[4] On 15 August 2020, he was named as a Újpest substitute for the first time in a Nemzeti Bajnokság I match against Paksi. Kastrati a făcut parte din echipa Kosovoului U19 care a jucat în 2018 în calificările pentru turneul de elită al Campionatului European de juniori sub 19 ani. Bologna. La 21 martie 2017 Kastrati a fost convocat la naționala sub 21 de ani a Kosovo pentru un meci de calificare la Campionatul European de tineret sub 21 de ani din 2019 împotriva Irlandei U21. * Feb 2, 1999 in Turjakë, Malishevë, Yugoslavia (Republic) Shop official football jerseys,t-shirts, polos and other collection gears here. Lirim Kastrati - Újpest FC, Bologna FC, AS Roma. Buy the latest football merchandise from officially soccer fans online shop,include all teams and almost all players'products.Provide free shipping of any conuntry. Lirim Kastrati Genie Scout 20 rating, traits and best role. 19 vjeçari ka nënshkruar kontratë tri vjeçare me skuadrën e Bologna, që drejtohet nga ish sulmuesi i … Seine Trikotnummer ist 54. Lirim Kastrati Add Favorites Lirim Kastrati FM 2019 Profile, Reviews, Lirim Kastrati in Football Manager 2019, Bologna, Kosovo, Kosovan, Serie A, Lirim Kastrati fm19 attributes, current ability (ca), potential ability (pa), stats, ratings, salary, traits. [7] Kastrati a fost o rezervă neutilizată în acel meci. [1] Referenser. Lirim Kastrati ist 21 Jahre alt (2.2.1999) und er ist 177 cm groß. Lirim Kastrati karrierën do ta vazhdojë në Bologna. Rafet Prekazi selected defender Lirim Kastrati and forward Lirim Kastrati for matches at Andorra on June 6 and against Turkey on June 11. Lirim Kastrati (fotbollsspelare född februari 1999) på Soccerway (engelska) Noter Bologna Lirim Kastrati Trikot jetzt sicher & günstig online bei bestellen, Kaufe Bologna Lirim Kastrati Trikot in bestem Fußballshop. [15] On 6 June 2019, he made his debut with Kosovo U21 in a match against Andorra U21 after being named in the starting line-up. Rafet Prekazi selected defender Lirim Kastrati and forward Lirim Kastrati for matches at Andorra on June 6 and against Turkey on June 11. Teams National Teams. [3], On 22 July 2020, Kastrati signed his first professional contract with Nemzeti Bajnokság I side Újpest after agreeing to a four-year deal and receiving squad number 62. The defender plays for Italian club Bologna and is from Malisheva. In the first season of Football Manager 2020 Lirim Kastrati is contracted to Bologna until 30-Jun-2022 earning 706 per week and has a market value of 72K. [13] On 21 March 2018, he made his debut with Kosovo U19 in a match against Portugal U19 after being named in the starting line-up. Karriera në klub Karriera e rinisë Bolonja. Accordo triennale”, „Preso il kosovaro Kastrati: per il difensore contratto triennale”, „Zyrtare: Lirim Kastrati tranferohet te kjo skuadër në Serie A (Foto)”, „ZYRTARE: Lirim Kastrati transferohet te Bologna”, „Lista e futbollistëve të Përfaqësueses U21”, „Në ndeshjen e parë Kombëtarja U-19 humbi nga Portugalia me përvojë”, „Bunjaku publikoi listën e futbollistëve për ndeshjen me Turqinë”, „Islanda e mund Kosovën dhe kualifikohet në Botëror”, https://ro.wikipedia.org/w/index.php?title=Lirim_Kastrati&oldid=13094403, Creative Commons cu atribuire și distribuire în condiții identice, * Apariții și goluri pentru echipa de club doar în cadrul campionatului național. His preferred foot is Right and his best role is Inverted Wing Back . La 23 iulie 2018 Kastrati a semnat primul său contract profesionist cu Bologna din Serie A, contractul întinzându-se pe o perioadă de trei ani. Away $89.99; Men's Jersey. Lirim Kastrati, född 2 februari 1999 i Malishevë, FR Jugoslavien (nuvarande Kosovo) är en kosovoalbansk fotbollsspelare (försvarare) som spelar för Újpest. Lirim Kastrati (n. 2 februarie 1999) este un fotbalist albanez din Kosovo care joacă pe postul de fundaș pentru clubului italian Bologna și pentru echipa națională din Kosovo. Football statistics of Lirim Kastrati including club and national team history. Bologna Away Relate Jersey. 2018 nyarán került a Bologna U19-es együtteséhez, a felnőttcsapatban nem mutatkozott be. [8] On 22 October 2015, he made his debut with Albania U17 in a match against Switzerland U17 after being named in the starting line-up.[9]. € * 02.02.1999 in Turjakë, Malishevë, Jugoslawien (Bundesrepublik) Lirim Kastrati FM20 reviews and screenshots with his FM2020 attributes, current ability, potential ability and salary. “Goditje në hyrje për Bologna-n: mbyll tratativat me Roma-n për mbrojtësin Lirim Kastrati, kosovari 19-vjeçar që në sezonin e fundit ka luajtur në kampionatin e të rinjve në Itali”. [5] His debut with Újpest came eight days later in a 1–1 home draw against Budafoki MTE after being named in the starting line-up. Lirim Kastrati az olasz főváros utánpótlásában pallérozódott, onnan került a Bologna U19-es csapatához. [11][12], calificare la Campionatul Mondial din 2018, „ESCLUSIVA TMW - Bologna, fatta per Kastrati. On 23 July 2018, Kastrati signed a three-year contract with Campionato Primavera 2 club Bologna. Lirim Kastrati, 22, from Kosovo Újpest FC, since 2020 Centre-Back Market value: £180Th. Edon Zhegrova shënon gol të bukur në fitoren... March 13, 2021. [1][2] On 15 September 2018, he made his debut in a 1–1 home draw against SPAL after being named in the starting line-up. La 17 martie 2018. Kastrati ist Nationalspieler Kosovas und … Away $89.99; Men's Jersey. Lirim Kastrati (KOS) spielt momentan für den NB I-Club Újpest. Të rekomanduara. Lirim Kastrati, 22, from Kosovo Újpest FC, since 2020 Centre-Back Market value: €200Th. [16], 2016 UEFA European Under-17 Championship qualification, 2019 UEFA European Under-21 Championship qualification, 2018 UEFA European Under-19 Championship elite qualifications, 2021 UEFA European Under-21 Championship qualification, "ESCLUSIVA TMW - Bologna, fatta per Kastrati. La 22 octombrie 2015 Kastrati și-a făcut debutul pentru Albania U17 într-un meci de calificare la Campionatul European sub 17 ani al UEFA în 2016 împotriva Elveției U17, fiind titular în acel meci.[6]. Lirim Kastrati Add Favorites Lirim Kastrati FM 2020 Profile, Reviews, Lirim Kastrati in Football Manager 2020, Bologna, Kosovo, Kosovan, Serie A, Lirim Kastrati fm20 attributes, current ability (ca), potential ability (pa), stats, ratings, salary, traits. * Feb 2, 1999 in Turjakë, Malishevë, Yugoslavia (Republic) [10] La 9 octombrie 2017, el și-a făcut debutul pentru Kosovo într-un meci de calificare pentru Campionatul Mondial din 2018 împotriva Islandei, după ce a intrat pe teren în minutul 78 în locul lui Besar Halimi. Më 23 korrik 2018, Kastrati nënshkroi një kontratë tre-vjeçare me klubin Bologna. On 21 March 2017, Kastrati received first call-up from Kosovo U21 for a 2019 UEFA European Under-21 Championship qualification match against Republic of Ireland U21,[10] he was an unused substitute in that match. Janë këto fjalët e “La Gazzetta dello Sport” për mbrojtësin e lindur në vitin 1999 në Kosovë, por që deri me moshat U … Lirim Kastrati is a 20 years old (as of July 2020) professional footballer from . [2][3][4][5] Deși a semnat un contract cu prima echipă, a continuat să joace pentru tineretul lui Bologna. Accordo triennale", "Preso il kosovaro Kastrati: per il difensore contratto triennale", "Campionato Primavera 2, Bologna – Spal 1–1", "Koszovói válogatott hátvéd az új igazolásunk", "Újpest FC – Budafoki MTE 1:1 (NB I 2020/2021, 2. Away $89.99 * Feb 2, 1999 in Turjakë, Malishevë, Yugoslavia (Republic) Lirim Kastrati - Player profile 20/21 | Transfermarkt Më 15 shtator 2018, ai bëri debutimin e tij në një barazim 1–1 në shtëpi kundër SPAL pasi u emërua në formacionin startues.. Újpest. Name Age Job Wage Rating Expires; Marco Di Vaio Italy Bologna … Mbrojtësi i Përfaqësueses së Kosovës, Lirim Kastrati, është larguar nga Roma për t’iu bashkuar skuadrës tjetër nga Serie A, Bologna. Suchergebnis fussball trikot set auf genevievebryant.com für herren/frauen/kinder: Bologna Lirim Kastrati fußball-trikot, Günstige Bologna Lirim Kastrati fußball-trikot herren/frauen/kinder mit namen kaufen,Jetzt das aktuelle Lirim Kastrati Trikot von Bologna bestellen, Sicher bestellen Günstig kaufen Online Bologna Trikots Shop Lirim Kastrati, 22, from Kosovo Újpest FC, since 2020 Centre-Back Market value: €200Th. Bologna White Lirim Kastrati Away Jersey. Lirim Kastrati (born 2 February 1999), also known as Lirim R. Kastrati, is a Kosovan professional footballer who plays as a centre-back for Hungarian club Újpest and the Kosovo national team. [6][7], On 16 October 2015, Kastrati was named as part of the Albania U17 squad for 2016 UEFA European Under-17 Championship qualification. Unknown. On 5 June 2017, Kastrati received a call-up from Kosovo for a 2018 FIFA World Cup qualification match against Turkey. [9], La 5 octombrie 2017 Kastrati a fost convocat la naționala mare a Kosovoului pentru un meci de calificare la Campionatul Mondial din 2018 împotriva Turciei. [12], On 17 March 2018, Kastrati was named as part of the Kosovo U19 squad for 2018 UEFA European Under-19 Championship elite qualifications. Round)", "Shqipëria U17 mposhtet nga...shqiptarët", "Lista e futbollistëve të Përfaqësueses U21", "Bunjaku publikoi listën e futbollistëve për ndeshjen me Turqinë", "Islanda e mund Kosovën dhe kualifikohet në Botëror", "Në ndeshjen e parë Kombëtarja U-19 humbi nga Portugalia me përvojë", "Prekazi publikon listën, beson te lojtarët e rinj", "Kosova U21 shkëlqen kundër Andorrës, fiton 4:0", https://en.wikipedia.org/w/index.php?title=Lirim_Kastrati_(footballer,_born_February_1999)&oldid=1014042454, Kosovo under-21 international footballers, Kosovan expatriate sportspeople in Hungary, Albanian expatriate sportspeople in Italy, Albanian expatriate sportspeople in Hungary, Short description is different from Wikidata, Creative Commons Attribution-ShareAlike License, * Senior club appearances and goals counted for the domestic league only and correct as of 23 August 2020, This page was last edited on 24 March 2021, at 21:19. Lirim Kastrati Kosovo Bologna FC 1909 21 D (RC) £1k : £98k : £247k : 30-06-2022 : Elia Visconti Italy Bologna ... Bologna FC 1909 Staff. To view a complete list of all competitions and … Bologna White Kaloyan Krastev Away Jersey. Kastrati ebenfalls nach Ungarn Der Außenverteidiger Lirim Kastrati wechselt von Bologna zum ungarischen Erstligisten Újpest FC. He plays for Bologna in Football Manager 2020. [8] La 21 martie 2018, el și-a făcut debutul pentru Kosovo U19 într-un meci împotriva Portugaliei U19 intrând pe teren încă din primul minut. Lirim Kastrati. Lirim Kastrati bevorzugt den right Fuß. Lirim Kastrati (labdarúgó, 1999. február) A Wikipédiából, a szabad enciklopédiából Ez a közzétett változat , ellenőrizve : 2020. szeptember 28. Lirim Kastrati, az Újpest FC új játékosa (Fotó: ujpestfc.hu) Hirdetés A 21 éves belső védő az AS Roma utánpótlásában nevelkedett, többször pályára lépett az UEFA Ifjúsági Ligában is. Lirim Kastrati, 21 (Verteidiger) wechselt von Bolognia zu Ujpest FC, Ungarn 2015 - 2017 AS Rom U17 /U19 2018 - 2019 FC Bologna 2020 - 2021 Ujpest FC Viel Erfolg bei deinem neuen Verein Lirim! Bologna White Mitchell Dijks Away Jersey. 2 változtatás vár ellenőrzésre. Ugyan a Seria A-ban még nem mutatkozott be, de a korosztályos válogatottak után már a felnőtt nemzeti tizenegyben viszont szerepelt a koszovói játékos. Ultima editare a paginii a fost efectuată la 28 septembrie 2019, ora 05:15. Football statistics of Lirim Kastrati including club and national team history. Bologna White Arturo Calabresi Away Jersey. Colpo in entrata per il Bologna: chiusa la trattativa con la Roma per il difensore Lirim Kastrati, kosovaro di 19 anni che nell'ultima stagione ha giocato nel campionato Primavera. Hope you have a good shopping experience. Lirim Kastrati, 22, aus Kosovo Újpest FC, seit 2020 Innenverteidiger Marktwert: 200 Tsd. On 15 September 2018, he made his debut in a 1–1 home draw against SPAL after being named in the starting line-up. Rafet Prekazi selected defender Lirim Kastrati and forward Lirim Kastrati for matches at Andorra on June 6 and against Turkey on June 11. 25.7.2018 Von Roma U19. On 23 July 2018, Kastrati signed a three-year contract with Campionato Primavera 2 club Bologna. Lirim Kastrati, 22, from Kosovo GNK Dinamo Zagreb, since 2019 Right Winger Market value: £1.80m * Jan 16, 1999 in Ogošte / Hogosht, Yugoslavia (Republic) Lirim Kastrati - Player profile 20/21 | … Away $89.99; Men's Jersey. [11] On 9 October 2017, he made his debut with Kosovo in a 2018 FIFA World Cup qualification match against Iceland after coming on as a substitute at 78th minute in place of Besar Halimi. [14], On 27 May 2019, Kastrati returns to Kosovo U21, where call-up for 2021 UEFA European Under-21 Championship qualification matches against Andorra U21 and Turkey U21. Lirim Kastrati (footballer, born February 1999), football player Disambiguation page providing links to topics that could be referred to by the same search term This disambiguation page lists articles about people with the same name. Both players are … Lirim Kastrati FM 2020 scouting profile. Kosova ka shumë yje e në mesin e tyre ka edhe dy futbollistë me emrin Lirim Kastrati, njëri në pozitën e sulmuesit ndërsa tjetri në pozitën e mbrojtësit anësor. Lirim Kastrati (n. 2 februarie 1999) este un fotbalist albanez din Kosovo care joacă pe postul de fundaș pentru clubului italian Bologna și pentru echipa națională din Kosovo Cuprins 1 Cariera pe echipe Men's Jersey. Welcome to buy 2020 Euro Cup Bologna Men's Jersey gears here, there are all kinds of products for you to choose. Both players are 20 years old, but the defender is 17 days younger and 10 centimeters taller. Note: the number of club matches may be incomplete. ... Lirim Kastrarti Bologna.