*.balena-cloud.com; For older devices using *.resin.io, a 301 Moved Permanently redirection to *.balena-cloud.com is in place so they remain compatible. It seems like both deployment options referenced in the docs, click to deploy and CLI, require the use of belenaCloud. I just got Balena Sound up and working on my Raspberry Pi 3, and it was super easy. Example: It seems to be some kind of deployment manager? Important note for Windows users: if you're using Windows the combination of git clone and balena push can cause issues due to line ending changes; we recommend using a combination of either the zip download of the project and balena push or if you'd like to use git clone then also use the git deployment methodgit push instead of balena push. No problem! Sign in to iCloud to access your photos, videos, documents, notes, contacts, and more. If using Airplay: select the balenaSound device from your audio output options. SoundCloud is a music and podcast streaming platform that lets you listen to millions of songs from around the world, or upload your own. "Balena Sound" and other potentially trademarked words, copyrighted images and copyrighted readme contents likely belong to the legal entity who owns the "Balenalabs" organization. The best alternative is Volumio, which is both free and Open Source. All case studies. Log in. I tried a raspberry pi zero with balena-sound. Try balenaSound, a starter project to quickly and easily add Bluetooth, Airplay and Spotify Connect and multi-room capability to an old Hi-Fi, speakers, or any other Hi there, I am running 4 Pi’s with balenaSound in multiroom configuration. Start listening now! https://github.com/balenalabs/balena-sound/blob/master/bluetooth-audio/start.sh). Would this create the CLIENT_ONLY variable and disable the services not needed from starting? I’ll look into it and post back when I have results or questions! #1. Email * Password * Log in. I just got Balena Sound up and working on my Raspberry Pi 3, and it was super easy. Vuoi propormi il tuo progetto? Stream Tracks and Playlists from BalenaLab on your desktop or mobile device. Push the project code to your Raspberry Pi Log in with Google. Balena.io is an IoT cloud service that is used for 'building, deploying, and managing fleets of connected Linux devices'. Of course! Awesome Open Source is not affiliated with the legal entity who owns the "Balenalabs" organization. Are there any docs/guides for running belenaSound without using belenaCloud? fi, in the services that are not required for a client only function? Hello, balenaSound maintainer here. When you are done with signup, you should end up on your balenaCloud dashboard here: https://dashboard.balena-cloud.com Step 2: Create an application When it comes up, you'll see the new device in your balena account dashboard. 1 Pi3 and 3 Pi2B’s. No audio when using balenaOS 64 bit on Raspberry Pi 3's Description. Feel free to open a PR on the repo even if it’s a work in progress. Thanks to @zchbndcc9 for finding this workaround. "Balena Sound" and other potentially trademarked words, copyrighted images and copyrighted readme contents likely belong to the legal entity who owns the "Balenalabs" organization. Plugin Library/Project; Spotify: raspotify Spotify Connect only works with Spotify Premium accounts. You could modify the project to have it run in any OS that runs docker though you would need to sacrifice (or rethink) some functionality because it relies on balenaOS features. You can check for the existence of such variable at runtime, and early-terminate the unnecessary services if so. #3 It’s much cheaper. Safely store and share your photos, videos, files and more in the cloud. Other great apps like Balena Sound are Pi MusicBox (Free, Open Source) and RuneAudio (Free, Open Source). Supports Bluetooth, Airplay and Spotify Connect - balenalabs/balena-sound This feature adds multi-room audio streaming to balenaSound. Excellent tutorial. It seems like both deployment options referenced in the docs, click to deploy and CLI, require the use of belenaCloud.Are there any docs/guides for running belenaSound without using belenaCloud? 2021-04-01T00:26:42Z Comment by User 15928199. this is a V I B E 2021-03-30T23:13:47Z Comment by Centerion. Every contain is defined as a directory here: https://github.com/balenalabs/balena-sound, and each container has a start.sh script (i.e. Your first 15 GB of storage are free with a Google account. SOUND_MODE: Select which mode of operation a device should use. I used balena-cloud-audiopi-raspberrypi3-2.43.0+rev1-v10.2.2.img and pushed the latest 0.4.4 balenaSound project from a Linux Machine. Cloud storage is great because you can access it from anywhere and you don’t have to get your HDD out of a drawer and plug it in. It seems to be some kind of deployment manager? If not, open again Windows Settings -> System -> Sound and (1) make sure the device is selected, (2) make sure is not muted and (3) that the volume is high enough. So in that case I’d move the “exit” logic to the top of the script. Wouldn’t it work to replace the service startup line of the start.sh script with: i f [[ ! I’m trying to wrap my head around what Balena Cloud actually is. Loading… We are offline. 43 Followers. Sono Chiara Gandolfi, voice talent. So far this works good, but I noticed that I best use the Pi3 as master for the multiroom (I suspect the hardware specs help ), Now I am wondering, is it possible to make the Bluetooth, spotify and airplay services “hidden” without removing them entirely, to prevent confusion in which device to stream to? It seems like both deployment options referenced in the docs, click to deploy and CLI, require the use of belenaCloud.Are there any docs/guides for running belenaSound without using belenaCloud? Trying to reconnect… Sign in to monitor and manage your device fleet from the balena dashboard. This should work without further configuration in the case of devices running a development balenaOS image, which allows passwordless root SSH access (and for this reason, should never be directly exposed to the public internet). It worked with the HDMI audio output without any configuration on my part. Great work! Hi there! Sign in to monitor and manage your device fleet from the balena dashboard. That said, I’d gladly help out anyone interested in contributing a PR for this and can help guide too. Log in with GitHub. Great work! If you want to use Spotify Connect over the internet, you'll need to provide your Spotify credentials. Here is how to connect to a device: If using Bluetooth: search for the device on your phone or laptop and pair. Your approach is correct though I would frame it the other way around: if CLIENT_ONLY is defined then exit the script/container. Are you up for contributing this to the project yourself? If using Spotify Connect: open Spotify and choose the balenaSound device as an alternate output. With your consent, we would like to use cookies and similar technologies to enhance your experience with our service, for analytics, and for advertising purposes. Forgot password? rest in peace man, you're a huge inspiration for me at the moment. Other than that, your device will be running balenaOS which does communicate with balenaCloud to get application updates. balenalabs / balena-sound. However I can tell you that for modern versions of balenaSound (anything above v3.0) there is no dependancy on balenaCloud but rather balenaOS. Thank you for the info! Also, thanks for giving this a shot! Next step was unbelievably easy thanks to the amazing people at balena.io and this great guide. (If I am not mistaken, the fleet_supervisor and snapcast_client services are needed, the rest can be disabled?). If you have a Spotify Premium account, you can stream locally without any configuration. TLDR: Be sure to include Change-type: minor on your commit message! I hope I did it right, Update: Changes have been made, and they have been merged, Powered by Discourse, best viewed with JavaScript enabled, https://github.com/balenalabs/balena-sound, https://github.com/balenalabs/balena-sound/blob/master/bluetooth-audio/start.sh, https://github.com/balenalabs/balena-sound/blob/master/snapcast-server/start.sh, https://github.com/balenalabs/balena-sound/blob/master/CONTRIBUTING.md. (optional) The balena CLI tools; One-click deploy. (That issue at least was resolved by our ISP). MULTI_ROOM, MULTI_ROOM_CLIENT, STANDALONE: MULTI_ROOM, except for cases listed here. Start listening now! Edit Package. Even so, if you have no sound check the next section – troubleshooting. Jelly March 12, 2021, 3:12am . #1. Sign in to monitor and manage your device fleet from the balena dashboard. Sign in to monitor and manage your device fleet from the balena dashboard. When it comes up, you'll see the new device in your balena account dashboard. $CLIENT_ONLY == “1” ]]; then I’m trying to wrap my head around what Balena Cloud actually is. Also, it’s a good idea to exit “early”, specially for bluetooth-audio container because it spins multiple processes. Bluetooth, Airplay and Spotify Connect: Stream audio from your favourite music services or directly from your smartphone/computer using bluetooth. Balena Sound is described as 'Starter project enabling you to add bluetooth audio streaming to any old speakers or Hi-Fi using just a Raspberry Pi'. God, I'm annoyed I only just started getting into his music. If the sound is coming out from your stereo system, you’re good! @user-43400158 no he committed suicide . Browse to https://www.balena.io; Click on Signup - I recommend clicking “Login with GitHub”, using the SSH key presented to you, etc. Hi @jviotti, Okay. Realizzo con la mia voce produzioni audio: spot radio, tv, voice over per video, documentari, audiolibri, App e fiabe interattive. You could run it without balenaCloud, but you still need balenaOS as the underlying OS. 0 - 100, integer value without the % symbol. If you don't plan to run headless and require a graphical user interface (GUI), BalenaOS isn't for you. Short story you create an account and download an initial OS image. Use balena etcher to write the image to the SD card, put the card into your RPi3, and boot. Sign in to monitor and manage your device fleet from the balena dashboard. "Balena Sound" and other potentially trademarked words, copyrighted images and copyrighted readme contents likely belong to the legal entity who owns the "Balenalabs" organization. A client only device would indeed only need fleet-supervisor and snapcast-client services. Short story you create an account and download an initial OS image. Awesome Open Source is not affiliated with the legal entity who owns the "Balenalabs" organization. Powered by Discourse, best viewed with JavaScript enabled. Awesome Open Source is not affiliated with the legal entity who owns the "Balenalabs" organization. Can I use belenaSound without belenaCloud. Sign up. Since Balena Sound runs as a docker container on Balena OS, ... as well as a recent spate of our internet connection going down in the late evening thereby leaving the cloud reliant Smartthings hub and automations unusable. But if you're simply looking for an easy method of spinning up Docker containers on the Pi, BalenaOS is a great pick that just works. To create an application, do the following: 1\. ==insert startup line here== Thanks to Alan Boris of Balena.io for submitting their new blog post titled 'Running OpenWebRX on balena to remotely monitor local radio spectrum'. S. 38 Tracks. Your systems should be able to handle this redirect so they can connect to the API. Find out how the new Organizations feature will improve the way you collaborate and manage your fleet! Hey there! For details see: Infarm uses balena to make farm-to-table work. You are on the right track, though i’d like to make some minor observations. Lastly, we need to consider that multi-room can be disabled. You can see an implementation of this behaviour here: https://github.com/balenalabs/balena-sound/blob/master/snapcast-server/start.sh. I am running 4 Pi’s with balenaSound in multiroom configuration. Try to play an audio or video file. Operating and managing thousands of industrial drones and edge devices with balenaCloud. Use balena etcher to write the image to the SD card, put the card into your RPi3, and boot. Hi there! I opened a PR with the initial changes. One-click deploy is the easiest way to get started with balenaSound as it allows you to deploy and configure the application with a single click and without the need of installing additional tools. 2. There are three alternatives to Balena Sound for a variety of platforms, including Linux, Raspberry Pi, Self-Hosted solutions, SparkyLinux and UDOO. You can buy a 2TB HDD on Amazon for $55. Including, as I assume would be required, building OS images to flash the devices with? Aside from the standard installation, there's Balena Cloud for a pretty easy means of installing Balena. It’s a lot easier for us to provide feedback in GitHub than through the forums. When I stream audio to it over Bluetooth from any device (even with my phone right next to the raspberry pi) the audio very regularly skips a bit, and about once every minute or two will cut out for 1 second or so. Edit Package. or log in with. There are three alternatives to Balena Sound for a variety of platforms, including Linux, Raspberry Pi, Self-Hosted solutions, SparkyLinux and UDOO. Notifications Star 1.3k Fork 237 ... balenaSound is an open source project that allows you to build your own DIY audio streaming platform without compromises. Since I’m not entirely sure of myself in what I am doing xD. Browse to https://www.balena.io; Click on Signup - I recommend clicking “Login with GitHub”, using the SSH key presented to you, etc. You can force HDMI audio to work by setting the device environment variable BALENA_HOST_CONFIG_hdmi_mode to 2. For a detailed explanation see here. No audio coming out from either the audio jack or HDMI when using balenaOS 64 bit on a Raspberry Pi 3. SOUND_VOLUME: Output volume level at startup. I can pin point instances in the code where changes are required, and we could start a discussion over GitHub but I don’t think this is something we want to allocate resources anytime soon unfortunately. Trying to reconnect… Sign in to monitor and manage your device fleet from the balena dashboard. balenaSound allows you to build your own #DIY audio player and put those old speakers back to work! Last updated: 16th March 2021 If you’ve got an old Hi-Fi or sound system with an AUX input, this project is for you. When you are done with signup, you should end up on your balenaCloud dashboard here: https://dashboard.balena-cloud.com; Step 2: Create an application. SoundCloud is a music and podcast streaming platform that lets you listen to millions of songs from around the world, or upload your own. Balena Sound Alternatives. Jelly March 12, 2021, 3:12am . 1 Pi3 and 3 Pi2B’s. Don't have an account? Supports Bluetooth, Airplay and Spotify Connect - balenalabs/balena-sound This feature adds multi-room audio streaming to balenaSound. Bluetooth, Airplay and Spotify Connect: Stream audio from your favourite music services or directly from your smartphone/computer using bluetooth. $ balena ssh $ balena ssh .local. Dropbox is $11.99/month for 2TB. Why spend big money on hardware that might be deemed obsolete by the vendor as they see fit? Excellent tutorial. We don’t want to end up in a situation where multi-room is disabled and device is in client only mode, so basically all of our services will be dead So there needs to be a check or warning in place. Before submitting check our contribution guidelines here: https://github.com/balenalabs/balena-sound/blob/master/CONTRIBUTING.md. #2 The full convenience of the cloud. balena-cli balena balena-io balena-sound balenacloud cloud cli admin. Thanks for sharing your use case and the feature request. I’d be interesting to extend balenaSound with a CLIENT_ONLY environment variable that, when set, disables non-required services and prevents bluetooth from going into discoverable mode. Teaches me a few things at the same time, I’ll see if I can get GitHub to work with me xD I am new in how that works, but I’ll figure it out, It can be tricky for sure! Use your Apple ID or create a new account to start using Apple services. Next step was unbelievably easy thanks to the amazing people at balena.io and this great guide. I’m not aware of any alternative guides to install/run balenaSound in other environments. 75: SOUND_DEVICE_NAME / BLUETOOTH_DEVICE_NAME Loading… We are offline. balena-cli balena balena-io balena-sound balenacloud cloud cli admin. This can be disabled however and won't affect your experience. Just had the HMDI cable at boot time. This solution also lets you access your files from anywhere over the internet. See how our customers are growing their fleets and getting to market faster with balena. balenaSound does not not depend on any type of cloud service to deliver a great experience. That also answers another question I had too xD.