Celebrating the 40th anniversary of the show in 2012. Tiffy and Samson were slightly remodeled for the first time for these episodes. Uwe and Lilo with Samson, Uli von Bödefeld, and Tiffy (ca. Other anniversary events include: Melvin Ming with Lutz Marmor and Bert, Cookie Monster and Ernie at Sesamstrasse's 40th birthday party on January 7th, 2013 in Hamburg, Germany. Nearly a decade later, beginning in 1984, a number of the dubbed episodes were reaired under the title, "Ein Wiedersehen mit Bibo und Oskar" (A reunion with Big Bird and Oscar. Sesamstrasse was the third co-production of Sesame Street outside the United States. Bettina (#2) and Schorsch with Samson, Rumpel, and Tiffy. The most controversial moment of this early period was a film showing the unconcealed birth of a human baby. Remarkable is that Caroll Spinney did not just perform the character to be dubbed later, but also provided his voice in German, resulting in Bibo having a noticeable American accent. Sketch actors (years are production dates), Ernie and Bert, slowly making their way into the cast of the show, Kevin Clash can be spotted in the background behind Bert, Samson, Rumpel and Axel Schulz presenting the UNICEF check, The expanded cast of German Muppets with their American friends. Impressum Hier gibt es viel zum Staunen und Entdecken! In 2006, German audience's long-time favorites Ernie and Bert began appearing regularly in newly produced German segments. Sesamstrasse ("Sesamstraße" in German) is the international version of Sesame Street in Germany. Also, just as it has become common practice on Sesame Street since 2002 to drop the framing story format, Sesamstrasse's street scenes began airing as a whole at the beginning of each episode. Hamburg/Berlin | Millionen deutsche Kinder der 70er und 80er Jahre denken an Tiffy, Samson und Herrn von Bödefeld, an Lilo Pulver, Uwe Friedrichsen, Horst Janson und Ilse Biberti. For the 36th season, the two moved into their own apartment on Sesamstrasse, above new human character Frau Kowalski, commenting on the street events from their balcony. Ernie (r) und Bert - Stars der „Sesamstraße“. Most obvious were changes in the first main characters Samson and Tiffy (as can be seen here for Samson 1978-2000 and Tiffy Through the Years). Since then, Sesamstrasse has been visited by the most diverse cast of supporting Muppets than any other international version. In 1988, the studio set and original puppets were destroyed in a fire. Außerdem versucht Grobi, eine Hantel zu heben. Vergabe Nord Darunter sind auch Staaten wie China, Nigeria und Afghanistan. Variety shows like Peter Alexander präsentiert Spezialitäten in 1975 promoted the show by stopping by the original US set, and taping special footage. Finchen has also had his fair share of fabric surgery. Peter Alexander präsentiert Spezialitäten, NDR Radiophilharmonie mit Ernie, Bert und Samson, Unsere Geschichte: Als die Sesamstrasse nach Deutschland kam, 40 Jahre Sesamstrasse - Die Geburtstags-Show, https://de.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Sesamstrasse, Sesame Workshop Blog - Sesamstrasse Celebrates 40th Anniversary, http://www.altonaermuseum.de/altonaer-museum/ausstellungen/vorschau/ansicht.html?uniqid=4616, https://muppet.fandom.com/wiki/Sesamstrasse?oldid=1373397, New Year's Day 2013 also brought a new 45-minute documentary airing on NDR, titled, On January 31, 2013, Ernie and Bert paid a visit to, The Hamburg-based exhibition opened with a live appearance by Ernie on May 14, 2013 and will run through March 16, 2014. In mehr als 150 Ländern errei... Schließen Sie jetzt den kostenfreien Probemonat ab (anschließend 7,90 €/Monat), um diesen Artikel zu lesen. Die Figuren aus der "Sesamstraße" v.l. Established characters such as Rumpel and Samson were retired (although Samson made a special appearance on the show in 2013), while Pferd, Wolle and Finchen remain part of the cast. Beginning in 2008, the show was shot in high definition. Doch ihr Start in der Bundesrepublik war bedächtig. immo-norden.de But from 2007 onwards, the American material has been used less and less, so that by today an average Sesamstrasse episode only contains two or three American produced sketches. The matting also allowed the characters to show up in different locations, like a beach, a small deserted island that would be surrounded by an entire ocean through the snap of one's fingers, a nearby train station, or the roof of the studio. For the show's 40th anniversary, Elmo was introduced as a resident on the street, appearing in a tree house setting as the new host of the show. Celebrating the 30th anniversary of the show in 2003. In January 2012, Sesamstrasse stopped airing on ARD, but the show continues to be broadcast on KI.KA. Instead a courtyard was added, and new characters were introduced: Rumpel the Grouch (1989-2008), living inside a water barrel, and Buh the owl (1989-2000), housed inside a hollow tree. Take your favorite fandoms with you and never miss a beat. Sesamstrasse intro and outro - 2008 to 2012. Samson the bear (1978-2012) and Tiffy the bird (1978-2005) replaced Big Bird (Bibo) and Oscar the Grouch (Oskar der Griesgram) as main characters, and the new version debuted on January 2, 1978. Leonie Löwenherz (Leonie Lionheart in English), a female lion (1986-1989), was featured for a very short time before and after the set and puppets were destroyed in the fire. Lilo, Uwe, Horst and Ute with Finchen, Uli von Bödefeld, Samson and Tiffy (1983). Ernie and Bert appeared on a regular episode that year, as well as on the show's 30th anniversary TV-special. 1979). Sesamstrasse fans divide the series between the Studio Episodes and the Bicycle Shop Episodes in the same way that American fans talk about the pre-Elmo days. Elmo macht Sport. In 1977, a German street set was built at Studio Hamburg for German framing stories. Unter anderem waren dies Oscar, Ernie und Bert, das Krümelmonster und Kermit der Frosch. In mehr als 150 Ländern erreichte die Kindersendung mit ihren Puppen kleine Fans - oft mit lokal angepassten Ablegern. | : Bert, Grobi, Ernie, Samson, Elmo, Pferd, Wolle, Wolf, Finchen und das Krümelmonster ELMO aus der Sesamstraße The early puppets were built by Kermit Love; nowadays Jim Henson's New York Workshop builds the puppets for Sesamstrasse (under appointment of Sesame Workshop). April 2021, 11:50 Uhr. The exception to air the program was Germany's most southern state of Bavaria, where the local TV station felt that the Sesame Street set was too gritty to suit German children, and consequently had to develop its own children's programming called Das feuerrote Spielmobil (The fire-red Play-mobile). April 1971 diejenigen, die wichtig waren – die Kinder. Yet from 1976 through 1977 the street scenes were dropped, due in part to a consistent onslaught of protesting parents that were unhappy with the "controversial" character of Oscar the Grouch. Mediadaten. Global gesehen sind dagegen Ernie und Bert, das Krümelmonster, Graf Zahl, Grobi und Elmo in den Köpfen, wenn der Titel der Vorschulreihe „Sesamstraße“ fällt. | Global gesehen sind dagegen Ernie und Bert, das Krümelmonster, Graf Zahl, Grobi und Elmo in den Köpfen, wenn der Titel der Vorschulreihe „Sesamstraße“ fällt. After a short test run of a few original, undubbed Sesame Street episodes in 1972, the German version of the show premiered on January 8, 1973. Und Krümelmonster nimmt an einem Wettkampf teil. | On December 24, 2008, a German-produced, 45-minute Christmas special called Weihnachten mit Ernie und Bert aired, featuring Ernie, Bert, and an Anything Muppet Santa Claus. AGB In recent years the courtyard slowly transitioned into an entire marketplace, a common social center for German towns and even city districts. The opening for this episode, that aired on January 26, 1985, can be seen here; special guest host Big Bird does not appear in it. Darunter sind auch Staaten wie China, Nigeria und Afghanistan. Auto Global gesehen sind dagegen Ernie und Bert, das Krümelmonster, Graf Zahl, Grobi und Elmo in den Köpfen, wenn der Titel der Vorschulreihe „Sesamstraße“ fällt. In the following years more characters were added to the German street scenes, such as the German-built, androgynous Uli von Bödefeld (Uli is short for Ulrich), also called Herr von Bödefeld (1978-1988), and Finchen the Snail (1979-1983, 1989-present). Global gesehen sind dagegen Ernie und Bert, das Krümelmonster, Graf Zahl, Grobi und Elmo in den Köpfen, wenn der Titel der Vorschulreihe "Sesamstraße" fällt. In the years 1984 and 1985 no new episodes were taped; instead a wild mix of repeats was shown on TV. Some parts of the street were simply 'matted in' during an episode, or the characters would ask for help from the studio crew. (One episode about Samson trying to scratch an annoying flea ends with the entire studio crew itching!) The new season debuted on October 1, 2012, with the special birthday themed episode airing on the anniversary date of January 8, 2013. Peter Alexander präsentiert Spezialitäten (1975). Datenschutz Samson, Tiffy, and Finchen in Sesame Street Stays Up Late. Sesamstrasse was the third co-production of Sesame Street outside the United States. job-norden.de The title of the German theme song is Der, die, das (wer, wie, was – wieso, weshalb, warum – wer nicht fragt, bleibt dumm! Sesamstrasse has been primarily running on Norddeutscher Rundfunk (NDR) since January 8, 1973; it is currently in its 42nd season. Super Grover 2.0 was also added to the show beginning in 2013. As more and more previously used Muppets were borrowed from Sesame Workshop, more secondary characters evolved in their own sketches, such as the green Wolf vom Wörtersee in 2007. Established characters such as Cookie Monster and Grover make guest appearances. Die liebenswerten Puppen aus der „Sesamstraße“ stießen bei ihrer Ankunft in Deutschland vor 50 Jahren auf Widerstand. For decades the show used to consist of around 50 percent of American material, like most international co-productions of Sesame Street. From 1986 onward new episodes with two new human actors were produced, and while the studio set remained largely the same, a bicycle shop was added, run by the new residents. Merely the opening and closing songs and sequences were changed, featuring new lyrics written by Volker Ludwig and tunes by Ingfried Hoffmann. For the first few episodes that his name was mentioned, Simson was only imagined by Samson and other characters doubted his existence, similarly to as it happened with Snuffy on Sesame Street when he was only being seen by Big Bird. ), literally translating to This, this and that (who, how, what - why, why and why - those who don't ask stay dumb!). Just as in its American counterpart, the German characters have been remodeled over the decades. Trauer Anzeigen, .st0{fill:#04426A;} .st1{fill:#0A0A09;} .st2{fill:#F9CD57;} .st3{fill:#33A4DD;} .st4{fill:#E00D29;} .st5{fill:#777777;}svz.desvz.desvz.de, .avatar.st0{fill:#04426A !important;} .avatar.st1{fill:#FFFFFF;} .avatar.st2{display:none;} .avatar.st3{display:inline;} Instead a new framing story was created, following the antics of a boy named Bumfidel and his mother. 1968 begannen Joan Ganz Cooney und ein Team des Children’s Television Workshop mit der Arbeit an der Sesamstraße, einer damals visionären Fernsehsendung für Kinder.Teil dieser Sendung waren einige lustige, farbenfrohe Puppen, die in der besagten Straße leben. | The first three seasons, or 250 episodes of Sesamstrasse consisted of the original American episodes dubbed to German in Hamburg. Each episode featured the new puppets interacting with a pair of human characters; consistently one male, one female. Die Vorschulreihe „Sesamstraße“ gehört zum Fernsehen in Deutschland wie „Die Sendung mit der Maus“, die „Tagesschau“ und der „Tatort“. The additions to the puppet cast were Feli Filu (2000-2007) the Monster reporter, the comic duo Pferd the horse (2002-present) and Wolle the sheep (2002-present), as well as a few recurring grouches, and some Anything Muppets. In 2011, more segments were produced to air both as standalone segments outside the show, and within: Ernie & Bert Songs and Ernie & Bert Märchensongs. In 2005, after a 27-year presence on the show, Tiffy was replaced with single mom Moni (2005-2007) and her pink and furry daughter Lena (2005-2009). Global gesehen sind dagegen Ernie und Bert, das Krümelmonster, Graf Zahl, Grobi und Elmo in den Köpfen, wenn der Titel der Vorschulreihe «Sesamstraße» fällt. From 1978 to 1988, the fact that the street stories took place in a studio was never kept a secret. While the set offered Tiffy a new apartment-like living room in the coming years, it still featured Samson's cave in which he had lived in prior to the set change. Oder kostenlos bis zu drei Artikel in 30 Tagen lesen, Kontakt von dpa The new set was centered around the new bicycle shop that was introduced in 1986, but the street stories no longer took place in a studio set. In 2000, the cast expanded anew. The show's intro and end credits from 2010 to 2012. Just like Uli von Bödefeld, she was built by German puppet makers and not the Muppet Workshop. Sesamstrasse has been primarily running on Norddeutscher Rundfunk (NDR) since January 8, 1973; it is currently in its 42nd season. Samson (bear), Tiffy (pink bird), Finchen (snail), Buh (owl), Feli Filu (blue monster), and Rumpel the Grouch with Gustav (caterpillar). The individual sketches of the original Sesame Street American inhabitants remained the dubbed main part of the show, but some were edited due to intros that exhibited English words (such as The Adventures of Super Grover, or the Sesame Street News Flash skits). Sesamstrasse ("Sesamstraße" in German) is the international version of Sesame Street in Germany. )[1] Each episode was repackaged to begin with an animated intro of the aforementioned characters with their episode number, which did not match the original episode numbers as they were presented out of order. In 2003 the German co-production's 30th anniversary was celebrated with a press conference and boxer Axel Schulz, Ernie, Bert and Elmo (performed by Kevin Clash) in attendance, as the show gave a donation of € 12,271.00 to UNICEF. Global gesehen sind dagegen Ernie und Bert, das Krümelmonster, Graf Zahl, Grobi und Elmo in den Köpfen, wenn der Titel der Vorschulreihe „Sesamstraße“ fällt. Ernie und Bert möchten gesund bleiben, Elmo und Pferd treiben Sport. The slightly altered exhibition is running under the title, Starting December 25, 2013 (Christmas Day), KIKA aired, Beginning with the new opening sequence and launch of its, In November 2017, another spin-off premiered its three pilot episodes on KIKA following the first spin-off show. Bettina #2, Opa Brass, Schorsch, Helmi, Jivana, and Mucke with Rumpel, Samson, Buh, Tiffy, and Finchen. The show's opening from the Marketplace era. In mehr als 150 Ländern erreichte die Kindersendung mit ihren Puppen kleine Fans - oft mit lokal angepassten Ablegern. Ihr Titellied kann bis heute jeder mitträllern. Global gesehen sind dagegen Ernie und Bert, das Krümelmonster, Graf Zahl, Grobi und Elmo in den Köpfen, wenn der Titel der Vorschulreihe «Sesamstraße» fällt. New characters include a female friend to Elmo, played by Julia Stinshoff, and Susi Schraube, an inventive girl who appears in a series of new stop-motion segments. After her short-lived Sesame career, she got her own (ALF-like) show called "Leonie Löwenherz" on ARD, featuring herself, her two lion brothers and a few human characters. While Big Bird ("Bibo," locally) and Oscar the Grouch, both performed in German by Caroll Spinney, had visited Sesamstrasse for the special episode 750 before, another highlight of this era was the celebration of Sesamstrasse's 1000th episode; the "Sesamelly Zirkusshow," a circus gala performance taped at "Zirkus Althoff" in which Big Bird appeared alongside the German characters one more time. The puppets were rebuilt in 1989 with significant changes.