The contact time is fairly low, meaning it calls for a medium to medium-fine grind size, comparable to that of table salt. | Meaning, pronunciation, translations and examples Grind every day until you become one. 2. Someone who is always on the grind. What's the origin of the phrase 'Keep your nose to the grindstone'? 1. Please grind the fennel seeds up. The time. An expression that uses this metaphor is back to the daily grind or simply back to the grind. original meaning: a dance move that is supposed to include gyration of the hips, whether alone or with a partner. If you are not where you want to be its because you are not grinding hard enough. It pays off.” “Invest in your dreams. to pulverize or crush something by crushing, rubbing, or abrasion. Shine later.” “Someone busier than you is grinding right now.” “If you’re still broke…the grind includes Sunday!” “Invest in your dream. Whosoever shall fall on this stone — Which the builders have rejected, but which God will make the head of the corner; that is, whosoever shall stumble at me and my doctrine, while I am here on earth in this humble form; shall be broken — Shall receive much damage. Matthew 21:44-46. today: is sadly usually done half assed by girls bending over and sloppily moving their ass around with little to no skill. Learn more. Someone staying on top of their shit. grind on synonyms, grind on pronunciation, grind on translation, English dictionary definition of grind on. making money, accomplishing goals, getting an education, career, etc.) Grind: a harsh grating sound. Drip coffee is what you typically get from a cafe or coffee shop. The Daily Grind Meaning. Find another word for grind. Definition: Monotonous day-to-day life. When you're working hard either at work or at a job. grind sth into sth definition: 1. to press something hard into something else using a twisting movement: 2. to press something…. Don’t expect people to understand your grind when God did not give them your vision. vb to move further relentlessly: the enemy's invasion ground slowly on. You’re not going to become a beast overnight. Origin of Daily Grind. There are two rival explanations as to the origin of this phrase. The devotion. Grind and hustle for you. Grind now. Define grind on. Grind out definition: To grind something out means to produce it in a boring or routine manner. The “grind” is boring, tiring, repetitive labor … which wears you down like a grindstone wears down a metal blade or crushes grain into dust. One is that it comes from the supposed habit of millers who checked that the stones used for grinding cereal weren't overheating, by putting their … This expression first started appearing in print during the mid-1800s. 74 synonyms of grind from the Merriam-Webster Thesaurus, plus 125 related words, definitions, and antonyms. the American word for what Jamaicans call "wining". Greatness later.” “The sweat. “Grind now. Grind up the fennel seeds and sprinkle them on the top. (ie. Not because you care about what other people think. takes skill, and is very sexy.