I shot out of bed and went to my closet. TV » Criminal Minds Rated: K+, English, Hurt/Comfort & Family, A. Hotchner/Hotch, D. Morgan, P . By: Shangdi zhi. More. The Next Victim Chapter 1: Teaser, a criminal minds fanfic. Has just been added to Criminal Minds fan fiction and is listed on the new stories page and the Morgan/Reid page. TV » Criminal Minds Rated: T, English, Romance & Humor, S. Reid, Words: 950, Favs: 457, Follows: 133, Published: 6/2/2011. FanFiction. Spencer Reid… Incorrect Passcode (Completed) Part 1: Spencer and y/n have been together for years, they are literally the ultimate power couple.In this story, the reader finds out Spencer has been emotionally cheating on her with Maeve (I know, cheesy) ,and she doesn’t fail to bring up the past. Reid's daughter by slep. Chance's Archive Amazon/Paypal page. I was going to hit snooze but then I remembered I was gonna look for an apartment today. Archive: Absolutely, just lemme know. "Tactile Obsession" by Nyx PAIRING: Morgan/Reid RATING: AO SUMMARY: Reid becomes obsessed with the need to touch Morgan's tattoos and muscles. 42. Recent Top. Log in Sign up. Reid's Little Secret by Shadow Sakura. Include Ratings . Feedback: Will earn you some of Garcia's chocolate fudge cookies. Return to Main Masterlist. Danny Phantom + Criminal Minds Crossover. I opened the door and walked in. Officially, This Didn't Happen by Fitz. 2.6K 104 103 TV Shows » Criminal Minds 14 My Safety Net » by BAU Intern When Blake brings in a promising young student to add to the team, she and Reid butt heads from day one. Title: Abstract Brilliance Rating: G Summary: Reid has a broken wrist. No Archive Warnings Apply (11896) Abstract Brilliance, a criminal minds fanfic. Spencer Reid was born on October 28, 1981 to William Reid and Diana Reid.He graduated from high school at the age of twelve. More. FanFiction. Down Pour Chapter 1: 8:00 am, a criminal minds fanfic. Teen And Up Audiences (6922) General Audiences (6335) Mature (3589) Explicit (3086) Not Rated (2029) Include Warnings . Forum. But when they realize that their troubled pasts brings them both nightmares, they find comfort in the most unusual place. Community. Discover more posts about criminal minds imagine. Just In. Follow/Fav phantom minds. Mostly Spencer Reid, but maybe a few familiar faces at some point. The mix of original urban fantasy and CM is intoxicating! ... Hotch was angry to find out that Reid had been put in a locker when he returned to the team's base of operation, a decent-sized house that mayor masters had provided to the FBI for their use but hotch knew that he couldn't do anything at the moment. Pairings: Reid/Prentiss; Comment: I'd forgotten all about Criminal Minds until I read "Endling", which reminded me of how amazing the characters of the show were and had me binge watch all available episodes. Forum. Crossposted to Chance's Archive, Chance's Archive on Tumblr and Chance's Archive blog. I woke up to my alarm clock going off. Isabelle's P.O.V. Recommended by: ThisIsRidiculous Background. Include ? Just In. Yup I have a walk-in closet. Community. Anyways, I …