Originally confined to western Europe , the EU undertook a robust expansion into central and eastern Europe in the early 21st century. This also requires that they be prepared to be a part of the administrative and judicial structures of the EU. The six nations involved in this initial treaty were Belgium, France, Germany, Italy, Luxembourg, and the Netherlands. In addition to these three main divisions, the EU also has courts, committees, and banks which participate in certain issues and aid in successful management. These representative members are directly elected every five years. FDR. By the middle of the decade, the EU also was spending a lot of money to create jobs and infrastructure in poor parts of Europe and reduce economic inequity. The European Union is going through some tough times. The EU is able to maintain this mission through the various treaties making it function, cooperation from member states, and its unique governmental structure. Information about the device's operating system, Information about other identifiers assigned to the device, The IP address from which the device accesses a client's website or mobile application, Information about the user's activity on that device, including web pages and mobile apps visited or used, Information about the geographic location of the device when it accesses a website or mobile application. Europe was further unified in 1989 with the elimination of the boundary between Eastern and Western Europe—the Berlin Wall. These nations began to officially unite in 1949 with the Council of Europe. It created its first Parliament in 1979. is: answer choices . The 1980s saw more expansion of the EU, with Greece joining in 1981 and Spain and Portugal in 1986. "How the European Union Works" Full market unity, however, did not come into force until 2002 with the introduction of the Euro. It is a political and economic union between European countries that sets policies concerning the members’ economies, societies, laws, and, to some extent, security. And an increasingly aggressive Russia, fresh from its takeover of Crimea, looms large to the east. Though the idea of the EU might sound simple at the outset, the European Union has a rich history and a unique organization, both of which aid in its current success and its ability to fulfill its mission for the 21st Century. The Cold War conflict that pitted the U.S. and western Europe against the Soviet Bloc nations to the east only reinforced the need for Europe's democratic nations to unify. Today, treaties and laws are created by the "institutional triangle" that is composed of the Council representing national governments, the European Parliament representing the people, and the European Commission that is responsible for holding up Europe's main interests. As Britain exits European Union, it becomes essential to understand why EU was created in the post Second World War Europe. The European Union is set up with the aim of ending the frequent and bloody wars between neighbours, which culminated in the Second World War. ThoughtCo, Aug. 28, 2020, thoughtco.com/european-union-history-and-overview-1434912. Though the idea of the EU might sound simple at the outset, the European Union has a rich history and a unique organization, both of which aid in its current success and its ability to fulfill its mission for the 21st Century. The euro was created to promote growth, stability, and economic integration in Europe. Greece joined in 1981, followed by Spain and Portugal in 1986. In addition to these political areas, each country must have a market economy that is strong enough to stand on its own within the competitive EU marketplace. 30 seconds . For countries interested in joining the EU, there are several requirements that they must meet in order to proceed to accession and become a member state. While you may not of heard of the African Union, you have probably heard of the European Union with its 28 member states. European Union - European Union - Creation of the European Economic Community: On March 25, 1957, the six ECSC members signed the two Treaties of Rome that established the European Atomic Energy Community (Euratom)—which was designed to facilitate cooperation in atomic energy development, research, and utilization—and the European Economic Community (EEC). Is stability the purpose of the European Union? (2020, August 28). If successful after this process, the nation is able to become a member state. To improve the efficiency of the nations.3. The EU was created in the wake of the Second World War in order to foster economic cooperation and to prevent further conflict between European countries. It should be noted that He has not created anything in vain; exalted be Allaah far above such a thing. The precursor to the European Union was established after World War II in the late 1940s in an effort to unite the countries of Europe and end the period of wars between neighboring countries. Throughout the years following World War 2, a number of increasingly far-reaching treaties have been signed by more and more European states, ultimately resulting in what we now know as the European Union (EU) or European Community. In 1957, they signed the Treaty of Rome, which created the European Economic Community, also known as the Common Market [source: EU]. The Council is formally called the Council of the European Union and is the main decision-making body present. The Council confirms that the second phase of economic and monetary union will come into effect on 1 January 1994 and it identifies several matters for joint action to be undertaken by the Union under the common foreign and security policy. How did the European Union's new common market change life for workers? The union … The European Union: A History and Overview. Briney, Amanda. The precursor to the European Union was established after World War II in the late 1940s in an effort to unite the countries of Europe and end the period of wars between neighboring countries. Throughout the decades, additional countries joined the community. There are 28 member states today. The European Parliament is an elected body representing the citizens of the EU and participates in the legislative process as well. The level of success of the European Union has to be measured against the different goals set over time. The European Union (EU) was created with the "ideal" of unifying the European people after two world wars. The European Union has contributed to peace in Europe, in particular by pacifying border disputes, and to the spread of democracy, especially by encouraging democratic reforms in aspiring Eastern European member states after the collapse of the USSR. It may be hard to believe that the European Union was created to promote stability. "The European Union: A History and Overview." M.A., Geography, California State University - East Bay, B.A., English and Geography, California State University - Sacramento. On the 25th of March, 1957, the same six nations that had formed the European Coal and Steel Community came together once again to strengthen their multilateral bonds. Fidel Castro. There is also a Council President here, with each member state serving a six-month term in the position. 11 - 20 of 500 . Despite recent problems, the European Union is a huge economic success story. In addition, the treaty put a single European currency, the euro, in the works to establish fiscal unification in 1999. A brief history of the EU from the end of World War Two to the present. Winston Churchill. All countries in the EU are required to have a government that guarantees democracy, human rights, and the rule of law, as well as protects the rights of minorities. As in 1949 when it was founded with the creation of the Council of Europe, the European Union's mission for today is to continue prosperity, freedom, communication, and ease of travel and commerce for its citizens. GEO-101-004 Dr. Hellrigel European Union & Supranationalism The European Union is an economic and political union started by six countries in 1950 and now up to 27 different countries. The EU was originally created with the aim of ending the frequent and bloody wars between neighbours, which culminated in the Second World War. Check all that apply. To establish a security policy for involved nations. Its main job is to uphold the common interest of the EU. The European Union (EU) is a political and economic union of 27 member states that are located primarily in Europe. The Treaty of Paris (1951) In 1993, the Treaty of Maastricht established the European Union common market. The European Union was created after WWII and one of the founders was: answer choices . No venue has been created in which an EU-wide public opinion might be formed, even though the EU needs more democratic cement to hold itself together. Red, white, & blue with stars and stripes. The creation of a single market uniting over 500 million people has forged the world’s biggest trading zone. Members have become modern nations thanks to the benefits of being part of the European Union. Briney, Amanda. Next month, Great Britain, which from the beginning has had one foot out of the European project by not signing on to the European … In addition, the Council has the legislative power and decisions are made with a majority vote, a qualified majority, or a unanimous vote from member state representatives. In order to do this, the Treaty of Rome was signed on March 25, 1957, thus creating the European Economic Community and allowing people and products to move throughout Europe. European Union (EU), international organization comprising 27 European countries and governing common economic, social, and security policies. Not Only About Impressment: Causes of the War of 1812, What Is a Military Dictatorship? As Britain exits European Union, it becomes essential to understand why EU was created in the post Second World War Europe. European Union (EU): As commonly known, the EU was created or originated in 1950 as a European Coal and Steel Community with only six members from the western part of Europe. With so many different nations participating, the governance of the EU is challenging. "The Reason Why European Union Was Created" Essays and Research Papers . By strategically minimizing customs duties related to trade between the nations, this newly expanded organization, now known as the European Economic Community (EEC), allowed freer movement of people, investments, services rendered, and goods imported and exported between the countries. After it is believed that the candidate nation has met each of these requirements, the country is screened, and if approved the Council of the European Union and the country draft a Treaty of Accession which then goes to the European Commission and European Parliament ratification and approval. We use cookies to personalise content and ads, to provide social media features and to analyse our traffic. But just as importantly, the organization began setting and carrying out policy in new areas, such as enacting stringent anti-pollution laws and introducing the principle that polluters had to pay to clean up environmental damage. As of 1950, the European Coal and Steel Community begins to unite European countries economically and politically in order to secure lasting peace. Nowhere on the planet do so many people live so well. In the 1970s, the EU gradually expanded its geographical reach, with the U.K., Denmark and Ireland joining in 1973, bringing the total number of members to nine. Definition and Examples, What Is Extradition? Its members have a combined area of 4,233,255.3 km 2 (1,634,469.0 sq mi) and an estimated total population of about 447 million.