In this section, you can find our publications, the photo library, footage, TV reports, and much more about Germany’s largest aviation gateway. The Test Center offers an RT-PCR test ... Medical Center. Seit mehr als 30 Jahren gibt es an Deutschlands größtem Flughafen in Frankfurt eine medizinische Notfallambulanz. Sie gewährleistet die ärztliche Erstversorgung und ermöglicht eine umfassende medizinische Betreuung von Passagieren, Besuchern und Beschäftigten. Five Group targets and the Group strategy describe the vision that drives our company. Medical Health Care At Frankfurt Airport, you are always supplied with best health care. Find all the info you need for New Male Medical Center online on Various diagnostic procedures including medical examinations are offered at the Medical Center: Supplementary documents (e.g. Vaccinations just before flying are also available. FRA Frankfurt International Airport: Centogene Airport Testcenter , Fraport Medical Center HAM Hamburg Airport: Centogene Airport Testcenter HAJ Hannover Airport: ecocare “Gute Reise! In 2008, Fraport set itself the target of reducing its CO2 emissions at Frankfurt Airport to under 80,000 tonnes yearly by 2030 – and to become completely carbon free by 2050. Sie als Patient mit Ihrer individuellen Situation und Ihren Fragen stehen im Zentrum unseres ärztlichen Handelns des Medical Center Frankfurt, Fachärztezentrum für optimale Beratung und komplementäre biologische Krebstherapien. This encompasses environmental issues, as well as economic, social and community aspects. Other places inside Main Airport Center (MAC) Miles & More. Terminal 1, Priority Gates C14/C15 (FRA Airport) 5.3 The offers described above can also be used in combination. Efficient airport operations require smooth handling processes and a working infrastructure to ensure short transfer times. Construction above and below ground, structural engineering, modernization work, and road and tunnel construction all make an important contribution to the “Gute Reise” mission statement. Das Aeromedical Center Frankfurt möchte Sie herzlich willkommen heißen und … +49 800-2345679. Moreover, Fraport offers numerous airport-related services, from IT infrastructure and terminal equipment through to construction services. Germany (GOÄ). Telefonisch erreichen Sie uns zu den o. g. Bürozeiten unter : 069 - 690 - 225 54. Impressum Datenschutzerklärung Datenschutzerklärung für Bewerber Medizinproduktesicherheit. To discuss requirements or consultations, please contact us by e-mail at: Bitte beachten Sie, dass die Corona-Testmöglichkeiten am Flughafen Frankfurt abfliegenden und ankommenden Passagieren vorbehalten sind und alle Tests kostenpflichtig sind. At Frankfurt Airport, you are always supplied with best health care. We make it happen” – Fraport’s slogan puts customers at the forefront both at Germany’s largest aviation hub in Frankfurt and at all Group airports worldwide. The results of all examinations are provided as a medical certificate by e-mail or as a download. Since the airport is subject to strict access regulations, the ID Card Service Center is responsible for issuing the necessary airport ID cards. The following antibody tests from venous blood draws are performed at the Medical Center: IgA, IgM, IgG: Blood is taken for the antibody test. Open daily from 6.30 a.m. to 9 p.m. Terminal 1, Pier Z, Level 3 near Gate Z13. Ärzte des Medical Center haben in Pandemie … On weekends and public holidays, a surcharge of up to €12.82 in accordance with the GOÄ is added to this amount. Der Flughafenbetreiber erbringt sämtliche operativen und administrativen Leistungen des Flughafen- und Terminalbetriebs. The 2019 traffic figures for Frankfurt Airport are impressive: more than 1,400 aircraft took off and landed and over 6,000 tonnes of cargo were handled at FRA per day. Fraport is happy to pass this expertise to its subsidiaries, joint ventures and customers. Kontakt. In Terminal 1, the delivery times are daily from 06:00 am till 21: 00 pm. * 20 cents (€) per call within German landline network. The passenger locator cards are stored at the Frankfurt Health Department and may be used for contacting the respective passengers, if required. Dort können unter anderem zwei Tests durchgeführt werden: Der Antikörpertest und der Rachenabstrich. Im Gebäude 226 des Flughafens befindet sich das Medical Center. Information on Appointments and Cancellations. by credit card, is required from self-payers or in the absence of a written declaration of assumption of costs. Flüge ab Frankfurt in die ganze Welt – und Vieles mehr. Fraport’s environmental management organizes and monitors environmental protection throughout the Group. Direct payment, e.g. Das Medical Center bietet ausschließlich kostenpflichtige Tests auf privater Basis an. As an airport company, Fraport provides the full range of operational and management services relating to airside and terminal operations. The samples taken at the Medical Center are processed solely for the intended purpose, namely detecting SARS-CoV-2 antibodies. Unterschweinstiege 8 "The most successful european customer loyalty program. Germany’s largest aviation gateway is also a premium location for retail and catering. Only cash payment. For queries and further information about our services, you can contact us as follows: Phone: +49 (0) 69 - 690 66767 This includes more than 1 million patients and countless community members across Alameda, … Beeindruckend sind die Zahlen, Daten und Fakten aus 2019 rund um den Flughafen Frankfurt: Innerhalb von 24 Stunden starteten und landeten hier über 1.400 Flugzeuge und es wurden über 6.000 Tonnen Cargo umgeschlagen. If necessary, you can head for the emergency outpatient clinic at our medical center for a checkup, test or treatment. In Terminal 2, the delivery times are daily from 07:30 am till 20:30 pm. Dr. Dev GnanaDev, is a surgeon and Medical Director at Arrowhead Regional Medical Center in San Bernardino County. can only be filled out if the test was performed by the Medical Center in line with the quality guidelines. Der Flughafenbetreiber erbringt sämtliche operativen und administrativen Leistungen des Flughafen- und Terminalbetriebs. Research & compare results on passengers who holding negative Covid-19 test certificates from the test facilities at Frankfurt Airport (Medical Center, Centogene Squaire or Transit Area Non-Schengen). Airport staff play a key role in achieving this. Lufthansa, Fraport, and CENTOGENE have partnered to offer Coronavirus testing at Frankfurt Airport via a Test Center located right at the airport on the pedestrian bridge connecting Terminal 1 and the long-distance train station. • Arrive at the boarding gate on time and present the two negative Covid-19 test certificates together with the Red Customs Exit/Entry Health Code to board the aircraft. Hier findest Du die Test-Zentren in an anderen deutschen Städten. Other places inside Concourse C. Lufthansa Business Lounge C Gates C14-C15. Tips; FLYMED. For detailed directions visit Also passengers in the transit area of Terminal 2 can use this service via the info kiosk 430 (also close behind the passport control near Duty Free Shop). Open daily from 7 a.m. to 9 p.m. +49 (0)69 690-112 from other landline phones and cell phones. Social Media. The processing of samples taken at the Medical Center is exclusively for the specific individual question, i.e. Searching for hotels in Tarzana near Providence Tarzana Medical Center? At Frankfurt Airport, experts from various disciplines work together in a spirit of mutual trust to successfully bring to fruition challenging large-scale construction projects. Besucher, die keine Fluggäste sind, werden gebeten, andere Testzentren aufzusuchen. The Medical Center is also available to provide advice for anyone with a positive result and to discuss the next steps together. Highest priority is given to values-based compliance, which means acting in conformity with the law and all other rules and regulations. We do not offer self-testing swabs for the same reason. Palo Alto Medical Foundation Snapshot As a not-for-profit organization, Palo Alto Medical Foundation is dedicated to enhancing the health of people in our communities. Mehr als 300.000 Corona-Tests wurden in beiden Testzentren am Flughafen Frankfurt am Main bislang durchgeführt. Besides, the Airport Clinic is available for health care and medical support 24 hours a day. Save. Leistungen. Terminal 1, Concourse B, Level 2, Shopping Boulevard. Any other examinations are strictly subject to consent. Further information can be found here. Register for free and never miss another mile! Medizin Sicherheit Prävention Arbeitspsychologie Firmenfitness Kinderbetreuung. The airport clinic is situated in Terminal 1 in the arrival area. If your health or general condition suddenly takes a turn for the worse after arriving at Frankfurt Airport, contact our personnel right away to request medical assistance. Hessenring 13a, Eingang F1 64546 Mörfelden-Walldorf. The costs incurred for medical consultations and laboratory testing will be charged in line with the statutory Scale of Fees for Physicians in Germany (GOÄ). Die Notfallambulanz („Flughafenklinik“) im Medical Center ist Ansprechpartner für alle akuten medizinischen Probleme am Airport. Search now Das Medical Center am Flughafen Frankfurt bietet umfassende Beratung und Testmöglichkeiten für Passagiere, Beschäftigte, Bürger und Unternehmen an. Share. ... Main Airport Center (MAC), Frankfurt Airport (FRA) Get directions. Open daily from 6.30 a.m. to 9.30 p.m. Terminal 2, Concourse D/E, Level 3, Shopping Plaza (near SkyLine). the transit facility in the transit area at Frankfurt Airport. Diversity and equal opportunities enrich the company and strengthen our performance and competitiveness. E-Mail:, in the FAC (opposite Terminal 1), Section D, Level 4, © 2004-2021 Fraport AG Frankfurt Airport Services Worldwide. The services can be used only after prior online registration. Search for New Male Medical Center. Aeromedical Center Frankfurt Egal, ob Sie privat oder beruflich fliegen: Hier sind Sie richtig gelandet. Whether in the terminals or on the apron: Fraport organizes all airport processes responsibly and efficiently – supported by latest-generation technology. UPDATE July 15, 2020: ... Concourse C, Terminal 1, Frankfurt Airport (FRA) Get directions. 2005 Evergreen Street, Sacramento, CA 95815-2389 (916) 263-2389 Fax (916) 263-2387 ©2004-2021 Fraport AG Frankfurt Airport Services Worldwide, Supervisory Board and Economic Advisory Board, Filming and photography at Frankfurt Airport, Tests for Airport Employees and the General Public. Check the detailed map, below, to find your way to specific Medical Center buildings. We would like to show you a description here but the site won’t allow us. Fax: +49 (0) 69 - 690 66598 Fraport AG is one of the leading companies in the global airport business and active at 31 airports on four continents (IPO in 2001). Wichtig: Vorherige Online-Anmeldung und erfolgte Terminbestätigung nötig. Auf privater Basis können Sie sich vorsorglich auf Sars-CoV-2 testen lassen (Nasen-Rachen-Abstrich zum Nachweis des Virus Sars-CoV-2) oder eine Antikörperbestimmung vornehmen lassen.. Medical Center Frankfurt Flughafen telefonnummer. In one of the numerous pharmacies at Frankfurt Airport, you can fill up your first aid kit with travel medicine and care cosmetics. In addition to sampling, a medical consultation and an exploratory examination are essential components of the appointment. Rechtliches. for entry, visa procedures, etc.) If the test persons do not show up for the examination and testing despite an existing appointment. Lufthansa, Fraport und CENTOGENE bieten am Frankfurter Flughafen (FRA) COVID-19-Tests an. PLCs must be handed over by an airline staff member to Frankfurt Airport’s Medical Center in a sealed envelope, indicating the respective flight number and date. These projects are as multifaceted as the passengers and visitors who come to the airport. Fasting in advance is not necessary for this. In one of the numerous pharmacies at Frankfurt Airport, you can fill up … Its portfolio also encompasses safety and security-related services. Jetzt Flughafen erleben! In this section, you can find our publications, the photo library, footage, TV reports, and much more about Germany’s largest aviation gateway. +49 1806 372-4636 *, Airport Expansion & Aircraft Noise: Our community portal gathers information on the current aircraft noise situation, the take-off and landing direction, and noise abatement measures at the airport. In case of a domestic feeder flight, the passenger can obtain the Covid-19 test in the origin city or at the Covid-19 test center at Frankfurt airport outside the terminal building (Schengen area) at Medical Center and Centogene Squaire. Any other examinations are strictly subject to consent. Medical Center Flughafen Frankfurt. Seit Kurzem ist sie im neuen Medical Center im Terminal 1 ansässig. To ensure the best testing experience possible, please: Check with the local authorities before arriving at your destination if a medical certificate is required Am Flughafen Frankfurt gibt es aktuell zwei Testzentren. Fragen zu Quarantäne-, … Frankfurt Airport Services Worldwide, General Queries & Feedback: Quantitative Sciences Unit. Fraport promotes a safe and healthy working environment at all Group companies, by applying a holistic approach to occupational health and safety. Fax: (650)723-6450 This medical certificate can be issued by a doctor at Frankfurt Airport from Mon-Sun 7 a.m. to 5 p.m. for an additional charge of 25€. Frankfurt Airport is a fascinating place offering a cornucopia of exciting news and stories. Medical Center. Die medical bietet als hoch qualifizierter Dienstleister eine umfassende Beratung und Betreuung auf dem Gebiet des Arbeits- und Gesundheitsschutzes. Beeindruckend sind die Zahlen, Daten und Fakten aus 2019 rund um den Flughafen Frankfurt: Innerhalb von 24 Stunden starteten und landeten hier über 1.400 Flugzeuge und es wurden über 6.000 Tonnen Cargo umgeschlagen. Medical Center in Frankfurt am Main, Hessen. See More. First aid and medical care are available from 7 a.m. to 4 p.m. in the airport clinic. We are able to provide support thanks to our experience and broad expertise on SARS‑CoV‑2: Individual appointments at the Medical Center for your employees can also be arranged with assumption of costs. Unser Medical Center bietet aktuell ergänzende medizinische Untersuchungen und Tests im Rahmen einer „Spezialsprechstunde“ an. Billing is based on the statutory Scale of Fees for Physicians in. Safety too is paramount. the detection of SARS-CoV-2. Processes are continuously enhanced and optimized on a Group-wide basis. Current prices can be found on the respective online booking portal (Tests for Travelers, Tests for Airport Employees and the General Public, Tests for Companies). Office. Fraport is committed to responsible corporate governance. Airport departments ensuring safe operations include the Airport Fire Services, the Medical Center and Rescue Services, as well as Fraport’s dedicated Corporate Safety and Security unit. Payment is possible by credit card or cash in common foreign currencies. Fraport and its subsidiaries are committed to the sustainable handling of natural resources and the continuous improvement of the Group’s environmental performance. A “safety first” principle applies for all airport operations at Frankfurt Airport and worldwide. Germany sets up a medical centre at Frankfurt airport to examine passengers who may be affected by the new coronavirus. As the operator of Germany’s largest airport, Fraport AG has extensive knowledge and many years of experience in all areas of flight and terminal operations, including ground handling. Resource conservation and climate protection have long been important tasks for Fraport. Fraport’s various management systems ensure responsible business processes across the Group. Check out guest reviews and ratings, speak to a hotel agent and book the best rate with Anmeldungen sind zu den Bürozeiten (Montag 14.00 - 19.00 Uhr, Mittwoch 13.00 - 18.00 Uhr) und Probetrainings nach Terminvereinbarung ( möglich. Medical Center at Frankfurt Airport The Medical Center at Frankfurt Airport offers comprehensive consultation and testing options for passengers, airport employees, the general public and companies. Questions on quarantine or self-isolation regulations must be addressed to the responsible government agencies, such as the local Health Departments and/or the German Federal Police. Monday to Thursday, from 8 a.m. to 6 p.m. See More. Lounge. In addition, passengers in the transit area B of Terminal 1 behind the passport control, can call to order medications over the Metropolitan pharmacy on the info counter 10. Infos zu Flugdaten Parkmöglichkeiten Online-Check-in Airlines A-Z. Department of Medicine Stanford University 1070 Arastradero Road Palo Alto, CA 94304. Media Center. Non-prescription medicines can be ordered, prescription medications only on request. Frankfurt Airport is a fascinating place offering a cornucopia of exciting news and stories. at Frankfurt Airport: two test centers offer a PCR test and an IgM antibody test which are mandatory for flights bound for China Mainland and allows a transit without an overnight stay, one test center is located in the international transit area (Concourse Z) to guarantee smooth travel – no Schengen visa needed. The airport company is also very familiar with retail, infrastructure and expansion projects. Any business activity relies on the right infrastructure. Frankfurt Airport is an exciting marketplace for travelers and visitors, boasting a wide range of shops, restaurants and bars. To other Medical Center buildings: Other Medical Center buildings are located around the hospital on Welch Road, Quarry Road, and Campus Drive. The medical services offered by Fraport AG, Fraport AG Directions from Interstate 280: Take the Sand Hill Road exit to the east (toward Palo Alto / Stanford). Flughafen, Frankfurt am Main. Telephone: (650)721-1842. ... Unser Medical Center …