Imagine a Eurasia with no … 3. The Tethys Ocean (Ancient Greek: Τηθύς), Tethys Sea or Neotethys was an ocean during much of the Mesozoic era located between the ancient continents of Gondwana and Laurasia, before the opening of the Indian and Atlantic oceans during the Cretaceous period. pact of the eastern Tethys seaway closure. Tethys Member of … Dating back to the Mesozoic Era (251-65.5 million years ago), this sea’s name originated from the water deity of Greek mythology ‘Tethys’ who was known as the Titaness of fresh water. Pratham Books goes digital to weave a whole new chapter in the realm of multilingual children's stories. That land bridges between the two supercontinents existed for much of the Mesozoic is attested by the cosmopolitan character of dinosaur fauna and some plants and by the existence of two distinct floral assemblages in Laurasia and Gondwana. Within the eastern clade Oligocene divergence into a fresh-water clade inhabiting the Arabian Peninsula and an euhaline clade inhabiting coastal area from Pakistan to Somalia is observed. Even the continents had different shapes altogether! TETHYS was the Titan goddess of the primal font of fresh water which nourishes the earth. Define Tethys. The western region, often simply referred to as the Tethys Sea or the Western Tethys Ocean, was positioned between the continents of Laurasia and Gondwana during the Mesozoic. First described by Melchior Neumayr in 1885 (3) as a Jurassic seaway, the Tethys Ocean was the large ocean body between the ancient continents of Gondwana and Laurasia. The first Tethys sea was called “Paleo” which means old. What I learned about was the remnant sea separating Africa and Eurasia called Tethys, though it is much more than that (see below). The Black, Caspian, and Aral Seas are thought to … Tethys Sea(Neotethys) The sea that more or less separated the two great Mesozoic supercontinents of Laurasia (in the north) and Gondwana (in the south). 4. The eastern part of the ocean is often referred to as the Eastern Tethys while the western part is referred to as the Tethys Sea. But how did it all change into the Earth of today? The Mighty Tethys Sea A hundred million years ago, the Earth looked very different. INTRODUCTION 3 Erickson, 2002 • Eduard Suess in 1893 • named after the ancient Greek goddess of the sea • an ancient ocean that existed from 250–50 Mya • orientated east–west • separated the large continents of Gondwana and Laurasia. Although Tethys had no active role in Greek mythology and no established cults, she was depicted in mosaics decorating baths, pools, and triclinia in the Greek East, particularly in Antioch and its suburbs, either alone or with Oceanus. At the end of the Cretaceous Period when these hadrosaurs lived, the Afro-Arabian continent was separated from the northern continents by the wide Tethys Ocean. F The Mesozoic era flooded most of the continental domains leading to the formation of shallow seas. Tethys, daughter of Gaia (Earth), fed her children's springs with the waters of Okeanos drawn … She was the wife of Okeanos (Oceanus), the earth-encircling, fresh-water stream, and the mother of the Potamoi (Rivers), the Okeanides (Oceanids) (nymphs of springs, streams and fountains), and the Nephelai (Clouds). Within the western Tethys Sea clade we observe a middle Oligocene divergence into Iberian Peninsula and Atlas Mountains, and Turkey and Iran sections. Where there are mountains now, there used to be seas. von der Heydt and Dijkstra (2005, 2006) studied the impact of this event on Caribbean oceanic circulation and temperatures. The Tethys is composed of several smaller regions. In Greek mythology, Tethys was a Titan daughter of Uranus and Gaia, a sister and wife of the Titan Oceanus, and the mother of the river gods and the Oceanids. Tethys Sea, or Tethys Ocean, was the sea that stretched between the two great ancient supercontinents namely Laurasia (north) and Gondwana (south). Geography.