know me. 2/02/1950 (71 years old) Bremen, Germany. I refuse to explain myself to these - dimwits. : But Hannah, how can you defend him?