The academic programs for grades PreK to 6 focus on preparing each student for the junior high and high school years at Saint Dominic Academy. Mrs. Melanie Polaski. 119. All school vehicles servicing St. Dominic (exception #661 and #S942 from Parry Sound) should visit for delay and cancellation information. 5502 - 50 Street Rocky Mountain House, AB Attending St. Dominic was a life changing experience! Meet the Staff. Like our patron, St. Dominic, this Gospel community seeks religious and academic truth. Mrs. Weinfurter loves her role at St. Dominic, especially the variety that each day brings... Read More. Search high school We provide a broad curriculum to enable our children to pursue knowledge, develop understanding, independence of mind and respect for truth. Advancement. September 11th we will begin accepting registration for Senior Student Parking. Learn more and apply: See More St. Dominic High School I Run Like A Girl. Primary Staff: S. No. We are educated to promote prayer, charity, and respect with reverence to Mary, the mother of The Absolute Truth, Jesus Christ. In college scholarships ($226,470/student), Science, Communication Center, and World Languages Lab, For spiritual growth through mass, prayer services and retreats, Of students accepted to our nation's most competitive and prestigious colleges and universities, Enrichment offerings through clubs, arts and athletics, Acres of multi-purpose athletic and playing fields, Mission, Vision, and Educational Philosophy, Dom's Digest - Guidance Department Newsletter, St. John's University College Advantage Program, Extraordinary Ministers of Holy Communion, Directions to St. Dominic Fields - The Charles B. Wang Campus, Dom's Digest - Guidance Department Newsletter (Spring 2021 Edition), Links for Girls and Boys Basketball Games, St. Dominic Students Visit St. Agnes Cathedral, Boys' Hockey Team Wins CHS Hockey League 'A' Championship. Holy Family School Pre-Grade R to Grade 12. When I walked onto Fordham's campus my freshman year, I felt so prepared not only in my classes, but for the real world as well. We hope to achieve this through the expertise of our dynamic and prudent staff to the glory of God. I am currently a full-time researcher at New Paltz and will be a TA next year. Be Responsible. SUNY continues to offer virtual information sessions throughout the spring for students and families. I'm very grateful for my St. Dominic education, and I'm glad to help others get some of the same gifts I received. Many leadership opportunities exist with each form class having a class leader, enviro leader, arts leader, academic leader, school councilor, sports leader, and a … Please bring in completed form and all necessary documents. École Mother Teresa Catholic School I am delighted to welcome you to St. Dominic’s, Belfast. The student news site of St. Dominic High School. Click here for information on the National English Honor Society's Short Story Competition. ADDRESS 85 Jan Hofmeyer Road, Jim Fouche Park, Welkom St. Dominic High school on Sint Maarten offers CSEC and IBO Education. North Shore Child and Family Guidance Center covered an article by the National Child Traumatic Stress Network ( that provides tips for media coverage for both children and teens that might be helpful in dealing with the recent violence on the news. My name is Kati Reak Sletten and I am the Advancement Director at St. Dominic School. Social 20,30/Computer Technology/Religion. Our Staff. BUS CANCELLATIONS AND DELAYS. T4T 1W6, Our Sites Our three school-wide behavioral expectations are: Be Safe. Small Groups meets twice a month in the St. Dominic Student Lounge to pray, discuss scripture, and walk with one another in our faith journey. Fitz Caluttung. St Dominic's Priory is an independent co-educational High, Junior and Pre-Primary Catholic Shool. Click here to read the Spring 2021 Edition of the Dom's Digest Newsletter. (516) 922-4888 Ext. École Secondaire Notre Dame High School 5241. St. Elizabeth Seton School St. Gregory the Great Catholic School St. John Paul II Outreach School St. Marguerite Bourgeoys Catholic School St. Dominic Academy. St. Lorenzo Ruiz Middle School (In Design Phase) The school, operated by St. Dominic Parish, is an Archdiocesan Roman Catholic elementary serving students in Pre-K through eighth grade. I'm so glad I've found what I love, and it was all because of St. Dominic. They use a variety of strategies, new technologies and novel approaches to motivate and stimulate learning, focus on how pupils learn, and provide appropriate support to ensure that all of our pupils achieve their full potential. St. Dominic students, faculty and staff collected more than 2,300 rolls of toilet paper during Catholic Schools Week. (516) 922-4888 Ext. School Nurse: Herridge, Danielle: Science Instructor: Heyl, Alanna: Theology Dept … Click here for more information. Today, I know it was the foundation for my life, and the discipline and spirituality have lasted. Teachers. Mr. Nee inspired me to follow my geologic dreams and helped me find what I want to do for the rest of my life. All Girls Catholic High School In The Dominican Tradition, Jersey City, New Jersey Run Like A Girl. Our friends at Sts. St. Teresa of Avila School St. Dominic School, “A Place to Grow”, proudly exists to serve the individual needs, both spiritual and educational, of the children of the parish and local community. Thank you John, for all you do for SDA! Saint Dominic High School offers a student-centered, Catholic education to young women and men on Long Island. These diploma requirements are not always the same as those needed to enter post-secondary institutions. Religion 9/Mathematics and Science 9/Chemistry 20,30. In 2018 the school won several awards at the Saint Louis High School Musical Theatre Awards, including Best Show. Since 1870, it has acted as an educational beacon, providing a first class education for young women from across Belfast and beyond. Mathematics 10/Social Studies 10. St. Joseph High School St. Matthew Catholic School Click here to view our 2020 Admissions video. Founded in 1952 by the Dominican Sisters and Christian Brothers, St Dominic’s College is an established, traditional church school. Our school which was established by the Dominican Sisters, Cabra in 1870 is rich in tradition and has a long and well-respected history. Thanks to all of the AP classes I took at St. Doms, I am able to graduate over a full year early. Name of the Staff: Designation: 1: Ms. Valerie Mascarenhas: … Basic Education Curriculum as currently used in the Junior Secondary School across the nation. To learn more, please see our Division website. Red Deer Catholic International Saint Dominic High School St. Dominic High School 110 Anstice St., Oyster Bay, NY 11771 Phone: 516-922-4888 Powered by Edlio Calendar Staff Directory Homework Maps All entries must be emailed to by December 15th. Physical Education 20,30 English 9/Social 9. All of the staff always cared about you and your family and wants to help you. Our team is committed to: Advancing the mission of St. Dominic Savio Catholic High School by working in the areas of fundraising, constituent relations, communications, and stewardship. Congratulations to the Boys' Hockey Team who defeated Xaverian 5-1 to capture the league title in its first year in existence. All our staff are fully committed to providing the best possible experience for all our students. From all the memories I made to the lifelong friends I have now, I couldn't be more thankful for my time at St. Doms. On Sunday, December 13, ten St. Dominic students visited St. Agnes Cathedral. Life Teen Small Groups are Lectionary-based discipleship small groups that are designed to help teenagers gain a deeper understanding and appreciation for Sacred Scripture and the Holy Mass. Besides the outstanding curriculum St. Doms has to offer, in every classroom lesson, there seemed to be a life lesson hidden in there that I didn't realize until I was on my own. Melfreya Findley leads the theatre department. St. Dominic Catholic High School St. Doms has done everything for me. ASk Algemain 1600. St. Patrick's Community School St. Dominic is a Catholic, college preparatory high school offering young men and women an education rooted in the Gospel of Jesus Christ. When I was a teenager there were days I didn't appreciate my Catholic education at St. Dominic. École Camille J. Lerouge School Learning Support Teacher. Mr. Ronald J. Martorelli Principal. And as Ambassadors of the great St. Dominick’s High School, the sky can always be their starting point. Aaron Helmer. My position at school is to work specifically in three areas: retention/recruitment, development, and marketing. RDCRS Online Summer School I will be forever grateful I made the right decision to be a part of the St. Dominic HS family! © 2021 St. Mary’s Dominican High School 7701 Walmsley Avenue, New Orleans, LA USA 70125 TEL (504) 865-9401 FAX (504) 866-5958 | EMAIL | PRIVACY | RETURNS & REFUNDS St. Mary’s Dominican High School is a Catholic, college-preparatory school for girls and does not discriminate on the basis of race, color, national or ethnic origin. The whole staff knows how to prepare you for college and the real world. Mrs. Nicole Milkowski Assistant Principal of Academic Affairs/Director of Guidance. Supporting special events such as Grandparents Day, Catholic Schools Week and the Volunteer Appreciation Reception. St. Dominic School. The key to Saint Dominic`s perennial attractiveness and success is this: the administration, faculty and staff respond to each student in a personal and caring manner, treating her or him as an individual with unique needs, aspirations, and potential. Bus #661 and #S942 should visit for delay and cancellation information. Name of the Staff: Designation: 1: Ms.Marina Corda: Head Teacher: 2: Ms.Maria Xavier: Class Teacher: 3: Ms.Pamela Dias: Class Teacher: 4: Ms.Mary D’Souza: Class Teacher: 5: Ms.Madhu Lakhwara: Class Teacher: 6: Ms. Andrea Gonsalves: Class Teacher: 7: Ms.Sujata Kudtarkar: Marathi Teacher: 8: Ms. Soumya Khosla: Class Teacher: 9: Ms. Anita Martis: Support Teacher: 10: Ms. … 5301. 6326 Memphis Street New Orleans, LA 70124 (504) 482-4123 Office Hours: 7:30am - 3:30pm St. Thomas Aquinas Middle School, Religion 9/Mathematics and Science 9/Chemistry 20,30, Social 20,30/Computer Technology/Religion, Physical Education 20,30 English 9/Social 9, Physics 20,30/Biology 20 Religion35/Mathematics 9. Secondary Staff: S. No. Mark Fraser. At St Dominic’s we recognise the value of developing each student’s confidence to be a part of a team and to play their part as a leader. St. Francis of Assisi Middle School St. Dominic uses the PBIS framework in the teaching of social competencies and in the development of a safe and effective school environment. For emergenices call 911. Mrs. Stacie Ballard. The minimum graduation requirements for the Alberta High School Diploma are outlined below. The mission of St. Dominic School is to prepare our students for the future by providing a quality education rooted in the Catholic faith experience through the development of … Career Advisor/ Mathematics-3 level Science 14,24. For After Hours community support call 211 or press this link. For 40 years, Mr. Nagel has been teaching the women of SDA how to “run like a girl” and I know he will continue to lead our athletic program to great things in years to come! Mr. Matthew O'Brien Athletic Director. About Us. Director of Special Events and Alumni Relations. Find your next job near you & 1-Click Apply! St. Dominic School. École Our Lady of the Rosary School Be a Follower of Christ If I had to choose a high school all over again, I would choose St. Doms every time. Please text or call our division hotline 403-588-8155 if your child receives a positive COVID-19 result from Alberta Health Services. Maryview School Kyle Drever. Submit Search. Father Henri Voisin School School: (636) 240-8303 ext. Click here to view our 2020 Admissions brochure. St. Dominic School 216 North Spring Street Northfield, Minnesota 55057 Phone: 507-645-8136 Fax: 507-650-0680 6326 Memphis Street New Orleans, LA 70124 (504) 482-4123 Office Hours: 7:30am - 3:30pm Living the Dominican tradition of prayer, study, community and service, we encourage lifelong growth in faith, knowledge and leadership and involvement in the global community. I enjoy working with our staff, students, and families daily. I would not be where I am today without all of the people involved. Small groups are great for anyone desiring … 5101. All students and parents are asked to attend the Transition Meeting or … If West Parry Sound corridor is cancelled then bus #661 and #S942 will not run. (516) 922-4888 Ext. St. Dominic High School is seeking candidates for a Director of Comm... unications. The music department is directed by Greg Cissell, and through his leadership St. Dominic has won several band and choir competitions throughout the … Browse 58,275 ST DOMINIC HIGH SCHOOL Jobs ($31K-$76K) hiring now from companies with openings. St. Martin de Porres School Holy Trinity Catholic School