If you’re not willing to answer them honestly, don’t answer them at all. Do you look up lyrics on the internet for songs that you like? Which pubic hair style do you prefer for a partner? I would cross dress more often if my mother was not against me doing it (panties and bra included, but wear them anyway). Someone you are interested in sometimes becomes very emotional over forms of art (movies, music, poetry.) From the very beginning/a very early age. Before people find out your real age, what do they usually assume? Do you hang out with the same group of friends almost every time you go out? I'd reconsider, but eventually discuss it. Are you aware of the existence of any nude photos of yourself on the Internet? Would you be excited to ride the world's tallest and fastest roller coaster? questions filled with grammar or spelling errors). (We mean labor, not donating money). [After Chris came out as transgender, he added:] I am a Lesbian Identified Male, Teansgender Tomgirl, and I am proud of myself for that. Yes, but anti-histamines solve that problem. But then you’re good to go – less than 10 minutes to a potential new love interest without providing payment information along the way. Let's say you are in line at a grocery store and have many items. Do you believe that men should be the heads of their households? If someone murdered a close friend of yours, would you hope for the death penalty? Could you date someone with abnormal amounts of body hair? Have you ever been cruel to another person? Would you consider having an open relationship, where you can see other people? I'm Not Sure / Depends how serious it was. Do you ever intentionally try to make people angry just to see how they react? It's situation dependent. Do you adjust it? When you see a heterosexual couple, what do you think if the female is taller? What do you do? How would you respond? Overall, do you think men should act more like women, or women should act more like men? (e.g., You can't stop until you've answerd a multiple of 5 questions or the total number of questions you've answered ends in 2.). This would be an unacceptable demand. Which of these do you use/consult the MOST when making decisions? Where did you graduate in your high school class? He/she is completely naked and floating three feet in the air. If you hooked up with someone and a pregnancy unexpectedly resulted, would you feel that you should get married? OkCupid users sign up here as well: Pros and Cons. If you found out the person you're dating cannot achieve orgasm without being slapped hard across the face, would you be willing to satisfy them in this way? There would be no chance for this person. have the right to complain about not getting laid? Do you say 'Thank you' to wait staff when served in a restaurant? Don't cheat! 6. Are you generally able to forgive and forget? Do you flake out on social invitations? What do you do? And then they ask “wanna Tex”, or “do u text”? Do you feel nauseated at the sight of blood? You've just met someone incredible while out with friends, and (s)he's been kind enough to cough up a phone number. If your spouse asked you to get a small discreet matching tattoo with them, would you? nudity is the person being naked; pornography is the IMAGE OR VIDEO content of naked people. Due to the tireless efforts of Clyde Cash we have obtained archives of many of Chris's answers submitted for his second OkCupid profile in 2009. After dating someone for a while, you finally get to see where they live. We’re not shy about asking the hard questions at OkCupid — in fact, they play a big role in fueling our insanely sophisticated matching algorithm. Would you date someone who states up front that they will never be willing to go dancing? Someone you feel like you've known forever. Do you believe you can communicate using only your mind (telepathy)? Its showing unable to login. if i tried signup in the same email ID its showing already taken that mail ID. Would it bother you if they hugged you? Would you consider dating someone who is a full-time student? At the same time, a bird with a broken wing is struggling in some bushes nearby. If you don't like it, don't watch it! These questions are randomly assigned, and can be answered whenever the user feels like it. Would you ever consider having a friendship based primarily on sex, with no intentions for love, romance, or long-term commitment? Is OkCupid the same or can you look for anyone anywhere without having to change your location? OKCupid is a unique dating site because OKCupid is all about the questions. Please follow the link okcupid.com/login to enter your email and reset the password. But then there are questions that are difficult to answer. Do you ever drink alcohol in order to lower your inhibitions with the opposite sex? Which best describes your political beliefs? Would you ideally like to be married within the next 3 years? Do you believe reason is more important than emotions in solving problems? Yes, I wouldn't hesitate, even if it were illegal. Would you leave an otherwise perfect relationship if you found out your partner was interested in children sexually? If you were otherwise willing to enter into a marriage or life-long partnership, would you consider signing a prenuptial or equivalent agreement at the request of your partner? Do you tend to blow off your responsibilities? What's the gender distribution of the vocalists in your music collection? What's your take on "professional" wrestling? Thank you, Gail, Can you reset my password for the QueenB_xo7 account please. Which is more offensive: book burning or flag burning? Please stop my premium account, iam already stop it on march 2020 but it it no works and still take my credit card Please follow up as soon as possible Thankyou. If I had to choose among the following for an ideal romantic partner, I'd choose: You win a contest for a choice between two million dollar homes, you take... Is it equally bad for a man and woman to cheat on a partner? How much do you usually tip a server who did a fine job? If a blind date used a coupon while paying for dinner, how would you feel? These are just some of the answers to user-generated questions asked by OKCupid, a dating site and app with 5 million monthly users. I'll bring the hot cocoa/coffee/tea. Pros. All about Match Questions - OkCupid Help. When a woman chooses to abort a pregnancy, should she be required to inform the father? I'd compare notes because I can see them, too. Would you ever picket a business that you do not approve of? Do you believe that your vote makes a difference? There could be multiple user-submitted questions that are very similar, and OKCupid is getting rid of the worse ones (e.g. Yes! Womyn, or other feminist spelling revisions. With thousands of questions submitted and voted on by its users, you can easily spend days of idle time answering them. Do you like cats? This: Do you enjoy crossword puzzles or jumbled word puzzles? Of the following, which do you spend the most time doing while taking a bath or shower? Are you willing to wear uncomfortable clothes to look good? To create a profile on OkCupid, you will also need to answer some questions, but they put them less directly, which both brings out more sincerity and makes the process more fun. The Trolls have tricked and blackmailed me into doing out-of-my-character deeds I am not at all proud of, and I would like to feel a Lot Less Stress from them if I can forget them. At the end she/he says "I think I love you.". Do you consider government taxes (such as income tax) a form of theft? You just prepared some food in your kitchen and made a mess. The answers provide interesting and thoroughly generalized insights into human behavior. Have you ever stayed up all night, until dawn, talking with someone you have just met? Yes, even if they were slightly overweight. Do you ever rehearse or plan conversations before actually having them? A difference of opinion over which of the following topics would most likely make you think twice about dating someone? How often are you open with your feelings? For you personally, is abortion an option in case of an accidental pregnancy? money, citizenship, sex, fame)? Would you ever consider dating a Buddhist? It features multiple-choice questions to match members. Which best represents your opinion of same-sex relationships? Is there at least one nude photo of you on the Net? Have you ever dyed your hair a real crazy, unnatural color? Can two people fall in love without ever meeting in person? ... Answer questions. I got 5 text messages when I opened the app just to get me to pay for the subscription. No, we should maintain our own identities. Have you ever fired a real gun? Do you currently grow any of your own food? Sort of - I need friends outside of my partner, Not much - I like sharing stuff with my partner. You are unloading the dishwasher. Anyone can be financially successful, if only they're willing to try. Could Evolution and Intelligent Design both be right? Do you kiss with your eyes open or closed? Do you only date people with athletic and toned bodies? Would you prefer to date someone way dumber than you, or way smarter? The odds of improvement are nil. Can't I choose "Both are good for all I know "? Hurry to a neighbor's and get their help. It takes a lot of that something true, honest, caring and special to turn me around and keep me happy more often. If possible, would you prefer to date someone a lot more attractive than you, or about the same? 9.5. Does it follow logically that all policemen are criminals? Only if we're free to have sex with someone else. But if that's what they feel of real want or need, I will support them. Do you want your partner to be kinkier than you? We will try to contact this business to get an answer for you. If one of your potential matches were overweight, would that be a dealbreaker? Here's a recent example that's been frustrating me: Do you think women have an obligation to keep their legs shaved? You remove an item that seems entirely clean, except for one long hair caked to the surface of it. Would you terminate a pregnancy if the baby was going to be mentally disabled? Could you date someone who has (and acts on) radical-left politics? Should people consider this when purchasing or receiving an engagement ring? ALL CAPITALS: THE STYLE OF THE ATTENTION SEEKER! Would you rather be the one to search out your match on OkCupid or have your match find you? I do not believe it as an inevitable, but I do feel an open relationship is healthy for the happiness of my woman partner, especially if she feels need to take a break from me for a while, or if I am unable to please her at the time. If you had to guess, do you think humans will go extinct in the next 1000 years? Is intoxication ever an acceptable excuse for acting stupid? OkCupid. Are you more concerned about possibility of being killed as a result of a terrorist attack or a traffic accident? I would encourage my son, but not my daughter. Did you ever take a class in school just because you heard the person you liked was taking it? You get married. Which questions would those be? Do you like to interpret your own dreams? Would you rather play Scrabble, go out dancing, or get drunk? When riding a bicycle, do you wear a helmet? I guess they can do what they want if they're 18, People have an unqualified right to their own body. I find scatterbrained people cute. What do you do? Do you think that wealthy nations have a responsibility to assist developing nations? On weekends / days off, do you like to get out and make the most of the day, or do you prefer to sleep late and relax? Sponsored Content Everyone on OkCupid answers multiple questions and fills out detailed profiles so they can connect over things that actually matter. How would you react if a partner bought you an outfit to be worn during sex? Do you talk about your sex life with either of your parents? Do you wear a suit to work (or female equivalent)? Sexist and insulting; women are perfectly capable. Have you ever been outside of your own country? Do you stand outside the bathroom door and talk to people while theyre taking care of business? No. I'm interested in sharing our beliefs. If your best friend began talking of suicide and asked you not to tell anyone, would you be willing to honor their request? Get a divorce. Your cell phone rings while you are having a conversation with a friend. In a potential mate, is ditzyness a turn-on or a turn-off? If someone you barely knew asked you how many people you'd had sex with, would you answer? OkCupid has a vast collection of thousands of questions for their users to answer and will select 15 at random to start your profile off. Your contact information will not be publicly available on the website. Do you believe in an energy field that surrounds us that we can manipulate through reiki, acupuncture, chakra balancing, yoga, or some other system? I am not interested in meeting in person. Would you consider dating someone who has been divorced more than once? After waiting over six minutes, it still hasn't changed to green. Historically, have you gone through periods of "forgetting about your friends" as you have become involved in romantic relationships? How much do you like to be tickled during sex? I would be there every day of the week if I could. Keep the truth to myself regardless of what it is. I never got in trouble because I never got caught. You are offered a choice of free training in Martial Arts or Cooking. Still I am unable in logging in into my ID. How many times would a person have to turn you down before you took the hint? OkCupid Profile “About Me” #5: Things I am not Using emojis for the OkCupid profile prompt “Things I am not” is the perfect chance to reveal your sassy side. Best Places to Work 2021 NEW! Do you wear a seatbelt when you ride in an automobile? would you know the answer right away? Having a partner with a weaker sex drive. Would you want to see it? You read a personal ad and it is misspelled, with poor grammar and uncertain capitalization. OkCupid Discover As far as I know or recall from how I was informed. That is the question. Have you ever gotten, or would you ever get, a piercing below the belt? If you saw a really fantastic magic trick performed, would you want to know the secret behind how it was done? Someone you like is drunkenly flirting with you. Would you date someone significantly (9 years or over) older than you? You have to choose! Keep it honest and add a personal touch to it. Were you in love with the first person you ever slept with? Get no replies.. All your things could fit nicely inside... Have you ever "regifted" a gift you didn't like? Unconcerned: I don't actively lick doorknobs. BDSM: Without looking it up, do you know exactly what it stands for? ), if you change your mind about buying something you've picked up, do you walk back to where you found it to put it back? Emojis can be interpreted in many different ways, so describing yourself with them in your OkCupid profile will lead to follow-up questions … Are you familiar with the concept of 'sexuality continuum'? To change your answers on OkCupid, select re-answer by tapping the question. Which is closest to your reaction to foul language? Do you believe that money can buy happiness? Is it morally right for society to allow parents of children too young to make their own decisions to deny them the medical attention they require for survival for religious reasons? Not if they are willing to work hard and lose it. Imagine that you are attacked on a dark street by someone brandishing a deadly weapon. After all, if you answer “no” to the question “Should the government defund Planned Parenthood?” wouldn’t you want your potential date to answer … 51/M/Minneapolis5 years ago. I lie, cheat, AND steal. Do you: Would you consider being in a relationship with someone who has had homosexual sex? …You want to answer specific questions that show you’re open to sex, so that the OkCupid algorithm matches you with girls open to knockin’ boots. An incomplete sample is provided here. Would you—for any reason—read your mate's email or pose as him/her online, without his/her knowledge and permission? Each profile on OkCupid displays an estimated compatibility rate. Should sex education be given to children under 15? If they felt comfortable talking about it, or the relationship is open. How would you feel if a significant other forgot your birthday, nameday, anniversary, or something else similarly important to you? How would you feel about dating someone who left their long-time partner heartbroken and ruined to be with you? Is it ever acceptable to have a sexual relationship with someone who you have professional authority over? Attempt to return the item for a full cash refund. Do you often have a hard time thinking of things to talk about? Most claims of sexual harassment in the workplace are LIES made up by a scorned woman. Are you the type of person to tell a homeless person to get a job? Which of these most closely matches your definition of "Honesty"? Have you ever talked your way out of a traffic ticket? No, I'm not against it at all / I'd go with them. Do you have any "extreme" piercings (this includes anything other than ears, nose, or navel)? If your partner wanted you to say a specific phrase during sex, would you? When a relationship ends, what's the best thing to do? Do you ever get inspired to make something creative for no reason in particular? To you, which adjective best describes hopeless, unrequited love? What's your opinion of male crossdressers? Can most babysitters be trusted with children? You'll need to pack all of your stuff and take it with you. I would let soonest sex be up to her, but don't keep me waiting too long. No, everyone has their own responsibility. If someone intentionally damaged your property, would you be more likely to call the police, or to fight them? Looking toward the future, which of the following do you see as most important for you in ten years? (i.e scream, yell and cry). IF you're looking to find and answer a given question yourself, you have to find someone who has answered it and, looking at their questions, search by "questions I have not answered", find the question in that list and you have the opportunity to answer it yourself. When you are feeling down or blue, which is most comforting to you? These percentages are based on your answers to these questions, so … Would you wear your partner's underclothing if they wanted you to? Suppose a close friend's partner is very attractive and thinks you're attractive, too. I prefer to meet in person Immedtately or ASAP. Should the recipient give back an engagement ring if the engagement is broken off? Do you attempt to conserve water, energy or other resources during your everyday life? If you meet someone and they are everything you are looking for, except their body type, do you give them a chance? I can't login okcupid. Is it okay to search your child's room, to make sure they aren't doing anything you don't want them to do? Hi team YasirPlease can you check why my account has been block and can you open ithere are violation let me know i wicare of it next time, page says safari on my apple has won't open the page as too may redirects have occurred. Your significant other is traveling and has the opportunity to stay with a good friend that you know they find to be very attractive. How does your maturity level compare with most people your age? It is clearly labeled, "DO NOT OPEN UNTIL YOUR BIRTHDAY!" I would get annoyed only if they boast about it a lot. Have you ever made a booty call (invited over or visited someone you were not actively in a relationship with, just for sexual activity)? The question you, online dater, must answer is if you are one of those people. How many pillows do you sleep with at night? Step 3: Answer the questions. Imagine you are put on hold while making a telephone call. In a relationship I like to discuss politics with my partner. Have you ever had unwanted hair removed by waxing? Which do you prefer in a significant other, generally speaking? Do you like watching foreign movies with subtitles? Would you ever consider dating a Catholic? Rating. Have you ever created a piece of art for a friend, just because you were thinking of them? While walking down the street, you see an amazingly attractive member of the gender of your preference. Do you have a survival kit prepared just in case a disaster occurs and normal services are disrupted for an extended period of time? Do you enjoy intellectual debates on topics like politics, religion, science or philosophy? I'm not sure / I've never been really drunk. Do you try to draw attention to your body by wearing seductive clothing? Which would you rather choose: peace on Earth or loads of money? Your significant other wants to go to a strip club with a few friends. The fact that I was not invited to join in. How would you react if someone IM'd you and quickly started talking about sex? Do you: You're shopping for something and have three versions to choose from. Do you feel a need to own the most up-to-date electronic gadgets? Would you allow a pet to sleep on your bed? Have you created a 'Things To Do Before I Die' list? Is exposure to sexuality damaging to the minds of children? The italic answers include the comments I wrote. Imagine that it's your first date with someone you are very interested in. Popular age 25-35. (i.e. While evaluating someone you are dating, do you find yourself placing much importance on how good of a parent you think they'll make? Does it bother you when people say "PIN number" or "ATM machine"? Which of the following would be closest to your reaction? When the relationship was not going well. Does the car someone drives say a lot about their character? I don't read / don't read books with introductions. How important is it to you that your partner smell good? Do you have enough savings and investments to comfortably survive several months of unemployment? There are tons of interesting and sometimes thought provoking questions on OKCupid, everyone's favorite free dating website. How important is it that incoming messages on OkCupid come from people who have a high match percentage with you? How disappointed would you be? Reason, Observation, Empiricism, Trial-And-Error. Have you kept any old love letters from ex-lovers? How important is money/wealth for you in a match? More severe punishment for convicted criminals, Yes, for some other reason or no reason at all. Imagine that you are in an uncommitted relationship with someone you have grown to deeply care about. Rights Reserved, You Are About to Contact PissedConsumer.com, I have read and agree to the Pissed Consumer. Do you feel it is necessary to have a significant other at all times in your life? My relationship would be open, and I would want her to be happy, as long as she was honest with me. Talk about a gold digger, jeez. Is it important to you to have the last word in an argument? If you don't see their email, check your spam or social folders in your email. ANYONE can be hiding behind the "Anon" of their monitor (damn Trolls and CyberBullies); Meeting in person ASAP is a must with me. I do not really have an opinion/never been to one. McKinlay’s tip for … How interested would you be in knowing the details of a partner's sexual history? Do you Google someone before a first date? It makes no difference so long as it is funny. I sincerely wish it was not acceptable for Men to be topless, higher force messes with everyone's heads, someone who never, ever, threw anything away, http://www.imdb.com/character/ch0003346/quotes, Chris Chan Boasting About Celebrity Status, A Wild Chris-Chan Attempts Human Interaction, http://sonichu.com/w/index.php?title=List_of_OkCupid_Answers&oldid=258617. Imagine you're having the perfect conversation with your ideal partner. Which of the following would you rather discuss with someone you just met? You would be an idiot for thinking the two to be the same. I find easily-confused types annoying. Have you ever spent more than 8 hours straight playing video games? Share. How often should your significant other buy you gifts, jewelry, or other things more expensive than, say, dinner, cards, or flowers? Date with older guy 0%. Your significant other's family speaks a different language, and will accept you more easily if you speak it. Only if I thought the hug was more than friendly. Have you ever told someone that you loved them when you didn't? In a relationship, how important is it for you to be in control? (A solo act is fine, too. How do you feel about the "Don't call more than every other day" rule? Have you ever dated or been with an exotic dancer? And I receive text messages and reply and then they disappear. You go girls! Good timing; they only land between calls, Not touching anything else at the same time, They do get hurt; they just express it poorly. To create a profile on OkCupid, you will also need to answer some questions, but they put them less directly, which both brings out more sincerity and makes the process more fun. Suppose you're dating someone who seems to have long-term potential. 1, 4, 10, 19, 31, _. Do you enjoy watching educational programming on television? People on the internet don't understand me at all; they hardly gave me an in-person chance. Fraud Very Rarely. Hover your mouse over the question. You will be automatically registered on our site. The last step to completing your profile are the basic questions. Have you ever driven a motor vehicle over 100mph (161kph)? Turn-on. Yes, on occasion. Do you think that the psychological differences between human males and females are better explained by nature or nurture? Does the idea of flipping a coin to make important life decisions appeal to you? How do you maintain your pits? Would you consider owning a dog as a pet? So that you can get an accurate match percentage. When it comes to travel, which do you prefer, trains, planes, or automobiles? Have you ever quit a job without giving at least a week notice? Which of the following types of toys did you generally like best when you were about eight years old? Do you think head games are unavoidable, even in the healthiest of relationships? Or does taxing for it just take money away from hard-working people who earned it? Are you likely to make long, friendly conversation with strangers? Choose and answer your questions wisely: The questions on OkCupid have the greatest impact on your match percentages,... 2. How organized are the files on your computer? If you were in a committed long-term relationship and met someone you feel an even stronger attraction to, which would you do? Could you date someone who has strong political opinions that are the exact opposite of yours? Is it logically inconsistent to support the death penalty but oppose abortion? One is a novel. On a typical night, what time do you go to sleep? If you were dating somebody that you met online, would you be reluctant to tell your friends? Do you believe that art and literature courses are important to students, even if they are majoring in other fields? Would you consider performing anilingus on a partner who asked you to? Have you ever purposely pretended to be ignorant about something you have knowledge of because you wanted to hear someone else explain it? How many people have you kissed that are not related to you, in a more than friendly way? Not by Facebook and not by sms. Answer the Questions. Are you comfortable with using the toilet while your partner is in the bathroom with you or being in the bathroom while he or she is using the toilet? Meet people, build connections and have great dates with OkCupid -- download now! These percentages are based on your answers to these questions, so … Imagine you have only $50 and will not receive any additional income for ten days. The Passport Stack lets you connect with people all over the world. This will send you an email with a link to log into OkCupid. Have you ever donated your money or your time to a political campaign or political organization? When you are angry or frustrated, do you ever throw, smash, kick, hit inanimate objects (non-living things)? Testing reveals that there are no harmful medical side effects. No. Would you ever sleep with a serial killer? Would you date someone who has cold-sores (oral herpes)? Do you talk to and or have conversations with yourself, either outloud or in your head? How much would you enjoy hosting a big, crazy party? What volume level do you usually prefer when listening to music? I'm not too into them, but I wouldn't mind one. Let's say you ask your partner a question and know with certainty that their answer is a lie, what do you do about it? They just don't know it. For people who are in exclusive relationships, is masturbation a form of infidelity? How much communication is ideal during sex? Underarms can be a hairy subject. Which is your preferred communications medium for long-distance relationships? Which would you do? I've never discussed my sexual history in this way. Would you ever film a sexual encounter without your partner knowing? If you had the opportunity to join the first manned mission to Mars but in exchange would never see earth again, would you do it? If you got married, would you change your name? Yes, but I could make no further commitment to it. In a serious relationship, do you feel it's important to keep your significant other informed of the details of your day-to-day life? Do you usually vote in presidential (or applicable) elections? Is it easy for you to throw away things that you don't really use anymore? It's their body. Do you have any totally irrational fears, as in something that is extremely unlikely to happen or imaginary? What do you do? In the table below, Chris's answers are marked with an underline. It will take from 10 to 20 minutes to complete the OKCupid questionnaire. Do you practice or believe in real magick, not to be confused with stage magic and parlor tricks?