With its anti-scratch SteamGlide soleplate, high consistent steam output and integrated calc-clean, this high quality iron gives you performance that lasts. Find support for your PowerLife Steam iron GC2990/26. Bundle price . See all benefits. Sorry, your subscription to our newsletter failed. Ermöglicht schnelles Aufheizen und kraftvolle Leistung.  W, 160 Beste Ergebnisse – Tag für Tag 4 x längere Lebensdauer mit SteamGlide-Bügelsohle* 2.400 W ; Konstante Dampfleistung von 45 g/Min; Dampfstoß von 160 g; SteamGlide-Bügelsohle; 2.400 W für schnelles Aufheizen.  g/Min. PowerLife Steam iron . © Koninklijke Philips N.V., 2004 - 2021. Im Vergleich zu der antihaftbeschichteten Bügelsohle von Philips.  g, 320 For great results day after day, you want an iron that never lets you down. 104,99 SAR. A textured handle ensures you a comfortable, ergonomic grip, so you can keep hold of the iron without ever slipping. - The Philips PowerLife Plus steam iron gives great results day after day and never lets you down , with its new SteamGlide soleplate, constant high steam output , easy to use calc clean for long lasting steam and Extra stable heelrest. Please read the, Selected products Philips shop price . Also check our best rated Iron reviews… Find support for this product . The Philips PowerLife Plus steam iron gives great results day after day and never lets you down , with its new SteamGlide soleplate, constant high steam output , easy to use calc clean for long lasting steam and Extra stable heelrest. Built to perform, day after day. Im Set bestellen und 1 Artikel kostenlos erhalten, Alle anforderungen werden mit einem Kauf abgedeckt. This iron operates with ordinary tap water. Similar products See all steam-iron . Register . Similar products See all steam-iron . Siehe alle Spezifikationen Siehe weniger Spezifikationen, Klicken Sie hier um weitere Informationen zu erhalten, Finden Sie das passende Ersatzteil und Zubehör für Ihr Produkt, Geben Sie die erste Bewertung für diesen Artikel ab, 10 € Willkommensgutschein1 für den Philips Online Shop, Nur für Newsletter-Abonnenten: exklusive Angebote und Rabatt-Gutscheine, Immer zuerst informiert: Pre-Sale für Newsletter-Abonnenten, Produktneuheiten und Events, Für Hebammen und medizinisches Fachpersonal, Mobilität während der Geburt im Krankenhaus, Finden Sie die richtige Lampe für Ihr Auto, Zubehör und Ersatzteile für Rasierer und Haar- / Bartschneider, Ersatzteile & Zubehör für Beauty Produkte, Ersatzteile & Zubehör für elektrische Zahnbürsten, Ersatzteile & Zubehör für Haushaltsgeräte, Ersatzteile & Zubehör für Kaffeemaschinen. Built to perform, day after day. Similar products See all steam-iron . The SteamGlide soleplate is the best Philips soleplate for your steam iron. With its anti-scratch SteamGlide soleplate, high consistent steam output and integrated calc-clean, this high quality iron gives you performance that lasts. Login; Create account; Cart. Penetrates deeper into fabrics to easily remove stubborn creases. See all benefits. See all benefits. Built to perform, day after day. Only 2 left in stock - order soon. Total: Add to basket. Philips shop price . Ermöglicht schnelles Aufheizen und kraftvolle Leistung. Images ; PowerLife Steam iron GC2998/86. Please try again later. PowerLife Steam iron . See all benefits. Register . - For great results day after day, you want an iron that never lets you down. If you're eligible for VAT relief on medical devices, you can claim it on this product. Home; PowerLife Steam iron; Home. Similar products See all steam-iron . PowerLife. For great results day after day, you want an iron that never lets you down. With its new SteamGlide soleplate, constant high steam output and Calc buster pill, this practical iron … The vertical steam function lets you refresh garments right on the hanger and remove creases from curtains as they hang. Keep track of your product warranty coverage, Qualify for cash-back, gifts and special offers, Philips values and respects your privacy. Register . Buy Philips PowerLife Steam Iron GC2998/86 with up to 170 g Steam Boost at Amazon UK. Zum Newsletter anmelden und 10 € Gutschein für den Philips Online Shop erhalten! With its anti-scratch SteamGlide soleplate, high consistent steam output and integrated calc-clean, this high quality iron gives you performance that lasts.  kg. For great results day after day, you want an iron that never lets you down.  cm, 31,2 x 14,7 x 12,7 Images ; PowerLife Steam iron GC2996/20. For great results day after day, you want an iron that never lets you down. With its anti-scratch SteamGlide soleplate, high consistent steam output and integrated calc-clean, this high quality iron gives you performance that lasts. Discover user manuals, FAQs, hints & tips for your Philips product. Built to perform, day after day. Similar products See all steam-iron . - For great results day after day, you want an iron that never lets you down. PowerLife Steam iron ; PowerLife Steam iron GC2991/36. Find support for this product . For great results day after day, you want an iron that never lets you down. Dank Vertikaldampffunktion können Sie Kleidungsstücke direkt am Kleiderbügel auffrischen und Falten aus hängenden Vorhängen entfernen. productDetails; Login. Shop for the Philips Steam iron and accessories at the official Philips Store. See all benefits. With its anti-scratch SteamGlide soleplate, high consistent steam output and integrated calc-clean, this high quality iron gives you performance that lasts. Similar products See all steam-iron . See all benefits. Find support for this product -{discount-value} Play Pause. See all specifications See less specifications. Homepage. Similar products See all steam-iron . Kräftiger, gleichbleibender Dampfausstoß, um Falten schneller zu entfernen. Philips PowerLife Steam Iron, Black - GC2998/86 4.8 out of 5 stars 5. PowerLife Steam iron . Philips Steam Iron, Blue - GC1432/20 4.5 out of 5 stars 24. Cart. Thanks for subscribing to our newsletter! Find support for this product -{discount-value} Play Pause. Images ; PowerLife Steam iron GC2997/46. Our special SteamGlide soleplate smoothly glides over any fabric. See all benefits. (, Track your Pregnancy with #1 Pregnancy App Worldwide, 45  cm, 1.255 Our Drip Stop system lets you iron delicate fabrics at low temperatures with confidence. Steam 40g/min; 130g steam boost ; SteamGlide soleplate; Anti-calc; 2400 Watts; SteamGlide soleplate is Philips premium soleplate. PowerLife Steam iron . With its anti-scratch SteamGlide soleplate, high consistent steam output and integrated calc-clean, this high quality iron gives you performance that lasts. Make it a bundle . Delivers a fast warm-up and powerful performance. Find support for this product . Similar products See all steam-iron . Similar products See all steam-iron . Images ; PowerLife Steam iron GC2995/37. PowerLife Steam iron GC2990/26. For great results day after day, you want an iron that never lets you down. Philips Steam iron 2400 Watts Ceramic soleplate, White, GC2675/87 4.6 out of 5 stars 2.  g/min, 2400 Dank unserem Tropf-Stopp-System können Sie empfindliche Kleidungsstücke problemlos bei niedrigen Temperaturen bügeln, ohne sich Sorgen über Wassertropfen und Verfärbungen zu machen. Similar products See all steam-iron . Built to perform, day after day Store your iron safe and fast. Dampfbügeleisen. Zurzeit befinden sich keine Artikel in Ihrem Einkaufswagen. Homepage. 1 Awards. Similar products See all steam-iron . With its anti-scratch SteamGlide soleplate, high consistent steam output and integrated calc-clean, this high quality iron gives you performance that lasts. PowerLife Steam iron GC2995/36. Reliable and easy to use ordering process and fast delivery. Similar products See all steam-iron . Steam iron.  W, 160  kg. PowerLife Steam iron . Make it a bundle and save Make it a bundle and get 1 item for free All your needs covered in one purchase . For great results day after day, you want an iron that never lets you down. Register. Newsletter abonnieren und 10€ Philips Online Shop Gutschein erhalten!  cm, 31.2x14.7x12.7 Reviews Reviews; 1 Awards.  ml, 33.2x16.7x13.7 Find support for this product -{discount-value} Play Pause. Empty the Shopping Cart before adding the product to cart. Gesamt: In den Warenkorb. For great results day after day, you want an iron that never lets you down. … Create a free account. Built to perform, day after day. There’s no need to worry about water droplets causing stains. Subscribe to our newsletter . Strong and consistent steam output to remove creases faster.  ml, 33,2 x 16,7 x 13,7 My Account. Find support for this product -{discount-value} Play Pause. Join the Philips family . See all benefits. Built to perform, day after day Iron with heat-resistant storage box. 281,00 SAR. Built to perform, day after day. Look for full details in your shopping basket. Empty the Shopping Cart before adding the product to cart. Built to perform, day after day. Philips PowerLife Steam Iron - GC2995/36 with 2 years international warranty We are Official Seller and we showcases Official Brands and Shopee's Top Sellers. Overall Rating / 5. It's also non-stick, scratch-resistant and easy to clean. Philips Shop Preis . PowerLife Steam iron GC2998/86. Similar products See all steam-iron . All rights reserved. 1 Awards-{discount-value} Images ; PowerLife Steam iron GC2991/36. Ein strukturierter Griff sorgt dafür, dass Sie komfortablen und ergonomischen Halt haben, damit Sie nicht vom Bügeleisen abrutschen. Reliable and easy to use ordering process and fast delivery. Find support for this product . The VAT amount will be deducted from the price shown above.  cm, 1,255 Wählen Sie eines der folgenden Produkte aus: 45 Philips GC2994/26 PowerLife Steam Iron - 2400 Watt, Blue 4.7 out of 5 stars 6. With its anti-scratch SteamGlide soleplate, high consistent steam output and integrated calc-clean, this high quality iron gives you performance that lasts. Skip this . All our steam iron cords are rigorously tested for maximum safety and durability. Built to perform, day after day 4x longer life with SteamGlide soleplate* 2400 W; 40 g/min continuous steam; 150 g steam boost; SteamGlide soleplate; 2400 W to heat up quickly. Kein Bügelbrett erforderlich. For great results day after day, you want an iron that never lets you down. 179,00 SAR. PowerLife Steam iron GC2996/20. Calc-clean is a built-in cleaning function to remove calcium buildup, or limescale, and maintain peak performance. PowerLife Steam iron ; PowerLife Steam iron GC2995/37. Unsere spezielle SteamGlide-Bügelsohle gleitet sanft über alle Stoffe.  g, 320 Calc-Clean ist eine integrierte Reinigungsfunktion zur Entfernung von Kalzium oder Kalkablagerungen, die für eine anhaltend optimale Leistung sorgt. Built to perform, day after day. Find support for this product -{discount-value} Play Pause. Images ; PowerLife Steam iron GC2998/80. Zudem ist sie antihaftbeschichtet, kratzfest und einfach zu reinigen. See all benefits. Find support for this product . The Philips PowerLife Plus steam iron gives great results day after day and never lets you down , with its new SteamGlide soleplate, constant high steam output , easy to use calc clean for long lasting steam and Extra stable heelrest. PowerLife. PowerLife Steam iron GC2998/80. See all benefits. Similar products See all steam-iron . See all benefits. Die Kabel unserer Dampfbügeleisen wurden umfassend getestet für maximale Sicherheit und Haltbarkeit. Find support for this product -{discount-value} Play Pause. The Philips PowerLife Plus steam iron gives great results day after day and never lets you down , with its new SteamGlide soleplate, constant high steam output , easy to use calc clean for long lasting steam and Extra stable heelrest. Dieses Bügeleisen nutzt gewöhnliches Leitungswasser. PowerLife Steam iron GC2997/46. PowerLife Steam iron . Shop for the Philips Steam iron and accessories at the official Philips Store. Similar products See all steam-iron . Images ; PowerLife Steam iron GC2990/26. Alle Rechte vorbehalten. Built to perform, day after day. Find support for this product . Built to perform, day after day 4x longer life with SteamGlide soleplate* 2400 W; 45 g/min continuous steam; 170 g steam boost; SteamGlide soleplate; 2400 W to heat up quickly. PowerLife Steam iron . 2.400 145,44 SAR. With its anti-scratch SteamGlide soleplate, high consistent steam output and integrated calc-clean, this high quality iron gives you performance that lasts. Dringt tiefer in das Gewebe ein, um auch hartnäckige Falten zu entfernen. With its anti-scratch SteamGlide soleplate, consistent high steam output and integrated calc-clean, this high-quality iron gives you performance that lasts. See all benefits. © Koninklijke Philips N.V., 2004 - 2021. Wir akzeptieren die folgenden Zahlungsmethoden: Wir versenden mit folgenden Lieferpartnern: Verantwortliche Stelle/Datenschutzbeauftragte, Allgemeine Verkaufs- und Montagebedingungen. For great results day after day, you want an iron that never lets you down. No ironing board required. Built to perform, day after day. Similar products See all steam-iron . There are currently no items in your shopping cart.