Outside official use, the flag may not be used for "aims incompatible with European values". The stars of the flag “stand for the ideals of unity, solidarity and harmony among the peoples of Europe”, according to the EU website. In an early instance, Macedonian protesters burned "the flag of the EU" in the context of EU involvement in the 2001 insurgency in the Republic of Macedonia. [15], Carlo Curti Gialdino (2005) has reconstructed the design process to the effect that Heitz's proposal contained varying numbers of stars, from which the version with twelve stars was chosen by the Committee of Ministers meeting at Deputy level in January 1955 as one out of two remaining candidate designs. Meaning of the flag of Armenia: Red symbolizes the blood spilt by Armenian soldiers in war, maintenance of the Christian faith, Armenia’s independence and freedom; blue represents the will of the people of Armenia to live in peaceful skies; orange stands for the creative talent and hard working nature of the people of this country. The struggle for independence, specifically the bloodshed caused for it. The diameter of each star is equal to one-ninth of the height of the hoist.[21]. (One of them shown), Muller of Wiesbaden proposed a red flag bearing the word "Europa" in gold lettering, with a golden sun and a white hand making the. It consists of a circle of twelve five-pointed golden stars on a blue field. Please try to keep recent events in historical perspective and add more content related to non-recent events. [89] Similar uses were reported from Moldova. Of course, the EU is the New Roman Empire, ruled the anti-christ (Pope), and the evidence (apart from the supposed meaning of the flag) is that it's founding treaty is the Treaty of Rome, the absence of God in the draft Constitution, the rapid secularisation in European societies, and of course the Vatican (also in Rome) deciding to adopt the euro. They show circles of yellow five-pointed stars on a blue field. This is the official European Union flag (EU) and the official Council of Europe flag (CoE). Emoji flags are supported on all major platforms except Windows, which displays two-letter country codes instead of emoji flag images.. [29] [34] … Electric Plug. [87], The flag has been widely used by advocates of European integration since the late 1990s or early 2000s. Fifteen golden five-pointed stars in a circle representing union, over a sky-blue background. [24], The EU emblem ("EU flag") is depicted on the euro banknotes. So the EU flag displaying a circle of 12 stars has a deeper meaning even than the crown of the Virgin Mary. The chevron also has the colours of Strasbourg. It is also often used to indicate eurozone countries. [12], On 25 September 1953, the Consultative Assembly of the Council of Europe recommended that a blue flag with fifteen gold stars be adopted as an emblem for the organisation, the number fifteen reflecting the number of states of the Council of Europe. Its colours are based on the colours of the Flag of Europe, because Brussels is considered the unofficial capital of the EU. Austria, Belgium, Bulgaria, Cyprus, France, Germany, Greece, Hungary, Italy, Lithuania, Luxembourg, Malta, Portugal, Romania, Slovakia, Slovenia and Spain. The EU flag "is a shared flag, blue with 12 gold stars symbolizing completeness. Most of the documents sourced are from the Council of Europe webpage. Blue signified loyalty, faith, honesty, and power Nonetheless, the precise meaning of the colors of the flag are: 1. The flag of Bosnia and Herzegovina, imposed by High Representative Carlos Westendorp, after the country's parliament failed to agree on a design, is reminiscent of the symbolism of the EU flag, using the same blue and yellow colours, and the stars, although of a different number and colour, are a direct reference to those of the European flag. [78], In 2002, Dutch architect Rem Koolhaas designed a new flag, dubbed the "barcode", as it displayed the colours of the national flags of the EU member states in vertical stripes. Finally, Levy proposed that the arms of Strasbourg was an important element to be added as it represented where the council would be, and being located in the heart of the cross meant that the council was the point where the European roads met. Following an online competition held in 2015 by the European Commission, citizens and residents of the euro area selected the design created by Georgios Stamatopoulos, an engraver at the Bank of Greece. He had circulated his flag round many European capitals and the concept had found favour. A: The Flag of Europe consists of a circle of twelve golden stars on a blue background. Green also depicted hope, and the green cross over a white background was a design that had not been used yet. Burning of the EU flag has been reported from other anti-EU rallies since. The symbols proposed where the following[41]. Alternatively, it is sometimes called the. All the stars are upright (one point straight up), have five points and are spaced equally, like the hour positions on the face of a clock. [128], The flag of Bosnia & Herzegovina was partly based on the European flag[129], Flag of the European Coal and Steel Community (1958–1972), Flag of the European Coal and Steel Community (1973–1980), Flag of the European Coal and Steel Community (1981–1985), Flag of the European Coal and Steel Community (1986–2002), The flag of Kosovo was partly based on the European flag, Flag of the Western European Union (1993–1995), Flag of the Western European Union (1995–2011), Flag of the Assembly of the Western European Union, Flag of the European Parliament (1973–1983), EU emblem for certification of organic agricultural products. In most member states, use of the EU flag is only de facto and not regulated by legislation, and as such subject to ad hoc revision. The stars of the flag “stand for the ideals of unity, solidarity and harmony among the peoples of Europe”, according to the EU website. [5] The Council of Europe urged that it be adopted by other European organisations, and in 1985 the European Communities (EC) adopted it. Adonnino Report, p. 31. It comprises 12 stars that morph into human figures embracing the birth of a new Europe." This cross would consist of four "E"s backed on to a square. The Flag … [113], A KOD demonstration in Warsaw, Poland against the ruling Law and Justice party, on 7 May 2016, Ukrainian and EU flags at Euromaidan, December 2013, European flag upside down at the Pride in London parade, just after the Brexit referendum in June 2016, Flag of the EU in the top left corner of a 100 euro banknote (second series). The Council of the European Union (also called the Council and the "Council of Ministers", its former title) forms one half of the EU's legislature. If there’s one thing I learned from those Autoglass repair … Against the blue sky of the Western world, the stars symbolise the peoples of Europe in a form of a circle, a sign of union. [6], The blazon given by the EU in 1996 describe the design as: "On an azure field a circle of twelve golden mullets, their points not touching. In Ireland[119][120] Their golden colour is that of the sun, which is said to symbolise glory and enlightenment. "bearing in mind the independence and the different nature of the two organizations, the Committee proposes to the European Council that the European Community emblem and flag should be a blue rectangle with, in the center, a circle of twelve five-pointed gold stars which do not touch, surrounding a gold letter E, of the design already used by the Commission." The combination of these [130], Chairman Michail Kostarakos wearing the heraldic badge, Moldovan and Ukrainian flags displayed as supporters, symbolising the EU's border assistance mission since 2005, The European emblem emblazoned on a chair at the occasion of the 2004 signing of the European Constitution in Rome, The European emblem emblazoned on the Eiffel Tower in 2008, The European emblem emblazoned on the carpet in the European Court of Human Rights, Arms of the European Air Transport Command, Arms of the European Union Military Committee, Arms of the European Union Military Staff. However, as the proposed constitution failed ratification, the mention of all state-like emblems, including the flag, were removed from the replacement Treaty of Lisbon of 2007. Red symbolizes bravery, strength, and valor 3. To mark the 30th anniversary of the decision by EU leaders to adopt the flag as an EU emblem, the 19 euro area countries are issuing a special commemorative coin. The European flag symbolises both the European Union and, more broadly, the identity and unity of Europe. But it also refers to the Zodiac and the Council of Light. He also proposed these two designs to have a blue background. What might this mean? The flag of Europe has 12 yellow (gold) stars in a circle placed on a blue field. Other reconstructions were made from descriptions in the documents and images provided by the European Council. It features a circle of 12 gold stars on a blue background. They stand for the ideals of unity, solidarity and harmony among the peoples of Europe. Blue flag with a yellow eight-pointed star in a red circle. It was designed by Arsène Heitz and Paul M. G. Lévy in 1955 and adopted on 8 December of that year. One was by Salvador de Madariaga, the founder of the College of Europe, who suggested a constellation of stars on a blue background[28] (positioned according to capital cities, with a large star for Strasbourg, the seat of the Council). The design was similar to Salvador de Madariaga's, but rather than a constellation, the stars were arranged in a circle. The 1996 guideline does not include any recommendation for RGB values. Communism or socialism. The meaning of the flag’s symbolism can be found in an image of Marian devotion which appears in the twelfth chapter of the Book of Revelation: The a huge sign became visible in the sky – the figure of a woman clothed with the sun, with the moon under her feet and a … This is because it originally was the flag of the Council of Europe, and does not have a relationship with the EU. Between the different hypotheses that would explain the origin and the meaning of the colors of the Neapolitan flag, three are the most accredited, even if they don't have a real historical foundation.. It should be a symbol of our common civilisation. It was never officially adopted by the EU or any organisation, but it was used as the logo of the Austrian EU Presidency in 2006.[79]. The Marian aspect of the European flag being a "secret" to ensure its approbation. Copy and paste any flag emoji from this list and it will show on all supported platforms. The number of stars has nothing to do with the number of member countries, though the circle is a symbol of unity. It consists of the colors green, yellow, and red. [36] West Germany objected to the fifteen-star design, as one of the members was Saar Protectorate, and to have its own star would imply sovereignty for the region. The bigger star depicted. This is the most similar flag to the current one, with 12 stars instead of 15, and a star in the middle to probably represent, Blue field with a five-pointed 12-star circle, Union flag representing the EU (27 members). Mary & the EU Flag — Our Lady’s Crown. Each member state, when using the flag, could insert their coat of arms in the heart of the cross. It features a circle of 12 gold stars on a blue background. He wanted to do the European currencies with 15 stars in the corner. British heritage (it is one of the colors of the Union Jack, the flag of the United Kingdom). [99] He claimed that the circle of stars was based on the iconographic tradition of showing the Blessed Virgin Mary as the Woman of the Apocalypse, wearing a "crown of twelve stars".[12][15]. ... the real meaning of this flag becomes apparent. In many paintings of the Virgin Mary as Stella Maris she is crowned with a circle of twelve stars. A similar design to Louis Wirion's flag proposal, but the cross is symmetrical. He wanted to do national flags incorporating the Council of Europe flag. It fell out of use with the adoption of the twelve-star flag by the Parliament in 1983. The "D" in this photo indicates Germany (Deutschland). One of the curators of the Strasbourg Museum and member of the Secretariat-General, Martin-Levy, proposed a white ground with a green cross bearing in the centre the coat-of-arms of the Town of Strasbourg. This design was proposed by those who believed that a green cross on a white background would be too easily soiled. Numerous proposals were looked into. The two columns are on either side of a shield of 4 quarters - a castle, a lion with a crown, red and yellow vertical stripes, chain mail, with three fleurs-de-lis in an oval in the center. Ukraine is not a part of the EU but is a member of the Council of Europe. This page was last edited on 21 March 2021, at 11:53. appeared in the case of the Cross of Burgundy, emblem of the, Following Expo 58 in Brussels, the flag caught on and the Council of Europe lobbied for other European organisations to adopt the flag as a sign of European unity. Christians of the country associate the colors with the Holy Trinity: 1. And hey, what does Europe need a flag for anyway? It is also the colour traditionally used to represent the Virgin Mary. In January 1951 J.E.Dylan proposed on a letter this and other flag with the Star of Liberation surrounded by stars (one for each union member). Alan Bairner, "Order for European Union Events The European Union Flag: The national flags in order of their name in their primary local language. "not a compromise that the Commission itself cared much to abide by: from the outset, it generally used the terms 'Community flag' or, bolder still, 'European flag'." When a flag is present at country level, attention should be paid to consider if the same flag …