1972 - Iraq nationalises the Iraq Petroleum Company. 2012 March - Tight security for Arab League summit in Baghdad. 0000001848 00000 n
2. 1991 April - Iraq subjected to weapons inspection programme. 2017 November - Government forces with Shia and Kurdish allies drive Islamic State out of all but a few redoubts. 2006 June - Al-Qaeda leader in Iraq, Abu Musab al-Zarqawi, is killed in an air strike. Kurdish forces, US and Iran assist government in repelling attacks. The land of Iraq is often called the "Cradle of Civilization" because the oldest civilization in the world, the Sumerians, was formed here. Read about our approach to external linking. On March 19, 2003, the United States, along with coalition forces primarily from the United Kingdom, initiates war on Iraq. Car bomb in Najaf kills 125 including Shia leader Ayatollah Mohammed Baqr al-Hakim. 2004 August - Fighting in Najaf between US forces and Shia militia of radical cleric Moqtada Sadr. 1920: Iraq comes under British mandate after the fall of the Ottoman empire in 1918.. 1921: Faisal I becomes king of Iraq (Aug. 23).. 1932: Iraq achieves independence from Britain (Oct. 3).. 1933: Faisal I dies and is succeeded by his son, Ghazi. Government forces recapture Ramadi but face entrenched rebels in Falluja. Four years later, the British colonial government helped set up the Hashemite monarchy2 in Iraq. Myanmar ambassador to UK 'locked out' of embassy, Covid-19: The disinformation tactics used by China. 2014 June-September - Sunni rebels led by Islamic State of Iraq and the Levant surge out of Anbar Province to seize Iraq's second city of Mosul and other key towns. Its restored ziggurat, or temple tower, is often shown in news reports. 2005 January - Elections for a Transitional National Assembly. What happens to your body in extreme heat? 2004 April-May - Photographic evidence emerges of abuse of Iraqi prisoners by US troops at Abu Ghreib prison in Baghdad. 0000003981 00000 n
3. A wave of pre-summit attacks kills scores of people. 2014 January - Islamist fighters infiltrate Falluja and Ramadi after months of mounting violence in mainly-Sunni Anbar province. H��V TSW�/�Bt�A��T�$܀�m
!` ��Hm���i6� u�"����+W\�R\��u���Bպ�elu�N�.��]й���3��93gμw����������� � 2007 January - US President Bush announces a new Iraq strategy; thousands more US troops will be dispatched to shore up security in Baghdad. By July the country is described as being yet again in a state of full-blown sectarian war. 2010 March - Elections. 1991 April - UN-approved haven established in northern Iraq to protect the Kurds. Pegged to either the British Pound or the U.S. dollar, the Iraqi Dinar was completely stable before the chaos of Mr. Hussein began.From 1980 to 2003, Iraq was terrorized by Saddam Hussein. This video shows how Iraq Went from a Pro-British Hashemite Dynasty to a modern Republic Facing Conflict from the Foreign Nations that had intervened in Iraq for a Century. How do you weigh up the risks of the AZ vaccine? 2003 December - Saddam Hussein captured in Tikrit. History of Iraq Great Britain gained control of Iraq, previously known as Mesopotamia, after the First World War. 2016 November - Parliament recognises the Shia Popular Mobilisation Units (PMU) militia as part of the armed forces with full legal status. 2007 August - Kurdish and Shia leaders form an alliance to support Prime Minister Maliki's government, but fail to bring in Sunni leaders. History of Iraq. 1990 - Iraq invades and annexes Kuwait, prompting what becomes known as the first Gulf War. A brief history of Iraq. The region that is now included in the somewhat artificial nation-state of Iraq has had a very important role in world history. It is the first major summit to be held in Iraq since the fall of Saddam Hussein. Call My Agent star joins plea to reopen French theatres, A shrinking river sparks a fight for water access, âPlease donât lend Kenya more moneyâ. VideoCovid-19: The disinformation tactics used by China, India ignores Covid surge to hold IPL cricket tournament, 'I can't change my gender unless I'm sterilised' Video'I can't change my gender unless I'm sterilised'. Let's start this lesson off by thinking about a cradle. 2011 December - US completes troop pull-out. 0000003028 00000 n
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2016 April - Supporters of cleric Moqtada al-Sadr storm parliament building demanding new government to fight corruption and end allocation of government posts along sectarian lines. 0000003725 00000 n
... * Mesopotamia was the name for the ancient region where modern Iraq now stands. 2018 May - Parliamentary elections. 0000032429 00000 n
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1998 December - US and British Operation Desert Fox bombing campaign aims to destroy Iraq's nuclear, chemical and biological weapons programmes. Just after explosions began to … The region of Mesopotamia came under Arab influence in 636 AD and it was the Arabs who were first to call the country “Iraq” meaning “the fertile”. Kurdish leadership agrees to put independence referendum on hold. Invaders, allies, occupiers, guests: A brief history of U.S. military involvement in Iraq . War in Iraq begins. In Arabic, the name Iraq means“deeply rooted, well watered; fertile.” The name has been in use since before the sixth century. 1974 - Iraq grants limited autonomy to Kurdish region. 2015 March - Islamic State destroys Assyrian archaeological sites of Nimrud and Hatra. Others tie Iraq’s “bloody history,” as many have described it, to the preponderance of groups vying for power. Brief Overview of the History of Iraq. "A History of Iraq" is an excellent, readable narrative covering Iraq's modern period from its creation out of the Ottoman Empire through today. 1921 - Britain appoints Feisal, son of Hussein Bin Ali, the Sherif of Mecca, as king. Marr’s Modern History of Iraq avoids this temptation and presents readers with a highly informative and sensitive account that does justice to the country’s complicated political and social history. ���L����Xs 2����H @h�YlN�cf��` �u��A���, ���B�
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2014 December - The Iraqi government and the leadership of the Kurdish Region sign a deal on sharing Iraq's oil wealth and military resources, amid hopes that the agreement will help to reunite the country in the face of the common threat represented by Islamic State. 1534 - 1918 - Region is part of the Ottoman Empire. P�g! Parliament approves new government of all major factions in December. One of the most important developments in world history is taking place in Mesopotamia.Here, on the flood plains of the rivers Tigris and Euphrates, the fertile soil brought down from the mountains by the great rivers has given rise to much denser populations than anywhere else in the world. The Way Forward: Iraq and the United States in the Aftermath of War The 2010s will mark a century since World War I, the global conflict that resulted in the construction of Iraq from the remnants of the Ottoman Empire and also stimulated the rise of the United States to great power status. 2017 September - Kurds back independence in referendum staged by Kurdish regional government. 2014 April - Prime Minister Al-Maliki's coalition wins a plurality at first parliamentary election since 2011 withdrawal of US troops, but falls short of a majority. 1992 August - A no-fly zone, which Iraqi planes are not allowed to enter, is set up in southern Iraq. 2005 June - Massoud Barzani is sworn in as regional president of Iraqi Kurdistan. It is the first Sunni province to be returned to to the Shia-led government. Are pay-by-the-minute booths the future of work? History of Iraq. 1917 - Britain seizes Baghdad during First World War. 1958 - The monarchy is overthrown in a left-wing military coup led by Abd-al-Karim Qasim. Iraq remained part of the Arab coalition seeking to destroy Israel. Located ten miles southwest of Nasiriyah, Ur is most famous as the hometown of Abraham. Until 1968, Iraq was one of the countries which had witnessed coups most frequently, but after that year, no coups occurred. 0000032508 00000 n
The Modern History of Iraq is a remarkably readable account of the emergence of contemporary Iraq, placing in historical perspective the crises and upheavals that continue to afflict the country. The Sumerians invented writing and started the first recorded history. 2018 October - Parliament elects veteran Kurdish politician Barham Salih as president. In March 2003, U.S. forces invaded Iraq vowing to destroy Iraqi weapons of mass destruction (WMD) and end the dictatorial rule of Saddam … 2006 December - Saddam Hussein is executed for crimes against humanity. Iraq leaves the pro-British Baghdad Pact. Commander of US forces says his troops face low-intensity guerrilla-style war. The very important event which follows the revolution is the eight-year-long war between Iran and Iraq that began in 1980. 2015-2016 - Government and Islamic State forces fight for control of Tikrit and Anbar Province. 0000001087 00000 n
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The citizens were horrifically abused, the economy failed and Hussein stole from the banks. 0000003747 00000 n
2003 July - US-appointed Governing Council meets for first time. That war is one of the single largest unappreciated great events of modern Middle Eastern history. 2019 September-November - At least 400 people die in protests against unemployment and corruption in cities including the capital Baghdad, prompting Adel Abdul Mahdi to tender his resignation. 2008 September - US forces hand over control of the western province of Anbar - once an insurgent and Al-Qaeda stronghold - to the Iraqi government. Iraq ordered to end all military activity in the area. 2005 December - Iraqis vote for the first, full-term government and parliament since the US-led invasion. trailer
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2014 September - Shia politician Haider al-Abad forms a broad-based government including Sunni Arabs and Kurds. Arrest warrant issued for vice-president Tariq al-Hashemi, a leading Sunni politician. In June 1967, Iraq sent a token force to the Jordanian front. 2004 June - US hands sovereignty to interim government headed by Prime Minister Iyad Allawi. In 1917, Iraq became a British protectorate1. 2013 April - Sunni insurgency intensifies, with levels of violence matching those of 2008. 2002 September - US President George W Bush tells UN Iraq poses "grave and gathering danger". Iraq … 2004 March - Suicide bombers attack Shia festival-goers in Karbala and Baghdad, killing 140 people. 1963 - Prime Minister Qasim is ousted in a coup led by the pan-Arab Baath Party. He migrated from Ur to Haran in southern Turkey, the actual homeland of the Patriarchs, and then to Canaan (Genesis 11:31; 12:1-5). Hundreds are killed. 2012 November - Iraq cancels a $4.2bn deal to buy arms from Russia because of concerns about alleged corruption within the Iraqi government. 0000035186 00000 n
Major cities: Mosul, 3,000,000 Basra, 2,300,000 Arbil, 1,294,000 Kirkuk, … 1991 Mid-March/early April - Southern Shia and northern Kurdish populations - encouraged by Iraq's defeat in Kuwait - rebel, prompting a brutal crackdown. The Islamic State of Iraq group says it was responding to alleged Iraqi Kurdish support for Kurds fighting jihadists in Syria. Blood clot is 'very rare AstraZeneca side effect'. Before Saddam Hussein’s upset of the economy, the Iraqi Dinar had a stable exchange rate of almost $4.00 USD at its peak. 0000002194 00000 n
1968 - A Baathist led-coup puts Ahmad Hasan al-Bakr in power. Sunni bloc boycotts parliament and cabinet. 2005 May onwards - Surge in car bombings, bomb explosions and shootings: government puts civilian death toll for May at 672, up from 364 in April. Ibrahim Jaafari, a Shia, is named as prime minister. 0000000731 00000 n
Myanmar ambassador to UK 'locked out' of embassy1, 'Strong' evidence found for a new force of nature2, Navalny 'losing sensation in legs and hands'3, Kardashian tries to get photo wiped off the web4, Jabs 'breaking link' between UK cases and deaths5, Beijing now has more billionaires than any city6, Celebrity model arrested in Myanmar coup crackdown7, Hong Kong citizens given 'support' to come to UK8, What we know about India's coronavirus vaccines9, Sri Lanka beauty queen injured in on-stage bust-up10. By the year-end the UN estimates the 2013 death toll of civilians as 7,157 - a dramatic increase in the previous year's figure of 3,238. Iraq had a stable history until the year 1980. H����o�0���������S�C��j��[�N�4qO:�����AZe���8���x����|������ano�f�h2]rX�t�^P��H��h�py�����yY��k*���G�{za[Gwi4IS�M$u�:-�k�F3�!�G#���y͟H�.��C3�9�08 �%Ӛ�F^��j��0j 93��&��Q����i��B�0I�3�9�V��c�Nl�h&�5 ��拸X��7��}���*������l�x���S�E�$�
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This text weaves together several important themes, including the search for a national identity, the struggle to achieve social and economic development, the changes in political dynamics, and the impact of … April 9, 2003 — 10.00am. The most important of the world's agricultural revolutions took place in the mountains to the north of the Tigris-Euphrates Rivers Valley somewhere around 6000 BCE. Evidence for a very advanced culture from Abraham’s day has been unearthed at Ur. That may seem like a strange way to start a history lesson, but think about what it is - a place where a baby sleeps, right? It gained independencefrom Britain on October 3, 1932. A massive US-led military campaign forces Iraq to withdraw in February 1991. 1988 March - Iraq attacks Kurdish town of Halabjah with poison gas, killing thousands. 2006 February onwards - A bomb attack on an important Shia shrine in Samarra unleashes a wave of sectarian violence in which hundreds of people are killed. %PDF-1.3
� Z:t�J��8��e�^wp����Qeۢ�4�� The BBC is not responsible for the content of external sites. 1979 - Saddam Hussein takes over from President Al-Bakr. Between 65,000 BC and 35,000 BC, northern Iraq was home to a Neanderthal culture, archaeological remains of which have been discovered at Shanidar Cave This same region is also the location of a number of pre-Neolithic cemeteries, dating from approximately 11,000 BC. 2005 April - Amid escalating violence, parliament selects Kurdish leader Jalal Talabani as president. 2003 August - Suicide truck bomb wrecks UN headquarters in Baghdad, killing UN envoy Sergio Vieira de Mello. Tens of thousands flee amid atrocities. In 1980, Iraq invaded neighboring Iran, and an eight-year long war caused egregious losses on both sides; a cease-fire was declared in 1988 and no clear winner emerged. 2004 November - Major US-led offensive against insurgents in Falluja. 2007 September - Controversy over private security contractors after Blackwater security guards allegedly fire at civilians in Baghdad, killing 17. 1998 October - Iraq ends cooperation with UN Special Commission to Oversee the Destruction of Iraq's Weapons of Mass Destruction. Britain retains military bases. Establishment of the Arab Union, 1958. 0000002505 00000 n
Iraq was under British rule for 17 years, and Ottoman rulefor centuries. First US-Iraq war. 1921 - After the defeat of the Ottoman Empire during World War I, Great Britain gains control of the … Army offensive drives back Kurdish forces in a move aimed at halting the regional government's moves towards an independent Kurdistan. The 2003 U.S. military invasion of Iraq and the extended occupation that followed were certainly the most dramatic and significant events in the long history of U.S. relations with Iraq. In today's Republic of Iraq, where Islam is the state religion and claims the beliefs of 95 percent of the population, the majority of Iraqis identify with Arab culture. Baghdad imposes punitive measures. 1. Read about our approach to external linking. Save. 1995 April - UN allows partial resumption of Iraq's oil exports to buy food and medicine in an oil-for-food programme. 1932 - Mandate ends, Iraq becomes independent.