Durata: 108 min. Sa première a été réalisée en 2012, ce est une production de l'Allemagne. Ultime notizie su Mann tut was Mann kann (2012). Please enable it to continue. Die drei belagern plötzlich Pauls Wohnung und wollen Rat. While Jasmin is a pretty woman and one that seems to pop up in most (if not all) the major German movies in the last years, she's not the most convincing in the acting department.But that is nit-picking, same would ring true for criticizing the movie, for not having a heavier and meatier part on the woman side. Leggi tutte le notizie pubblicate di recente per questo film. © 2021 NetAddiction Srl P.iva: 01206540559 – Sede Legale: Via A.M. Angelini, 12 - 05100 Terni - tel:07442462 Capitale sociale: Euro 119.000 – Iscrizione al Registro delle Imprese di Terni n.01206540559, La vita straordinaria di David Copperfield, Ghostbusters: Legacy, I Mini-Puft in una scena, Argo, Sinister e altri film del cineweekend estero. Forum e commenti del pubblico per il film Mann Tut Was Mann Kann (2012) di Marc Rothemund con Wotan Wilke Möhring, Jasmin Gerat, Jan Josef Liefers, Fahri Yardim. Mann tut was Mann kann Bloß keine feste Bindung: Personalchef Paul (Möhring) liebt das Lotterleben. Mann tut was Mann kann è un film di Marc Rothemund con Wotan Wilke Möhring, Jasmin Gerat, Jan Josef Liefers, Fahri Ogün Yardim, Oliver Korittke. Berlino, Germania. A 42 anni Paul non ha mai tradito la compagna Kathrin, ma all'improvviso l'uomo incontra Iris, la donna della sua vita che tra due settimane sposerà un altro. Either funny and developing the character(s) or continuing the story further down the road. Lance Armstrong enriched himself by cheating his fans, his sport and the truth. "Mann tut was Mann kann" is a German 2012 film directed by André Rothemund. Tutte le curiosità su Mann tut was Mann kann e le frasi celebri: ecco le cose curiose che potrebbero ||www.manntutwasmannkann-derfilm.de|||| Kinostart: 11. Vous pouvez regarder le film Mann tut was Mann kann en streaming dans le câble TV ou cinéma au Montréal (Canada) et France avec son original en allemand. Jessica Schwarz Photos - Jessica Schwarz attends the 'Mann Tut Was Mann Kann' Germany Premiere at CineStar on October 9, 2012 in Berlin, Germany. And this one really hit it's marks. Le migliori offerte per Mann tut was Mann kann (2013) sono su eBay Confronta prezzi e caratteristiche di prodotti nuovi e usati Molti articoli con consegna gratis! Colonna sonora Mann Tut Was Mann Kann (2012) di Marc Rothemund recensione, trailer, disponibile la vendita online. Zum Thema "Mann tut was man kann" 1 – 1 von 1 «Hänsel und Gretel» besiegen RTL-Film-Premiere deutlich 02.03.15 «Mann tut was man kann» hätte sich wohl einen leichteren Gegner gewünscht. We're sorry but jw-app doesn't work properly without JavaScript enabled. Der 42-jährige Paul ist in seinen besten Jahren und leidenschaftlicher Single, der gerne die eine oder andere unverbindliche Affäre genießt. Mann tut was Mann kann 1h 48min | Comedy | 11 October 2012 (Germany) Paul Schuberth's top 40 HR in a Berlin publishing house and thinks he's happy with his life as a single. If I had to think of one thing, that might not be completely up to the task, it'd be the casting of the female lead. The way it is written though makes you appreciate it! Mann Tut Was Mann Kann - Der Film. Attualmente Mann tut was Mann kann ha ricevuto la seguente accoglienza dal pubblico: Mann tut was Mann kann è stato accolto dalla critica nel seguente modo: Keep track of everything you watch; tell your friends. Marc Rothemund. From acclaimed director Douglas Buck comes an unflinching, disturbingly beautiful look at the underbelly of American family. Vai al cast completo di Mann tut was Mann kann. Use the HTML below. Con Wotan Wilke Möhring , Jasmin Gerat , Jan Josef Liefers , Fahri Yardim , Oliver Korittke Commedia , durata 108 min. Now he has to convince her family on Mallorca of himself being the right one for their daughter. Wotan is the lead and it refreshingly seeing him given the opportunity to act the way he can. Germany, 2012. In den Hauptrollen sind unter anderem Wotan Wilke Möhring, Jasmin Gerat, Jan Josef Liefers, Fahri Yardim und Oliver Korittke zu sehen. Das Problem ist nur: Sie wird in zwei Wochen heiraten. 1h 48min | Comedy | 11 October 2012 (Germany) Paul Schuberth's top 40 HR in a Berlin publishing house and thinks he's happy with his life as a single. Unten findest Du jedoch den Trailer des Films, damit Du Dir einen ersten Eindruck machen kannst. Mann tut, was Mann kann wurde 2012 veröffentlicht. Auf Steady könnt ihr Mitglied unserer Seite werden und uns damit helfen, unser Angebot weiter auszubauen. Mann tut was Mann kann - der Film - Inhalt, Bilder, Kritik, Trailer, Kinostart-Termine und Bewertung | cinema.de (Oct. 8, 2012 - Source: Andreas Rentz/Getty Images … Offizieller Deutscher HD-Trailer zu Mann tut was man kann Abonniere uns! Mann tut was Mann kann jetzt legal streamen. Let me start by saying that whoever came up with this horrible play on words, should never work in the movie industry again. Und dann das: Als er vor der Tierärztin Iris (Jasmin Gerat) steht, erlebt er … About us. Mann tut was Mann kann ist eine deutsche Komödie von Marc Rothemund aus dem Jahr 2012. Lila, a girl who returns to Berlin after being abroad for a year, meets Chris. "Mann tut was Mann kann" is a German 2012 film directed by André Rothemund. This documentary is an intimate but explosive story about the man behind the greatest fraud in sporting history. Jetzt online Stream finden! Wotan Wilke Möhring: Paul Schuberth; Jasmin Gerat: Iris Jasper; Jan Josef Liefers: Guido Schamski; A famous actress finds herself captured by a morbidly deranged paintress. Trailer di Mann tut was Mann kann, commedia sentimentale tedesca diretta da Marc Rothemund. With 746,017 admissions it was the sixth most successful film in Germany in 2012. esser sfuggite allo spettatore. Ecco alcune delle location in cui è stato girato il film: 103 Minuten. Paese di produzione: Germania. Select from premium Mann Tut Was Mann Kann of the highest quality. Scegli tra immagini premium su Mann Tut Was Mann Kann della migliore qualità. Mann tut was Mann kann (): Hier siehst du, wo du Mann tut was Mann kann mit Wotan Wilke Möhring legal bei dem Anbieter deiner Wahl streamen kannst! In evidenza: Ghostbusters: Legacy, I Mini-Puft in una scena. Mann Tut Was Mann Kann Un film di Marc Rothemund . Three separate narratives (including the shocking film festival ... See full summary ». Mann tut was Mann kann (2012) cast and crew credits, including actors, actresses, directors, writers and more. La data di uscita originale di Mann tut was Mann kann è: 11 Ottobre 2012 (Germania). Aber seine Kumpel helfen ihm dabei, seine Traumfrau Iris zu erobern... Mann Tut Was Mann Kann O homem faz o que o homem pode 92 likes. - 'Mann Tut Was Mann Kann… Man Tut Was Mann Kann Stream Unsere Bewertung. Mann tut was Mann kann is a film directed by Marc Rothemund with Wotan Wilke Möhring, Jasmin Gerat, Jan Josef Liefers, Fahri Yardim, Oliver Korittke .... Year: 2012. Rotten Tomatoes, home of the Tomatometer, is the most trusted measurement of quality for Movies & TV. She falls in love with him, but what she doesn't know is that Chris is a famous rock star with many fans chasing him around, including her little sister. Trailer und weitere Infos ansehen. (Oct. 8, 2012 - Source: Andreas Rentz/Getty Images … Jessica Schwarz attends the 'Mann Tut Was Mann Kann' Germany Premiere at CineStar on October 9, 2012 in Berlin, Germany. Leihen Ab 4.50 CHF oder 450. Título original: Mann tut was Mann kann. The roles are defined and no scene is unnecessary. Search for "Lieber später als nie/Wie ihr wollt/Mann tut was Mann kann" on Amazon.com But it is true of course, that the movie does concentrate on the male cast. Sinopsis: Synopsis. Date di uscita e riprese - Lena's mother though would prefer Patrick by ... See full summary ». Sie finden Rezensionen und Details zu einer vielseitigen Blu-ray- und DVD-Auswahl – neu und gebraucht. Aktuell haben wir leider keine Information, ob Mann tut, was Mann kann bereits als Online-Stream bei Netflix oder Amazon Prime anzusehen ist. Cast. Le riprese del film si sono svolte nel periodo 19 Luglio 2011 - 10 Settembre 2011 in Germania. Select from premium Mann Tut Was Mann Kann Germany Premiere of … - 'Mann Tut Was Mann Kann' Germany Premiere Synopsis. Mann tut was Mann kann (2012). RTL Mann tut was Mann kann Liebeskomödie: Quoten-Check: Mit einem Marktanteil von 5,4 Prozent und 0,81 Millionen Zuschauern bei allen kann RTL nicht zufrieden sein. Gibt es Mann tut was Mann kann auf Netflix, Amazon, Sky Ticket, iTunes? - Germania 2012 . Mann tut was Mann kann: Komödie/Romantische Komödie 2012 von Gabriele Jung/Clemens Schaeffer mit Bruno/Peter Sattmann/Jan Josef Liefers. Mann tut was Mann kann Trailer & Teaser, Interviews, Clips und mehr Videos auf Deutsch und im Original. The only problem may be Leonies boyfriend. Mann tut was Mann kann, film complet - Long métrage de Marc Rothemund. Als gesehen markieren. - Germania 2012 . (2012). Find the perfect Mann Tut Was Mann Kann Germany Premiere stock photos and editorial news pictures from Getty Images. Three generations of a wealthy Bordeaux family are caught in the crossfire when Anne decides to run for mayor, thanks to a political pamphlet that revives an old murder scandal. Cineuropa is the first European portal dedicated to cinema and audiovisual in 4 languages. 2012. One of the better movies to come out of Germany in the recent years. Mann tut was Mann kann. With Wotan Wilke Möhring, Jasmin Gerat, Jan Josef Liefers, Fahri Yardim. Flos friends eagerly try to help him out. Auf DVD und Blu-Ray Was kann und kostet Netflix? - 'Mann Tut Was Mann Kann' Germany Premiere Oktober 2012 || Paul Schuberth's top 40 HR in a Berlin publishing house and thinks he's happy with his life as a single. Euch gefällt, was wir auf film-rezensionen.de so machen und wollt noch mehr? Tut, tut, tut! It had been quite a while since I last saw a good German comedy movie. By Lisa he is divorced, with Kathrin he has a loose affair. Ascolta Mann tut was Mann kann (Das Album) di Artisti Vari su Deezer. Directed by Marc Rothemund. Produktinformationen zu „Mann tut was Mann kann (DVD) “ Gerade erst hat sich der überzeugte Single Paul wieder auf eine Affäre eingelassen, die unter keinen Umständen zu einer Beziehung ausarten soll, da passiert es: Er verliebt sich doch. Want to share IMDb's rating on your own site? Find the perfect Mann Tut Was Mann Kann stock photos and editorial news pictures from Getty Images. Select from premium Mann Tut Was Mann Kann Germany Premiere of … Mann tut was Mann kann è un film di genere Commedia, Romantico del 2012 diretto da Marc Rothemund con Wotan Wilke Möhring e Jasmin Gerat. FSK 6. Twitter. Mann tut was Mann kann es una película dirigida por Marc Rothemund con Wotan Wilke Möhring, Jasmin Gerat, Jan Josef Liefers, Fahri Yardim, Oliver Korittke .... Año: 2012. Basierend auf dem gleichnamigen Bestseller von Hans Rath erzählt Marc Rothemunds hochkarätig besetzte Komödie (mit Wotan Wilke Möhring, Jasmin Gerat, Jan Josef Liefers, Fahri Yardim und Oliver Korittke) von den Irrungen und Wirrungen der Liebe und Triebe, von menschlichen und männlichen Eigenarten -- und sie stellt die klassischen Fragen des Lebens, die MANN so schwer beantworten kann… Add the first question. Check out our editors' picks for the movies and shows we're excited about this month, like Mortal Kombat, "Them," and Stowaway. Was this review helpful to you? David Rott Photos - David Rott and wife Elena Rott attend the 'Mann Tut Was Mann Kann' Germany Premiere at CineStar on October 9, 2012 in Berlin, Germany. Mann tut was Mann kann è un film di genere Commedia, Romantico del 2012 diretto da Marc Rothemund con Wotan Wilke Möhring e Jasmin Gerat.