Para el estudio de los indicados principios, el estudio tiene en cuenta factores tales como, el sexo, el género, la orientación sexual, la discapacidad, la nacionalidad, la edad, el estado civil, la opinión política, la etnia y el origen de la filiación. Thus, it will cover all necessary information for journalists, scholars and practitioners as well as other people interested in think tanks at a glance. El ordenamiento objeto del presente estudio es el de Chile. This analysis includes an overview of policy responses for islands' challenges, focusing on Cohesion Policy. The EU strategic autonomy debate [What Think Tanks are thinking] 30-03-2021 An increasing number of politicians and analysts argue that the European Union should boost its ‘strategic autonomy’ and/or develop a higher degree of ‘European sovereignty’. Maastricht . The new fund allows for more flexibility in national programmes. The TTDeurope is a subsidiary project of the TTDdeutschland that covers think tanks in Germany. In this paper, researchers from the European Think Tanks Group propose a set of actions the EU should consider to raise its climate ambition and exert credible climate leadership in a challenging global context. The claim was made by the Facts4EU think tank which noted EU exports to Britain fell faster than to the end of the world compared with last year. At a Glance Briefing In-Depth Analysis Study EU Fact Sheets Policy area Author Keyword Date. Recommendations address, inter alia, decarbonisation, sustainability, quality of life, public services, connectivity and integrated development. Katherine Pye. In September 2019, the EU and Japan launched the EU-Japan Partnership on Sustainable Connectivity and Quality Infrastructure. Ghana's first president, Dr. Kwame Nkrumah, set up various state-supported think tanks in the 1960s. As part of the EU budget framework for the 2021-2027 period, the European Commission proposed in June 2018 a regulation to continue the fund dedicated to the Common Fisheries Policy and the Integrated Maritime Policy. The Conference on the Future of Europe: Comparing the Joint Declaration to institutions’ expectations European Policy Centre, March 2021. A greater focus on aquaculture is reflected in its inclusion in the name of the fund. Notes from the workshop on Use of big data and AI in fighting corruption and misuse of public funds - good practice, ways forward and how to integrate new technology into contemporary control framework. Following on from three previous legislative amendments, which covered a total of 26 priority chemical agents, the present (fourth) proposal addresses an additional three. We are pro-European but not uncritical. In December 2020, the EU and ASEAN issued a joint ministerial statement on connectivity. This article is a list of notable think tanks sorted by country. In this paper, researchers from the European Think Tanks Group propose a set of actions the EU should consider to raise its climate ambition and exert credible climate leadership in a challenging global context. In 2019-2020, the think tank was relaunched with new statutes, a new board and a new director. Fifth edition. Institute of International Relations (IIR), Czech Republic 4. Its primary objective is to prevent, deter and eliminate the trade of IUU-caught products into the EU. EU links . Harnessing EU external cooperation to boost ambitious and coherent climate action. This infographic further updates an earlier one of February 2020. [4] The final act was signed on 10 February and published in the Official Journal on 19 February; the regulation entered into force the following day. Austrian Institute for European and Security Policy (AIES), Austria 2. Achieving the climate-neutrality goal requires massive investment and an unprecedented transformation of all sectors of the economy. Think Tank Directory Europe. Stepping into the driver’s seat: The EU should double down on US-Iran diplomacy The initiative is proceeding in steps and has now become a continuous process. Tras la explicación de la normativa y la jurisprudencia de aplicación, se examinan el contenido, los límites y la posible evolución de dichos principios. The strategy proposes that the EU engage with its Asian partners through a sustainable, comprehensive and rules-based approach to connectivity, exploiting existing and planned EU networks. List of think tanks in the United Kingdom. Following on from three previous legislative amendments, which covered a total of 26 priority chemical agents, the present (fourth) proposal addresses an additional three. The Council agreed its position on 25 November 2020. The Hague. The European Union Institute for Security Studies (EUISS) was founded in 2002 following a Joint Action by the Council. The think tank also highlighted to what extent EU member states would support Cameron’s plans and worked out ways how to reconcile freedom of movement with gaining greater control over social benefits, something that the UK government picked up. Latest policy papers, events, latest news will be published, discussed and disseminated through the EU East Think Tank Dialogue Platform, which we hope wil It acknowledges the presence of a significant investment gap in connectivity and recognises the need to mobilise and strengthen cooperation with private investors, national and international institutions, and multilateral development banks. Think tanks (or at least those that declare themselves to be think tanks in the lobby register) ranked according to those with the greatest number of high-level lobby meetings held with the European Commission since December 2014, provides some indication of EU lobby influence. These concepts encompass a greater potential for independence, self-reliance and resilience in a wide range of fields – such as defence, trade, industrial policy, digital policy, economic and monetary policy, and health policy – following a series of events in recent years that have exposed Europe’s vulnerability to external ... An increasing number of politicians and analysts argue that the European Union should boost its ‘strategic autonomy’ and/or develop a higher degree of ‘European sovereignty’. The proposal was announced as one of the first measures of the Commission's commitment to fight cancer under Europe's Beating Cancer Plan. Second edition. Think Tank Directory Germany
The idea of the THINK TANK itself was to provide a platform for discussion for a group of experts from various fields – not only from the European Union Civil Protection Mechanism (EUCPM) but also from research institutes, international organizations and companies. The EU-Asia Centre, which was established in 2011, is a think tank that 1) promotes closer relations between the EU and Asia, and 2) encourages serious strategic thinking in Europe about the implications of a rising Far East. The EU Think Tank (EU-TT) supports the development & implementation of an integrated vision for EU food systems. At a Glance Briefing In-Depth Analysis Study EU Fact Sheets Policy area Author Keyword Date. It is addressed to the Members and staff of the EP for their parliamentary work. For further information, send an e-mail to 448 likes. The debate emerged in the late 2010s, after the French President, Emmanuel Macron, called for a conscious ‘European sovereignty’ and the German Chancellor, Angela Merkel, said that Europe would have to take its destiny into its own hands, as it could no longer necessarily rely on the United States to protect it. I have worked both for a media outlet (I was op-ed editor at the Spanish daily El País from 2016 to 2018) and for a think tank (I am currently head of the European Council on Foreign Relations’ Madrid office) and have interviewed politicians in both capacities. The TTDeurope will contain information about the most important think tanks in the European Union. This note offers links to recent commentaries, studies and reports from international think tanks on the European issues related to European strategic autonomy and sovereignty. After lengthy interinstitutional negotiations, started after the 2019 elections, political agreement was reached on 4 December 2020. The challenges posed by migration have put EU Member States' solidarity to the test. Think Sustainable Europe serves as the idea generator for Think2030, a platform of leading sustainability experts from European think tanks, civil society, the private sector and local authorities. The European Green Deal aims to make the European Union climate-neutral by 2050, a target supported by all EU institutions. The IUU Regulation (1005/2008) is the core of the EU’s legal framework for action against global IUU fishing. Thus, it will cover all necessary information for journalists, scholars and practitioners as well as other people interested in think tanks at a glance. The EU Think Tank (EU-TT) supports the development & implementation of an integrated vision for EU food systems. Modelled on an instrument proposed by the Commission in 2018, the Technical Support Instrument would replace the Structural Reform Support Programme that has helped implement over 1 000 reform projects in the Member States since 2017. Stepping into the driver’s seat: The EU should double down on US-Iran diplomacy Its primary objective is to prevent, deter and eliminate the trade of IUU-caught products into the EU. Recognising this, the EU has promoted the Asia-Europe Meeting (ASEM), established five strategic partnerships – including with the Association of South-East Asian Nations (ASEAN) – and negotiated or concluded free trade agreements with several Asian countries. The IUU Regulation (1005/2008) is the core of the EU’s legal framework for action against global IUU fishing. Multiannual Financial Framework 2021-2027, AFCO Public Hearing on the Reform of European Electoral Law - 13 April 2021, Hearing on "Interference through advertisement", Adoption of Legislation by EP and Council. Search on "Think Tank" Main navigation Home; Research; Events; Infographics; Sources; Audio podcasts; 11247 result(s) Reset Word(s) Publication type. Bruegel is a European think tank specializing in economics. The agreed text was endorsed by the Committee on Fisheries on 22 February 2021. minimum income schemes)” requested by the EMPL committee in view of a possible Union framework on minimum income protection. The 'EU Legislation in Progress' briefings are updated at key stages throughout the legislative procedure. Broad discussions with scientists and social partners fed into all four proposals. Tras la explicación de la normativa y la jurisprudencia de aplicación, se examinan el contenido, los límites y la posible evolución de dichos principios.; Europol. How far ahead does the EU think? Avenija 19a, Vladimira Popovića 40/V, New Belgrade, Republic of Serbia Tel: +381.11.3083200 Fax: +381.11.3083201 E-mail: ETTG mission. The Centre for European Reform is an award winning independent think-tank devoted to making the EU work better, and strengthening its role in the world. The 'EU Legislation in Progress' briefings are updated at key stages throughout the legislative procedure. Responding to a European Council request, in September 2020 the European Commission proposed a new pact on migration and asylum, to reinforce solidarity among the Member States and to strengthen EU migration management and asylum procedures, while also making them more consistent. These concepts encompass a greater potential for independence, self-reliance and resilience in a wide range of fields – such as defence, trade, industrial policy, digital policy, economic and monetary policy, and health policy – following a series of events in recent years that have exposed Europe’s vulnerability to external shocks. It aims to provide a basis for future discussions and research dedicated to islands’ situation, including the impact of the pandemic on their future development potential. At least 15 % of Member States' allocations should be spent on control and data collection. Asia matters to Europe: home to the world's largest population and fastest-growing economies, Asia is a major trade partner of the EU. This note offers links to recent commentaries, studies and reports from international think tanks on President Biden’s early weeks in office and the various expectations regarding his presidency, especially in respect of the place of the United States in the world. This paper explores the specificities of islands of the European Union (including Outermost Regions), as well as their challenges and existing means of development. On 28 May 2020, the European Commission adopted a proposal for a regulation on a Technical Support Instrument that would provide Member States with technical support to strengthen their institutional and administrative capacity in designing and implementing reforms. The challenges posed by migration have put EU Member States' solidarity to the test. This latter statement followed President Donald Trump’s withdrawal from the landmark nuclear deal with Iran, in which the EU had invested significant political capital. This note offers links to recent commentaries, studies and reports from international think tanks on President Biden’s early weeks in office and the various expectations regarding his presidency, especially in respect of the place of the United States in the world. The Hague. The TTDeurope will contain information about the most important think tanks in the European Union. The proposed pact has an external aspect as well: building on current EU migration partnership frameworks, it aims to reinforce international partnerships with a view to ensuring effective returns, combating migrant smuggling more effectively, and developing legal migration channels. Hindsight and Foresight - Think-Tanks’Guide aims to become the most comprehensive and up-to-date think-tank directory. European Union Institute for Security Studies. The EU strategic autonomy debate [What Think Tanks are thinking] 30-03-2021 An increasing number of politicians and analysts argue that the European Union should boost its ‘strategic autonomy’ and/or develop a higher degree of ‘European sovereignty’. As an independent, non-partisan platform, Think2030's main objective is to identify science-policy solutions for a more sustainable Europe. Ready for the most productive April ever? 31 March 2021. Coordinating institutions 1. The Commission's feedback period on the proposal ran until November 2020. The CSCP is a think and do tank that not only contributes to advancing the sustainable consumption and production (SCP) agenda through its think tank activities, but also implements innovative SCP projects and activities in the field as a do tank. This note offers links to recent commentaries, studies and reports from international think tanks on the European issues related to European strategic autonomy and sovereignty. Este documento se integra en una serie de estudios que, desde una perspectiva de Derecho Comparado, tienen como objeto analizar los principios de igualdad y de no discriminación en diferentes ordenamientos jurídicos. Think tanks (or at least those that declare themselves to be think tanks in the lobby register) ranked according to those with the greatest number of high-level lobby meetings held with the European Commission since December 2014, provides some indication of EU lobby influence. The European Parliament often emphasises this point, while warning at the same time that security and migration management concerns should not result in diverting funds from core EU development cooperation objectives. The Think Tank reports focus on the European Council July agreement for the Next Generation EU recovery plan and the 2021-2027 European budget, testifying to the collective and internal solidarity of all member states. With this objective, the EU takes a leading role in addressing the global climate emergency. While broadly welcoming the proposal, professional organisations, trade unions and patient groups would like carcinogenic and mutagenic hazardous medicines as well as substances toxic for reproduction to be brought within the scope of the current proposal. The claim was made by the Facts4EU think tank which noted EU exports to Britain fell faster than to the end of the world compared with last year. After adoption by the Council, Parliament is expected to adopt the text and complete the procedure at second reading. The European Commission has proposed to amend Directive 2004/37/EC, by expanding its scope and by including and/or revising occupational exposure limit values for a number of cancer- or mutation-causing chemical agents. The Historical Archives of the European Union, administered by the European University Institute of Florence, preserve and make available to the public the archival documents of EU institutions, as well as the private archives of European personalities, key politicians, movements and associations. Search on "Think Tank" Main navigation Home; Research; Events; Infographics; Sources; Audio podcasts; 635 result(s) Reset Word(s) Publication type. Danish Institute for International Studies (DIIS), Denmark 5. This is a revised and updated edition of a briefing from October 2018. Para el estudio de los indicados principios, el estudio tiene en cuenta ... Este documento se integra en una serie de estudios que, desde una perspectiva de Derecho Comparado, tienen como objeto analizar los principios de igualdad y de no discriminación en diferentes ordenamientos jurídicos. A greater ... As part of the EU budget framework for the 2021-2027 period, the European Commission proposed in June 2018 a regulation to continue the fund dedicated to the Common Fisheries Policy and the Integrated Maritime Policy. It also supports a needed transformation in Research and Innovation to deliver impact on the societal challenges of Food and Nutrition Security, focusing on creating a blue print for global collaboration on this matter.; European Climate Foundation. An increasing number of politicians and analysts argue that the European Union should boost its ‘strategic autonomy’ and/or develop a higher degree of ‘European sovereignty’. On 4 April 2019, Parliament adopted its first reading position on the file. It was a proponent of a flexible model for further European integration, allowing for EU member states to integrate with each other to different degrees and for powers to also be returned from the EU to member states. This infographic further updates an earlier one of February 2020. Background
Our mission is to improve the quality of economic policy with open and fact-based research, analysis and debate. Event: Migrant Workers in the European Union On March 28, 2021 By European Student Think Tank Events COVID-19 has shown that the ... European Student Think Tank is proud to announce that it... Events On March 30, 2021. It aims to provide a basis for future discussions and research dedicated to islands’ situation, including the impact of the pandemic on their future development potential. Harnessing EU external cooperation to boost ambitious and coherent climate action. Embed Code. Join us for... Podcast On March 30, 2021. It will cover size, funding, areas of research and product range of every single organisation. In June 2016 DER Think Tank and ÖAGVN assembled politicians and international experts in Vienna to discuss the main issue of our days – Refugees – Integration – Migration. Think Tank EUROPA was established in 2013 by the Central Organisation of Industrial Employees in Denmark (CO-industri) and the Confederation of Danish Industry (Dansk Industri), in order to strengthen public and political debates on Europe in Denmark. Financing Europe-Asia connectivity is a key challenge in the years to come, together with the challenges highlighted by the coronavirus crisis. French Institute of International Relations (Ifri), France 3. Recognising this, the EU has promoted the Asia-Europe Meeting (ASEM), established five strategic partnerships – including with the Association of South-East Asian Nations (ASEAN) – and negotiated or concluded free trade agreements with several Asian countries. Jump to navigation Jump to search. ; Friends of the Earth International. Giles Merritt traces the mixed fortunes of in-house Commission think tanks, and urges greater emphasis on strategic analysis and planning. Institu… It will cover size, funding, areas of research and product range of every single organisation. Responding to a European Council request, in September 2020 the European Commission proposed a new pact on migration and asylum, to reinforce solidarity among the Member States and to strengthen EU migration management and asylum procedures, while also making them more consistent. In September 2018, the EU adopted a joint communication on 'Connecting Europe and Asia – Building blocks ... Asia matters to Europe: home to the world's largest population and fastest-growing economies, Asia is a major trade partner of the EU. One of its key components is a multiple-step procedure for dealing with non-EU countries considered uncooperative in the fight against IUU fishing. In the context of the 'Next Generation EU' recovery plan, it would support them to prepare and implement recovery and resilience plans, and make reforms and investments related to the green and digital transitions. ¬ Find out more about the background of this project and get to know to the mind behind it. One of its key components is a multiple-step procedure for dealing with non-EU countries considered uncooperative in the fight against IUU fishing. The new fund allows for more flexibility in national programmes. Egmont Royal Institute for International Relations, Belgium 3. The briefing provides an institutional perspective on minimum income schemes (MIS) in Member States and their different roles and scope within national social protection systems. In the context of migration, the EU's external policy has among its objectives to help third countries tackle the root causes of irregular migration or quests for asylum. As Sam Lowe at the Centre for European Reform think-tank explains here, such a Swiss-style deal would leave the UK “permanently bound to EU food hygiene rules”, but in return there would be no more need for export health certificates and the reams of other red tape currently strangling UK businesses. In the context of the 'Next Generation EU' recovery plan, it would support them to prepare and implement recovery and resilience plans, and make reforms and investments related to the green and digital transitions. Modelled on an instrument ... On 28 May 2020, the European Commission adopted a proposal for a regulation on a Technical Support Instrument that would provide Member States with technical support to strengthen their institutional and administrative capacity in designing and implementing reforms. This is also a concern among academia and non-governmental organisations dealing with migration issues: several have pointed out that the Commission's proposals for the above-mentioned pact and the working document, recommendations and legislative proposals accompanying it put a lesser emphasis on pathways to legal migration than on measures aimed at incentivising third countries to retain possible irregular migrants or to accept returns. Finnish Institute for International Affairs (FIIA), Finland 6. Second edition. between (01-05-1997) and (31-03-2021) Documents : Civil liability regime for artificial intelligence 25-09-2020. EST is thrilled to … Headquartered in London, but with offices across Europe, this think-tank provides up-to-date news, policy analysis and in-depth publications on EU foreign relations, including yearly scorecards on European Foreign Policy (a systematic annual assessment of Europe’s performance in …