Below are all the bits and pieces that I used for this Raspberry Pi AirPlay Receiver tutorial, you will need an internet connection to be able to complete this tutorial. How to build an AirPlay receiver with Raspberry Pi Zero. Installs Shairport Sync AirPlay Audio Receiver. It's a remarkably easy thing to do with AirPlay, but if you don't want to pay for Apple's solutions, a $35 Raspberry Pi does the job remarkably well. Before installing the shairport airplay software we want to install a number of modules needed to compile it. Open up LXTerminal from your desktop and type in the following command: Your USB card should display as something like, "card 1: set [device name], device 0: USB Audio." Open the WiFi Config application on the desktop. Raspbian will remember your selection, so even if you disconnect the Wi-Fi adapter at any time during the process it will automatically load up again when it's connected to the Pi. Here's what you need to pick up: The Raspberry Pi makes a fantastic little AirPlay device. We need a few packages to make this work. NY 10036. You will receive a verification email shortly. The Raspberry Pi is a low-cost option for many DIY home automation systems. Imagine projecting your kids' favorite cartoons to the rear entertainment system of your car, catching up with the season finale on a plane, watching your favorite movie in your hotel room, or simply walk up to a signage display and turn it into a collaborative space. This means we have to edit the the configuration file. You can install RaspBMC by using the Pi foundations NOOB's installer. However, although multi-room playback using AirPlay 1 is … If you're already up and running, type this command into the terminal to load up Raspi-config again: Finally, the AirPlay functionality may require a few packages not initially included in your installation, so you want update your packages before you get started. This project was inspired by a desire to make full use of a 25-year-old Pioneer stereo system that sounds as good as the day we bought it. The AirPlay function works with the Raspberry Pi installation of Raspbian. The Raspberry Pi is a versatile little computer that provides the perfect sandbox to start creating some fun and interesting projects. Look through the file for the "DAEMON_ARGS" line, and change it so it looks like this: Save the file (Ctrl+X), and you're all set. Thank you for signing up to TechRadar. I can stream HD video in the same way, but I … That means it's recognized by the Raspberry Pi. ; Meanwhile, to send videos, music and photos to your Raspberry Pi display, simply use the main Raspicast screen and select Cast.This will open a screen listing all videos on your Android device. Make your Raspberry Pi into an AirPlay receiver! Scroll down near the end of the file and look for this line: Comment that line out with a "#" symbol at the start of the line. Also you need a phono cable (about £3/$5) to connect to your hi-fi. First off, connect your USB sound card into the Raspberry Pi, and hook it up to your stereo with the 3.5mm audio cable (or plug in headphones so we can test to make sure it works). Then in RaspBMC you need to enable Airplay once. AirServer has the power to transform any Screen + Embedded Linux into a fully blown collaborative display. Now, we're going to use a terminal command to select it. Spotify Connect Now your sound card and Wi-Fi adapters will both work automatically every time you start the Pi. Once the operating system loads (it takes about 30-40 seconds usually), you can instantly and easily send all your music through the Raspberry Pi. With a few tweaks to your initial Raspberry Pi installation, you can turn it into an amazing little device that can receive audio from any AirPlay-compatible device. If you haven't bought one yet, check out our introduction to the Pi to learn more about what it is, what you'll need, and the cool stuff you can do with one. Please refresh the page and try again. We picked the Raspberry Pi Zero because it costs about a fiver, but you can easily adapt this project to any Raspberry Pi model – doing so may cost more, but you'll avoid the need to do any soldering and you'll even have the option of turning your AirPlay receiver into a standalone system – all you need to do is provide speakers. Your AirPlay receiver will consist of a number of components, and you're free to trade up or down as you see fit. The entire reason that we can leverage a non-Apple certified device like a Raspberry Pi to act as an AirPlay receiver is because the standard was reverse-engineered back in 2011. from your home directory type: This command starts Shairport with your Raspberry Pi named "AirPi" (you can change it to whatever you want). In this tutorial, I’ll show you how to set up a Raspberry Pi to be used as an AirPlay receiver so you can stream audio from any iOS device, iTunes or compatible AirPlay software. When you're done, you'll have a small box connected to your stereo that functions similar to AirPlay-enabled speakers. AirPlay is great for wirelessly piping music through your home, but even basic AirPlay speakers come with a hefty price tag attached. Type this into the console: The update might take a little while, so grab a beverage and sit back. AirPlay Mirroring without Apple TV via Raspberry Pi. You are going to need a bit of time to complete this step ~30 minutes should do it – so make sure you have that available before proceeding. You'll need a Raspberry Pi Zero (£4.20/$5), of course, for which you'll want to add: the Essential Raspberry Pi Zero Kit (£6/$10), which contains necessary adaptors and a GPIO header; a USB Wi-Fi dongle (£6/$10); and a Raspberry Pi Zero power adapter (£6/$10), all of which you can get from The Pi Hut (or Ada Fruit in the US). Few things are better than kicking back on the couch and streaming your favorite album wirelessly to your stereo from your phone. You can now move the Raspberry Pi anywhere you like and do whatever else you want with it. There's also a Pi-DAC Zero Headphones add-on (£15/$25), if you want a private experience. Test AirPlay to the Raspberry Pi. We hoped the receiver would make good use of this stereo's stunning sound, but even we couldn't have foreseen just how spectacular the results would be. That means wireless streaming to any speakers you have in the house. But with AirPlay 2 being so new, there hasn’t been much headway in cracking Apple’s lock. Both the Airport Express basic station [1] and an Apple TV [2] connected to a home theater system support AirPlay, and many audio/video receivers come with an integrated … (Sorry for the bad picture quality, it gets better) To get the receiver set up, you will need … Raspberry Pi as Airplay Receiver I have found an open source project called RPiPlay, with which you can mirror your iOS / Mac device to the Raspberry's Screen, good for an AppleTV substitute, it has some bugs, but it is the only one that I have found. You can follow our guide for getting started with the Raspberry Pi to get Raspbian installed. Once you're booted up into Raspbian and everything is working properly, we can dig into setting up the AirPlay function. Now you can use Shairport to retrofit a Rasp Pi and avoid the expense of purchasing an AirPlay receiver. This past week, we walked you through some of the common projects people tackle with their Raspberry Pi, like: Getting the AirPlay receiver up and running on the Pi is easy, but you'll need a few materials first. You'll also need the Pi-DAC Zero (£15/$25) which offers twin phono outputs to hook up the Raspberry Pi Zero to your stereo sound system. Your AirPlay receiver will consist of a number of components, and you're free to trade up or down as you see fit. But we're not done yet. Here are just a few different ideas that expand the AirPlay functionality in the Raspberry Pi way past the AirPort Express: A big thanks goes out to Jordan Burgess and Trouch for their guides to getting Shairport repositories installed and adding iOS 6 support. Nothing’s going to happen until you start AirPlaying to it, so grab an iPhone or something that supports AirPlay, and ensure it’s on the same network as the Raspberry Pi. Step 2: Install the necessary packages. An open-source implementation of an AirPlay mirroring server for the Raspberry Pi.The goal is to make it run smoothly even on a Raspberry Pi Zero. Another method by which to mirror the iPhone … The Raspberry Pi doesn’t currently support AirPlay Mirroring to send video content. Future US, Inc. 11 West 42nd Street, 15th Floor, If you like, open up the internet browser Midori from the desktop to make sure the internet is working. Next up we need to get the sound card up and working. Step One: Configure The Raspberry Pi The AirPlay function works with the Raspberry Pi installation of Raspbian . If you've got an amplifier or receiver that has an HDMI input, you can also use the HDMI output of the Raspberry Pi to transfer a digital audio signal. Now start shairport-sync with:-. Setting up the Raspberry Pi AirPlay receiver is a very simple task, as long as you have a good internet connection and a set of speakers to connect your Raspberry Pi to its relatively simple process. To follow our project exactly, you'll need the following items – feel free to shop around for better deals, but these are the items and sellers we used during this project. At first I attempted following the official Alpine documentation . A Brief Introduction to the Raspberry Pi. Now we need to test the sound. Finally, you'll need a Class 10 MicroSD card. Long story short, I am now streaming music from my iPad to that TV using Apple's AirPlay protocol and Raspberry Pi media software called Raspbmc. I used the "PC" input as that would make sense to my wife, then I used the Onkyo setup to make the onscreen label say "AirPlay." It's Raspberry Pi week at Lifehacker, and all week we'll be showing you some cool DIY projects you can put together with this little miracle of a device. AirPlay Raspberry Pi receiver. When it's plugged in and booted up it will automatically load everything necessary to start AirPlay with no need for an external monitor or keyboard. … However, the Raspberry Pi doesn't currently support AirPlay Mirroring to send video content. When it's complete, we need to install an update so Shairport will work with iOS 6 (you can skip this step if you're not on or plan to upgrade iOS 6): Once the iOS 6 module is installed (give it a little while), it's finally time to get Shairport installed. Let’s get them! Shairport should launch on startup every time. Raspberry Pi (B+ v2 or Pi 2) Bluez-compatible bluetooth 4.0 dongle; 8GB MicroSD; A good solid power source for the Raspberry Pi; A keyboard and display for initial setup; Optional: R-Pi compatible WiFi dongle, e. g. Realtek RTL8188CUS; A note on the Pi version. Step 1: Before getting started, first run an update and upgrade on your Raspberry Pi to make sure that you are running the latest software. You'll want a case for your Raspberry Pi Zero; we used a Pibow Zero case. Video - Just plugged a 3 foot HDMI cable from the Raspberry Pi directly into an unused HDMI on my Onkyo Receiver. That means you don't need a monitor, keyboard, or mouse next to your stereo for it to work. Shairport doesn't automatically load when you start your Raspberry Pi, and since we want to make our AirPlay device work without any peripherals we need to do one more step. Press F6 to change the output type and select your sound card. Current page: Alpine is really lightweight, runs on Raspberry Pi just fine, and has almost all of the packages we need. It's not a difficult process, but you do want to give yourself about 30 minutes because it requires a lot of downloading and installing of software. sudo service shairport-sync start. The Shairport AirPlay software is the software we need in order to turn our Raspberry Pi into a AirPlay receiver. One popular project is as an AirPlay receiver, allowing us to stream audio from an iOS device or computer using iTunes to our Raspberry Pi that's connected to a set of speakers. The good news is that it'll give you a full-blown music receiver that can do much more than simply act as an AirPlay receiver, though that's the sole focus of this tutorial. The Raspberry Pi is a full Linux computer that is about the size of a credit card and sells for $25–$35. TechRadar is part of Future US Inc, an international media group and leading digital publisher. setting to yes. Music in the video by Comfort Fit and Jonathan Coulton. You can do a lot more with it once the functionality is set up. It only needs to be 1GB in size, although if you plan to store music on the Raspberry Pi Zero itself, you'll want it to be a much larger capacity – 16GB at minimum. You may already have a perfectly serviceable stereo system in place, so why spend a fortune on new speakers when you can put together your own wireless AirPlay receiver for under £50/$70 with the Raspberry Pi? Type the following: This opens the alsa-base.conf file. Shairport is the software that actually makes AirPlay work, and it takes a little while to get it all set up. Once you're all set up, all you need to do to use the AirPlay function is plug the Raspberry Pi in, and wait for it to boot up. You should see "AirPi" listed as an output device. First off, we need to get the USB Wi-Fi adapter working. VPN Unlimited: Lifetime Subscription + 1 Year of PlayStation Plus, wireless streaming to any speakers you have in the house, Install Raspbian and get started with Raspberry Pi DIY, Set up a personal VPN for secure browsing anywhere you go, Create an AirPlay receiver and stereo companion, Ten more awesome projects for your Raspberry Pi, and further resources, a USB DAC will really clean up the sound nicely, our guide for getting started with the Raspberry Pi,, Install your Raspberry Pi directly into a speaker, Add control for a dedicated Pandora radio station, Turn it into a dedicated streaming radio player. If you're thinking of buying another Raspberry Pi model, watch our video below to see if the Raspberry Pi 3 could replace your current PC. That turned out to be a hassle so I ended up using this fine project , which builds an image with ssh and persistent storage that you can immediately flash onto an SD card. It … However, the Raspberry Pi doesn't currently support AirPlay Mirroring to send video content. © To cast to your Raspberry Pi, you have two options: Browse for the content within the Raspicast app and hit play. Select your adapter from the drop down list. This script comes with a backported version of shairport-sync from Raspberry Pi OS Bullseye (see SimpleBackportCreation for details) and can be replaced with the original (but older) one in Raspberry Pi OS Buster or a sef-compiled one (not part of this project). If you want the AirPlay receiver to start automatically without the need for a keyboard or monitor, we need to set Raspbian to login you in automatically. Raspberry Pi (pretty much any model with wifi will work) Power supply; SD card (a small one is fine, since we’ll be installing the “light” version of Raspbian and little else) HDMI cable (preferably) or 3.5mm (1/8″) audio cable; Stereo receiver and speaker; To make your Airplay receiver work even better, you’ll probably also want to add: New York, Finally, Raspbian doesn't automatically load the USB sound card when it boots like it does the Wi-Fi USB adapter. Used Airport Express units go for $50-60 on eBay. This … We hope IQaudIO will, in time, produce a dedicated case to house the Raspberry Pi Zero and its audio cards. With this hack the computer imitates an airplay speaker, making it possible to send songs over to an old stereo wirelessly from your phone. It will emulate an AirPlay endpoint such that you can select it as output from iTunes or your iPad or iPhone. I have used a Pi … Pi in the Wi-Fi. As long as the USB sound card and Wi-Fi adapter are plugged in, they'll load up when you turn the Raspberry Pi along with Shairport. Enable it under System > Network > “Allow XBMC to receive AirPlay content”. Type this into the console: Let this process run for a little while. Installing Raspbian Lite And Enabling Secure Shell (SSH): After installing Raspbian Lite and enabling … Visit our corporate site. ; Cast from YouTube, find the video in the app and tap Share > Cast (Raspicast). Still, what's nice about using the Raspberry Pi as an AirPlay device for your speakers is that you can continue to use it for any other project you like. Seems like a lot of work for almost no savings. The Raspberry Pi is quite a little device. You can actually make a Raspberry Pi AirPlay receiver with nothing more than a few commands in Terminal. Connect your USB Wi-Fi Adapter to the Pi if it isn't already. Option 2: DIY AirPlay Speakers with a Raspberry Pi (More Technical) The next option is to put your DIY tech skills to the test and add AirPlay functionality to an existing set of speakers using a Raspberry Pi. Try the HDMI out. Run the following commands to install the modules: … Grab your iOS device, pick the music app of your choice, and tap the AirPlay button. This essentially enables the I2S sound interface on the Raspberry Pi GPIO pins, enabling the external DAC to receive and process the audio output. During the setup process at the Raspi-config screen, change the "Start Desktop on Boot?" This is dead simple with Raspbian installed: That's it for the Wi-Fi adapter. Update: Raspberry Pi week is over! The AirPlay functionality is just the tip of the iceberg. Installing Kodi 16 (nightly Build) To use AirPlay, we'll need the latest version of Kodi, Kodi 16.0. AirPlay lets Apple customers create a wireless connection from an iPhone, iPad, or Mac computer to a stereo system or loud speakers. Sign up to get breaking news, reviews, opinion, analysis and more, plus the hottest tech deals! There was a problem. Hit Ctrl+X to save and exit. The cost of these parts, excluding postage and the optional headphones add-on, comes to about £49/$70. From your home directory, type: Finally, we need to add Shairport as a launch item. Type: This loads up Shairport file we need to edit. The components used in this project will cost you about £50/$70, and some soldering is involved. Check out these Raspberry Pi guides to see all the fun stuff we did, and check out our Raspberry Pi tag for more cool projects. Note: It's possible to install everything you need using console commands, but we'll use the slightly easier Raspbian interface so that you can continue to use your Raspberry Pi for whatever else you like. Its pretty simple, once its installed, requires network access, everything else is enabled via the BMC GUI. Type: This loads up the software to test the audio output. The Raspberry Pi is a great little computer that provides a device to do little projects on. Tap that, and the music should start streaming out of your USB sound card within a couple seconds. The Raspberry Pi is a wonderful little computer that fits in the palm of your hand, yet packs…. By Nick Peers 11 April 2016. Although not the … Essentially, it lets you stream music to any speakers you have sitting around for less than half the price of an AirPort Express, and you can still use it for any other Raspberry Pi project you want to take on. Check out the video above for a quick demo of what this project entails, and what you'll get with the final product. Apple's new media-streaming technology, AirPlay, is a great way to stream devices across your…. For now, the Pibow Zero case keeps your Raspberry Pi Zero snug while allowing the IQaudIO card to sit on top of it. Now we need to test the output: You should hear a tone from your speakers verifying the USB sound card is working. That's a serious win-win. The raspberry pi is fully functional credit card-sized computer that is cheap enough ($25) that it can be used just for a single purpose. First off, we need to install a few things before we can get Shairport. How to set up a Raspberry Pi AirPlay receiver Step 1: Check for updates. 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