I suppose the reason films need societies to collapse is the same reason why they need a roomful of heroes sorting it all out before the credits roll. | 10 Kommentare zur Meldung. This program is possibly one of the funniest program on television. “I think people think we’re very …”, “Depressed,” Brooker continues. Steven Soderbergh’s Contagion, for example, assumed that the US government would have a competent, science-led response to a killer virus, while the climax of the original Watchmen comic book was based on the idea that a global calamity would unite mortal enemies. Thanks, fate!”. The Falcon and the Winter Soldier: Power Broker - Review, Knives Out: Teil 2 und 3 dank Megadeal bei Netflix, Bridgerton: Regé-Jean Page nicht in Staffel 2 mit dabei, CSI - Vegas: CBS bestellt Ableger mit William Petersen und Jorja Fox, Tenet: Der Kinohit als Stream im April exklusiv auf Sky und Sky Ticket, Diese Apple TV+ Serien sind derzeit kostenlos zu bingen, Netflix lizenziert weiter koreanische Serien, Outlander: Staffel 4 online im Stream und TV, Law & Order: Organized Crime - Review der Pilotepisode What Happens in Puglia. To date the show has used eight of Firth's original creations. Brooker wrote for PC Zonemagazine in the mid and late 1990s. Brooker is keen to emphasise what Death to 2020 is not. js.src = p + '://platform.twitter.com/widgets.js'; Considering that a global pandemic has resided for years in Brooker’s buzzing mental database of potential catastrophes, he has not had a bad 2020. Er werde einen Historiker spielen, der über das apokalyptische Jahr interviewt wird, so Grant: „Ich bin tatsächlich ziemlich widerwärtig. Es können nur angemeldete Mitglieder der Community von Serienjunkies Fragen stellen und Antworten veröffentlichen. As Leslie Jones, one of several A-list guests, says in the trailer: “I’d say it was a trainwreck and a shitshow but that would be unfair to trains and shit.”. “I’m immediately delighted as a human being and then quietly pleased as a programme-maker. Still, there are upsides. He is the creator and co-showrunner of the anthology series Black Mirror and has written for programmes such as Brass Eye, The 11 O'Clock Show, and Nathan Barley. I think being a neurotic, worrisome person has slightly prepared me for it. Death To 2020 (Netflix, 3:01 a.m., premiere): It’s been quite a year, wouldn’t you say? The mockumentary received mostly negative critical reception, with reviewers criticising the jokes as obvious, though some of the ca… “Societies don’t collapse as quickly as they do in films,” Brooker says. If not for the virus, they would have been making a history of the world presented by Philomena Cunk. Dead funny ... Annabel Jones and Charlie Brooker. Brooker raises an eyebrow: “Are we arguing about which country had the most cinematic response to the pandemic? But ’Wipe favourite Diane “Philomena Cunk” Morgan pops up as Gemma Nerrick, “one of the five most average people in the world”. It is not, for example, a souped-up version of his beloved year-in-review Annual Wipe shows, in which he screamed impotently at his television every Christmas for 10 years. Brooker has long been fascinated by how the real world is processed and distorted through the screen, from the brutal surrealism of his TVGoHome website 20 years ago to his caustic Guardian Guide TV reviews to his 2008 Big Brother-meets-zombies drama Dead Set. This time, the spoofable visuals come from the style of documentary favoured by Netflix itself: the kind, he says, that “open with a drone shot of a forest and a bleak note on a piano and then lots of talking heads and terrible things happening”. “I’d like to think he was just a bit excited,” Brooker says. “That totalitarian state feels more cinematic than what we’ve had in Europe.”. “It’s sillier than a ’Wipe show,” Brooker says. Trailerschau. Was Charlie Brooker mit „Death To 2020“ genau ausgekocht hat, wissen wir noch nicht. “Spell ‘self-isolation’,” Brooker shoots back. “Glum. Die vorerst letzte Staffel von „Black Mirror“ erschien im Sommer des letzten Jahres auf Netflix und beinhaltete wie immer drei für sich stehende Geschichten über Technologie, die sich gegen den Menschen richtet. Ich weiß nicht, ob wir im Moment die Nerven hätten für Geschichten über zerfallende Gesellschaften, deshalb arbeite ich gerade an keiner davon. Zudem erfolgen das Debüt einer aus den... [mehr], Von Adam Arndt am Friday, 2. Die Registrierung und die Nutzung der Community ist kostenlos. Enjoy the videos and music you love, upload original content, and share it all with friends, family, and the world on YouTube. if (!d.getElementById(id)) { “Someone in my spelling group had corona!” he chirps. Trailer des Tages. “I get the dystopian vertigo of it every time I pick up the kids from school: enter this way, exit that way, keep two metres apart, wear a mask …” As if on cue, one of Brooker’s sons wanders into the call, having been sent home from school. One of Brooker's one-shot cartoons caused the magazine to be pulled from the shelves of many British newsagents. Death to 2020, Charlie Brooker ’s year-in-review Netflix special, had a lot riding on it, and not only because of all the news. “It’s part record of the year, part spoof documentary and part character comedy.”. Yes, it’s Charlie Brooker and Annabel Jones in the driving seat, and yes it’s for Netflix, but Death To 2020 is not a Black Mirror special. var js, fjs = d.getElementsByTagName(s)[0], p = /^http:/.test(d.location) ? Vídeo: Tráiler de 'A la mierda el 2020'. It’s for Netflix, and I am a historian who’s being interviewed about the year. Hugh Grant allerdings spielt mit und hat im Interview mit Vulture. I’ve got a text! The pair are opening their account with Death to 2020, a one-off (obviously) about the rotten year that was. Black Mirror (c) Netflix Black-Mirror-Autor Charlie Brooker bringt demnächst einen 2020er-Jahresrückblick in Form einer Mockumentary zu Netflix, die möglicherweise Teil … Enjoy the videos and music you love, upload original content, and share it all with friends, family, and the world on YouTube. Und ihr werdet meine Perücke mögen. It is just that, having produced three series and a fiendishly complicated interactive special in four years, they were ready for “a breather”, says Jones. There is also Tracey Ullman as the Queen, Lisa Kudrow as a “gaslighting spokesperson” in the vein of Trump acolyte Kellyanne Conway, and a roster of ridiculous talking heads including Samuel L Jackson, Kumail Nanjiani, Samson Kayo and Hugh Grant. By SCOTT GARCEAU, The Philippine STAR Published Jan 10, 2021 8:45 am. In May, he hosted the BBC’s Antiviral Wipe, the first network comedy show to be made about (and under) lockdown. Der Artikel Black Mirror: Charlie Brooker mit 2020-Mockumentary bei Netflix wurde von Mario Giglio am Freitag, den 4. A few days later, the first Covid-19 vaccine was announced, which Brooker appreciated on a narrative level. It badly misses Brooker himself, who usually serves as the acerbic, sometimes zany, ringmaster but is only heard in glimpses behind the camera. In July, Broke and Bones, the new production company launched by Brooker and his long-time creative partner Annabel Jones, announced a Netflix deal that extends far beyond its breakthrough hit Black Mirror. Produktionsgesellschaften. js.id = id; } I’m probably deeply shallow.”. After swine flu, I wouldn’t touch a door handle for about a year.”, There are other reasons for his unusual levels of cheer. 35, 10243 Berlin, Letzte Änderung: Samstag, 5. In May 2020, BBC Two broadcast "Charlie Brooker's Antiviral Wipe", a 45-minute programme in the style of the Annual Wipes, focusing on the news coverage of, and public reaction to the COVID-19 pandemic. Kann das gutgehen? Death to 2020 is a 2020 British mockumentary by Black Mirror creators Charlie Brooker and Annabel Jones under their Broke and Bones production company as a Netflix original production. Charlie Brooker and Annabel Jones (of Black Mirror ) return to their comedy-special roots with this flip-of-the-bird to the year that was. “I don’t think we’re laughing at them,” he counters. Black Mirror, Brooker and Jones’s other contribution to the canon of pop-culture nightmares, is currently on hiatus, but not because of the pandemic. From the creators of Black Mirror comes Death to 2020 - a Netflix Comedy Event that you'll never forget. Charlie Brooker bleibt mit Netflix im Geschäft, werde jedoch vorerst keine weiteren Folgen seiner Anthologieserie Black Mirror schreiben, hieß es zuletzt. Charlie Brooker. He can upload the script the day before if he wants.” A beat for clarification. Charlie Brooker and Annabel Jones talk about creating "Death to 2020" to provide a "cathartic release" about and amid the COVID-19 pandemic. Charlie Brooker has written a mockumentary about 2020. Charlton "Charlie" Brooker (born 3 March 1971) is an English humourist, critic, author, screenwriter, producer, and television presenter. Dezember 2020 um 14.30 Uhr erstmalig veröffentlicht. Annabel Jones y Charlie Brooker, en un evento de Netflix en junio de 2019 en Los Ángeles. “He’s so fucking good, he can do what he likes. Charlie Brooker, Writer: Black Mirror. Unlike the “localised” ’Wipes, Death to 2020 is designed for a global audience, which means lots of time devoted to Covid-19, Black Lives Matter and the US election, but a sad trombone for the UK’s more niche, homegrown shitshows. Du bist noch nicht bei Serienjunkies angemeldet... Serienjunkies jetzt als Favorit hinzufügenSerienjunkies als Suchmaschine, Impressum & Nutzungsbedingungen | Datenschutz | Kontakt | Schnäppchen | FAQ | Mediadaten | Jobs | Wikipedia | #staythefuckhome | PayPalMe, © 2003-2021 Serienjunkies GmbH & Co.KG, Kopernikusstr. Charlie Brooker reveals how Death to 2020 is “very different” to the Wipe shows – and why this year *isn’t* like an episode of Black Mirror. Versprochen! That’s just human.”, Death to 2020 is available on Netflix from Sunday 27 December. Angry. https://www.theguardian.com/.../26/netflix-death-to-2020-charlie-brooker }(document, 'script', 'twitter-wjs'); In der Episode Power Broker der Marvel-Serie The Falcon and the Winter Soldier steht der große Auftritt von Helmut Zemo an, den Bucky und Sam um Hilfe bitten. Dezember 2020 teilte „Black Mirror“-Schöpfer Charlie Brooker einen kurzen und rätselhaften Teaser für eine neue Episode von „Black Mirror“ auf Twitter. Or despite them. Charlie Brooker is making a Netflix mockumentary about 2020, according to Hugh Grant, of all people. “No, he can’t.”. “Something like Barnard Castle doesn’t go in because you’d have to explain it to someone in Adelaide,” Brooker says. Serienjunkies GmbH & Co.KG, Kopernikusstr. Actually, it’s important to do that.”, He observes that comedy writers often translate well to horror, whether it is Jordan Peele or Inside No 9’s Steve Pemberton and Reece Shearsmith. Without him, Death to 2020 flaps around. Christiane F. in Serienform, ein satirischer Rückblick auf 2020, Lockdown-Gangster und Camgirls […] Death to 2020 (2020) von Charlie Brooker, Al Campbell, Alice Mathias. Charlie Brooker ’s Death To 2020 hasn’t exactly earned rave reviews – but Pointless star Richard Osman is firmly on the side of the Netflix mockumentary. He might seem like a bit of a random source, but he's in it, so he should know. The special features a series of fictional characters discussing US and UK events of 2020 including the COVID-19 pandemic and US presidential election. But mainly the fun comes from when he gets on … Top of the Week: Die Highlights der Serienwoche, Hier erfährst Du alles über die Serie „Black Mirror“, Die aktuellen News zur Serie „Black Mirror“, Hier kannst Du Dich kostenlos registrieren, Serienjunkies jetzt als Favorit hinzufügen. fjs.parentNode.insertBefore(js, fjs); In Britain, people who knew I’d written Black Mirror would come to it expecting something darkly comic. “We’re not known for doing comedy in the US,” Jones says from a different west London living room. “Everyone’s got their wry observations and moments of absurdity. Critics have branded Charlie Brooker ’s Netflix mockumentary Death to 2020 “disappointing”, comparing it unfavourably to his shows Screenwipe and Black … Was ist dann dieses mysteriöse Mockumentary-Projekt mit eindeutiger Black-Mirror-Anspielung, zu der er jüngst einen Teaser-Trailer veröffentlicht hat? In the States, people think it’s written by the Unabomber.”. Neither of those propositions turned out to be accurate. “I quite like gallows humour but I do also like stupid wordplay and surreal, goofy gags. Obwohl fast jährlich eine "Black Mirror"-Staffel erscheint, bekommen die Fans 2020 wohl keine neuen Folgen zu sehen. js = d.createElement(s); Recent events have given Death to 2020 a somewhat happier ending than it might otherwise have had. “People have been doing that anyway,” says Brooker. The reality is a bit more like The Thick of It.”, “I suppose the way China has responded is more like a film,” Jones muses. Wir geben Deine persönlichen Daten nicht weiter. ‘I’m pretty repellent, actually! There’s a certain release in laughing into the abyss, and also a release in remembering you can still be silly even as everything’s collapsing around you. The year’s only two bits of emphatically good news arrived just days before the show began shooting. It was released on Netflix on 27 December 2020. Netflix catalogues the blindingly bad events from a year whose very name promised us perfect vision. Saeed Adyani/Netflix. 35, 10243 Berlin. Having predicted Donald Trump’s win in 2016, Brooker was more hopeful this time but had “an interesting 72 hours, I would say” before Joe Biden’s victory became clear. Even in the ’Wipe shows, the amount of satirical comment pales into insignificance next to all the bum jokes or mocking someone’s hair. Oliver David, PVT CHAT LLC / Netflix / HBO Max. Not that hell has a vision mixer,” Brooker adds. “Maybe alongside them. Offenbar verbirgt sich dahinter eine Mockumentary mit Hugh Grant, wie der Schauspieler jüngst in einem Interview mit dem New York Magazin offenbarte. Mit dabei: Hugh Grant in einer Perücke. Gegenüber der Radio Times meinte Brooker im Frühjahr: „Ich weiß nicht, ob wir im Moment die Nerven hätten für Geschichten über zerfallende Gesellschaften, deshalb arbeite ich gerade an keiner davon. Brooker bitingly analyses TV and (very occasionally) doles out praise. Satirist Charlie Brooker speaks to BBC Newsnight ’s Emily Maitlis about the magnitude of coronavirus, life imitating fiction and his new show, Antiviral Wipe. “A lot of satire is optimistic about the human condition,” he insists. Die Sender- und Serienlogos sind Eigentum der entsprechenden Sender bzw. Dezember 2020 um 08.00 Uhr. I get the impression that Brooker has grown a bit weary of his reputation as TV’s prophet of doom now that “it’s just like Black Mirror” has become a cliche. Does he think giving people an opportunity to laugh at this year of terrible things is important? Hier kannst Du Dich kostenlos registrieren. Animations. Black Mirror creator Charlie Brooker is prepping his latest project for Netflix: a mockumentary about 2020. Dr Strangelove came along when it looked like the world might be wiped out overnight. Das Video bezieht sich mit dem Titel „Death to 2020“ auf die Episode Hated in the Nation, in der per Twitter-Hashtag (#DeathToXY) Bienenroboter losgeschickt werden, um unpopulären Individuen auf grausame Weise den Garaus zu machen. Black-Mirror-Autor Charlie Brooker bringt demnächst einen 2020er-Jahresrückblick in Form einer Mockumentary zu Netflix, die möglicherweise Teil seiner Anthologieserie ist. © 2003-2021 Serienjunkies GmbH & Co.KG, Alle Rechte vorbehalten. Brooker and Jones, who have worked together since Newswipe in 2009, enjoy making each other laugh and hope Death to 2020 will have the same effect on viewers. “Why would it need one?”, Brooker does not appear on screen, partly because he is not a familiar face outside the UK and partly because “I look awful in 4K”. I think I’ve got an inability to be too serious for too long.” He laughs: “It probably boils down to that. “It’s pointing out where things have gone wrong, so you have to believe that things could go right.”, He doesn’t much like the label of satirist, either. Suddenly, I don’t have to worry about the worst happening, because it’s happening. Death To 2020. Ich bin eher daran interessiert, zu meinen komödiantischen Fähigkeiten zurückzukehren, weshalb ich Drehbücher geschrieben habe, um mich selbst zum Lachen zu bringen.“ Erfahrung mit Jahresrückblicken hat er seit Jahren durch seine satirische Medienaufarbeitung „Charlie Brooker's Screenwipe“ von BBC Four. Black Mirror co-creators Brooker and Annabel Jones discuss new comedy special Death to 2020, and the importance of being silly in the face of disaster Published: 26 Dec 2020 . Ich bin eher daran interessiert, zu meinen komödiantischen Fähigkeiten zurückzukehren, weshalb ich Drehbücher geschrieben habe, um mich selbst zum Lachen zu bringen. We talk about how fictional dystopias are too pessimistic in some respects and too optimistic in others. 'http' : 'https'; Aside from games reviews, his output included the comic strip "Cybertwats" and a column titled "Sick Notes", where Brooker would insult anyone who wrote in to the magazine – and offered a £50 prize to the best letter. Ich bin tatsächlich ziemlich widerwärtig. Und ihr werdet meine Perücke mögen.“. “The experience has been more one of constant, low-level angst than fighting your neighbour for a bottle of water. That’s not a bad debate, actually.” It is the strangeness of everyday rituals that unsettles him. Black Mirror co-creators Brooker and Annabel Jones discuss new comedy special Death to 2020, and the importance of being silly in the face of disaster, Last modified on Sat 26 Dec 2020 15.21 GMT, I have been uncharacteristically optimistic this year,” Charlie Brooker says cheerfully from his west London living room, a prop sign from Black Mirror’s Bandersnatch episode behind him. @firewalkwithmee folgen !function (d, s, id) { April um 18.00 Uhr. Melde Dich noch heute an! The British writer knows a thing or two about penning dystopian worlds, so it’s fit… Wir Kinder der Camgirl-Liebe. Nur registrierte Mitglieder können Kommentare verfassen! Charlie Brooker salutes 2020… with one finger. And it is definitely not, as some US fans have assumed, a Black Mirror-adjacent dystopian drama (unless you consider 2020 itself to be a dystopian drama, in which case fair enough). It was Grant who unwittingly leaked news of the project in an interview last month. “Yes, I was on the phone to them all the time,” Brooker laughs. May 13, 2020 "It's like the world has reached into my head and stolen some of my nightmare fuel." “A lot of comedy is basically a dystopia: the worst thing constantly happens to people but you’re allowed to laugh about it.”, You could say that the combination of global crisis and bum jokes is the essence of what Brooker and Jones do, but he doesn’t think they’re unusual in feeling an urge to laugh in the face of disaster. “I hear that’s why the scientists rushed it through,” Jones deadpans. “Partly because I’ve always been a pessimist and feared the worst. Ausgezeichnet wurde die Serie unter anderem mit mehreren BAFTA und Emmys, so zum Beispiel für den besten TV-Film und das beste Drehbuch für San Junipero bei den Primetime Emmy Awards 2016. ... Tracey Ullman as the Queen. Brooker and Jones stayed up late every night, editing footage and monitoring the LA shoots, “like a vision mixer in hell. Schuld ist Serien-Schöpfer Charlie Brooker. Brooker ducks a question about future projects by pretending that Zoom has frozen but then twice references A Touch of Cloth, his deliriously silly cop-show parody for Sky from a few years ago, as the kind of pure comedy that he misses. The cartoon was titled "Helmut Werstler's Cruelty Zoo" and professed to be an advert for a theme park created by a T… Alle Serien auf Serienjunkies.de - Seit über 15 Jahren! Death to 2020 was written and rewritten with a team of writers over four months, then shot in 10 days in late November, in London and Los Angeles. The show is also notable for using animations produced by internet animator David Firth.