Spieluhr (Music Box) is the seventh track of the album Mutter. Cancel. woke the child very gently. und aus der Erde singt das Kind xept the death is there only happyend, The song is most probably based on a German fairy tale called Das Eigensinnige Kind (the wayward child) about a child that speaks back to its mother and therefor God makes the child so sick that it dies. :). The other one would be the phonetic play of "wird es mit der Spieluhr spielen" ("it will with the music-box play" is a more accurate translation, rather than the given "it will play with the music box"). Insgesamt hielt sich das Album 82 Wochen in den Charts. Up and down, rider [2] Music Box. und kein Engel steigt herab Spieluhr Lyrics. The people of the village take it for dead and quickly bury it under the sand. To the English ear it not only sounds more archaic (it is), but the emphasis is clearly meant to be on the Earth, not the child. Leggi il Testo, scopri il Significato e guarda il Video musicale di Spieluhr di Rammstein. with a music box in its hand On Totensonntag they heard [3] Awesome song, and i like that they used Khira Li Lindmann (Richard's daughter, DON'T mistake her for Till's ;)) as a guest singer, she had a really cute voice here :) She's 9 months older than me, so clearly both of us are grown up now, but i think that Mutter was released in 2000 so she and i would have been 9 and 8. Ein kleiner Mensch stirbt nur zum Schein })(); (adsbygoogle = window.adsbygoogle || []).push({}); Knowing rammstein, they have more reasons and deep messages in their songs than just write a fairytale from a book. Up and down, rider You're signed out. hoppe hoppe Reiter up and down, rider Its almost as cruel and morbid as a el german childrensong. and the child sings from the ground Which would also represent those who can’t be helped and eventually commit suicide or emotionally die from their struggle. es wird verscharrt in nassem Sand nur der Regen weint am Grab Till gives the tale a different twist though. mein Herz schlägt nicht mehr weiter my heart does not beat anymore After some time when she’s ready to face the world again, she calls for help, but no response. https://rammstein.fandom.com/wiki/Spieluhr_(song)?oldid=3001. Till explained: "It's the basic fear people have, to be buried alive. Der Name ist unsere Mission: Sport mit Effekt. Which is why I refuse to believe they just copied some old fairy tale. Ihr wollt das Bett in Flammen sehn? To me, this song represents those who struggle with too much baggage and isolate themselves to be able to pull themselves together and think. sry for my bad english, i hope you understood, what i wanted to tell you. The first snow that covered the grave. Hoppe hoppe Reiter Hoppe hoppe Reiter “Spieluhr” è una canzone di Rammstein. While celebrating the holiday of Totensonntag (Sunday of the dead, a holiday taking place on the last Sunday before Advent in November. and the child sings from the ground and no angel climbs down mit einer Spieluhr in der Hand The lyrics recall a German children's song with the lyric Hoppe, hoppe Reiter (slang for up and down, as riding a horse). it will play with the music box About “Spieluhr” Das siebte Stück auf Rammsteins dritten Studioalbum Mutter dreht sich inhaltlich um ein scheintotes Kind, welches irrtümlich beigesetzt wird. Singles from Mutter SonneReleased: February 12, 2001 Links 2-3-4Released: May 14, 2001 Ich willReleased: September 10, 2001 MutterReleased: March 25, 2002 Feuer frei!Released: October … and no angel climbs down Up and down, rider hat ganz sanft das Kind geweckt mue91on July 26, 2007 Link. a melody in the wind Alle Songs der deutschen Industrial-Rock Giganten um Lindemann & Co. sowie ihrer Projekte – Nonstop! das kleine Herz im Kind gerettet my heart does not beat anymore Song by Rammstein from the album Mutter; GEMA database ID: 5236888-001: ISWC: T-800.574.985-0: Working title(s): Letzter Kuss: Recorded: 2000 Studio Miraval, Correns : Producer: Jacob Hellner: Mixed: Stefan Glaumann Toytown Studios, Stockholm : Mastered: Howie Weinberg Masterdisk, New York City : Released: 2 April 2001: Length: 04:54: Time signature: 4/4: Tempo: 51: Key: D minor my heart does not beat anymore And guess what: It does have a Happy End!! adunit_id: 100001411, so hat man es für tot befunden eine Melodie im Wind Der kalte Mond in voller Pracht Rammstein - Spieluhr (Music Box) რამშტაინის მესამე სტუდიური ალბომი. this melody from god's field [4] Als er wieder erwacht, zieht er diese auf, so dass eine Melodie erklingt. General CommentTHIS SONG IS MY LIFE! only the rain cries on the grave rammstein stirb nicht vor mir bedeutung. The lyrics recall a German children's song with the lyric Hoppe, hoppe Reiter (slang for up and down, as riding a horse). a melody in the wind The story Rammstein painted is surprising since they ended it happy, but I feel they thought about letting the girl die from nobody being there to help. I agree with you both on the meaning so that would be my interpretation as well. The "spieluhr" (=timer in this case) underlines the caracter of a ticking bomb, according to the things mentioned before. my heart does not beat anymore (it) wanted to be completely alone. Since forming in 1994, the six East Berliners have headlined the world’s major festivals and stadiums, selling millions of albums, and topping charts worldwide. und aus der Erde singt das Kind Mutter Lyrics: Die Tränen greiser Kinderschar / Ich zieh sie auf ein weißes Haar / Werf in die Luft die nasse Kette / Und wünsch mir, dass ich eine Mutter hätte / Keine Sonne die mir scheint All lyrics are property and copyright of their owners. Februar 2021. with a music box in its hand. eine Melodie im Wind document.write('
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Feuer frei für besten deutschen Rock. hört die Schreie in der Nacht Am Totensonntag hörten sie The band called the child in this song Gregor. a melody in the wind it wanted to be completely alone Two quick examples would be the oft-repeated bit "und aus der Erde singt das Kind" which is translated as "and the child sings from the ground." 15. Als Grabbeilage erhält der Knabe eine Spieluhr. Esta cancion es simplemente lo mejor, cada frase va entrelazada con cada nota haciendote sentir realmente como lo desea Rammstein, es una de mis canciones favoritas, atrapa tu alama y la deja sentir ! nur der Regen weint am Grab I think Till wrote about a child who was believed dead because of catalepsy and buried alive, but thanks to the carillon someone noticed and dug him up. In the first version of the lyrics, the child did not survive. Up and down, rider in einer kalten Winternacht I think the song is about the fall of the Berlin wall, after all Rammstein is an East German band, The counting could be them waiting for such an event to happen, Plus the video shows them as dwarves which could be citizens of a communist country and then Snow White would represent the government, It even show Snow White dying from an over dose which would represent the government taking to … }; and no angel climbs down SUBSCRIBED. Wonder what her singing sounds like now that she's 20. And time passes and we call again and again, and sometimes you get that one person who notices the pain and situation you’re stuck in and will help you just in time. In Spieluhr the child regains power over its own life, its will is not broken, instead it makes its own rules and lives by it - keyword here is it lives. up and down, rider it wound up the music box I agree with you both on the meaning so that would be my interpretation as well. Ob man dem Jungen jetzt deshalb die Spieluhr ins Grab gelegt hat, weiß ich nicht oder einfach als Grabbeilage. a melody in the wind Als der Frost ins Kind geflogen eine Melodie im Wind Mutter stieg in der 16. All lyrics provided for educational purposes only. The album was again produced by Jacob Hellner. There are psychological analysis of the tale, which go deeper into it (http://www.psychiatrie-erfahrene.de/eigensinn/eigensinn.htm). It's the day when Protestant Christians remember their dead), the townspeople hear the child's song, and come to its rescue, unearthing it and "saving the small heart. Spieluhr: Dieses Lied handelt von einem kleinen Jungen, der, scheintot, irrtümlich begraben wird. Sometimes people who go through some tough times are unheard, we need help but we don’t show it or people don’t notice. nur der Regen weint am Grab mein Herz schlägt nicht mehr weiter und aus der Erde singt das Kind and the child sings on the ground The song entails a young child who pretended to be dead, because it wanted to be alone. As the frost flew into the child und aus der Erde singt das Kind Special features of the track are the pinging of a music box, and the faint thump of a heart, which begins when Till sings "...saved the small heart.". Rammstein - Spieluhr Стил: ... Spieluhr Ein kleiner Mensch stirbt nur zum Schein wollte ganz alleine sein das kleine Herz stand still für Stunden so hat man es für tot befunden es wird verscharrt in nassem Sand mit einer Spieluhr in der Hand Der erste Schnee das Grab bedeckt my heart does not beat anymore SUBSCRIBE. Hoppe hoppe Reiter JA, NEIN, RAMMSTEIN! Take your favorite fandoms with you and never miss a beat. If playback doesn't begin shortly, try restarting your device. The child awakes, winds the music box, and sings with it from the ground, telling only that its heart beats no longer. Dann ist hier der Stream, der euer Herz höher schlagen lässt. I love how they turned around the really very negative and threatening tenor of the tale and turned it into something positive. aus Gottes Acker diese Melodie Rammstein Official. mein Herz schlägt nicht mehr weiter Rammstein are one of rock’s most individual and successful names, a multiple award-winning outfit with a vision that continues to evolve. A small person just pretends to die. Durch den Klang wird man auf ihn aufmerksam … artist: "Rammstein", only the rain cries on the grave my heart does not beat anymore Her reason would be to get away, because she wants to be alone. A decidedly depressing song, this song is about a little child who wants to be all alone, so it plays dead. In case if anyone wondered the "Hoppe hoppe Reiter" phrase, repeated often in "Spieluhr" (music box) came from a popular German nursery rhyme and Totensonntag ("Dead Sunday") is a Sunday in November when German Protestants remember the dead. mein Herz schlägt nicht mehr weiter Like the little girl, she tried to avoide people by playing dead. (1999) Si te gusta mi contenido, entonces deberías suscribirte y dejarme tu opinión. (function() { the small heart stood still for hours Rammstein is probably the most unique band when it comes to song lyrics and deep meanings. Song meanings ©2003-2021 lyricinterpretations.com. mein Herz schlägt nicht mehr weiter my heart does not beat anymore it woke the child very softly hat es die Spieluhr aufgezogen ", The chorus features a duet between Till Lindemann and Khira Li Lindemann, the daughter of Richard Kruspe. the small heart stood still for hours. "Ich will", the third single from the album, was released on 10 September 2001 and a Tour edition of the Mutter album (the cover of which is red)[9] was released, featuring altern rammstein stirb nicht vor mir bedeutung. Hoppe hoppe Reiter eine Melodie im Wind In case if anyone wondered the "Hoppe hoppe Reiter" phrase, repeated often in "Spieluhr" (music box) came from a popular German nursery rhyme and Totensonntag ("Dead Sunday") is a Sunday in November when German Protestants remember the dead. The tale was meant to teach children not to be unruly - educational goal at the time when the tale was written down was to break the will of children. hoppe hoppe Reiter : Sleepy Hollow. wollte ganz alleine sein It was released on April 2, 2001. It's just a tale. Videos you watch may be added to the TV's watch history and influence TV recommendations. song: "Spieluhr", Auf der Scheibe findet sich ein gelungener melodischer Sound, kombiniert mit genialen Texten. The song entails a young child who pretended to be dead, because it wanted to be alone. Abgesehen von der Musik sind es gerade die teilweise tiefsinnigen Texte der Grund, wieso ich Rammstein-Fan bin. It's a very short tale. Rammstein Waidmanns Heil lyric with English translation Ich bin in Hitze schon seit Tagen So werd ich mir ein Kahlwild jagen Und bis zum Morgen sitz' ich an Damit ich Blattschuss geben kann Auf dem Lande, auf dem Meer, lauert das Verderben Die Kreatur muss sterben! The Der erste Schnee das Grab bedeckt in a cold winter night it hears the cries in the night they saved the small heart in the child THANK YOU RAMMSTEIN FOR MAKING THIS SONG! and the child sings from the ground it is buried in wet sand. Und die meisten meine ich auch erst nach mehrmaligem Hören zu verstehen. The first snow covers the grave Zwischen harten Eichendielen Spieluhr (Music Box) is the seventh track of the album Mutter. div_id: "cf_async_" + Math.floor((Math.random() * 999999999)) The band however found this to be too dark, and had Till write the child's survival into the lyrics. eine Melodie im Wind So a group (presumably the townspeople) buried the child with a music box in its hands in a graveyard (referred to as Gottes acker, or God's field) without ceremony. The song features a Xylophone which can be heard during the intro and outro of the song. wird es mit der Spieluhr spielen the small heart is awakened The Official YouTube Channel #Rammstein Website: https://www.rammstein.de/de/ History: https://www.rammstein.de/de/history/ Shop: https://shop.rammstein.de/ Imprint: Rammstein GbR youtube@rammstein-management.de. und kein Engel steigt herab mein Herz schlägt nicht mehr weiter It's the sensibility of hearing a faint melody emanate from beneath the soil. so they decided it was dead and the child sings from the ground und auf der Erde singt das Kind so they declared it dead. und kein Engel steigt herab Several parts of this translation lack the poetry of the German original (a necessary sacrifice in most translations, but pertinent here because Lindemann is actually a published poet). I am German and think you are right. Um diesem hohen Ziel gerecht zu werden, kommen bei SPORTEFFEKT modernste diagnostische Verfahren, hocheffektive Trainingsmethoden und individualisierte Trainingspläne zum Einsatz. up and down, rider hoppe hoppe Reiter The cold moon, in full magnificence No Replies Log in to reply +2. Apart from the phonetic play which is impossible to reproduce in translation, what's lost is--again--the order of emphasis. You're signed out. das kleine Herz stand still für Stunden it is being buried in wet sand [1] Rammstein started recording Sehnsucht in November 1996 at the Temple Studios in Malta. mein Herz schlägt nicht mehr weiter To avoid this, cancel and sign in to YouTube on your computer. Rammstein Wiki is a FANDOM Music Community. "Spieluhr" ist auf alle Fälle eins der besten Lieder der Band. nur der Regen weint am Grab, A small human only pretends to die only the rain cries on the grave. Do you think there's some hidden meaning? Between hard oak boards und kein Engel steigt herab Für mehr als 600.000 verkaufte Exemplare wurde das Album in Deutschland mit Doppel-Platin ausgezeichnet.. only the rain cries on the grave then they unearthed it da haben sie es ausgebettet Das erinnnert mich an den alten Brauch, dass die Menschen früher Angst hatten, lebendig begraben zu werden und deshalb eine Glocke an ihrem Grab befestigt lassen haben, damit man daran läuten könnte, wenn man irrtümlich begraben wurde. გამოვიდა 2001 წლის 2 აპრილს ლეიბლზე Motor Music.