Moodle: Teaching materials like pdf or word documents can be shared, videos can be linked (YouTube-Video) or embedded via iframe . The Bauhaus-Universität Weimar uses Matomo for web analytics. sose21_weimar. Sie können sich mit Ihrem Uni-Login bei Moodle2 anmelden. The eTutors support teachers in planning and using digital tools in online and classroom teaching. By using H5P, interactive contents and questions can be created. wise19-erinnerung. Online-Meeting: Besides BigBlueButton and Adobe Connect, DFN-conf DFN-conf (provided by the Deutschen Forschungsnetz) can be used for online-Meetings. If some question arises, don't hesitate to write a mail. Nachrichten der Seite. 15 Wörter .Dauerlink. Kurzinfo: Lehrende können Studierende per Liste in Ihren Kurs einschreiben. For all online conferences please use: Video recording (Screencasts): You can also record your lecture simply from home, with a camera, your smartphone or via MS Powerpoint as a so-called e-lecture and set the video in moodle. All courses are currently provided as webinars and exempt from charges. Standard Login/ Registration. wise2020-weimar-intellektuelle. The embedding of complete e-books or other big data sets should be avoided and instead, be used as downloadable links. University. >>> zum Artikel. Von der Vormoderne zur Moderne. Thema anzeigen (0 Antworten) Ältere Themen... Kontakt . How can I apply for funding from an eTutor and what does it include? The self-learning courses enable you to independently acquire and deepen knowledge about online teaching from home. About tutorials we provide the opportunity to deal flexibly with new tools, techniques and topics and to learn how they work and how to use them. To the application form >>>. Please note that the courses are performed in German only. Postadresse. +49 (361) 737-5454; The basic options and application scenarios of the ePortfolio are presented and tested in the course. vetmed moodle uploader. um NutzerIn zu werden . The e-portfolio consists of "digital binders" with which students can document, reflect and / or present their learning process. Of note: The storage capacity of Moodle is restricted. Dates: October 15, 2020: 10-13 a.m. To the registration form >>>. We want to help all University lecturers adjust to and cope with a new teaching reality and support them by translating their courses into e-teaching Formats. Kunst und Wissenschaft im Herzogtum Sachsen-Weimar-Eisenach 1800 Zu Beginn der zweiten Hälfte des 18. Hilfe . The results, interim presentations or other work results can be discussed using the BigBlueButton.7. WiSe2020-GePol. We keep the digital toolbox updated along your needs and invite you to send us your suggestions, questions and wishes to elab[at] The cards can be printed out, cut out and, if necessary, quickly held up in the camera without interrupting the communication that is currently taking place. This tutorial shows you how to track whether a task has been submitted. Hier geht's >>> zum eTalk Raum. If you have any questions about Moodle, please contact moodle-support@uni-weimar.de3. Moodle is the central learning management system of the Bauhaus-Universität Weimar. Home. A second video tutorial deals with interactions and feedbacks in online courses and is here to find. PS-Neuzeit-Beine-2020. 1. ... der zweite Teil wird dann als verbindliche Blockveranstaltung in Weimar am 21.-23. As soon as you log in with your account data, your name and thus your identity will be associated with the project ... sose21_weimar. We have linked a suggestion on how you could design your teaching here. You log in with your login and password. In this workshop you will learn tricks and tricks on how storytelling can be used effectively to improve teaching. Can only employees of the University use Moodle? The participants get to know advanced functions with which they can work interactively. Uni Frankfurt mit OLAT oder Uni Hannover mit stud.IP) ergibt, dass Moodle für über 1,5 Millionen Studierende angeboten wird. There is no application deadline, i.e. On Explore Moodle you find a range of activities and educational tools provided by Moodle to create your online course. You will learn what options H5P offers for digital teaching support. The course starts from the early beginning and is getting more complex. Can only employees of the University use Moodle? Uni Erfurt Moodle. 8. eTutors are student assistants (Bachelor and Master students) who are proposed by the teachers and who are trained and supported by the eLab team.9. In the course of digitizing teaching and learning, producing, recording and making videos available is becoming increasingly important. Which teaching formats are useful for online teaching? A tutorial on moodle-integrated use can be found here, for use outside of Moodle here . Even though BigBlueButton enables discussions, presentations and presentations, you should keep in mind that this format also has its pitfalls. Bevölkerung NS. How can I make my online teaching interactive (discussion groups, feedback on work results, discussion of common materials)? To the course >>>, BigBlueButton is an open source web conference system that is initially available from Moodle service provider Sudile and from the data center for employees of the Bauhaus University Weimar and integrated in Moodle. We would like to show you a description here but the site won’t allow us. Contents: The ingredients for a good story, application of storytelling in teaching, creation of mind maps and storyboards. März 2021 um 15:00, Mehr Infos >>> hier, „Künstliche Intelligenz in der Hochschulbildung“ Förderrichtlinie zur wirksamen Entfaltung der Schlüsseltechnologie Künstliche Intelligenz in der Breite des Hochschulsystems. The course provides information about free educational materials (OER) that offer the opportunity to integrate foreign teaching content into your own. Kunst und Wissenschaft im Herzogtum Sachsen-Weimar-Eisenach 1800 Zu Beginn der zweiten Hälfte des 18. The plugin H5P allows the creation of interactive elements and contents . 5. Kontakt. Conference tools like BigBlueButton oder Adobe Connect are implemented into Moodle and available for your online meetings and live lectures/Online-Seminars. Due to our privacy policy, only current members can send messages to people on ResearchGate. Moodle ist zentrale Lernplattform an 7 der … There is no application deadline, ie applications can be submitted by one or more lecturers from a professorship or a course of study to the eLab using a webbased form. Nutzungsbedingungen und Datenschutzerklärung. Here you can find a lot of patches you can download and work with. The training of bachelor and master students to become an eTutor encompasses both technical and didactic basics. Avoid any articles and prepositions. If you do not find your university in the list in the left box, please log in here: Jens-Uwe Wagner datenschutz[at], eLab Amalienstraße 13, Raum 004 99423 WeimarE-Mail: elab[at], ProjektleitungDr. Organizational questions. Der Selbstlernkurs »Wissenschaftliches Arbeiten« vermittelt Wissensinhalte und Methoden zur wissenschaftlichen Arbeitspraxis. Jahrhunderts. Moodle: Your students can upload word or pdf documents on Moodle, so you can follow and control their work progress. It offers free online courses and further training for teachers. Mehr Infos und Anmeldung >>> hier, eTALK#3 »Interaktive Moodle-Formate in die Lehre einbinden« am 24. The graphic illustration provided by Anne Fuhrmann-Siekmeyer (University Osnabrück) gives a quick and helpful overview about the topic. How can the work be organized online in alternating small group and plenary phases? Lecturer: Christian Niemczik (Sudile) . Die Moodle-Seite erreichen Sie unter "". To access Moodle from the FedUni homepage, follow the Moodle Login under the either the Staff or Students.. In diesem Kurs lernen Sie grundlegende Überlegungen und praxisnahe Methoden zur Evaluierung von (Online-)Lehrangeboten kennen. To the course >>>, Advanced course (from the eTEACH program): Building on the skills learned in the entry-level course, the advanced course deepens knowledge based on practical scenarios. Bitte nutzen Sie Google Chrome als Browser und halten Sie ein Headset bereit. These tools can be used creatively and the discussions then take place in writing and over a longer period (over a week).6. Einstieg in Moodle: Kursgestaltung, Kurskommunikation, User-Verwaltung Moodle für fortgeschrittene Nutzer: verschiedene Plugins in Moodle und ihre Anwendungsmöglichkeiten in der Lehre Referent: Christian Niemczik, sudile GbR Ort: Bauhaus-Universität Weimar, alle anderen Thüringer Hochschulen auf Anfrage Zeit: 180 Minuten Gebühr: 25 EUR It is therefore better to incorporate learning phases in which the students can solve tasks independently and conduct the discussion in chats in writing. Mehr Infos zu den Bewerbungsmodalitäten >>> hier, Neue Ausschreibung »Fellowships für Innovationen in der digitalen Hochschullehre« >>> mehr zu den Ausschreibungsmodalitäten, Tutoren@eTeach: Ab 2021 können über das eTeach-Netzwerk alle Thüringer Hochschulen ein kostenfreies Schulungsangebot für eTutorinnen und eTutoren in Anspruch nehmen.
An der Hochschule Esslingen sind rund 6.000 Studierende in 28 Bachelor- und 14 Master-Studiengängen eingeschrieben. Impressum Datenschutzerklärung This guide by Karin Gorges (Scientific stuff member) explains how students can submit their exercises, documents and theses via Moodle. Sollte ein Problem mit den nachfolgenden Hinweisen nicht gelöst werden und weiterhin bestehen, so kontaktieren Sie uns bitte per E-Mail. The toolbox is aimed at all professors and staff members who are responsible for teaching at the Bauhaus University Weimar. Registrieren . Yes, the Bauhaus-Universität Weimar has a video conference system. Weitere Informationen zum eTalk finden Sie >>> im Moodle-Kurs. Personnel costs for student assistants will be funded during the summer semester 2020. This short video explains how to register an external participant for Moodle. Karin Gorges, M.A. Tips for using BibSearch ; Search terms - Insert one or more terms into the search field. • has servers located in Weimar, Thuringia, 99425, Germany. Mehr Infos zur Ausschreibungskriterien und Abgabeterminen hier >>>, ONLINE-TAGUNG: Welche Lerneffekte nehmen die Hochschulen aus der Corona-Krise für Studium, Lehre und Management mit? März 2021, 12:30 Uhr und 19. Bei fehlenden Zugangsdaten senden Sie bitte eine Nachricht an support(at) das Sie anlegen möchten und Ihr Name erscheint automatisch auf der Website. An overview of all Moodle tutorials can be found here. → Zur Moodle-Plattform The embedding of complete e-books or other big data sets should be avoided and instead, be used as downloadable links. Instructions can be found here. zu einem wechselnden Thema, gefolgt von einem Erfahrungsaustausch. Moodle enthält außerdem Tools zur Kommunikation, zum gemeinsamen Sammeln und Bearbeiten von Informationen (Wikis) und zur Überprüfung von Wissen. you want to register and your name will automatically appear on the website. Für weitere Informationen und Fragen können Sie sich darüber hinaus an Elisa Kluge wenden. Submit student's exercises and theses via Moodle. Since all conference tools are currently heavily overloaded and not all students have the technical prerequisites to participate in synchronous online courses, we recommend asynchronous teaching formats. How can emerging work results be made visible at the same time? Dates: July 23, 2020: 13-16 p.m., October 8, 2020: 10-13 a.m.. To the registration form >>>, The course includes examples of the various formats and functions that Moodle provides for the creation of digital teaching and learning materials. In order to activate a person for Moodle, you have to be registered as a trainer in a Moodle room. : → »Einstellungen speichern« Bitte beachten Sie auch die individuellen Einstellungen Ihrer E-Mail-Signatur. Die Hochschulen mit Moodle als Haupt-LMS zusammengezählt (ohne z.B. Schließen Sie den Browser und versuchen Sie es erneut. Icon-cards: The Association for Media Education, Media Literacy and Communication Culture provides icon-cards that can be used during online meetings help to minimize or communicate communication problems during the online sessions. wise2020-weimar-intellektuelle. As soon as you log in with your account data, your name and thus your identity will be associated with the project animations, videos, flash cards). The results could be uploaded to the Nextcloud and can be viewed by everyone. Login . Die Universität Leipzig bietet Ihren MitarbeiterInnen und Studierenden mit Moodle eine universitätsweit unterstützte Lernplattform an. The courses are set up on the Moodle learning platform and are intended to give you tips and suggestions for implementing your own courses with Moodle. Hinweis: Zugang zur Lernplattform erhalten Sie mit Ihrem Hochschul-Login. Wählen Sie bitte Ihre Einrichtung aus und gehen Sie anschießend auf Weiter. The advantage of this system is that meeting rooms can be set up independently and sent to all participants via a link - without having to be registered in Moodle. You hereby agree to the use and storage of this personal data. Hilfe » Erste Schritte in Moodle » Anleitung für Lehrende und Autor*innen » Kurse beantragen über "Friedolin" (PDF) Deutsch (de) Offizieller Account der Bauhaus-Universität Weimar au, Offizieller Account der Bauhaus-Universität Weimar auf Twitter, Offizieller Account der Bauhaus-Universität Weimar auf Instagramm, Offizieller Account der Bauhaus-Universität Weimar auf Vimeo. Andreas MaiTelefon: +49 (0) 36 43/58 12 51E-Mail: andreas.mai[at], MedienproduktionSteven MehlhornMarienstraße 14, Raum 20999423 WeimarTelefon: +49(0)3643/58 32 98E-Mail: steven.mehlhorn[at], Digitalisierung und LehreStepan BoldtTelefon: +49 (0) 36 43/58 12 57 Telefonisch erreichbar: Mo–Do 10 – 16 UhrE-Mail: stepan.boldt[at], TechnikverleihFranziska Fink, stud. Interactions with the students are also possible via the Moodle forum, the Moodle chat or the Moodle wiki or glossary. Additional information and external links, Introduction to media-enriched teaching (self-learning course), Basics of didactics (self-learning course), Copyright challenges of digital teaching (Self-learning course), Storytelling for teaching (Online-Seminar), >>> mehr zu den Ausschreibungsmodalitäten, Offizieller Account der Bauhaus-Universität Weimar au, Offizieller Account der Bauhaus-Universität Weimar auf Twitter, Offizieller Account der Bauhaus-Universität Weimar auf Instagramm, Offizieller Account der Bauhaus-Universität Weimar auf Vimeo. zu Bedienung und Funktionsumfang . Das eTeach-Netzwerk Thüringen fördert innovative Impulsprojekte, die Lehren und Lernen an Thüringer Hochschulen digital bereichern und weiterdenken. A second video tutorial deals with interactions and feedbacks in webinars and is here to find. The Bauhaus-Universität Weimar uses Matomo for web analytics. Online teaching can be designed both synchronously and asynchronously interactively. Does the university have its own video conference system? The qualification measures take place via webinars and (if possible) in person. Universität Siegen; Kurse Alle Kurse Meine Kurse. News + Profile + Structure + Studies + Research and Art + International + Partners and Alumni; Services. für registrierte NutzerInnen . This video introduces the main functions. 11.10.2020: Uni-Login-Daten (Wenn nicht vorhanden, eMail an Option: Benenne einen Kommilitonen/in mit dem/der Ihr in diesselbe Gruppe möchtet. Hotels in Erfurt, Deutschland. The current situation and the associated restrictions and regulations are taken into account. Bitte achten Sie bei der Eingabe Ihres. Haben Sie Fragen oder Probleme bei der Nutzung von Moodle, melden Sie sich gerne unter moodle(at) € 2,000 per eTutor). Training as an eTutor encompasses both technical and didactic basics. »Ihre Von: Adresse« : Tragen Sie hier bitte ihre E-Mailadresse ein (z.B. If you are searching for an exact sequence of words (phrase), please use quotation marks → "Visual cultures in science and technology" University´s cloud-service: Files and documents can be securely stored in the university cloud and shared with others. Alternatively, you can also record your video conference with Adobe Connect and BigBlueButton, or have it streamed in real time with DFN-conf. applications can be submitted by one or more lecturers from a professorship or a course on an ongoing basis using the application form. Terminplanung for Online-Meeting: Schedule your courses and invite your students for attendance using the Terminplaner provides by Deutschen Forschungsnetz benutzen. Kooperative Impulsprojekte gesucht! MitarbeiterinAmalienstraße 13, Raum 004 99423 WeimarE-Mail: elab[at], Changes the background color from white to black, Elements in focus are visually enhanced by an black underlay, while the font is whitened, How to Moodle – move your classroom online, Ways to get into contact with your students, Providing students with materials and learning content, Moodle-Tests: evaluation, feedbach and providing individual tasks. Basically, the change between online and classroom teaching, a good mix, is recommended. Sie finden darüberhinaus disziplinspezifische Vorgehensweisen und Tipps zum erfolgreichen Bearbeiten des Kurses und Ihrer wissenschaltichen Arbeit. As part of this course, the participants learn how to create this interactive learning content and how to use it in their Moodle room. Virtual classroom: Lectures can be held as online-conferences or webinars by using either DFN-conf, Adobe Connect (can be embedded into a moodle room) or BigBlueButton, which is available as a Moodle plug in. Homeoffice - Urlaub 8.-19. Legal framework: A good understanding of copyright is essential to ensure the legal use of available teaching material. Login. Lecturer: Christiane Zwick . Oktober 2018) und besteht zum Großteil aus wöchentlichen Filmanalysen, Online-Diskussionen und Aufgaben, die den Studierenden filmisches bzw. Please note the regulatory framework underlying the use of the Semesterapparate, defined in, Of note, the library provides reference management software, such as. ePortfolio (from the eTEACH program): An e-portfolio is the digital form of a portfolio that uses the new media to implement this old concept. The UNI Moodle platform provides access to all the courses offered by the three faculties.. To connect to the platform, you will need a enrolment key provided to you by your secretarial department at the beginner of the semester . Am 28.04.2021 findet der vierte eTalk um 15:00 Uhr zum Thema »Mit eTeach-Netzwerk Lehre neu gestalten« statt. Lecturer: Christine Hoffmann. Storytelling (from the eTEACH program): Storytelling is a powerful communication method to motivate students or to illustrate abstract information and to anchor anchor in the memory. eTalk ist ein Online-Format zum informellen Austausch und zur Vernetzung von Lehrenden rund um das Thema Digitalisierung in der Lehre. A tutorial on moodle-integrated use can be found here , for use outside of Moodle here .