Alternative for watching youtube together: Website: Pros: free, no account required, neat UI Cons: only supports youtube videos and twitch, no VM Enjoy a movie night with your friends Feel close, even when miles apart ⏰ Start your movie at the exact same time Talk about your emotions via voice chat No browser plugin required! It's free Use Binge Together as a better Netflix Party alternative Rave – Watch Together Alternatives. As the name indicates, watch everything together. Rabbit 4.0 is a platform that enables users to watch content from anywhere with their friends. Whether if it is a video, movie or TV show. Three websites to watch YouTube together when you are apart. by Pratik January 23, 2019. written by Pratik January 23, 2019. Fortunately, there are plenty of alternatives available on the web that allows users to watch videos and movies in groups. 0. It allows its users to listen to music together. Putlocker is one of the most famous online streaming sites on the internet. Alternatives: Watch Movies Together With Remote Friends. The platform allows users to share and discover new content when they meet their friends. Best Alternatives To Watch Movies Together. It not only supports numerous platforms like YouTube, Netflix but also available for both Desktop and mobile. is a popular app to watch movies and music together with your long distance friend. So, in this article, we are going to list down some of the best alternatives in … Rave is an application that empowers its visitors to watch movies and videos together. Free. Here are our favorite ways—from Zoom to Rabbit (we’ll explain, don’t worry) to watch movies together online, even if you’re thousands of miles apart. 38 8 5 #1 Rabbit – Watch Together. Create a room and you can easily stream through some of the most popular media platforms like YouTube, SoundCloud, Vimeo, and Dailymotion.It is only available as Website as of now. But thanks to technology, we can watch movies and shows with friends and family without leaving the couch. All websites updated on May 16, 2020 7 […] The site is so famous that it has prompted several major internet service providers to block access to it, depriving many of its long-term fans from enjoying convenient access to movies and TV shows. It boasts a rich … Zoom comes with a whole bunch of excellent features, but one of the best is screen sharing, which lets you share whatever’s happening on your screen, including whatever movie or TV show you may be watching.. You can control the volume of the sound of whatever you’re watching for your friends, and also have the option to leave your webcams visible, allowing you to see your friends … But it makes a great Apple Watch alternative because of its 14-day battery life, which is the main gripe about Apple's smartwatch. There are many websites that let you sync and share YouTube videos to watch with … was one of the best platforms to watch movies together because it let … The watch party concept came into existence because this feature allows you to stream the content with your friends, meaning they can also watch what you are streaming on your computer screen. In the age of social distancing, there’s nothing we miss more than The Bachelor viewing parties and movie-night outs. Watch Videos Together with the Best Rabbit Alternative So that was our list of 12 best Rabbit alternatives which are excellent both in terms of features and functionality. Rave is also known as a media viewing center that enables its users to get the system of combining their mobile activities like watching movies and chatting with friends as well.